Unit 4 Breakingboundaries 01.Developingideas 02.Writing 新外研版 选择性必修二 Developing ideas Looking at the two pictures, what can you think of? 81. slave 奴隶 slavery 奴隶制 slave owner 82. provide cheap labour for Europes colonies 83. endure 持续存在;容忍 84. abuse 辱骂;滥用;虐待 Notes 85.mountv._ 86.civiladj._ civilianadj._ civilization_ 87.libertyn._ 88.altogetheradv._ 89._adv.高尚地,崇高地 90._n.分歧;分裂_v.分开 91._adj.有影响力的_v. 代替某人 out of place 不合适的, 不恰当的, 不相称的 in place of 代替 Eg. The manager will be away on business and Ill take his place/take the place of him during his absence. Eg. The 2022 Olympic Winter Games will take place in Beijing and Zhangjiakou. 2022年冬季奥运会将在北京和张家口举行。 重点词组和句式讲解 3.He gave them a new vision of what the United States of America should be, based on the ideals set down by its Founding Fathers 87 years before. 他根据87年前美国开国元勋们确立的理想,给了他们一个美利坚 合众国应该是什么样的新愿景。(p.44) 【词汇精讲】set down记下; 放下; 登记 set aside 留出; set off 出发; 动身; 引起 set out to do sth./set about doing sth. 着手做某事 set up 开办;建立;设立 重点词组和句式讲解 4. Now, it was up to the living to remove not only the divisions between North and South, but the boundaries between black and white, and work step by step towards the equality of humankind. 现在,活着的人不仅要消除南北各州的分歧,更要打破黑人和白人 的界限,为人类的平等一步步努力。 重点词组和句式讲解 参考译文赏析 一场改变国家命运的演讲 1 1863年11月19日,在灰暗沉闷的午后,一个体型瘦高的男子登上宾夕法尼亚州葛底斯堡田 野里的平台,发表演讲。不久前,这个地方曾爆发了一场战斗,成千上万的士兵丧生于此。这 位演讲者就是亚伯拉罕林肯,时任美国总统,他前去那里纪念牺牲的士兵。他的这次演讲只 有短短268个英文单词,仅持续了两分钟,却彻底改变了人民的想法,对重塑美国起到了重大 作用。 2 当时的美国正处于严重的分裂状态。在两年的时间里,美国人民深陷于南北双方拥有 奴隶的南方邦联州和北方自由州的激烈内战当中。其中,最惨烈的一场战斗于1863年在 葛底斯堡爆发,持续了整整三天。邦联州赢得了这次战争,却也付出了惨重代价。总共5万多 名士兵被杀或受伤,人民失去了希望和目标,不禁疑惑为何经历这样的痛苦呢? 3 林肯对平民百姓的心情感同身受。他引用87年前诸位开国元勋奠定的国家理想,用这场演 讲给了人们希望、信念和展望未来的理由,展示了美利坚合众国的全新面貌。士兵们的牺牲就 是为了换取这个美好的愿景。现在,活着的人不仅要消除南北各州的分歧,更要打破黑人和白 人的界限,为人类的平等一步步努力。 4 87年前,我们的先辈在这块大陆上创立了一个新国家,它孕育于自由之中,奉行人人生而 平等的原则。 5 现在我们正在进行一场激烈的内战,考验我们的国家,或者任何一个主张自由平等的国家, 是否能够长久存在。我们在这场战争的大战场上集会,把战场的一角献给为国家生存而牺牲 的烈士,作为他们永久的安息之地,这是我们义不容辞、理所应当要做的事。 参考译文赏析 6 但是,从更广泛的意义上来说,我们不能把这一角战场献作圣地,封为圣地,变成圣地。因 为在这里战斗过的勇士们,无论活着的抑或是死去的,已经使这一角战场神圣化了,我们微薄 的力量远远不能为它增光,或者使它减色。世人不太会注意、也不会长久记住我们在这里说的 话,但是永远不会忘记他们在这里的英勇事迹。因此,活着的人们更应献身于他们为之战斗并 且使之前进的未竟事业。我们更应该献身于面前的伟大任务,更应该不断向这些光荣牺牲的烈 士学习为事业鞠躬尽瘁、死而后已的献身精神,更应该在这里下决心,一定不要让这些烈士的 鲜血白流。这个国家在上帝的保佑下,一定要得到自由的新生,这个民有、民治、民享的政府 将永世长存。 参考译文赏析 Think & Share 1. What was Lincolns purpose in giving the speech? 2. Lincoln talked about government “of the people, by the people, for the people”. What does this mean? 3. What other speeches can you think of that stress the importance of breaking boundaries? 4. What efforts to break boundaries are described in the two reading passages in this unit? The purpose of his speech is to call on the living to remove not only the divisions between North and South, but the boundaries between black and white, and work step by step towards the equality of humankind. It means that a government does not rule over the people but is ruled by them. Elected officials are regarded as servants of the people. Every citizen has a right and a duty to protect his own interests and to decide how his government should be governed. Xi jinpings One Belt And One Road Initiative. Work together, fight together, and enjoy together. Activity5 Read the speech on Edgar Snow and answer the questions Writing a speech 1 Who was Edgar Snow? 2 What did he do and what boundaries did he break? 【基本框架】 1开头(the beginning)提出问题; 2主体(the middle)分析问题; 3结尾(the ending)简要总结。 【常用词块】 1compare with 同比较 2be suitable to适合于 3draw a conclusion 得出结论 Writing a speech 本单元写作项目是写一篇演讲稿,属 于应用文文体。 4provide with 提供 5contribute to有助于 6more than非常 精彩开头 1Itsagreathonorformetostandhereandgivemy speech. 我很荣幸站在这里演讲。 2Thetopicofmyspeechis“” 我演讲的主题是“.”。 3Itsniceformetotalkabouthere. 我很高兴在这里谈论。 【常用语句】 Writing a speech Writing a speech 1Istronglysuggestthat. 2Itisabsolutelyvitalthat. 3cometorealize. 4bebeneficial/helpfulto. 5beofvitalimportance 6beimportant/ofgreatimportance 7attachgreatimportanceto. 8beofgreatsignificance(to/for) 9focusmoreon 【亮点句式】 Writing a speech 10play an important role/part in 11draw the conclusion that. 12for example/for instance/like/such as 13Its my great honor to be here. 14First,Id like to talk about. 【亮点句式】 余味结尾 1Thankyouforyourlistening. 感谢你的聆听。 2Istronglysuggesttryingourbesttobeadmittedintoa keyuniversity. 我强烈建议尽力考上重点大学。 3IthinkitisofgreatbenefitforusEnglishlearners. 我认为它对我们学英语者非常有益。 【常用语句】Writing a speech 【实战演练】 假如你们班将进行“大学毕业后留在大城市还是小城镇”的 讨论。请你用英语写一篇80词左右的发言稿,发表你的 看法,内容包括: 1提出主张:应该回小城镇工作 2陈述理由: (1)小城镇污染少,空气清新,水源干净; (2)与喧闹的大城市比起来,小城镇环境安静; (3)小城镇自然景色优美,比市中心更宜居住。 3得出结论:居住在小城镇健康长寿,年轻人应该回小 城镇工作。 造句 1住在小城镇和大城市都有其位置优势。 _ both present benefits of their location. 2同喧闹的大城市比较,小城镇更能给我们提供安静 的环境。 _,a small town can provide us with a quiet environment. 3我们可以得出这样一个结论:生活在一个小镇上, 我们有可能健康长寿。 We can safely draw a conclusion _ living in a small town makes it possible for us _. Livinginasmalltownandlivinginalargecity Comparedwiththenoisybigcities tolivealongandhealthylife that Writing a speech .成篇 Boys and girls, _ _ _ _ Boys and girls, Living in a small town and living in a large city both present benefits of their location. However, I personally prefer to work in a small town after graduating from college. First of all,there is less pollution in a small town and therefore I can breathe clean air and drink clean water. Secondly,compared with the noisy big cities, a small town can provide us with a quiet environment. Last but not least,with beautiful natural scenery,small towns are much more suitable to live in than urban centers. From what has been mentioned above,we can safely draw a conclusion that living in a small town makes it possible for us to live a long and healthy life. Therefore,I call on young people to choose their jobs in a small town. Writing a speech
- 资源描述:
Unit 4 Breakingboundaries 01.Developingideas 02.Writing 新外研版 选择性必修二 Developing ideas Looking at the two pictures, what can you think of? 81. slave 奴隶 slavery 奴隶制 slave owner 82. provide cheap labour for Europes colonies 83. endure 持续存在;容忍 84. abuse 辱骂;滥用;虐待 Notes 85.mountv._ 86.civiladj._ civilianadj._ civilization_ 87.libertyn._ 88.altogetheradv._ 89._adv.高尚地,崇高地 90._n.分歧;分裂_v.分开 91._adj.有影响力的_v. 代替某人 out of place 不合适的, 不恰当的, 不相称的 in place of 代替 Eg. The manager will be away on business and Ill take his place/take the place of him during his absence. Eg. The 2022 Olympic Winter Games will take place in Beijing and Zhangjiakou. 2022年冬季奥运会将在北京和张家口举行。 重点词组和句式讲解 3.He gave them a new vision of what the United States of America should be, based on the ideals set down by its Founding Fathers 87 years before. 他根据87年前美国开国元勋们确立的理想,给了他们一个美利坚 合众国应该是什么样的新愿景。(p.44) 【词汇精讲】set down记下; 放下; 登记 set aside 留出; set off 出发; 动身; 引起 set out to do sth./set about doing sth. 着手做某事 set up 开办;建立;设立 重点词组和句式讲解 4. Now, it was up to the living to remove not only the divisions between North and South, but the boundaries between black and white, and work step by step towards the equality of humankind. 现在,活着的人不仅要消除南北各州的分歧,更要打破黑人和白人 的界限,为人类的平等一步步努力。 重点词组和句式讲解 参考译文赏析 一场改变国家命运的演讲 1 1863年11月19日,在灰暗沉闷的午后,一个体型瘦高的男子登上宾夕法尼亚州葛底斯堡田 野里的平台,发表演讲。不久前,这个地方曾爆发了一场战斗,成千上万的士兵丧生于此。这 位演讲者就是亚伯拉罕林肯,时任美国总统,他前去那里纪念牺牲的士兵。他的这次演讲只 有短短268个英文单词,仅持续了两分钟,却彻底改变了人民的想法,对重塑美国起到了重大 作用。 2 当时的美国正处于严重的分裂状态。在两年的时间里,美国人民深陷于南北双方拥有 奴隶的南方邦联州和北方自由州的激烈内战当中。其中,最惨烈的一场战斗于1863年在 葛底斯堡爆发,持续了整整三天。邦联州赢得了这次战争,却也付出了惨重代价。总共5万多 名士兵被杀或受伤,人民失去了希望和目标,不禁疑惑为何经历这样的痛苦呢? 3 林肯对平民百姓的心情感同身受。他引用87年前诸位开国元勋奠定的国家理想,用这场演 讲给了人们希望、信念和展望未来的理由,展示了美利坚合众国的全新面貌。士兵们的牺牲就 是为了换取这个美好的愿景。现在,活着的人不仅要消除南北各州的分歧,更要打破黑人和白 人的界限,为人类的平等一步步努力。 4 87年前,我们的先辈在这块大陆上创立了一个新国家,它孕育于自由之中,奉行人人生而 平等的原则。 5 现在我们正在进行一场激烈的内战,考验我们的国家,或者任何一个主张自由平等的国家, 是否能够长久存在。我们在这场战争的大战场上集会,把战场的一角献给为国家生存而牺牲 的烈士,作为他们永久的安息之地,这是我们义不容辞、理所应当要做的事。 参考译文赏析 6 但是,从更广泛的意义上来说,我们不能把这一角战场献作圣地,封为圣地,变成圣地。因 为在这里战斗过的勇士们,无论活着的抑或是死去的,已经使这一角战场神圣化了,我们微薄 的力量远远不能为它增光,或者使它减色。世人不太会注意、也不会长久记住我们在这里说的 话,但是永远不会忘记他们在这里的英勇事迹。因此,活着的人们更应献身于他们为之战斗并 且使之前进的未竟事业。我们更应该献身于面前的伟大任务,更应该不断向这些光荣牺牲的烈 士学习为事业鞠躬尽瘁、死而后已的献身精神,更应该在这里下决心,一定不要让这些烈士的 鲜血白流。这个国家在上帝的保佑下,一定要得到自由的新生,这个民有、民治、民享的政府 将永世长存。 参考译文赏析 Think & Share 1. What was Lincolns purpose in giving the speech? 2. Lincoln talked about government “of the people, by the people, for the people”. What does this mean? 3. What other speeches can you think of that stress the importance of breaking boundaries? 4. What efforts to break boundaries are described in the two reading passages in this unit? The purpose of his speech is to call on the living to remove not only the divisions between North and South, but the boundaries between black and white, and work step by step towards the equality of humankind. It means that a government does not rule over the people but is ruled by them. Elected officials are regarded as servants of the people. Every citizen has a right and a duty to protect his own interests and to decide how his government should be governed. Xi jinpings One Belt And One Road Initiative. Work together, fight together, and enjoy together. Activity5 Read the speech on Edgar Snow and answer the questions Writing a speech 1 Who was Edgar Snow? 2 What did he do and what boundaries did he break? 【基本框架】 1开头(the beginning)提出问题; 2主体(the middle)分析问题; 3结尾(the ending)简要总结。 【常用词块】 1compare with 同比较 2be suitable to适合于 3draw a conclusion 得出结论 Writing a speech 本单元写作项目是写一篇演讲稿,属 于应用文文体。 4provide with 提供 5contribute to有助于 6more than非常 精彩开头 1Itsagreathonorformetostandhereandgivemy speech. 我很荣幸站在这里演讲。 2Thetopicofmyspeechis“” 我演讲的主题是“.”。 3Itsniceformetotalkabouthere. 我很高兴在这里谈论。 【常用语句】 Writing a speech Writing a speech 1Istronglysuggestthat. 2Itisabsolutelyvitalthat. 3cometorealize. 4bebeneficial/helpfulto. 5beofvitalimportance 6beimportant/ofgreatimportance 7attachgreatimportanceto. 8beofgreatsignificance(to/for) 9focusmoreon 【亮点句式】 Writing a speech 10play an important role/part in 11draw the conclusion that. 12for example/for instance/like/such as 13Its my great honor to be here. 14First,Id like to talk about. 【亮点句式】 余味结尾 1Thankyouforyourlistening. 感谢你的聆听。 2Istronglysuggesttryingourbesttobeadmittedintoa keyuniversity. 我强烈建议尽力考上重点大学。 3IthinkitisofgreatbenefitforusEnglishlearners. 我认为它对我们学英语者非常有益。 【常用语句】Writing a speech 【实战演练】 假如你们班将进行“大学毕业后留在大城市还是小城镇”的 讨论。请你用英语写一篇80词左右的发言稿,发表你的 看法,内容包括: 1提出主张:应该回小城镇工作 2陈述理由: (1)小城镇污染少,空气清新,水源干净; (2)与喧闹的大城市比起来,小城镇环境安静; (3)小城镇自然景色优美,比市中心更宜居住。 3得出结论:居住在小城镇健康长寿,年轻人应该回小 城镇工作。 造句 1住在小城镇和大城市都有其位置优势。 _ both present benefits of their location. 2同喧闹的大城市比较,小城镇更能给我们提供安静 的环境。 _,a small town can provide us with a quiet environment. 3我们可以得出这样一个结论:生活在一个小镇上, 我们有可能健康长寿。 We can safely draw a conclusion _ living in a small town makes it possible for us _. Livinginasmalltownandlivinginalargecity Comparedwiththenoisybigcities tolivealongandhealthylife that Writing a speech .成篇 Boys and girls, _ _ _ _ Boys and girls, Living in a small town and living in a large city both present benefits of their location. However, I personally prefer to work in a small town after graduating from college. First of all,there is less pollution in a small town and therefore I can breathe clean air and drink clean water. Secondly,compared with the noisy big cities, a small town can provide us with a quiet environment. Last but not least,with beautiful natural scenery,small towns are much more suitable to live in than urban centers. From what has been mentioned above,we can safely draw a conclusion that living in a small town makes it possible for us to live a long and healthy life. Therefore,I call on young people to choose their jobs in a small town. Writing a speech
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