(2019新教材)外研版高中英语必修第三册 单元单词练习(全册12份打包).zip


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    • Unit 1 单词练习 【新教材】外研版(2019)必修第三册.docx--点击预览
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    • Unit 2 词汇讲解 【新教材】外研版(2019)必修第三册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 3 单词练习 【新教材】外研版(2019)必修第三册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 3 词汇讲解 【新教材】外研版(2019)必修第三册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 4 单词练习 【新教材】外研版(2019)必修第三册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 4 词汇讲解 【新教材】外研版(2019)必修第三册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 5 单词练习 【新教材】外研版(2019)必修第三册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 5 词汇讲解 【新教材】外研版(2019)必修第三册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 6 单词练习 【新教材】外研版(2019)必修第三册.docx--点击预览
    • Unit 6 词汇讲解 【新教材】外研版(2019)必修第三册.docx--点击预览
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U 1 Knowing me, knowing you 必修三 习作 一Perform(v):表演;履行,执行;工作,运转 performer:表演者,演员 performance(n):表现;表演,演出; 履行,执行;做 1. The had beautiful traditional clothes,provided by their families. 2. 他们正在剧院里演出比才的卡门 。 Inside the theater,they were of Bizets Carmen. 3. 这个医生决定立即给这个病人做手术。 The doctor decided to on the patient at once. 2Fit in(with.):(与.)合得来,适应 1. In those colleges you can the other students and attain a high level of education you need. 2. It was the first time I had lived away from my home, so I found it difficult to . 三In a mess:陷入困境;混乱,杂乱 mess(n):困境,混乱;杂乱,不整洁(vt):使不整洁,弄脏 1. Mary, we left you in charge of the room, but now its in mess! 2. In a fast=paced working environment it can be easy for your desk to become (mess) 3. I was asked to put the documents in order, but I totally messed them . 四Help out:帮助(某人)摆脱(困境) (宾语代词放在 help,out 之间) 1. It was Mr Zhang who (帮我把托困境). without his help, I couldnt have managed it so easily. 2. As usual, the volunteers (来帮助这位老太太) after school yesterday. 五Let down:使失望,辜负 1. Jenny always feels pressure not to her parents in her studies. 2. While talking with his colleagues, he accidentally the fact that he had got divorced. 3.-Are you getting a new computer this week? - You must be joking! I cant afford to pay my school fees, buy a new computer. 六Ashamed(adj):惭愧的,羞愧的,尴尬的;因惭愧而不情愿的 1. Amy,please dont be ashamed your shape. You look great as you are. 2.Tom was ashamed (tell) his mother that he had failed in the interview again. 选词填空 ashamed/shameful 4. Having read about the complaints from my classmates, I feel and guilty. 5. The more embarrassing or the secret is,the juicier(有吸引力的) the gossip it makes. 6. I (因.感到惭愧)I had done something wrong. 7. (真遗憾)that our team lost the game. 8. (使我感到惭愧的是)) ,I refused to listen to her explanation. 7Concentrate(v):集中(注意力) ,聚精会神 concentration(n):专心,专注 1. Cellphones are prohibited to help students focus their study. 2. She has turned down several invitations to star at shows in order to concentrate her studies. 3. Lacking sleep caused him poor memory and poor (concentrate). 4. Catherine was seated in the sofa,totally absorbed the book about youth and dreams. 8Signal(n):信号,暗号(v):发信号;示意 1. She signalled the car to stop. 九Breath(n):呼出的气 breathe(v):呼吸,呼气 Breathtaking(adj):激动人心的,惊人的,令人惊叹的 1. Eric came running into the room, .(上气不接下气) 。 2. He dived into a pool and for ten seconds.(屏住呼吸) 十Concern(n):忧虑,担心;担心的事;关切的事(vt):使担忧;涉及;关系到;与.有关 Concerned(adj):(与某事)有关的,有牵连的(常作后置定语) ;焦急的,担忧的 Eg. The parties concerned:有关方面 concerned parents:忧心忡忡的父母 Concerning(prep):关于 1. She showed a great deal of concern her sons illness. 2. The mother loves her son, and concerns herself with his needs and desires. 十一Resolve(vt):解决(问题或困难)(vt.vi):决心,决定 Resolution(n):(问题,分歧等的)解决,消除; (cn):决心,决定 1. Always bear in mind that your own (resolve) to succeed is more important than anything else. 2. To free the students from their endless homework, the school has resolved taking a series of measures. 3. She couldnt help thinking about this issue and resolved (do) something to help them out. 12Directly(adv):直接地,径直地,坦率地;正好地,恰好;(conj):一.就.=immediately 1. 我一听说消息就会给你打电话的。 2. 演讲结束后,王教授径直去了他的办公室。 13Approach(vt):着手处理,对付=deal with;(时间或距离)接近,靠近;(n):接近,靠近; 方式,方法;路径,道路 1. New college life is approaching . Im glad to hear that there will be six clubs for me to join in. 2. While his approach was a complete departure(背离)from established practices, the result was satisfactory. 3. Ill approach the customers complaints in a few minutes. 4. Marion found a new approach the boathouse by accident. 5. Chinas approach to (protect)its environment while feeding its citizens offers useful lessons to other countries worldwide. 14Pull ones weight:做好分内事,尽本分,尽职责 1. 我们公司之所以成功是因为每个人都很尽职且努力工作。 15Blame(vt):责备,谴责,把.归咎于.(un):责任,责备 1. Some people blame the smartphone the tragedy,yet in fact peoples weakening self- control and self-discipline are (blame). 2. Dont always blame your own failure others. You should take the blame it. 3. (blame) for the accident, the driver couldnt get away with it. 4. (全国阅读理解七选五改编)lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning , and put the blame the alarm clock. 5. 那个男孩因对待别人不礼貌和粗鲁的态度而受到了责备。 The boy his impolite and rude attitude towards others. 十六Before:在.之前;过了.才;还没来得及.就. It was +时间段+before:过了.才 It was not long before.:不久就. It wont be long before.:不久就会. It will/may be +时间段+before.:要过/或许要过.才. 1. Half a month passed quickly I knew it, and I learned how to deal with different people. 2. What a pity! will be a long time before we see each other again. 3. 我们跑了还不到 1 英里他就累了。 4. 不久他就习惯了那里 的生活。 5. 你最好在忘记她的电话号码之前把它记下来。 十七Look down on/upon:轻视,瞧不起 look up to:钦佩,仰慕,尊敬 1.dont (瞧不起)women. 2.the public (尊敬)Yuan Longping, a great mind who has devoted himself to the research into hybrid rice(杂交水稻) 。 十八Annoyed(adj):生气,恼怒的 annoying(adj):使恼怒的,使生气的烦恼的 Annoy(vt):使生气,使恼怒;打扰 Annoyance(n):恼怒,烦恼;使人烦恼的事 1. Being annoyed other people easily is harmful to your health. 2. Rumors are not always nasty(恶意的), but they can be especially (annoy) when they are something against you. 3. I did get a bit (annoy) because we had cheese sandwiches every lunchtime. 4. To our (annoy), the air conditioner broke down on the hottest night of the year! 十九By accident:偶绕地,意外地=accidentally=casually=by chance :有意地,故意地=by design=on purpose 1. You sometimes hurt your family members or friends accident but Im sure you dont hurt them purpose. 2. -Why do you walk so strangely? -Thats because I fell over (accident) yesterday and my leg got hurt. 二十.Settle down:(使)安静下来,平静下来;(在某地)定居下来,过安定的生活 1. 从国外回来后,他们在上海定居了。 2. 那个班一上课总的过一会儿才能安静下来。 二十一.It be+过去分词+that.:.被.(said,reported,believed,hoped,suggested,well known,estimated, proved 等) 1.据估计,这场大雪将于下周结束。 二十二.To.extent 到.的程度,在.程度上 1. The development of third-party mobile payment tools, (在某种程度上), is helping to promote cashless payments across the country. 2. Forest fires can affect climate and weather (在很大程度上),besides causing severe damage to valuable trees. 3. (在多大程度上)does this task Im doing help me achieve my goals? 二十三.Despite(prep):即使,尽管+n/代词/ving=in spite of. Despite the fact that.:尽管.(that 后引导同位语从句) 1. 尽管下着雨,他还是来帮助我了。 2.尽管开车去的机场,她还是误了飞机。 二十四.Latter(n):(刚提及的两者中)后者, (系列中)最后一位(常与 the 连用)(adj):后 者的,最后的 1. 这两只篮球队中前者来自美国,后者来自英国。 2. 这篇文章前一部分写的很好,但是后一部分只是一般。 二十五.Serve(vito blame 2.on;for 3.Blamed 4.on 5.was to blame for 161.before 2.It 3.We hadnt run a mile before he felt tired. 4.It was not long before he became used to the life there. 5.Youd better write down her phone number before you forget it. 171.look down on/upon 2.look up to 181.with 2.annoying 3.annoyed 4.annoyance 191.by;on 2.accidentally 201. After returning from abroad they settled down in Shanghai. 2.It always takes the class a while to settle down at the start of the lesson. 21It is estimated that the heavy snowfall will come to an end next week. 221.to some extent/t o a certain extent 2.to a great/large extent 3.to what extent 231.He came to help me despite /in spite of the rain. 2.Despite/in spite of driving t the airport, she missed the plane. 241.Of the two basketball teams, the former comes from the US and the latter comes form the UK. 2.The former part of the article is well written but the latter (part) is just so-so. 251.Mr Thomas , who once served in the army for five years, is now running a vegetable company. 2.as 261.in 2.of 3.consisting 271.conclusion 2.from e to/arrived at/reached/drawn the conclusion 281. the post office will issue two series of stamps. 2. A series of books for children has come out recently. 3. Children can get close to nature by taking a series of outdoor activities. 291.independent 2.on/upon Grammar 1. used 2.raised 3.founded 4.accepted 5.accompanied 6.absorbed 7.having spent 8.written 9.disappointed 10.treated 11.approached 12.filled U 1 Knowing me, knowing you 必修三 学案 主题思维导图 Conflicts argue(vi): disagree(vi) quarrel(vi用作. At the service of sb/at ones service:随时可供使用(或可以帮助) 26 Consist of:由.组成,由.构成(常整体由部分组成;不用于被动和进行;但可用 consisting of 做后置定语)=be made up of=be composed of. Consist(v):组成,构成,在于 Consist in=lie in:在于,存在于 Consistent(adj):一致的,连续的 be consistent with.:与.相一致 Eg. His actions are consistent with his words. 27 Conclude(v):得出结论,推断出;(使)结束,终止 Conclusion(n):结论;结束 In conclusion=to conclude=in summary=all in all=on the whole=in brief. Conclude sth (from sb)=conclude (from sth) that.:(从某事)推断出. Conclude (sth) with sth/ by doing sth 以(做)某事结束. Bring.to a conclusion:使.结束 Jump to a conclusion:匆忙下结论 Come to/arrive at/ reach/draw a conclusion:得出结论 28 A series of:一系列,一连串,一套+可数名词复数+谓语通常单数 Series(cn):一系列,连续;系列节目(单复同形) A TV series:电视连续剧 29 Depend(vi):相信,依靠,依赖 dependent(adj):依赖的 -dependence(n) Independent(adj):独立的-independence(n) Depend on/upon=rely on=count on:依靠,依赖;相信 It (all) depends./that depends.视情况而定 Be dependent on/upon:依赖,取决于. Gain independence from.:从.中获得独立 30 Adjust(v):适应, (使)习惯 (vt):调整,调节 Adjustable(adj):可调整的,可调节的 Adjustment(n):调整,调节 Adjust to (doing) sth:适应/习惯(做)某事 Adjust oneself to (doing) sth:使自己适应/习惯(做)某事 Make .adjustment(s) to.:对.作出.调整 辨析:adjust 强调“调整,调节”稍微调整 Adapt:强调“改变现有条件”以适应新条件;“改编”be adapted for:被改编成 Be adapted from:由.改编 Adopt:“收养,采纳”an adopted son:养子 31 Ensure(v):确保,保证 Ensure (sb) sth:保证(人)得到某物;确保某事物 Ensure that.=make sure that.:确保/保证.=make certain of.=assure=see to it that.=guarantee. 32 Forgive(v):-forgave-forgiven:原谅,宽恕 forgiveness(n):原谅,宽恕 Forgive sb sth forgive sb for(doing) sth 33 Embarrass(v):使尴尬,使窘迫 Embarrassing(adj):令人尴尬的 embarrassed(adj):尴尬的,窘迫的 Be embarrassed about/at.:因.而尴尬 Be embarrassed to do sth 34 Tear(n):眼泪,泪水(常用复数)(v):-tore-torn:撕毁,撕掉 In tears:哭着,流着泪;含泪(作状语) Fight /hold back tears:强忍住泪水 Tear sth apart:撕碎某物;使某物分崩离析,使某物分裂 Tear sth down:推倒;拆毁 Tear sth up:把(纸巾等)撕碎 35 Apart(adv):分离,飞凯;分别地 Take apart:拆卸,拆开 fall apart:破裂,崩溃 Tell.apart:把.区别开来 apart from=except/besides 拔尖差距词汇 1. Scream(v):(因疼痛,惊恐,兴奋等)尖声大叫 2. Put oneself in others shoes:换位思考 3. Have sth in common:与.有共同之处 4. Company(n):陪伴-accompany 5. Considerate(adj):体贴的 considerable(adj):相当大的 6. In vain:徒劳无功,白费力气 7. Sceptical(adj):怀疑的 (BrE) -suspect(v/n):怀疑;嫌疑犯 Grammar:过去分词 基本用法:功能 类型:原因状语;条件状语;让步状语;时间状语;方式状语;伴随状语 位置 注意事项:1.过去分词可加连词构成“连词+过去分词”结构 2. 过去分词作状语时其逻辑主语为句子的主语 3. 形容词化的过去分词作状语时不表被动而表示状态 状语类型: 原因状语. Encouraged by the progress he has made, he works harder.-As he is encouraged. 条件状语. Given more time, we could do it much better.- If we were given more. 让步状语. Wounded, the brave soldier continued to fight.-Although he was wounded, the. 时间状语. Discussed many times, the problems were settled at last.-After they were discussed. 方式状语. The old man walked into the room,supported by his son.- .and was supported by . 伴随状语. Mrs Mu came in, followed by her daughter.-Mrs Mu came in and she was followed. U 2 Making a difference 必修三 习作 1 Contribution(n):贡献;捐款;捐助;文稿贡献;捐款;捐助;文稿 contribute(v):捐献;造成;投稿捐献;造成;投稿 Contributor(n):投稿人;捐款人;促成者投稿人;捐款人;促成者 1. He is one of the authors ( ) to the book.(contribute) 2 Make a difference 有影响,有作用有影响,有作用 1. Hannah is one of many examples of young people who are( )(有影响)in the world . 2. The twins are so alike; its difficult to ( )(辨别不同)between them. 3. -Can you see the building clearly on the foggy day? -( )(对我来说没影响)whether its foggy or not, because Im blind. 3 Relief(un):(焦虑,痛苦等的)减轻,缓和,消除;宽慰,解脱,轻松(焦虑,痛苦等的)减轻,缓和,消除;宽慰,解脱,轻松 Relieve(vt):减轻,缓和减轻,缓和 relieved(adj):宽慰的,不再忧虑的宽慰的,不再忧虑的 1. It came as a great (relieve) to the parents that their son finally cane back safe and sound. 2. We all sighed relief when the plane finally landed safely. 3. 尽可能多给你母亲打电话,以减轻你母亲的忧虑。 4. 使我们感到宽慰的是,大部分孩子有机会接受良好的教育。 4 Under control:被控制住,处于控制之下被控制住,处于控制之下 1. 大伙持续了 24 个小时才被控制住。 2. 父亲死后,他的公司由儿子掌管。 3. 汽车失去了控制,撞上了迎面开来的卡车。 5 Solution(n):解决办法,处理手段;答案,谜底解决办法,处理手段;答案,谜底 solve(vt):解决;解答,破解解决;解答,破解 1. Facing up to your problems rather than running away from them is the best approach to (work) things out. 2. Most people hold the view that the key keeping fit is to work out regularly. 3. 试图找到解决办法的种种努力全都失败了。 6 Effective(Adj):有效的,产生预期效果的有效的,产生预期效果的 Effect(n):效应,结果,影响效应,结果,影响 effectively(adv):有效地,实际上有效地,实际上 1. Keeping a diary in English is one of the most (effect) ways to improve our English writing ability. 2. Although modern medicine (effective) controls many diseases, it remains difficult to against flu. 3. Experts also point out that types of coffee beans have different effects our health. 4. The law of celebrating the Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival has come effect all over the country. 7 Set up:安装好,装配好;开办,建立,创建;安排;安装好,装配好;开办,建立,创建;安排; 1. Does anyone know how to set up this printer? 2. Alice Moore is a teenager entrepreneur(创业者) , who in May 2015 set up her business AilieCandy. 3. His secretary has set up a meeting for Friday to discuss the quality problems of their new products. up 相关短语 4. Now Mr Anderson has an online campaign to raise money for Mr.Smith and other homeless people in the area, which by yesterday had received $ 8,000. 5. We all hope that you can a better plan than this one. 6. He should have at the airport on time but his flight was delayed as a result of the heavy cloud. 8 Reach(vt):达到,实现;到达,抵达;增加到,提升到;达到,进入;(尤指用电话练达到,实现;到达,抵达;增加到,提升到;达到,进入;(尤指用电话练 习)联系,与习)联系,与.取得联系;伸手,够得着;取得联系;伸手,够得着;(n):手臂展开的长度;涉及范围,影响范围手臂展开的长度;涉及范围,影响范围 1. When I study English, I like to put my dictionary within my reach so that I can refer to it when necessary. 2. From the above we can (得出结论)that the harder you work, the happier and healthier you will be. 3. Always remember to put such dangerous things like knives (在孩子们够不到的 地方) 。 4. I dreamed of my grandmother who had passed away. She was so real and so close to me that I felt I could (伸出手) and touch her. 5. Do you know where is Max? I cant (通过电话与他取得联系). 9 Raise(vt):筹募,征集;饲养,终止;抚养,培养;举起,提起;(使)直立,站立;筹募,征集;饲养,终止;抚养,培养;举起,提起;(使)直立,站立; 增加,提高(数量,水平,认识等)增加,提高(数量,水平,认识等) Arise(vi):(尤指问题或困难)出现,发生(尤指问题或困难)出现,发生 rise(vi):上升,升起;起立;增加,提高上升,升起;起立;增加,提高 选择选择 raise/rise/arise 1. I have to my voice to make myself heard over the noise. 2. Misunderstanding is likely if people fail to communicate with each other. 3. Her temperature is still . she must be sent to hospital immediately. 10 Delighted(adj):快乐的,高兴的快乐的,高兴的 delightful:令人愉快的,讨人喜欢的令人愉快的,讨人喜欢的 Delight(cn):令人高兴的事,乐事,乐趣;令人高兴的事,乐事,乐趣; (un):高兴,快乐高兴,快乐(vt):使高兴,愉快使高兴,愉快 1. Much (delight) with his sons performances at school, Mr Green decided to take him to Beijing for a holiday. 2. Im delighted (know) that youre coming to China, the country that you have always dreamed of visiting. 3. It is a truly (delight) place, which looks the same as it must have done 100 years ago with its winding streets and pretty cottages. 4. Much her delight, some neighbours showed up and several of them even brought to her some candies and cookies. 5. 零我们非常高兴的是,我母亲正慢慢地从病中康复。 11 Turn out(vi)出席,在场出席,在场;结果是,证明是,原来是;结果结果是,证明是,原来是;结果.;(vt)生产,制造生产,制造 1. Thousands of people turned out to watch yesterdays match against Ireland. 2. Surprisingly, the man always in a worn suit turned out to be a millionaire. 3. Millions of cars are turned out in America every year. 4. 我原以为她只是个陌生人,结果她却是我姐姐的朋友。 12 Earn(v):挣(钱)挣(钱) ;赚得;获得;赢得;赚得;获得;赢得 Earn money=make mo
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新教材 【2019新教材】外研版高中英语必修三Unit 单词练习(全册12份打包) 外研版 必修 英语 unit 单词 练习 12 十二 打包
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