沪教版三下-Module 4 Things we enjoy-11 Mother’s Day-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:e0ccf).zip


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Module 4 Things we enjoy Oxford English Period 1 11 Mothers Day WeWe lovelove mothers.mothers. WeWe lovelove mothers.mothers. Yes,Yes, wewe do.do. Yes,Yes, wewe do.do. MothersMothers areare forfor hugging.hugging. MothersMothers areare forfor kissing.kissing. WeWe lovelove you.you. Yes,Yes, wewe do.do. MotherMother Is your mother fat or thin? Is your mother tall or short? beautiful nice kind great clever strict MotherMother Mothers Day Mothers Day 母亲节母亲节 the second Sunday in May 五月的第二个星期日 Free talk: : 1.Mothers Day is coming. What can you say to your Mum? 2. What can you do for Mum? I can say:“.” I can . I I havehave a a goodgood idea!idea! h hu ug g givegive a a hughug I I cancan givegive a a hughug forfor MumMum. . b bu us s h hu ug g r ru ug g 拥抱拥抱 kisskiss givegive a a kisskiss I I cancan givegive a a kisskiss forfor MumMum. . 吻吻 sing a song I I cancan singsing a a songsong forfor MumMum. . WhatWhat elseelse cancan wewe dodo forfor Mum?Mum? flowers carnation 康乃馨 cartion station 车站 s A A flowerflower A A redred flowerflower I I cancan buybuy a a redred flower.flower. RedRed flower:flower: WishWish youyou healthy.healthy. 祝您健康。祝您健康。 A A flowerflower A A _ flowerflower I I cancan buybuy a a flower.flower. pink pink PinkPink flower:flower: WishWish youyou beautiful.beautiful. 愿您美丽。愿您美丽。 A A flowerflower A A _ _ flowerflower I I cancan buybuy a a _flower._flower. yellowyellow yellowyellow yellowyellow flower:flower: Thank you.you. 感谢您。感谢您。 A A flowerflower A A _ flowerflower I I cancan buybuy a a _ flower.flower. whitewhite whitewhite flower:flower: MissMiss you.you. 想念您。想念您。 WhiteWhite MissMiss you.you. WishWish youyou beautiful.beautiful. ThankThank you.you. WishWish youyou healthy.healthy. pinkpink flowerflowerI I cancan buybuy a a _ forfor Mum.Mum. cardcar 贺卡 Card,card, I can make a card for Mum. hard A letter, a card, I can see. A letter, a card, For Dad and Mum. MakeMake a a cakecake MakeMake a a pizzapizza MMa ak ke e n no oo od dl le es s MakeMake saladsalad WhatWhat cancan I I dodo forfor Mum?Mum? I I cancan makemake a a cardcard forfor Mum.Mum. I I cancan forfor Mum.Mum. teateaa a cupcup ofofcupcup havehave a a cupcup ofof teatea DearDear mum,mum, HappyHappy MothersMothers day!day! I I WishWish youyou healthy.healthy. I I cancan givegive a a kisskiss forfor you.you. I I lovelove you!you! Yours,Yours, XXXXXX HomeworkHomework 1 1 .Give.Give thethe cardcard toto youryour mother.mother. 2.When2.When youyou gogo homehome ,you,you cancan dodo somethingsomething forfor youryour mother.mother. 3.Practice3.Practice thethe dialoguesdialogues withwith youryour mother.mother. 牛津英语 3B M4 Unit11 Mothers Day 教学设计 TeachingTeaching contents:contents: LookLook andand learnlearn ListenListen andand saysay TeachingTeaching Aims:Aims: 1 1、 帮助学生学习新单词及短语:帮助学生学习新单词及短语:hug,hug, kisskiss , , flower,flower, card,card, teatea,givegive a a hug,hug, givegive a a kisskiss , , buybuy a a flowerflower ,make,make a a card,card, havehave a a cupcup ofof teatea 掌握句型:掌握句型:WhatWhat cancan youyou dodo forfor MumMum ? ? I I canforcanfor Mum.HappyMum.Happy MotherMothers s Day.Day. I I lovelove you.you. I I havehave a a goodgood idea.idea. 2 2、通过、通过 ListenListen andand saysay 的情景对话,开展模仿拼读活动和各的情景对话,开展模仿拼读活动和各 种游戏活动,培养学生热爱母亲,感恩母亲的情怀以及英语综合语种游戏活动,培养学生热爱母亲,感恩母亲的情怀以及英语综合语 言运用能力。言运用能力。 DifficultDifficult andand keykey points:points: 句型:句型:WhatWhat cancan youyou dodo forfor MumMum ? ? I I canforcanfor Mum.Mum. HappyHappy MotherMothers s Day.Day. I I lovelove you.you. I I havehave a a goodgood idea.idea. 词汇:词汇:hug,hug, kisskiss , , flower,flower, card,card, teatea,givegive a a hug,hug, givegive a a kisskiss , , buybuy a a flowerflower ,make,make a a card,card, havehave a a cupcup ofof teatea TeachingTeaching Aids:Aids: picturepicture cardscards ,课件。,课件。 TeachingTeaching Procedure:Procedure: WarningWarning upup: 1 1 singsing a a song.song. T T : : HelloHello , , boysboys andand girls.girls. LetLets s singsing anan EnglishEnglish songsong WeWe lovelove mothermother :I I lovelove mymy mother.mother. DoDo youyou likelike youryour mother?mother? 2 2 FreeFree talktalk T:HowT:How muchmuch dodo youyou knowknow aboutabout youryour mother?mother? IsIs sheshe fatfat oror thin?thin? IsIs sheshe talltall oror short?short? S1:S1: SheShe isis thin.thin. S2:S2: SheShe isis tall.tall. T:T: YourYour mothermother isis thinthin andand tall.Shetall.She isis veryvery nice.nice. LookLook atat thethe screen.screen. SheShe isis clever,clever, ( (聪明的)聪明的)great(great(伟大的伟大的) ) , , kindkind ( (和蔼可亲的)和蔼可亲的), , nicenice (好看的)(好看的) , , beautifulbeautiful(漂亮的)(漂亮的) strictstrict(严厉的)(严厉的). . PersentationPersentation 1 1 出示课题:出示课题:WeWe lovelove ourour mother.mother. WhoWho cancan telltell meme ? ? WhenWhens s thethe MotherMothers s Day?(Day?(教师出示板书课题教师出示板书课题) ) T:T: ItIts s onon thethe secondsecond SundaySunday inin May.May. T:T: MotherMother 是书面用语母亲,是书面用语母亲,MumMum 是口语妈妈(板书是口语妈妈(板书 Mum)Mum) T:MotherT:Mothers s DayDay isis comingcoming . . WhatWhat cancan youyou saysay toto youryour Mum?Mum? (板书贴句子(板书贴句子):Happy):Happy MotherMothers s DayDay ! ! I I lovelove you.you. 2 2 LearnLearn newnew wordword andand phrases:phrases: 1)hug,give1)hug,give a a hughug T:T: WhatWhat cancan youyou dodo forfor Mum?Mum? ( (贴句子)贴句子) I I cancan forfor Mum.Mum. I I havehave a a goodgood idea.(idea.(贴句子)贴句子) HugHug -bus-bus -rug-rug givegive a a hughug(板书短语(板书短语) ) I I cancan givegive a a hughug forfor Mum.Mum. 2)kiss-miss2)kiss-miss givegive a a kisskiss ( (板书短语板书短语) ) I I cancan givegive a a kisskiss forfor Mum.Mum. 3)3) songsong -sing-sing a a songsong ( (板书短语板书短语) ) I I cancan singsing a a songsong forfor Mum.Mum. 3 3 LearnLearn thethe say.say. T:WhatT:What elseelse cancan wewe dodo forfor Mum?Mum? 1)1) FlowerFlower -flowers-flowers BuyBuy a a flowerflower I I cancan buybuy a a flowerflower forfor Mum.Mum. T:T: onon MothersMothers DayDay ,You,You cancan buybuy a a carnationcarnation flowerflower forfor Mum.(Mum.(板书短语板书短语 buybuy a a flowerflower) A A flowerflower a a redred flowerflower I I cancan buybuy a a redred flowerflower forfor Mum.(TPRMum.(TPR 活动)活动) 2)card2)card -hard-hard makemake a a cardcard ( (板书短语板书短语) ) CardCard ,card,card ,I,I cancan makemake a a cardcard forfor Mum.Mum. SaySay thethe rhyme:rhyme: A A letterletter , , a a cardcard . . I I cancan see.see. A A letterletter ,a,a cardcard forfor DadDad andand Mum.Mum. ThinkThink andand saysay : : I I cancan makemake a a cakecake forfor Mum.Mum. I I cancan makemake a a pizzapizza forfor Mum.Mum. I I cancan makemake noodlesnoodles forfor Mum.Mum. I I cancan makemake saladsalad forfor Mum.Mum. 3)3)ReadRead thethe texttext RoleRole playplay andand act.act. 4)4) teatea -a-a cupcup ofof teatea havehave a a cupcup ofof teatea I I cancan havehave a a cupcup ofof teatea forfor Mum.(Mum.(板书短语板书短语) ) DrillDrill 1 1 RoleRole play(play(出示句子,做对话练习出示句子,做对话练习) ) T:T: WhatWhat cancan youyou saysay toto youryour Mum?Mum? ( (拿出准备的卡片,写出自己拿出准备的卡片,写出自己 想对母亲说的话想对母亲说的话 HappyHappy MothersMothers DayDay ! ! I I lovelove you.you.) 2 2 HaveHave a a rest:(rest:(播放视频送给母亲节的沙画播放视频送给母亲节的沙画) ) SummarySummary T:LookT:Look atat thethe blackboardblackboard ,Lets,Lets saysay : : WhatWhat cancan youyou dodo forfor MumMum ? ? I I cancan givegive a a hughug forfor Mum.Mum. I I cancan givegive a a kisskiss forfor Mum.Mum. I I cancan singsing a a songsong forfor Mum.Mum. I I cancan buybuy a a flowerflower forfor Mum.Mum. I I cancan makemake a a cardcard forfor Mum.Mum. I I cancan havehave a a cupcup ofof teatea forfor Mum.Mum. I I cancan saysay : : HappyHappy mothersmothers DayDay ! I I lovelove you!you! HomeworkHomework 1 1 GiveGive thethe cardcard toto youryour mother.mother. 2 2 WhenWhen youryour gogo home,home, youyou cancan dodo somethingsomething forfor youryour mum.mum. 3 3 PracticePractice thethe dialoguesdialogues withwith youryour mum.mum. DesignDesign
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