沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module 2 My favourite things-4 Subjects-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:000af).zip


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Period 1 Timetable for todayPeriod 1 Timetable for today 4B Module 2 My favourite things【 【Oxford EnglishOxford English】 SubjectsSubjectsUnit4 Daily talk.Daily talk. 1) Hows the weather today?1) Hows the weather today? 2) How are you today?2) How are you today? 3) What day is it today?3) What day is it today? Its _ today.Its _ today. Im _ .Im _ . Its _ today.Its _ today.ThursdayThursdayThursdayThursday Date 21212121 MarchMarchMarchMarch IsIs it a Chinese book it a Chinese book oror an English book an English book? ? Its a Its a ChineseChinese book. book. 6. DoDo you like you like ChineseChinese? ? aiaiaiai ChChi inesenese WhatWhatWhatWhats thiss this? ? ? ? Is Is it a tableit a table oror a timetablea timetable? ? Its a timetable.Its a timetable.timetabletimetable aiaiaiai t ti imetablemetable This is a This is a timetabletimetable. . timetimetabletable Is this your timetable?Is this your timetable?Is this your timetable?Is this your timetable? This is their timetable.This is their timetable. WhereWhere are they are they? ? WhoWho are they are they? ? 第一次听课文。第一次听课文。Listen and point.Listen and point. Do they have Chinese in the morning?Do they have Chinese in the morning? They They havehavehavehave ChineseChineseChineseChinese in the morning. in the morning. MMa athsths What subjectWhat subject is it? is it? It It is is MathsMaths. . This is aThis is a MathsMathsMathsMaths book. book. How does it feel? How does it feel? MMa a a athths s ththinin ththickickththinin Do you have Maths in the morning?Do you have Maths in the morning? What lessonWhat lessonWhat lessonWhat lesson do they have in the do they have in the morning?morning? They They havehavehavehave _ in the morning. _ in the morning.MaMathths s Is she an English teacher or Maths teacher?Is she an English teacher or Maths teacher? EngliEnglish sh teacherteacher EngliEnglishsh They have _ in the morning.They have _ in the morning. DoDoDoDo you have you have EnglishEnglishEnglishEnglish this morning? this morning? Yes,we Yes,we dodododo. . What lessonWhat lessonWhat lessonWhat lesson do they have in the morning? do they have in the morning? EngliEnglishshMMa a a athths sChChi inesenese Lets match.Lets match. What What What What do you like,Chinese,Maths do you like,Chinese,Maths orororor English? English? I like.I like. Lets talk. Lets talk. I like I like ChineseChinese. . Its fun.Its fun. I like I like readingreading. . What about What about you?you? I like _.I like _. Its _.Its _. I like I like _. . Lets talk.Lets talk. (Talk with your deskmate.)(Talk with your deskmate.)(Talk with your deskmate.)(Talk with your deskmate.) Watch the video.Watch the video. 1) Does1) Does Peter like ChinesePeter like Chinese? ? 2) Does 2) Does Joe like MathsJoe like Maths? ? What about What about What about What about PeterPeter? ? ? ? DoesDoesDoesDoes Peter like Chinese Peter like Chinese? ? ? ? Listen and answer.Listen and answer. Yes,he does. Yes,he does. No,he doesnt.No,he doesnt. 第第2 2次听课文次听课文 listen and circle the answer.listen and circle the answer. What about What about What about What about JoeJoe? ? ? ? DoesDoesDoesDoes Joe like Maths Joe like Maths? ? ? ? Listen and answer.Listen and answer. Yes,he does. Yes,he does. No,he doesnt.No,he doesnt. 第第2 2次听课文次听课文 listen and circle the answer.listen and circle the answer. Hello. My name is Joe.Hello. My name is Joe. I like Maths and .I like Maths and . What subjectWhat subject is it? is it? ScSci ienceence aiaiaiai Look at this timetable. Look at this timetable. Do Do Do Do they havethey have Science Science Science Science in thein the afternoonafternoon? ? ? ? What What What What do they havedo they have in thein the afternoon?afternoon? p.m.p.m.p.m.p.m. 第第3 3次听课文。次听课文。Listen and learn.Listen and learn. They have _ and They have _ and _._. PEPEMusicMusic Do you have Do you have PEPEPEPE this afternoon? this afternoon? Do you have Do you have MusicMusicMusicMusic this afternoon? this afternoon? What can you do in What can you do in What can you do in What can you do in PE lessonPE lessonPE lessonPE lesson? ? ? ? I can .I can .I can .I can . Think and answer.Think and answer. Thursday 1 a . m ChineseChinese 2MathsMaths 3EnglishEnglish 4ReadingReading 5 p . m MusicMusic 6ChineseChinese 7ArtArt 1) Is this your timetable for today?1) Is this your timetable for today? 2) Do you have PE in the morning?2) Do you have PE in the morning? 3) Do you have Chinese in the afternoon?3) Do you have Chinese in the afternoon? 4) What lessons do we have in the 4) What lessons do we have in the morningmorning? ? Practice APractice A Look and answerLook and answer. . Practice BPractice B Do a surveyDo a surveyDo a surveyDo a survey. .(Work with your deskmate.)(Work with your deskmate.) What subjects do you like?What subjects do you like? ChineseChineseMathsMathsEnglishEnglishScienceScienceMusicMusicPEPEArtArt I like.I like. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Miss HMiss H I like _.I like _. Practice CPractice C Pair work.Pair work.Pair work.Pair work.-My timetable for -My timetable for today.today. ThursdayThursday 1 a. m. 2 3 4 1 p. m.2 3 ChineseChinese MathsMaths EnglishEnglishScienceScience PEPE MusicMusic ArtArt Today is Thursday. We have _ lessons. Today is Thursday. We have _ lessons. In the morning,we have_,_,_ In the morning,we have_,_,_ and _. We have_ and _ and _. We have_ and _ in the afternoon. in the afternoon. ChineseChinese MathsMaths ScienceScience PEPE MusicMusic Homework.Homework. 1. 1.听,指读,拼读听,指读,拼读U4-U4-课程核心词汇。并在四线三格里抄写课程核心词汇。并在四线三格里抄写4 4英英1 1中。中。 2. 2.认真完成基训认真完成基训P10-A+BP10-A+B 3. 3.和你的同学分享你自制的今日课程表和你的同学分享你自制的今日课程表 【My timetableMy timetableMy timetableMy timetable】使用句型】使用句型(I have.) (I have.) 4B Module 2 Unit 4 Period 1 Timetable for today 练习纸 Miss H Name:_ 1) Is this your timetable for today? 2) Do you have PE in the morning? 3) Do you have Chinese in the afternoon? 4) What lessons do we have in the morning? Practice A Look and answer.【口头回答】 Practice B Do a survey.(Work with your deskmate.) Miss H I like _. 4B Module 2 My favourite things Unit4 Subjects 教学课时:第一课时 Period 1 Timetable for today 教学内容:Look and learn,Listen and say Teaching Objectives: 【Knowledge and skills】 1.学生能够在老师的帮助下学习 Look and learn 中的单词。 2.学生通过 What subjects do you like? I like操练所学单词及巩固。 3.学生能用英语表达常见科目的名称,并能正确拼读和书写这些单词。 4.学生能够通过学习正确理解和利用句型 I have.介绍自己今日课程表。 【Culture and Emotion】 1.学生能够通过对自己一天的课程安排的学习,了解自己的学习日常。 2.学生通过多种词汇游戏或活动形式,培养学生们对学科的喜爱,产生愿意学习各门学科的兴趣。 【Method and Strategy】 1.能够通过循序渐进的学习策略,按照认识的逻辑性,形成相关核心素养。 2.能够通过参与情景话题,形成正确的价值观和对待学习生活的正确态度。 Teaching Difficulties and importance: 重点:词汇 Chinese, English,Maths,Art,Music,Science,PE,subject 难点:学生能借助新学的单词简单介绍自己一天的课程。I have. 语用任务: 1.能够利用所学课程单词介绍自己或他人课程表的一天课程表。 2.能够询问他人和正确表达自己喜欢的学科科目。 Teaching Procedures: 【Step1:Warm up】 1. Greetings. Free talk: Hows the weather today? How are you today? What day is it? 根据学生回答教师引出 Thursday. 2. Guessing game. What is it? 引出 Chinese book.-Chinese.过渡:Do you like Chinese? (同时出示 Chinese 相应中文不同释义图片)引出 Subject:Chinese 句子:I like Chinese. 【Step2:Presentation】 1.出示一张色彩鲜明的课程表,利用问题 Whats this?并利用选择疑问句 Is it a table or timetable?引出 timetable。 教授 timetable 初步输入单词字形和发音,学生初步听懂即可。 2.出示 U4-课 1 主题图上 timetable,向学生询问 Is this your timetable?引发讨论,回归课 本话题。重点学习 timetable 3.第一遍听指听课文录音,输入本课 7 节课的单词,只要求学生初步接触。通过已学课程 Chinese,引发本节课核心句型:They have Chinese in the morning.重点学习 Chinese 借助 Maths 数学课程相关图片教授 Maths,并利用 Do you have Maths in the morning?引发学 生自己真实课程表。What lessons do they have in the morning?重点学习 Maths 4.教师借助本课课文视频和课本再次输入其余学科生词 English,并将所有师生共同谈论自己 喜欢的科目并说说原因。重点学习 English T:I like English. I like reading English stories. Its fun. S1: I like Chinese. I like painting and drawing. Its. S2. I like Maths. I like . 5.教授学科单词 Science.随文识字,利用课文视频和教师 PPT 设计提示学习。 What lessons do they have in the morning? They have Science in the morning.重点学习 Science 7.利用已学句型迁移到句型 What lessons do they have in the afternoon? They have PE and Art. 简单教授单词 PE 和 Art 学科单词,因较为简单故让学生在话题中讨论。 【Step3:Practice】 1.根据自己今日课程表回答问题。学生自己读题,并口头回答。 2.Do a survey.学生完成调查表,由教师引导孩子询问,并做出回答示范。 【Step 4 Consolidation】 1.小结本节课所学内容。 2. 学生进行自己今日所喜欢课程表创作安排,复习巩固单词和句型。 Homework: 1.听,指读,拼读 U4-课程核心词汇。并在四线三格里抄写 4 英 1 中。 2.认真完成基训 P10-A+B 3.和你的同学分享你自制的今日课程表 【My timetable】使用句型(I have.) Blackboard design: M2 U4 Subjects Period1 Timetable for today Timetable a.m. p.m. Teaching Reflections: 本节课对学生的语用任务的潜移默化的培养和达成是一个值得我需要去思考的。如何将老师的死教单词和 学生的死学单词变成在语境,情境中学习和运用是一个重要的教学目标,让学生有话题可说可谈,同时还 能出发学生对不同的学习的兴趣及喜欢是一个重点。这节课里,在谈论到 What subjects do you like? 时,我特意走近孩子身边小声询问,也是一种人文态度的体现,鼓励孩子大胆说同时也要学会启发和倾听 孩子的真实想法同时也让孩子更加感觉被尊重。但这节课仍有一些地方是不足的,所以在第二课时中我做 了一定程度的修进。一切都以孩子的更好的发展为目标,学以致用。 Chinese English Art Maths Science PE What subjects do you like?I like _.
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沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module My favourite things_4 Subjects_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:000af) 沪教版 四年级 下册 英语 module
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