沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 4 Things we enjoy-Project 4-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:3035b).zip


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展开 沪教版三起五年级下册英语Module4Thingsweenjoy_Project4_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_部级优课_编号3035b.zip沪教版三起五年级下册英语Module4Thingsweenjoy_Project4_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_部级优课_编号3035b.zip
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Module 4 Things we enjoy Project Four 自学启思自学启思 学前自测:学前自测: I. 读读 P80 短文,想想下面的句子对吗?和小伙伴问一问,答一答吧。短文,想想下面的句子对吗?和小伙伴问一问,答一答吧。 ( ) 1. A giant lives in a small house. ( ) 2. Miss Spring brings beautiful flowers and birds. ( ) 3. It is always spring in giants garden. ( ) 4.The giant finds some children bring Miss Spring to his garden. 助学明思助学明思 学中交流:学中交流: II. 选出不同类单词。选出不同类单词。 ( ) 1. A. garden B. park C. zoo D. school ( ) 2. A. eat B. wear C. festival D. drink ( ) 3 A. firework B. firecracker C. fire D. last ( ) 4. A. warm B.spring C. winter D. summer III. 选择选择 ( ) 1.like to play ( ) 2.knock down ( ) 3.no entry ( ) 4.build a tall wall ( ) 5.play basketball ( ) 6.be kind to A.对友好 B.建造高墙 C.喜欢玩 D.推倒 E.禁止入内 F.打篮球 IV. 根据首字母,填写单词,是句意通顺。根据首字母,填写单词,是句意通顺。 1. A g_ lives in a big house. 2. He is not k_ to children. 3. The giant k_ down the tall wall. 4. They are coming t_ a hole. 5. The w_ is very high. V. 选词填空选词填空 1. The rabbit is lovely. I am not afraid _(of,for) it. 2. People can _(to take,take) photos with it. 3. You should _(wear, wearing) warm clothes. 4. Lets _(go,goes) to Sanya. 5. Dont _(to wait,wait). 测学理思测学理思 螺旋上升螺旋上升: VI. 读一读,想一想,哪个最合适。读一读,想一想,哪个最合适。 ( ) 1.The giant shouts, “Get out”. It means he is _. A. angry B. happy C. sad ( ) 2. It _ winter in the giants garden. A. always is B. always be C. is always ( ) 3. I can hear some lovely _ fro the next window. A. voice B. sounds C. sound ( ) 4. Now the child cannot _ in the garden. A. play B. plays C. is playing ( ) 5. Look at the sky. It is going to _ A. rain B. rainy C. raining VII. 选择与划线部分最相近的词组或句子选择与划线部分最相近的词组或句子 ( ) 1. The children enjoy themselves at Peters party. A. Have good times B. are happy C. perform well ( ) 2. Spring is here at last. A. Spring is the last here. B. The last one is spring here. C. Finally, spring is here. ( ) 3. He didnt get home on time because there was a traffic jam. A.arrive B.go to C.arrive at ( ) 4. Miss Winter brings us snow and wind. A.Miss Winter brings snow and wind to us. B.Miss Winter brings snoe and wind for us. C.Miss Winter brings snow and wind to us. VIII. 根据课文内容填空。根据课文内容填空。 A giant _ in a big house _ a beautiful garden. Children _ to play in the garden. The giant _ the children in his garden. He is very angry. The giant _ a tall wall around his garden. Now the children _ play in his garden. Soon Miss Spring _. She _ beautiful flowers and birds, but she does not bring _ to the giants garden. “Its cold here. Wheres Miss Spring?” The giant looks _ his garden and feels _. I dont like the giant. Hes not _ to children. Miss Spring, Miss Summer and Miss Autumn do not _ the giant. It is always _ in the giants garden. XI. 读一读,选一选:读一读,选一选: Father Christmas (or Santa Claus) has become the human face of Christmas. Pictures will be seen everywhere of the old man with long white beard(白胡须), red coat, and bag of toys. Children know that he brings them presents the night before Christmas, and many children up to the age of 7 or 8 really believe this is true. In most countries, it is said that he lives near the North Pole(北极), and arrives through the sky on a sledge (雪车) pulled by reindeer(驯鹿). He comes into houses down the chimney(烟囱) at midnight and places presents for the children in socks or bags by their beds or in front of the family Christmas tree. ( ) 1. Father Christmas has . A. long black beard B. long white beard C. short white beard ( ) 2. Where does Father Christmas come from? A. North Pole B. Chinese C. America ( ) 3.Where does he place his presents? A. In the socks or bags B. On the tree C. In the chimney ( ) 4. When does he come into houses? A. In the morning B. At midnight C. In the evening 5B Module 4 Things we enjoy5B Module 4 Things we enjoy giant daint Hulk is _. I _ him. (like /dont like) Look and say What do you think of Hulk? The giants garden Lets learn. Oscar Wilde 奥斯卡王尔德 (英国 1854年-1900年) A giant lives in a big house with a beautiful garden. Children like to play in the garden. They have a lot of fun there. The giant finds the children in his garden. How does the giant feel Look and answer. He is very angry. . Lets guess. Watch a video and answer. 插入视频2、3图 Watch a video. Watch a video and answer. What does the giant do? What does the giant say? Why is the giant angry? w:l Lets learn. wwallall call fall ball hall tall w:l w:l Lets learn. tall wall tall wall w:l Lets learn. the Great Wall the Great Wall w:l Lets learn. walls have ears 隔墙有耳隔墙有耳 Lets read. No entry! entri Lets learn. No entry ! Dont come in!Dont come in! Stop! Stop! Lets learn. Lets learn. Say the chant. Mr. Giant has a garden. Its beautiful. Children like to play in it. It is fun. The giant is angry. What happens next? Listen and match the pictures. 2. Soon Miss Spring comes. She brings beautiful flowers and birds, but she does not bring any to the giants garden. 1. “Its cold here. Wheres Miss Spring?” The giant looks at his garden and feels sad. 3. “I dont like the giant. Hes not kind to children.” Miss Spring, Miss Summer and Miss Autumn do not visit the giant. Its always winter in the giants garden. ABC ( ) ( ) ( ) My garden is white. Its cold. I feel sad. Wheres Miss Spring? Listen and match the pictures. 2. Soon Miss Spring comes. She brings beautiful flowers and birds, but she does not bring any to the giants garden. 1. “Its cold here. Wheres Miss Spring?” The giant looks at his garden and feels sad. 3. “I dont like the giant. Hes not kind to children.” Miss Spring, Miss Summer and Miss Autumn do not visit the giant. Its always winter in the giants garden. ABC ( ) ( ) ( ) A B C Lets learn. be kind to 对对 友好友好 She is kind to the birds. The birds are lovely. Lets learn. The dog is kind to _. Its super. the girl Lets learn. Our teacher _ us. Shes very nice. is kind to Lets learn. They_ old people. They are helpful. are kind to Whos kind to you Try to say. _ kind to me. Read in groups. Now, the giant feels sad. What happens? One morning, the giant hear some _. He see some _too. The giant is _. The giant _ in his garden. They are _. They bring _ to his garden. Read Picture 7&8 and fill in the blanks. Fill in the blanks. One morning, the giant hears some _. He sees some _too. The giant is _. The giant _ in his garden. They are _. They bring _ to his garden. lovely sounds beautiful flowers very happy finds some children coming through a hole Miss Spring Lets learn. The children come through a hole into the garden. ru: 穿过穿过 Lets read. One morning, the giant hears some _. He sees some _too. The giant is _. The giant _ in his garden. They are _. They bring _ to his garden. lovely sounds beautiful flowers very happy finds some children coming through a hole Miss Spring Now, the giant is very happy. Look at the picture and guess. 1. What do they say? 2.What does the giant do? The giant says. The children say. Miss Spring says. Try to guess. nk Learn and read. knock down nk The giant knocks down the wall around his garden. Miss Spring never comes late again. Lets read and act. Come here, children! Welcome to my garden! You can play in my garden anytime. Lets play together! Come on! We can come through the hole. Wow! So beautiful! Hooray! Miss Spring is coming! The trees are green. The flowers are beautiful. The birds are singing. Oh, so nice! Great! The garden is beautiful again. 整个视频 Watch the video and imitate. Read the whole story loudly. Retell the story according the pictures and key words. Give a name to the Garden. Give a name to the Garden. Give a name to the Garden. Give a name to the Garden. I share _ with my_. It makes me happy. Were happy together. Homework: 1. Retell the story. 2. Act the story in group. 课题:英语(五年下)课题:英语(五年下) ModuleModule 4 4 UnitUnit 1212 课时:第一课时课时:第一课时 教教 材材 分分 析析 本课的教学内容是上海教育出版社出版的牛津英语五年级下册第四模块第 十二单元。本模块的中心话题是 Things we enjoy, 从“教学内容生活化”出发, 基于学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平, 通过学习我们身边的小发明、国内 外传统节日和学生喜闻乐见的童话故事来夯实基础、发展能力并提升英语素养。 本节课是英语童话故事“巨人的花园”, 以故事为蓝本巩固旧知、积累运用、读 懂故事并领悟其深刻寓意。故事教学对学生有很大的吸引力和启发性,将语言 知识和能力通过浅显的故事传授给学生是非常巧妙的,有利于学生知识的积累 和能力的形成。 本课主要语法内容以第三人称单数为主语的一般现在时,通过单词、词组 的学习理解故事并复述故事。学生在四年级已经对一般现在时第三人称单数有 过系统的学习,所以大多数学生能够理解并综合运用。而且在本模块第一单元 的教学中,学生通过中国传统节日 Chinese Festival 的学习已经对一般现在时有 所复习,本课的学习将重点放在对故事的理解、复述和领悟其深刻寓意上。 学学 情情 分分 析析 五年级学生活泼好动,对英语学习兴趣浓厚,有一定的英语知识基础和综 合运用能力,也具有一定的自主学习能力,所以在进行教学设计时要充分发挥 学生的学习主体性,着重培养学生的自主学习能力和英语思维能力。 故事教学是小学英语阅读教学中的重要组成部分,它以广泛性、趣味性深 受学生们的喜爱,同时故事教学也是发展学生语言运用能力和重要过程,是培 养思维能力的重要途径。在设计本课教学活动时,既注重故事教学的整体性与 知识的连续性,又要关注学生已有知识水平,帮助每个学生有效地学习。本课 以故事发展中 giant 的情绪变化为线索,通过设计听、看、猜等一系列教学活动, 激发学生学习兴趣,让学生自主思维了解故事情节,并采用说、读、演和小组 合作等形式体验、感受、巩固并运用本课语言,从而达到复述、表演,提高综 合运用语言及高级思维的能力。 教教 学学 目目 标标 语言知识目标语言知识目标 1、在故事情境中学习、理解、运用单词和词组:giant, wall, be kind to, through, no entry, knock down 2、理解本课故事并复述故事。 语言技能目标语言技能目标 能结合新旧知识理解、运用一般现在时态并复述故事。 学习策略目标学习策略目标 通过本课设计的活动对学生的认知策略(听的策略、说的策略和阅读策略) 进行指导,引导学生学会自主学习和合作学习,培养学生在活动中用英语与 他人交流的交际策略。 情感态度目标情感态度目标 通过对故事的了解与学习,培养学生的分享意识,享受分享带来的快乐。 文化意识目标文化意识目标 让学生感受西方生活文化的不同。 教学重点及难点教学重点及难点 教学重点教学重点 1、能正确地理解、运用词汇 giant, wall, be kind to, through, no entry, knock down 2、能运用一般现在时动词单数第三人称形式复述故事。 教学难点教学难点 正确使用一般现在时的动词单数第三人称形式描述事情。 教学基本策略及设计思路教学基本策略及设计思路 课程标准对于英语课堂教学目标的达成提出了明确的要求 “组织多种 形式的课堂互动,鼓励学生通过观察、模仿、体验、探究、展示等方式学习和 运用英语,尽可能多地为他们创造语言实践机会,引导他们学会自主学习和合 作学习。 ” 基于五年级学生积极、热情、活泼好动,有着极强的求知欲和学习 积极主动性的特点,并具有一定的英语知识储备,但还存在着学习方法、学习 策略经验不足等问题的学情,从整体感知理解入手,设计听、看、猜等一系列 教学活动,充分激发学生学习兴趣,分段学习重点词组到阅读整篇故事,让学 生自主思维了解故事情节,并采用说、读、演和小组合作等形式体验、感受、 巩固并运用本课语言,从而达到复述、表演,提高综合运用语言及高级思维的 能力。在教学过程中,潜移默化地渗透分享意识,享受分享带来的快乐 根据以上设计思路,采用了情景教学法情景教学法,以学生为主体,以故事发展为主 线,以语用为目的,整个教学过程当中运用丰富多样的教学策略来启发、引导 学生自主学习。采用认知策略认知策略,借助图片、视频、音乐多种手段增强学生对新 知的感知。采用交际策略交际策略,学生在小组中互动中,学习倾听、参与活动,互相 配合,表达自己的观点。采用资源策略资源策略,通过视频资料的演示,为学生呈现语 言学习材料,增加学生的语言输入量,为语用输出、能力发展做好铺垫。 资源的开发及说明资源的开发及说明 多媒体资源:多媒体资源: 本课中演示了 The giants garden 的视频,故事的呈现和理解更加直观,有 利于学生理解新知,加深记忆。通过 chant 形式归纳整理所学,在激发学生学 习兴趣的同时,巩固了语法知识,培养了语感,增强了合作意识。 文本资源:文本资源: 教材为学生提供了故事 The giants garden 作为阅读材料。 图片资源:图片资源: 在板书中呈现了带有关键词的 the giant 的情绪变化图,更为直观的帮助学 生理解故事,理清故事的脉络, 突现了本课学习重点,降低了难度,利于学生使 用英语复述故事和思维能力的提升。 教学过程教学过程 教学教学环节环节教教师师活活动动预设预设学生活学生活动动设计设计意意图图 I Pre-task preparation Warming up 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk. 1. Greetings. 2. Its Hulk. 3. Learn “giant”. 通过谈论电影激发 学生学习的兴趣, 导出故事主人公 giant。 II. Presentation A. Pre-reading Learn Part 1 (Picture 1) 1. Show the picture The giants garden to the Ss.【Whats in the giants garden? How do you think of his garden?】 2. Get to know the writer of the story. B. While-reading Learn Part 2 (Picture 2,3) 1. Show the picture to the Ss and ask a question. 【How does the giant feel?】 Describe the picture and answer the question: 【There are a lot of trees and flowers in the garden. Its beautiful.】 Look at the picture and get to know the writer. 1. Look at the picture and answer. 【Hes happy./Hes angry】 2. Learn “angry” 读前预设内容,通 过描述图片,说出 感受,为后续学习 做准备。 认识了解故事作者, 增强文化意识。 通过观看图片猜想 giant 的感受,引领 学生进一步的学习。 带着问题观看视频, 由问题引导再观看, 2. Have the Ss watch the video and answer the questions.【Why is the giant angry? What does the giant say? What does the giant do?】 a. Teach the new word. 【wall】 b. Practice “all” by reading the words. 【call fall ball hall tall】 c. Read the phrases. 【tall wall/the Great Wall/walls have ears】 d. Teach “No entry”. e. Read the phrase in different places. 3. Have the Ss say a chant. Ss watch the video and think about the questions together. Learn “wall”. Read the words. Look at the pictures and read the phrases. Learn “No entry”. Look and read. 【No entry!】 【Mr. Giant has a garden. Its beautiful. Children like to play in it. It is fun. Mr. Giant, Mr. Giant, we want to play. No entry! No entry! It is mine! Mr. Giant, Mr. Giant, 明确任务,学生听 得更有针对性,有 利于学生独立思考, 理解故事。 学习新知,拓展词 汇。 通过 all 的发音, 扩展词汇,引导学 生总结规律,掌握 语音规则。 拓展词汇,让学生 了解更多习惯用语 和日常应用 学习新知。 让学生了解更多在 各种语境中 No entry 的使用。 采用学生喜爱的 chant 形式梳理巩固 词语、语法和故事 内容。 Learn Part 3 (Picture 4,5,6) 1. Have the students listen to the material and then match the pictures. 2.Teach the phrase: be kind to 3. Have the Ss read the story in group. Learn Part 4 (Picture 7,8) 1. Have the students read the story and then fill in the blanks. 2. Teach the new word “through”. 3. Have the Ss read the story. please, please.Get out! Get out! I build a wall!】 Listen to the materials and then match the pictures. Learn and practice the new phrase: be kind to. Practice the dialoge in group then report. Read the story and then fill in the blanks. Learn the new word “through”. Read the story. 带着问题听语言材 料,促进学生听力 水平的提升。 学习并巩固操练新 知。 在小组合作中有感 情的朗读故事,角 色扮演,帮助学生 理解故事,提升朗 读能力。 带着问题阅读文章, 通过回答问题启发 学生思考,帮助学 生理解故事。 学习新知。 通过图片和文字结 合的形式帮助学生 理解故事内容。 通过对图片的观察, 猜测人物说了什么, 培养学生的想象和 表达能力。 Learn Part 5 (Picture 9) 1. Show the picture to the Ss and have them guess. 【What do they say? What does the giant do?】 2. Teach “knock down”. 3. Have the Ss read the last part in group. 4. Have the Ss act the last part in group. Answer the questions. 【You can play in my garden any time. The giant knocks down the wall around his garden.】 Learn “knock down”. Read the last part in group. Act the last part in group. 学习新知。 通过小组合作朗读 培养学生朗读能力。 通过表演加深对故 事的理解并培养合 作意识。 III. Post- task activities 1Have the Ss watch the whole video of “The giants garden” together and imitate. 2. Ask the Ss to read the whole story, then read in group. 3. Show the pictures and the key words. Teacher retells the story with the key words first, then ask Ss to retell the story. Then report. 4. Have the Ss think of a name of the garden. Watch the video together and imitate sentences one by one. Read the story in groups. Retell the story in groups. Talk about in group and then give a name of the garden. 【Beautiful Garden/ Happy Garden/ /Love Garden】 有趣的视频吸引激 起学生的学习兴趣。 并通过模仿朗读纠 正学生的发音和语 音语调。 通过自读和分图朗 读再次加深对故事 的理解。 借助图片和关键词 复述故事内容,考 察学生的学习成效 并培养语言表达能 力。 通过给花园起名字 再一次深刻理解故 事的内涵。 IV. Summary & Homework 1. Ask the Ss to think of a question.【Why does the giant feel from happy, angry, sad to happy in the story?】 2. Ask the Ss to think and answer.【What do you share with Answer the question. 【Because he shares his beautiful garden to the children.】 Say something about themselves. 【I share _ with 揭示故事主题,总结 升华故事内涵。 通过谈论分享感受, 将知识转化为行动, 实现德育目标,也 为学生提供了更多 的表达机会,语用 others? How do you feel?】 Homework: 1. Retell the story. 2. Act the whole story in group. my_.It makes me happy.Were happy together.】 Retell the story. Act the story. 巩固。 复习巩固,将学习 与合作延伸到课外。 学生学习活动评价设计学生学习活动评价设计 依据课程标准,在学生学习活动中,我注重评价的多元化,评价方式的多样 化。在学生学习活动中采用以下评价方式: 1. 在课堂教学过程中,教师通过语言对学生的学习情况即时评价,面向每一个 学生,鼓励学生积极主动的学习,帮助学生树立学习自信心。 2. 在学习过程中,通过学生之间的评价对小组活动中朗读、角色扮演等进行评 价反馈,激发学生的学习兴趣,感受英语的独特魅力。 板书设计板书设计
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关 键 词:
沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module Things we enjoy_Project 4_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:3035b) 沪教版 年级 下册 英语 module
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本文标题:沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 4 Things we enjoy-Project 4-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:3035b).zip

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