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2021 年年 6 月全国普通高等学校招生统一考试月全国普通高等学校招生统一考试 上海英语试卷上海英语试卷 1.M: Seems like Im running a fever. W: Dont worry. Ill give you a blood test first. Q: What is most probably the womans job. 2.W: Are you checking out some colleges? East Lake College is a pretty neat school. M: But they dont offer many majors. Q: What does the man imply? 3.M: I was fired. I thought my work had been valued by the company. W: Sorry to hear that, but its not the end of the world. Cheer up! Q: What is the woman trying to do? 4.W: Do you happen to know the title of this oil painting? M: No idea, may be an early 19th century work. You can look it up in the catalog(ue). Q: What are the speakers mainly talking about? 5.M: Oh! It looks like the traffic is really bad. Still another hour to get to your office. W: OK. then I will go by subway, please stop at the next crossroads, and I will get out there. Q: What can we learn about the woman from the conversation? 6.M: Whats the assignment for today. Miss Taylor? W: Well, read chapter nine in your textbook and get prepared to discuss what youve read next Monday. Q: What will the man be required to do next Monday? 7.W: Would you please email me tomorrow? Lets fix the date for our next conference. M: My computer is broken. Can I call you? Q: What does the man imply? 8.M: Mom, where are my blue shoes? Ill be late for school. W: I washed them this morning. Last night you told me youd have a day off school today. Q: what does the woman mean? 9.W: Ive gained weight since I started to work at Pizza Kitchen. M: I know they offer employees free pizzas for meals, but you could pack your own healthy lunch. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 10. W: Have you booked a twin room in West Hotel for our holiday? M: Not yet. Line was busy. I will ring later. But that hotel is never full in March. Q: What does the man imply? Section B Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following talk. Its a daily struggle known to office workers the world over. A productive morning rewarded with a decent lunch, and then at about 3 p.m., there comes the irresistible sleepiness. A short nap can promote alertness and improve performance, which are important when you are at work. Now many companies with a strong commitment to employee wellness have realized the benefits of on-site napping. UU Corporation, a consulting company, has a flexible approach: employees can take a nap for thirty minutes at most any time between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Another company, Tim and Jerrys, which already offers employees personal trainers, now supplies a room with a bed and pillows that employees can use as needed. One of its representatives says, if people need to catch a little nap during the day, were behind it. An IT firm, New Link, allows its employees to take a twenty-minute power nap at their desks. Introduced two years ago, the policy has proved a huge hit. Mr Lin, an accountant, a new Link, told a local newspaper: If I use a calculator when Im sleepy, I have to double check my work for fear of making mistakes, so it takes longer. Thanks to the policy, my work performance has improved. Questions: 11. What is the speaker mainly talking about? 12. Which of the following can the employees of UU Corporation do at work? 13. What can be learned about Mr. Lin? Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following talk. Search engines have completely changed how we access information and who we get it from. Theyre fast, easy and great. But there are so many questions you cant look up online. Some are too complex because they have two or more parts. And others are impossible to search because you cant remember a name or an exact year. So you get too many results to make your search useful, or maybe you just arent near a computer or WiFi. Thats when APL can make a difference. With APL you can put questions to an information specialist at the Pearl Library. For over forty years APL has been answering peoples questions by looking things up in a variety of texts, recordings and other resources. And these people are expert researchers so they know where to look for information, which is key in providing a really good quality answer. Sometimes accuracy is more important than getting millions of results in a second. Then how can you access APL? You can call 21518 between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday. One of the ten information specialists will answer your question even if the question has multiple parts, and even if youre missing some key information. Thats the benefit of a human over a computer. Plus, if you need some recommended reading, theyve got that covered, too. Questions: 14. What is the speaker mainly talking about? 15. What will a search engine do if you type in a much too complicated question? 16. Which the following is true of APL. Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. M: What are you going to do this summer soon? W: Well. I can work full time at my uncles restaurant if I want to. The money is pretty good, but Im thinking of getting some experience in my field. Im graduating next year. M: Maybe you should try a different summer job. It would mean a pay cut. but itd be worth it. Not only do you get experience, youll make all kinds of contacts. W: But I just have no idea how to find a suitable one. M: Why not go to the summer job fair? Hang on, Ive got the leaflet in my bag. W: Great! M: Its next week on the 16th. At the student center from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. W: Thats Wonderful! Should I dress as if Im going to an interview? M: It doesnt mention how you should dress. W: Shall I bring my rsum? M: Not required, but its a good idea! W: OK. Does it say what kinds of summer jobs are available? You know, I want to be a teacher. M: You can try to get hired at a summer camp. Several are listed on there. W: I will try. M: You wont have any trouble. Youre at the top of your class. W: Thanks for the vote of confidence. Questions: 17. What are the speakers mainly talking about? 18. According to the man, why should the woman find a different summer job? 19. What can be learned about the summer job fair? 20. Why does the man recommend the woman to work at a summer camp? 2021 年年 1 月全国普通高等学校招生统一考试月全国普通高等学校招生统一考试 上海英语试卷上海英语试卷 1. M: The beef looks fresh. W: But I would recommend the chicken which is tender. The beef is too salty and not juicy. Question: What does the woman think of the chicken? 2. W: Jack contributed a lot of my survey on the evolution of fashion. I want to buy him a present like a scarf or a wallet. M: I heard he likes reading. If I were you, I would buy him a set of classics. Question: What does the man suggest the woman buy for Jack? 3. W: Id like to have my hair colored. But you seem up to your neck. M: Yes, we usually have a lot more customers on the weekend. Please take a seat. Im afraid you have to be patient. Question: Where does this conversation most probably take place? 4. M: Sorry, mom, I should have come back home earlier. Ill never do it again. W: Lets drop it this time. Question: What can we learn from this conversation? 5. M: Alice. I have no idea what this newly coined term means W: Well, you are not alone. Question: What does the woman mean? 6. W: Dad, did the alarm clock go off? M: That was 30 minutes ago. You slept right through it. Get up or youll be late for school. Question: What does the man mean? 7. M: May I take another look at the Chinese painting? Is it still priced 10,000? W: Sorry, sir, its price has risen by 10%. Question: How much does the Chinese painting cost now? 8. W: Moving these boxes up to the 5th floor is really beyond me. M: They look so big. If only I hadnt had my ankle twisted yesterday. Question: What does the man imply? 9. W: What an unsung hero you are. You never told me that you have been financially assisting the students for years. M: Let the matter rest. Its just between you and me. Question: What does the man mean? 10. M: I hope there is hot water in the hotel after ten. I like to have a shower before bed, especially in winter. W: But the front desk says hot water is available till 9: 00 pm. Question: What can we learn from the conversation? Section B Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. A home energy checkup helps determine where your house is losing energy and money. When such problems are corrected your home will be more energy efficient. While a professional energy checkup provides a complete picture of your homes energy use, a diligent self assessment can also help you find small problem areas. First, make a list of obvious air leaks. Check for indoor air leaks, such as gaps along the edge of the flooring and joints of the walls and ceiling. Also check the leaks on the outside of your home, especially in areas where two different building materials meet. Finally remember to check other places for leaks including windows, doors and switches. The potential energy savings from reducing leaks in our own may range from 10% to 20% per year. This do-it-yourself home energy checkup will not be as thorough as a professional home energy assessment, but it can help you highlight some of the easier areas to address. When walking through your home, keep a checklist of the areas you have inspected and the problems you have found. This list will help you decide which energy efficiency upgrade should be given priority to. Now listen again 11. Which of the following is the most probable way to save energy in a house? 12. Why does the speaker recommend you to keep a check list? 13. What is the speaker mainly talking about? Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. Seamus Heaney was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in 1995 when he was teaching at Harvard University. On the day when Harvard celebrated its three hundred seventy-fifth anniversary before a large audience, he recited his poem composed in 1986 for the university three hundred and fiftieth anniversary. This 1986 poem relies on the power of repeating words and sounds. Heaney said in an interview, “Theres a kind of bell ringing quality to the poem, which makes it easy on the air.” He remembered writing just two poems during his early years at Harvard when he taught and read a lot. One poem is the anniversary poem. And the other is about learning the alphabets at a primary school. Heaney also recalled the physical Harvard where he had many happy moments. He said, “I still remember the excitement of driving around the campus and seeing the outlines of the houses. And I enjoyed a few quiet corners on campus where I would sit down and take a nap. The library at Adams house for one and the Woodbury poetry room for another. Then there was the yard. It was the inspiration for the anniversary poem and also a place that reminded me of my own boyhood in the countryside because it used to be a cow yard.” Now listen again Questions: 14. For what purpose did Seamus Heaney compose his 1986 poem? 15. What is a feature of Seamus Heaneys 1986 poem? 16. What can be learned about Seamus Heaney? Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. W: Hi, Professor White. M: Hi, Maggie. W: Its been a week since you arrived at the city. Do you like your office? M: Yeah, its great to have so much room and I love to see you. W: Im glad to hear that. Do you need any equipment or supplies? M: Actually, there are a few things Ive been thinking about. W: OK. What do you need? M: Well, Ill give a presentation at an online conference next week. Is it possible to get a web camera for the computer? W: No problem. It is already at the top of our agenda. We want to encourage using technology to communicate with overseas scholars rather than expensive traveling. M: Exactly. Its so much easier and cheaper to do things that way. W: The department chair likes to hear that kind of thinking. Anything else? M: Well, I hope Im not asking too much, but can I get a new chair? This one is really uncomfortable. W: I think thats an old chair. Sorry about that. Is there a specific kind you want, like a folding chair or a rocking one? M: I just like one that rises up and down and has arms. W: Sure, I got it. M: Thanks. Now listen again. Questions: 17. What does the man say about his office? 18. Why does the man need a web camera for his computer? 19. What kind of chair does the man want? 20. What are the speakers mainly talking about? Thats the end of listening comprehension. 20202020 年年 7 7 月全国普通高等学校招生统一考试月全国普通高等学校招生统一考试 上海英语试卷上海英语试卷 1. W: Good afternoon, take a seat, please. M: Thank you. I want to have my hair cut and dyed black today. Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place? 2.W: Excuse me, where is the dining hall? M: On the 1st floor of the dormitory building. But Im afraid its closed now. Anyway, the coffee shop next to the library is still open. Q: Which place does the man imply the woman should go to? 3.W: Did you see my passport? I cant find it anywhere in my handbag. M: I remember you used it yesterday to pay for those shoes with your credit card. Q: What is the woman looking for? 4.M: Thats the best lecture Ive ever been to. I really enjoyed it. W: But you fell asleep right after it started. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 5.W: Should we go shopping or take some snacks? M: Whatever you decide is cool with me. Q: What does the man mean? 6. M: Look, page after page of advertisements. Its a waste of time reading them. W: Well. Though some may cheat people into buying products. Many are quite informative. Q: What is the womans opinion of the advertisements? 7.W: Hi, Wong. Welcome back. How was your training program in Shanghai? M: It was fruitful, although I didnt have much time to walk around as expected. Q: How does the man feel about his training program? 8.W: Would you like to come around for dinner on my birthday? Its next Saturday, the 18th. M: But for the school charity sale on that very day, I would come. Q: What does the man mean? 9.W: You kept coughing all night. Didnt you take the pills? M: No, I didnt. I couldnt see the point. Q: What does the man imply? 10. W: You were on the phone for an hour. M: It was my mum. Rarely do we run out of the conversation. Q: What can we learn about the man? Section B Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following talk. Every year in the US, about 133 million pounds of food goes to waste. A lot of it is fruits and vegetables like three -legged carrots and forked strawberries. They are deserted simply because they are not pretty enough to be displayed on the store shelves. If you look at the big picture, about a third of the planets food goes to waste for the same reason. Thats enough to feed two billion people. Now a company called Imperfect Me is trying to change that situation. The company collects ugly fruits and vegetables from farmers and markets, and sells them to local residents at a deep discount. It can be thirty to fifty percent off the regular price. Similar campaigns are under way in places like Boston as well as Por
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