陕旅版六年级下册英语Unit 4 At the Sports Meeting-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:20551).zip


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Unit 4 At the Sports Meeting 陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册 throwingthrowing 100-100-metermeter race race have a sports meetinghave a sports meeting running racerunning race long jumplong jump high jumphigh jump 请快速说出闪现的词组并拼写 Warm-up/Revision PresentationPresentation 1.How does Liu Zhaoyang look? 2.What did he do at the sports meeting? 3.Who was the first in the 100-meter race? Read the dialogue think about the questionsRead the dialogue think about the questions 思思 考考 Amy: You look tired. Liu: Yes.We had the school sports meeting yesterday. Amy: What sport did you take part in? Liu: I took part in the boys 100-meter race and the long jump. Amy:Great!Did you win? Liu:Yes.I was the first in the 100-meter race. Amy:How about the long jump? Liu: I lost it. Amy:Anyway, you did well. Liu:Thank you. 1.How does Liu Zhaoyang look? He looks tired. 2.What did he do at the sports meeting? He took part in the boys 100-meter race and the long jump. 3.Who was the first in the 100-meter race? Liu Zhaoyang was the first. I took part in the boys 100-meter race and the long jump. 我参加了男子100米赛跑和跳远。 【详解详解 】 “take(took)part in.”的结构有“参加”的意思。 重点句型一 拓展 join和take part in 二者都有“参加”的意思,但用法有点不同。 join多指参加某组织成为其中的一个成员,如加入某党派、某组织或某 社会团体等,也可以指参与某种活动。如: Lets join the Wild Anmails Protect Association. 而take part in则指参加群众性活动、会议、劳动、游行等,往往指参 与者持有积极态度,又可与join in互换。如: We should take part in class activities. We all took part in the New Years party last year. I was the first in the 100-meter race. I was the first in the 100-meter race. 在100米比赛中我名列第一。 【详解详解 】 sb. was the first in. 某人在某项活动中(曾)名列第一。 重点句型二 Who was the first in swimming? Amy was the first. I lost it. 我输了比赛。 【详解详解 】 lost是单词lose的过去式,有“丢失、失利”等意思,其反 义词是win。lose the game/match/是“输了比赛”,win the game/match/“赢了比赛”。 重点句型三 I lost the New Star Game yesterday. Whats wrong with you? Anyway,you did well. 不管怎样,你做的都非常 好。 【详解详解 】 anyway“不管怎样”,常用来表示得知了某些情况之后要得出 一个结论,转向下一话题。如:They lost the game in the sports meeting.Anyway,they tried their best. 重点句型四 You failed in the English exam. Anyway, you are the best. 连词成句,注意标点符 号。 1. in, take, what, sport, did, you, part (?) What sport did you take part in? 2. race, was, I, first, the, 100 meter, in, the (.) I was the first in the 100-meter race. 3. tired, look, you (.) You look tired. TestTest 2 重点句型重点句型 1 4 What sport did you take part in? I was the first in the 100-meter race.I was the first in the 100-meter race. Anyway, you did well. Sum-upSum-up HomeworkHomework 1.背诵Lets talk 。 2.学会唱歌谣。 Thank you! Unit 4 At the Sports Meeting 陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册 Part A Look and tick Sum-up Warm-up/Revision Presentation Test Homework Look and tick Warm-up/Revision Free talk Do you often do Do you often do exercise?exercise? What are you good at? Look and tickLook and tick PresentationPresentation have a sports meetinghave a sports meeting举办一场运动会 【例句】 We have a sports meeting every year. 我们每年都要举办一场运动会。 TryTry What are they doing ? They are having a sports meeting. 【拓展】throwing n.指投掷运动 throw v.投掷 【例句】He is good at throwing. 他擅长投掷运动。 throwingthrowing 投掷运动 They are all good at throwing. TrTr y y 【拓展】meter米 race(速度类)比赛、竞赛 【例句】 Im not good at 100-meter race. 我不擅长100米赛跑。 100-meter race100-meter race 100米赛跑 They had a 100-meter race last Monday. TryTry running racerunning race 【拓展】running(run的-ing形式 ) 【例句】They have a running race. 他们有一场赛跑比赛。 赛跑 【例句】Do you like long jump? 你喜欢跳远吗? long jumplong jump跳远 He is good at long jump. 【例句】I can try the high jump. 我可以试一试跳高。 high jumphigh jump跳高 . Li Lei likes high jump very much. Read them as quickly as possible. What kind of sports do you like ? I like throwing. Are you good at long jump? No, Im not. b y 一、请把下列单词补充完一、请把下列单词补充完 整。整。 o g l n w fr endtoda i re i y 男孩男孩 女孩女孩新的 新的 朋友朋友 今天今天 TestTest have _ sports_ throw _ h_g_ jump long _ runn_ _ _ ra _ _ 100- _ race 二、请把下列短语填写完 整。 a ing ijump i n g c e mete r h meeting Sum-upSum-up throwing 100- meter race long jump high jump running race have a sports meeting 重点词汇重点词汇 HomeworkHomework 1.将所学词汇制作成卡片,并向 家长展示。 2.将本课的新短语在四线三格内 抄写两遍,要求能默写。 Thank you! Unit 4 At the Sports Meeting Part B 同步练习同步练习 ( ) 1. 你想问对方最喜爱的体育运动是什么,应说:_ A. What sport did you part in? B. Whats your favorite sport? ( ) 2. “我赢了那场比赛”,应说:_ A. I won the race. B. I was the second in the race. ( ) 3. “你在哪个班?”,应说:_ A. What sport did you take part in? B. What class are you in?来源:学科网 ( ) 4. “你好吗?”,应说:_ A. How are you? B. Thank you. 选择选择 补全单词补全单词 1. Whats your favorite sport? -My favorite sport is _. 2. -What sports did you take part in? -I took part in the _. 3. -Did you win? -Yes. I _ the _ in the 100-meter race. 4. -How about Liu Zhaoyang? -He _ _ in the high jump. 5. -What sport will you take part in? 来源:学科网 -I will take part in the _. 排序排序 ( ) Yes. I am the first in the 100-meter race. ( ) Thank you. ( ) Great! Did you win? ( 1 ) What sport did you take part in? ( ) You did well. ( ) I took part in the boys 100-meter race. 来源:学科网 ZXXK too cookfootlook school noodle room good wood bamboo /u/: _来源:学,科,网 /u:/: _ A. Yes, Id like thirty dumplings. B. A bottle of water, please. C. Shes a teacher. D. Ill take part in the boys throwing. E. This is Kitty. ( ) (1) Hello. Who is that? 辨音辨音 选择答语选择答语 ( ) (2) What would you like to drink? ( ) (3) Can I help you? ( ) (4) What did she do? ( ) (5) What sport will you take part in? 答案和解析答案和解析 1-4 BABA 1. swimming 2. boys running race 3. was; first 4. did well 5. throwing 来源:Zxxk.Com 4 6 3 1 5 2 /u/ cook, foot, look, good, wood /u:/ too, school, noodle, room, bamboo (1)-(5) EBACD 补全单词补全单词 选择选择 排序排序 辨音辨音 阅读理解阅读理解 Unit 4 At the Sports Meeting Part A 同步练习同步练习 ( ) 1. You look _. A. tiring B. tired C. tireded ( ) 2. All my _ shouted “Come on, Class One!” A. classesmate B. classmate C. classmates来源:学科网 ZXXK ( ) 3. He took part in the _. A. throwing B. throw C. throws ( ) 4. We _ have a sports meeting next week. A. will B. are C. didnt ( ) 5. I _ it last year. A. win B. winned C. won 来源:学#科#网 Z#X#X#K ( ) 1. thr _ _ ing A. aw B. ow C. wo ( ) 2. r _ c _ A. i; a B. a; i C. a; e 选择选择 补全单词补全单词 ( ) 3. hi _ _ A. gh B. hg C. ag ( ) 4. g _ _ ss A. eu B. ue C. ai来源:学科网 ZXXK ( ) 5. w _ _ h A. is B. es C. ac 1. have a sports meeting _ 2. 100-meter race _ 3. running race _ 4. 跳远 _ 5. 跳高 _ 6. 参加;参与 _ A. do B. did C. was D. had E. won来源:Z_xx_k.Com ( ) (1) I _ the first in the race. ( ) (2) How often _ you play it? ( ) (3) Who _ the race finally? ( ) (4) What sport _ you take part in then? ( ) (5) We _ the school sports meeting yesterday. 填空填空 选词填空选词填空 阅读理解阅读理解 Last week, our school had a sport meeting. The weather was fine and the pupils were excited. Our class did very well in the sports meeting. Liu Zhaoyang won the boys 1500-meter race. Li Shan was the first in the girls throwing. Colin was the second in the boys100-meter race. Kitty won the girls high jump. They all did very well. I will take part in the sports meeting next time! 根据短文内容判断正()误() 。 ( ) (1) Our school had a sports meeting last year. ( ) (2) Liu Zhaoyang won the boys 100-meter race. ( ) (3) Li Shan won the girls throwing. ( ) (4) Colin was the first in the boys 100-meter race. ( ) (5) Kitty was the first in the girls high jump.来源:学科网 答案和解析答案和解析 1-5 BCABA (1)-(5) CAEBD 选择选择 补全单词补全单词 填空填空 1. 举办一场运动会 2. 100 米赛跑 3. 赛跑 4. long jump 5. high jump 6. take part in (1)-(5) CAEBD (1)-(5) 选词填空选词填空 阅读理解阅读理解 Unit 4 At the Sports Meeting Part A 本单元是以文体运动展开话题,既谈论到了学生的校园生活,也涉及到了个人擅长的体育 爱好。其中要学习到的功能结构有:What sport did you take part in? I took part in the . Did you win? Yes. I was the first in.要求学生能在语境中熟练运用这些功能结构,达到相互交流 的效果。新词汇也是与文体类活动有关。在之前学过的一些运动词汇的基础上新添了 throwing, 100-meter race, long jump, high jump, running race。要求学生在语用活动和生活情 景中能熟练运用此类词汇进行交流。孩子们天性都喜欢玩。教学时,可注意结合学生的年 龄和心理特征,从“玩”字切入,引导学生养成健康的生活和休闲方式。增强他们积极参 与文体活动、积极锻炼、增强体魄的意识。来源:Zxxk.Com 【知识与能力目标】 能听、说、读、写词汇:have a sports meeting, throwing, 100-meter race, long jump, high jump, running race。 【过程与方法目标】 Warming-up: Look and tick, Lets learn 【情感态度价值观目标】 一、培养和发展学生的个性。引导学生养成积极参加体育锻炼的好习惯,培养其发展有益 身心健康的兴趣爱好。 二、培养学生的团队合作意识和集体荣誉感。 三、不断提高学生学习英语的热情,鼓励学生积极主动地参与课堂活动,大胆开口,主动 交流。 【教学重点】 能说出自己最喜欢的或擅长的体育运动的名称。 【教学难点】 鼓励学生积极参与体育运动,培养体育兴趣或爱好。 Unit 4 At the Sports Meeting Part A 本单元是以文体运动展开话题,既谈论到了学生的校园生活,也涉及到 了个人擅长的体育爱好。其中要学习到的功能结构有:What sport did you take part in? I took part in the . Did you win? Yes. I was the first in.要求学生能在语境 中熟练运用这些功能结构,达到相互交流的效果。新词汇也是与文体类活动 有关。在之前学过的一些运动词汇的基础上新添了 throwing, 100-meter race, long jump, high jump, running race。要求学生在语用活动和生活情景中能熟练运 用此类词汇进行交流。孩子们天性都喜欢玩。教学时,可注意结合学生的年龄 和心理特征,从“玩”字切入,引导学生养成健康的生活和休闲方式。增强他 们积极参与文体活动、积极锻炼、增强体魄的意识。来源:Zxxk.Com 【知识与能力目标】 能听、说、读、写词汇:have a sports meeting, throwing, 100-meter race, long jump, high jump, running race。 【过程与方法目标】 Warming-up: Look and tick, Lets learn 【情感态度价值观目标】 一、培养和发展学生的个性。引导学生养成积极参加体育锻炼的好习惯, 培养其发展有益身心健康的兴趣爱好。 教材分析教材分析 教学目标教学目标 二、培养学生的团队合作意识和集体荣誉感。 三、不断提高学生学习英语的热情,鼓励学生积极主动地参与课堂活动, 大胆开口,主动交流。 来源:Z.xx.k.Com 【教学重点】 能说出自己最喜欢的或擅长的体育运动的名称。 【教学难点】 鼓励学生积极参与体育运动,培养体育兴趣或爱好。 来源:学*科*网 Z*X*X*K 图片,PPT 课程导入课程导入(Leading In)来源来源:Z+xx+k.Com (1)课前问答 T: In the morning, many people like running and doing some exercise. Do you often do exercise? What kind of exercise do you like? S1: I like playing football. S2:I like playing ping-pong. (2)新课导入 Part A Warming-up: Look and tick 教学重难点教学重难点 课前准备课前准备 教学过程教学过程 以此部分内容引入新课时,教师可以设计以下梯度练习: 1. 第一步,在屏幕上依次出现与运动相关的器材图片,如:游泳池、 溜冰鞋、自行车、跑鞋、网球或球拍、乒乓球或球拍、篮球、足球等,并提出 第一个问题 What is it?引领学生作答。 2. 第二步,在上述图片中添加参与这些活动的人物,并提出第二个问题: What is he / she doing? 设计这个问题,回顾了进行时态的表达方式,即 be + doing 的结构。注意引导学生用正确的时态作答。 3. 第三步,回归学生本体,提出问题:Do you like v-ing? 及 What are you good at?并在屏幕上依次出现与运动相关的器材图片,和学生交流一下各人的所 擅长的运动项目,在问答交流中,逐渐引出更多的文体运动方面的词汇,导入 新课。 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation) (1)新课展示 Part A Lets learn 教师承接上一环节,借助 PPT 课件依次展示新词汇及相应图片,教授生 词。 1. 教授单词 throwing 按照音、形、义结合的方法教学词汇。音,首先要示范清晰。读音标准。 形,可以将 throwing 拆解为 th +row+ ing 三部分,把单词的拼写和发音的规则相 结合。义,让学生看到单词的图示画面,采用直观教学法,展示单词含义。 最后,再整体跟读。 教师可结合班上的情况引导学生运用: T: Who is good at throwing in our class? Ss: . is good at throwing. 2. 教授词汇 100-meter race 和 running race 教师可先分别介绍这两个词组中的各个单词:meter 米,race(速度类)比 赛、竞赛,然后把 100 同 meter 用连字符连接,再接 race,构成词组 100-meter race 一百米赛跑 running ( run 的-ing 形式)跑,race (速度类)比赛、竞赛,两个单词一起构 成词组 running race 赛跑 鼓励学生加以运用: T: Are you good at 100-meter race, S1? S1: Yes. Im good at 100-meter race. / No. Im good at running race. But Im not good at 100-meter race. 3. 教授词汇 long jump 和 high jump 这两个词组中没存生词,字面意思也很好理解,教师可以结合动作让学生 理解词义: T: I like long jump / high jump and Im good at it. Look, I can try the long jump / high jump.教师做动作进行示范后还可以更深入地和学生互动: T: Do you like long jump / high jump? Can you try? 鼓励学生做一做,说一说: I like . Im good at. I can have a try. 4. 教授短语 have a sports meeting 同样采用直观教学法,向学生展示出一个运动会的画面场景。同时教师可 以这样向学生介绍: Now look at the playground, everyone. You can see many students. What are they doing? They are playing different kinds of sports. They are having the running race, throwing, long jump, high jump,.This is a sports meeting. On the playground, we have a sports meeting every year. Many students want to get No.1 at the sports meeting. 教师借助画面可以一边描述释义,一边把刚刚学过的体育词汇融入进去, 起到及时巩固的效果。 教学小贴士教学小贴士 学生最初接触学习的单词 have 表示“有、拥有”的意思,但它的用法其实 非常多非常丰富,我们在后来的学习中,也学到了一些由 have 和其他名词一起 组成的短语,如:have lunch, have fun, have a look, have a good time, have a rest, have a try 等等,have 在这些短语中的意思又不尽相同。教师在此可以向学生做 对比说明,并带领他们回顾更多的相关词汇。 (2)巩固活动 教师播放录音,让学生听并跟渎 Lets learn 部分的词汇。然后,让同桌之 间互相指读。 (1)新课展示 Part A: Lets talk 1. 教师展示 Lets talk 部分的挂图,引导学生仔细观察图画,并就画面进行 交流: T: Look at the picture. Who is the boy?来源:学#科#网 Ss: He is Liu Zhaoyang. T: And the girl is Amy. What are they talking about? Ss. They are talking about the sports meeting. T: Yes. They had a school sports meeting yesterday. It was a great sports meeting. Do you want to know something about the school sports meeting? Who was the first in the 100-meter race? Please watch the video carefully. 2. 教师播放 Lets talk 部分的教学视频,让学生认真观看,了解对话内容中 所谈到的人物以及事情的发展情况。并提出如下问题,以检验学生们的理解情 况: (1) How does Liu Zhaoyang look? Why? (2) What did he do at the sports meeting? (3) Who was the first in the 100-meter race? 3. 让学生打开课本,边朗读对话边在课本上勾画出上述问题的答案, 之后教师帮助学生回答问题: Liu looks tired because he took part in the boys 100-meter race and the long jump at the school sports meeting yesterday. And he was the first in the 100- meter race. 4. 教师播放 Lets talk 部分的录音,让学生看课本,再听一遍对话。然后跟 随教师的示范朗读对话。含有过去式的句子一般比较难读,教师可注意指导学 生正确朗读的方法。 5.巩固活动 1) 教师再次播放 Lets talk 部分的录音,学生模仿其语音语调跟读对话。 2) 同桌之间进行角色朗读,注意语音、语调和语气。之后,教师可以通 过几组学生的演读展示,进行朗读指导与评价。 图片,PPT 课程导入(Leading In)来源:Z+xx+k.Com (1)课前问答 T: In the morning, many people like running and doing some exercise. Do you often do exercise? What kind of exercise do you like? 教学反思教学反思 S1: I like playing football. S2:I like playing ping-pong. (2)新课导入 Part A Warming-up: Look and tick 以此部分内容引入新课时,教师可以设计以下梯度练习: 1. 第一步,在屏幕上依次出现与运动相关的器材图片,如:游泳池、溜冰鞋、自行车、跑 鞋、网球或球拍、乒乓球或球拍、篮球、足球等,并提出第一个问题 What is it?引领学生 作答。 2. 第二步,在上述图片中添加参与这些活动的人物,并提出第二个问题:What is he / she doing? 设计这个问题,回顾了进行时态的表达方式,即 be + doing 的结构。注意引导学生 用正确的时态作答。 3. 第三步,回归学生本体,提出问题:Do you like v-ing? 及 What are you good at?并在屏幕 上依次出现与运动相关的器材图片,和学生交流一下各人的所擅长的运动项目,在问答交 流中,逐渐引出更多的文体运动方面的词汇,导入新课。 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation) (1)新课展示 Part A Lets learn 教师承接上一环节,借助 PPT 课件依次展示新词汇及相应图片,教授生词。 1. 教授单词 throwing 按照音、形、义结合的方法教学词汇。音,首先要示范清晰。读音标准。形,可以将 throwing 拆解为 th +row+ ing 三部分,把单词的拼写和发音的规则相结合。义,让学生看到 单词的图示画面,采用直观教学法,展示单词含义。最后,再整体跟读。 教师可结合班上的情况引导学生运用: T: Who is good at throwing in our class? Ss: . is good at throwing. 2. 教授词汇 100-meter race 和 running race 教师可先分别介绍这两个词组中的各个单词:meter 米,race(速度类)比赛、竞赛,然后 把 100 同 meter 用连字符连接,再接 race,构成词组 100-meter race 一百米赛跑 running ( run 的-ing 形式)跑,race (速度类)比赛、竞赛,两个单词一起构成词组 running race 赛跑 鼓励学生加以运用: T: Are you good at 100-meter race, S1? S1: Yes. Im good at 100-meter race. / No. Im good at running race. But Im not good at 100-meter race. 3. 教授词汇 long jump 和 high jump 这两个词组中没存生词,字面意思也很好理解,教师可以结合动作让学生理解词义: T: I like long jump / high jump and Im good at it. Look, I can try the long jump / high jump.教师 做动作进行示范后还可以更深入地和学生互动: T: Do you like long jump / high jump? Can you try? 鼓励学生做一做,说一说: I like . Im good at. I can have a try. 4. 教授短语 have a sports meeting 同样采用直观教学法,向学生展示出一个运动会的画面场景。同时教师可以这样向学生介 绍: Now look at the playground, everyone. You can see many students. What are they doing? They are playing different kinds of sports. They are having the running race, throwing, long jump, high jump,.This is a sports meeting. On the playground, we have a sports meeting every year. Many students want to get No.1 at the sports meeting. 教师借助画面可以一边描述释义,一边把刚刚学过的体育词汇融入进去,起到及时巩固的 效果。 教学小贴士 学生最初接触学习的单词 have 表示“有、拥有”的意思,但它的用法其实非常多非常丰富, 我们在后来的学习中,也学到了一些由 have 和其他名词一起组成的短语,如:have lunch, have fun, have a look, have a good time, have a rest, have a try 等等,have 在这些短语中的意 思又不尽相同。教师在此可以向学生做对比说明,并带领他们回顾更多的相关词汇。 (2)巩固活动 教师播放录音,让学生听并跟渎 Lets learn 部分的词汇。然后,让同桌之间互相指读。 (1)新课展示 Part A: Lets talk 1. 教师展示 Lets talk 部分的挂图,引导学生仔细观察图画,并就画面进行交流: T: Look at the picture. Who is the boy?来源:学#科#网 Ss: He is Liu Zhaoyang. T: And the girl is Amy. What are they talking about? Ss. They are talking about the sports meeting. T: Yes. They had a school sports meeting yesterday. It was a great sports meeting. Do you want to
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陕旅版六年级下册英语Unit At the Sports Meeting_Part B_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_(编号:20551) 陕旅版 六年级 下册 英语 unit b_ppt
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