沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 1 Changes and differences-3 In the future-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:b128e).zip


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3 12 taking photos t_ w_ _ student hin ear glasses Shanghai Whats this? A:Its a photo machine. B: Its a magic machine. Wow! A photo machine. Let me take a photo. No , no, no. Im a magic machine. I know about your future. Really? What will I be in the future? Know about your future. Stand in front of me. Take a photo , the future you can see! Ready? Go! Kitty wants to _. She stands_ a magic machine and_. take a photo in front oftakes a photo behin d play in the park know about her future What will Kitty be in the future? What will Kitty be in the future? She will be a teacher. Will she have beautiful eyes? Will she wear glasses? No, she will not . Yes, she will. What will Kitty be in the future? She will be a teacher. Will she have beautiful eyes? Will she wear glasses? No, she wont. Yes, she will. Will she have beautiful eyes? Will she wear glasses? No, she will not . Yes, she will. Will she live in Shanghai? wil l won t 1.Kitty _do exercise every day. 2.Kitty _ have big and beautiful eyes. 3.Kitty _wear glasses. 4.Kitty _be a teacher. wil l wil l wont wil l ABCDE ( )1.Kitty will do exercise every day. ( )2.Kitty will have big and beautiful eyes. ( )3.Kitty wont wear glasses. ( )4.Kitty will be a teacher. ( )5.Kitty wont watch too much TV. Where will I live in the future? Look at the photo. There are some words on the back. Where will I live in the future? Look at the photo. There are some words on the back. Whats on the back ? You will have big and beautiful eyes. You will not wear glasses. You will be a teacher. In 15 years, You will live in Beijing. You will love your job. You will have big and beautiful eyes. You will not wear glasses. You will be a teacher. In 15 years, You will live in Beijing. You will love your job. No, she wont. Shell live in Beijing. Will Kitty live in Shanghai? (will) This is me in the future. I wont _. Ill have_. Ill live in_. Ill be a _. wear glasses big and beautiful eyes Beijing teacher 27teacher not wear glasses have big and beautiful eyes Beijing In 15 years, You will be a doctor. You will be tall and handsome. You will live in Shenzhen. You will have big eyes. You wont wear glasses. In 15 years, I will be a doctor. I will be tall and handsome. I will live in Shenzhen. I will have big eyes. I wont wear glasses. _ looks at his photo. There are some words on the back. _wants to know about his future. _ stands in front of a magic machine and takes a photo. In 15 years, I will be a doctor. I will be tall and handsome. I will live in Shenzhen. I will have big eyes. I wont wear glasses. In 15 years, You will be a singer. You will be thin and beautiful. You will live in the USA. You will be good at singing. You will sing nice songs for people. They all like you. In 15 years, I will be _. I will be _. I will live in _. I will _. I will _. They all like me. _ looks at her photo. There are some words on the back. _wants to know about her future. _ stands in front of a magic machine and takes a photo. In 15 years,I will be a singer . I will be thin and beautiful .I will live in the USA. I will be good at singing. I will sing nice songs for people. They all like me. In 15 years, You will be a singer. You will be thin and beautiful. You will live in the USA. You will be good at singing. You will sing nice songs for people. They all like you. In 15 years, You will be a_. You will be_. You will live in _. You will have_. You will(wont) _. ( fat/thin/strong/handsome/cool/nice/super) (London/Canada/Australia/the USA) (wear glasses/read more English books/be good at ) _wants to know about _ future. _ stands in front of a magic machine and takes a photo. _ looks at _ photo. There are some words on the back. (two strong arms/two big eyes/short hair) In 15 years , I will be a_. I will be_. I will live in _. I will have_. I will(wont) _. 1.Listen to the dialog twice. 2.Talk about your changes in the future in the class wechat. 3.Write a short passage about your future. 1 Module1 Change and differences Unit 3 In the future Kittys future(1st) 模块主题:模块主题: ChangeChange andand differencesdifferences 单元话题:单元话题: InIn thethe futurefuture 课时话题:课时话题:PeriodPeriod 1 1 KittysKittys futurefuture 2 PeriodPeriod 2 2 BobbysBobbys nownow andand futurefuture PeriodPeriod 3 3 ourour futurefuture 单元教学内容:单元教学内容: 单元教学目标:单元教学目标: 知识与技能:知识与技能: 1.在语境中掌握本单元的核心词汇: future, machine, will, wont ,do exercise, take a photo, wear glasses 等词的音形义,并用这些短语进行描述应答和书写。 3 2.能正确运用句型和日常用语: I will be a . I will I wont进行交流和书写。 3.理解并认读辅音字母组合 ee、ea 、eer、ear 在单词中的发音。 过程与方法:过程与方法: 听:1.听懂询问关于想象中 Kitty 未来的对话。2.听懂与对话内容相关的提问和介绍。 说:1.能够用.will 描绘自己或别人的未来。2.用 wont 表达未来不会发生的事。 读: 1. 读懂介绍 Kitty 未来的短文。2. 读懂短文现在和未来 。 写: 1. 正确书写本单元的核心词汇。2.正确书写本单元的核心句型: Ill be a teacher. I wont wear glasses. 情感态度价值观:情感态度价值观:给学生憧憬美好的未来,想象未来的改变与不同。鼓励学生要想实现自己的理想, 从现在起就要为了未来实现理想而奋斗。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 重点:重点: 1.词汇 machine, will,wont ,do exercise, wear glasses, take a photo 2.句型: I will be a teacher. I wont wear glasses. 3.了解字母组合 ee、ea 、eer、ear 在单词中的发音。 难点:难点: 运用 I will 和 I wont想象未来的变化与不同。 教法策略教法策略:直观教学法,任务型教学法等。 课时划分:课时划分:3 课时 课时分配:课时分配:第一课时:listen and say, answer the questions look and learn 第二课时:Think and write, Look and read 第三课时:Ask and answer, Think and write, Learn the sounds 单课时目标:单课时目标: 课时课时TopicContents Period1Kittys future 教学目标:教学目标:1.在在 magic machine 预见预见 Kitty 的未来的情境中,理解并掌握的未来的情境中,理解并掌握 词汇词汇 machine,will,wont,take a photo, wear glasses, do exercise。 2.通过通过 Listen and say 的情景对话,的情景对话, 掌握核心句型掌握核心句型 Ill be a I wont .,并能仿读,操练,运用于文本。,并能仿读,操练,运用于文本。 3.能够憧憬美好的未来,用英语表达能够憧憬美好的未来,用英语表达 自己未来的变化与不同。自己未来的变化与不同。 教学目标:教学目标:1.在情境中理解并初步使在情境中理解并初步使 用文章中的短语和单词:用文章中的短语和单词:exercise, early, hard, do exercise, (be)weak in, not.any more. 2.通过阅读活动,引导学生通过阅通过阅读活动,引导学生通过阅 4 Period2Bobbys now and future 读抓住关键信息,了解文章大意,并读抓住关键信息,了解文章大意,并 用自己的语言描述文章。用自己的语言描述文章。 3.通过模仿朗读、复述文章等活动,通过模仿朗读、复述文章等活动, 调动学生的学习积极性,提高学习英调动学生的学习积极性,提高学习英 语的兴趣。语的兴趣。 4.通过阅读短文(现在与未来)通过阅读短文(现在与未来) ,帮,帮 助学生进一步巩固新学语言知识,并助学生进一步巩固新学语言知识,并 培养阅读技能,养成良好的生活和学培养阅读技能,养成良好的生活和学 习习惯。帮助学生巩固和综合本单元习习惯。帮助学生巩固和综合本单元 所学的知识和技能,与同学交流对未所学的知识和技能,与同学交流对未 来的憧憬,并描述同学未来的生活。来的憧憬,并描述同学未来的生活。 Period3our future 教学目标:教学目标: 1.掌握本单元的重点句型。掌握本单元的重点句型。 What will.do?Will he/she.? He/She will. 2.通过通过 Ask and answer 的问答练习,的问答练习, 帮助学生操练新学的语言知识。帮助学生操练新学的语言知识。 3.通过通过 Think and write 的语言输出的语言输出 活动活动,帮助学生将新学的语言知识运帮助学生将新学的语言知识运 用到写作中。用到写作中。 4、帮助学生学习字母组合、帮助学生学习字母组合 ee,ea,eer,ear 在单词中的发音。在单词中的发音。 教学课时:第一课时教学课时:第一课时 教学过程教学过程 Pre-task preparations: Step 1. Free talk: What do you want to be in the future? 2.Talk about Kitty.通过观看 Kitty 成长相册,通过思维导向图,了解 Kitty 现在的个人信息。 【设计意图设计意图】了解了解 Kitty 成长中的变化与不同,描述成长中的变化与不同,描述 Kitty 现在的样子,为之后未来的变化埋下伏笔。现在的样子,为之后未来的变化埋下伏笔。 While-task procedures: 1.Kitty wants to take a photo. She meets a magic machine. 辅助文本:辅助文本:K:Wow! A photo machine. Let me take a photo. M:No , no, no. Im a magic machine. I know about your future. K:Really?What will I be in the future? M:Know about your future. Stand in front of me. Take a photo , the future you can see! Ready? Go! 5 2.完成填空。Kitty wants to _. She stands_ a magic machine and_. 【设计意图设计意图】:通过辅助文本,突破:通过辅助文本,突破 magic machine ,take a photo ,创设一个创设一个 magic machine 预见预见 Kitty 未来的情境。通过视频播放,引出问题未来的情境。通过视频播放,引出问题 What will Kitty be in the future? 3.教师提出问题:What about Kitty in 15 years? 播放课文动画,通过 Kitty15 年后的照片出示课本 15 页问题: Will Kitty be a teacher? Will she have beautiful eyes? Will she wear glasses? 4.播放 15 年后 Kitty 变化的视频。激发学生思维,Why will Kitty change? 3. T:What will Kitty be in the future? 看视频选 will 和 wont 填空。 ( ) 1.Kitty _do exercise every day.( ) 2.Kitty _watch too much TV. ( ) 3.Kitty _wear glasses. ( ) 4.Kitty _ have big and beautiful eyes. ( ) 5.Kitty _be a teacher. 引导学生带着问题阅读短文,画出相关信息,然后给出简单回答。Will she live in Shanghai? There are some words on the back. Whats on the back? 听读方框中的句子,鼓励学生模仿机器人的声 音读方框中的句子。 【设计意图设计意图】让学生体验让学生体验 kitty 成长中的变化,通过机器人朗读,进行仿读,激发学生的思维。成长中的变化,通过机器人朗读,进行仿读,激发学生的思维。 5出示第三段短文,课件再次出示课本 15 页的问题,学生听录音,尝试完整回答。 Post task activities Guessing game Step 1. Practice.男女生通过 magic machine ,预见未来的自己。 TextI:In 15 years,You will be a doctor. You will be tall and handsome. You will live in Shenzhen. You will have big eyes. You wont wear glasses. TextII:In 15 years,You will be a singer. You will be thin and beautiful. You will live in the USA. You will be good at singing. You will sing nice songs for people. They all like you. Step2. Think and write. 学生展示,在班级朗读自己的小短文。 6 In 15 years, You will be a_. You will be_. You will live in _. You will have_. You will(wont) _. ( fat/thin/strong/handsome/cool/nice/super) (London/Canada/Australia/the USA) (wear glasses/read more English books/be good at ) _wants to know about _ future. _ stands in front of a magic machine and takes a photo. _ looks at _ photo. There are some words on the back. (two strong arms/two big eyes/short hair) narrator(旁旁白白) In 15 years , I will be a_. I will be_. I will live in _. I will have_. I will(wont) _. Step 5. Homework. 1.Listen to the dialog twice. 2.Talk about your changes in the future in the class wechat. 3.Write a short passage about your future. Step 6. Board design not wear glasses have big and beautiful eyes live in Beijing be a teacher love job In 15 years will
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沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module Changes and differences_3 In the future_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:b128e) 沪教版 年级 下册 英语
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