沪教版三下-Module 4 Things we enjoy-12 Three little pigs-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:80095).zip


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    • 沪教2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年1月第1版)_小学英语_Module 4 Things we enjoy_12 Three little pigs_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:80095)
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Module 4 Things we enjoyModule 4 Things we enjoyModule 4 Things we enjoyModule 4 Things we enjoy Unit 12 Three little pigs Unit 12 Three little pigs Unit 12 Three little pigs Unit 12 Three little pigs 太原市小店区实验小学太原市小店区实验小学 1.Who are in this story?1.Who are in this story? 2. What can three little pigs do in this story? 2. What can three little pigs do in this story? 带着问题进入故事带着问题进入故事带着问题进入故事 这个故事里面有谁? 在故事里三只小猪能做什么? Let us enjoy the story with two questions. 1.Who are in this story?1.Who are in this story? Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the storythe storythe storythe story The mother pig,Tom,Tim , Jim and the big bad wolf. 2. What can three little pigs do in this story?2. What can three little pigs do in this story? A. Fly kites. A. Fly kites. B. Make houses. B. Make houses. C. Make cards. C. Make cards. cake make mouse house Think and choose Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the storythe storythe storythe story Make houses Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the storythe storythe storythe story : Boys,now you can make your houses. :Hooray! Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the storythe storythe storythe story Little pigs are making their houses. 三只小猪正在盖它们的房子。 Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the storythe storythe storythe story 自主学习:自主学习:自主学习:自主学习:3-63-63-63-6 Tips: 1.Read Picture 3 to 6 by yourselves. 自读图片3-6 2. Think what houses they make? 想一想它们建了什么房子? Straw house straw Straw house straw house.house. I can make a straw I can make a straw house. house. Its warm. Its easy.Its warm. Its easy. Im very happy.Im very happy. Look !This is my house. Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the chantthe chantthe chantthe chant Wooden houseWooden house,wooden house.wooden house. I can make a _ house. I can make a _ house. Its easy. Its easy. Its_(Its_(nicewarmbeautiful.nicewarmbeautiful.). . Im very happy.Im very happy. Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the chantthe chantthe chantthe chant Look !This is my house. Brick house ,brick house.Brick house ,brick house. I can make a brick house. I can make a brick house. Its strong. Its safeIts strong. Its safe(安全的)(安全的) . . Do you like my houseDo you like my house? Look at my house. Its very strong . Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the songthe songthe songthe song Which house do you like? Why? I like _ house. (wooden straw brick) Because it is _. (nicebeautifulstrongwarm) Pairwork , A big fish! Mm, two fat pigs. Enjoy the storyEnjoy the storyEnjoy the storyEnjoy the story We are afraid of the wolf. Help help! are afraid of the wolf. is afraid of the_. Think and sayThink and sayThink and sayThink and say be afraid of (害怕) Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy cooperationcooperationcooperationcooperation Group leaning ( Picture913) Practice and act. (试着演一演) Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the showthe showthe showthe show Enjoy the actionEnjoy the actionEnjoy the actionEnjoy the action I have a good idea. The wolf is there. Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the storythe storythe storythe story Hooray! Hooray! Its hot! Enjoy the Enjoy the Enjoy the Enjoy the songsongsongsong Whos afraid of the big bad wolf, big bad wolf, big bad wolf? Whos afraid of the big bad wolf? Tr la la la la. Think and say Which pig do you like? Why? I like _. ( Tom Tim Jim ) Because he is_. (coolcleverhelpful(乐于助人)kindhard- working(勤奋的).) What can we learn from this story? (从故事中学到了什么) Dont be lazy! Help each other. Work hard! . 不要懒惰 相互帮助 努力工作(学习 ) HomeworkHomeworkHomeworkHomework 1. Listen to the story and tell family. 2. Act the story with your friends. Thank you! Thank you! Goodbye! Module 4 Things we enjoyModule 4 Things we enjoyModule 4 Things we enjoyModule 4 Things we enjoy Unit 12 Three little pigs Unit 12 Three little pigs Unit 12 Three little pigs Unit 12 Three little pigs 太原市小店区实验小学太原市小店区实验小学 1.Who are in this story?1.Who are in this story? 2. What can three little pigs do in this story? 2. What can three little pigs do in this story? 带着问题进入故事带着问题进入故事带着问题进入故事 这个故事里面有谁? 在故事里三只小猪能做什么? Let us enjoy the story with two questions. 1.Who are in this story?1.Who are in this story? Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the storythe storythe storythe story The mother pig,Tom,Tim , Jim and the big bad wolf. 2. What can three little pigs do in this story?2. What can three little pigs do in this story? A. Fly kites. A. Fly kites. B. Make houses. B. Make houses. C. Make cards. C. Make cards. cake make mouse house Think and choose Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the storythe storythe storythe story Make houses Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the storythe storythe storythe story : Boys,now you can make your houses. :Hooray! Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the storythe storythe storythe story Little pigs are making their houses. 三只小猪正在盖它们的房子。 Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the storythe storythe storythe story 自主学习:自主学习:自主学习:自主学习:3-63-63-63-6 Tips: 1.Read Picture 3 to 6 by yourselves. 自读图片3-6 2. Think what houses they make? 想一想它们建了什么房子? Straw house straw Straw house straw house.house. I can make a straw I can make a straw house. house. Its warm. Its easy.Its warm. Its easy. Im very happy.Im very happy. Look !This is my house. Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the chantthe chantthe chantthe chant Wooden houseWooden house,wooden house.wooden house. I can make a _ house. I can make a _ house. Its easy. Its easy. Its_(Its_(nicewarmbeautiful.nicewarmbeautiful.). . Im very happy.Im very happy. Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the chantthe chantthe chantthe chant Look !This is my house. Brick house ,brick house.Brick house ,brick house. I can make a brick house. I can make a brick house. Its strong. Its safeIts strong. Its safe(安全的)(安全的) . . Do you like my houseDo you like my house? Look at my house. Its very strong . Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the songthe songthe songthe song Which house do you like? Why? I like _ house. (wooden straw brick) Because it is _. (nicebeautifulstrongwarm) Pairwork , A big fish! Mm, two fat pigs. Enjoy the storyEnjoy the storyEnjoy the storyEnjoy the story We are afraid of the wolf. Help help! are afraid of the wolf. is afraid of the_. Think and sayThink and sayThink and sayThink and say be afraid of (害怕) Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy cooperationcooperationcooperationcooperation Group leaning ( Picture913) Practice and act. (试着演一演) Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the showthe showthe showthe show Enjoy the actionEnjoy the actionEnjoy the actionEnjoy the action I have a good idea. The wolf is there. Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy the storythe storythe storythe story Hooray! Hooray! Its hot! Enjoy the Enjoy the Enjoy the Enjoy the songsongsongsong Whos afraid of the big bad wolf, big bad wolf, big bad wolf? Whos afraid of the big bad wolf? Tr la la la la. Think and say Which pig do you like? Why? I like _. ( Tom Tim Jim ) Because he is_. (coolcleverhelpful(乐于助人)kindhard- working(勤奋的).) What can we learn from this story? (从故事中学到了什么) Dont be lazy! Help each other. Work hard! . 不要懒惰 相互帮助 努力工作(学习 ) HomeworkHomeworkHomeworkHomework 1. Listen to the story and tell family. 2. Act the story with your friends. Thank you! Thank you! Goodbye! Module 4 Things we enjoy Unit 12 Three little pigs 共 3 课时,第 1 课时 学习目标:1. 能听、说、读、写单词 house,make, now. 能在图片的帮助下,了解 故事内容,复习运用 Im This is作介绍。 2. 在语境中,通过小组会话,表演故事,帮助学生了解故事人物和背 景,激发阅读兴趣,养成主动参与,乐于交流,积极合作的学习态度。 重点:能听说读写本课的单词,灵活运用 Im This is作介绍。 难点:对比区分 house 和 horse 的发音。 使用教材构想:本课是本册教材的最后一单元 Three little pigs 的第一课时,为了更 好地突出重点,突破难点,圆满地完成教学任务,我将采用任务驱动式学习模式,在多媒 体创设的情境中提出任务,回答问题,学生自主学习并主动与他人合作交流,最终掌握图 1 到图 6 的故事内容。 方法:单词拼读、情景教学法、 合作学习法 手段:图片、词卡教学准备图片、词卡、课件 Warming up 出示目标: 能听、说、读、写单词 house,make, now. 能在图片的帮助下,了解故事内容,运用 Im This is作介绍,表演故事,了解故事人物和背景,激发阅读兴趣。 自学指导: 1.听录音,看图片,了解图 1 到图 6 的故事内容,在听的过程中勾出自己不认识的单词; 2.第二次重点听勾出的词的发音。 3.观看动画,理解课文意思。 4.自己默读一次,三分钟后读给同桌听。 教师巡视,了解学生自学情况,重点关注学困生。 教师的协学措施: 后教: 活动 1:出示问题 引导学生回答问题问题 听音模仿 活动 2:故事表演剧 活动 3:口语拓展秀 Sing a song “ Old MacDonald has a farm” 引出课题“Three little pigs” 学生朗读、理解本课的学习目标, 为本课的学习做好准备。 先学: 1.听录音,勾出自己不认识的单词 2.再听一次,重点注意不认识单词的正确发音。 对比学习 house 和 horse,结合动作掌握 make, now. 3. 观看动画,理解课文意思。 4.默读,同桌互读。互教不会读的单词。 已学会: 1.How many children does Mother Pig have? 2.Who are they? 3.What does Mother Pig ask the children to do? 逐句跟读,纠正语音语调 小组合作 表演故事 ( 由看书表演过度到只根据图片的提示完成表演 ) 根据本课所学的单词、句型及以往学到知识以小组为单位举行口语拓展秀。 Eg: Im This is 歌曲导入活跃气氛,调动学习积极性。 明确本课学习任务,本课的学习做好准备。 给予学生自学方法,帮助学生有目的地进行先学,并帮助教师了解学生学生了解先学效果, 为后教做准备。 通过回答问题了解故事的主要人物和故事背景。 在语境中多说英语,与生活相联系,提高学生的语用能力。 结合活动复习,拓展语用空间,提高学生语言积累的质量。 达标检测 (10 分)听音选词你所听到的单词。 (10 分) ( )1. A. Tim B. Jim C. Tom ( )2. A. make B. cake C. lake ( )3. A. horse B. house C. nose ( )4. A. brother B. sister C. father ( )5. A. strong B. thin C. tall 10 分 人 8.5 分 人 6 分 人 6 分以下: 达标率:板书:( 四线三格) Three little pigs Im We are brothers. Make the house. This is 拓展 训练选做题:把图 1 到图 6 的内容讲给家人听。 必做题:1、家长本课的单词。 2、听录音内容。 等 级 评 价 教 学 反 思生成现象: 基因分析: 改进措施:A目标表述规范,恰当、可测。侧重先学的主体性,后教的主导性,自学 指导适时、实用。方法多样,可操作性强。有层次。 B目标表述基本规范,恰当、可测。较侧重先学的主体性,后教的主导性,自 学指导较适时、实用。有方法,可操作性一般。 C目标表述不够规范。主导主体地位不够明显。
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