沪教版三下-Module 1 Using my five senses-Revision 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:b0257).zip


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    • 沪教2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年1月第1版)_小学英语_Module 1 Using my five senses_Revision 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:b0257)
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Ben and kittyKitty and Miss Li a planea ship a train I can hear a _. I can hear a _ , a _ and a _ . I can see _. I can see _ , _ and _ . buses cars bikes What colour is the? Its What colour are the ?They are I can see a b_ _ _ p_ _ _ _ , a w_ _ _ _ s_ _ _ and a r_ _ t_ _ _ _. I can hear two y_ _ _ _ _ b_ _ _ _, three g_ _ _ _ c_ _ _ and four b_ _ _ _ b_ _ _ _. lu ehi t e h i pe dr a i n e l l o w u s e s r e e na r s l a c k i k e s l a n e city What can you hear? I can hear a ,a and a What can you see? I can see , and Taste it How is it?Its a /an What is it?Its a/an Hello,boys and girls, welcome to the farm! Heres the fruit ! What can you see /hear and eat today? In the city I can see_. I can hear_. I can eat_. I love the city. On the farm I can see_. I can hear_. I can eat_. I love the farm. Use your eyes,ears, heart to feel the beauty of the world! 设计理念:设计理念: 本节课是三年级下册第一模块复习课,本课的重点是复习表 示颜色、味道、交通工具的的单词及对应句型。本着英语核心素 养的四个维度。语言能力,思维品质,学习能力和文化意识,创 设了创设了 Ben 和 Kitty 邀请同学们一起去参观农场这一情景 主线,通过路上所见所闻以及在农场的活动这一情景,以问题的 推进完成本单元词汇和句型的复习。并通过城市和乡村的对比描 述进行综合拓展。鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,锻炼学生的口语表 达能力。也增强学生学习英语的自信心。 在课堂上通过小组合作、展示。发展了学生自主学习的能力 和合作精神。不仅提升学生交际能力,也培养学生的合作意识。 强化了学生对城市和农村不同生活的认识。引导学生用感官去感 受生活之美,自然之美。 教材分析:教材分析: 本册书设为十二个单元。每个话题均包含语音,词汇,功能句 和语篇等学习内容。每单元的前两课课采取整体学习的方法,通过 对话和语篇的输入让学生在活泼,自然和真实的语境中感知,模仿 并习得。循序渐进的发展阅读能力。 本模块复习的是表示颜色,味道。询问声音并回答。让学生在 情境中中感知、实践和体验。采用探究、合作等学习方式,培养学 生综合运用语言的能力。 本课教学内容为三年级下册 Revision1, 即在不同情景教学 下引入已学句型 What can you hear? I can hear. What colour is it? Its. How is it? Its.逐渐进行语轮的叠加。并让学生通过 看、听、说、做等途径来感知本单元词汇。 最后一部分要求学生 能够根据本课内容再构文本,并根据课文对话情况,完成语篇填 空,同时强化良好的书写习惯。意在培养学生的综合语言运用能 力。 学情分析:学情分析: 三年级的孩子处于少年时期,孩子们好奇心强,好动,爱表达, 善于模仿,他们喜欢新鲜事物,所以创设情境能够激发他们的好奇 心和他们学习英语的兴趣。他们记忆力强,形象思维好,具有很强 的模仿力,可塑性强,但是他们逻辑思维还刚刚起步,需要加强训 练,由于大多数学生是从三年级开始接触英语的,对英语学习还处 于新鲜感阶段,因此他们的英语基础还很薄弱,需要保持兴趣,加 强提高。 教学目标:教学目标: 知识目标知识目标:1.能听、说、读、写本模块 表示颜色的单词:red ,yellow,green,blue,white,black. 表示味道的单词:sour,sweet 表示交通工具的单词:ship, bike ,bus ,plane,car,train. 2.能听懂、认识、会说表示询问颜色的句子: What colour is it? Its . 能听懂、认识、会说表示询问味道的句子: How is it? Its. 能听懂、认识、会说表示询问声音的句子: What can you hear? I can hear a. 能力目标:能力目标:1.能够正确的运用本模块句型询问颜色,味道。能辨 别声音并作出相应回答。 2.能完成与本节课内容程度相当的阅读和表达。 情感目标:情感目标:1.能通过课堂活动,感受英语学习的乐趣,乐学英语 和善学英语。 2.在小组任务学习中,通过互助、合作来提高运用语 言的能力。 3.让学生体会用眼睛看、用耳朵听用嘴品尝,感受生 活之美,自然之美。 教学重点教学重点:1.听、说、读、写表示颜色、味道、交通工具的单词。 2.能够正确描述事物的颜色,味道和询问声音。 教学难点教学难点:恰当运用已知句型与同学进行交流事物颜色,味道。辨 别声音并且回答。 教学准备教学准备: 1.多媒体教学课件。 2.句型卡片,单词图片 3.同步测评题纸。 教学过程:教学过程: 活动一: T:Hello, boys and girls! S:Hello, teacher! T:Do you remember Ben and Kitty? S:Yes! T:I got a message from Kitty yesterday.(同时举起自己手机) Do you want to have a look? (出示 PPT,展示微信聊天截图) Can you read them? Work in groups! (小组合作讨论) Ben: Do you want to go to the farm? Kitty:Yes! Ben:Can you invite(邀请) Miss Li and her students ? Kitty:Ok! Kitty: Hello, Miss Li. Miss Li: Hello, Kitty. Kitty:Ben and I want you and your students to play on the farm. Do you want to come? Miss Li:Yes, thank you very much! T:Ok, where do Ben and Kitty want us to go? S:The farm./They want to go to the farm. T:Do you like the farm? Do you want to go there? S:Yes! T: Lets go to the farm !Ok? S:Ok.(播放音乐,学生跟着音乐哼唱) 设计意图设计意图:此处利用微信截图聊天引入情景,激发了学生的学习兴 趣。播放音乐使课堂气氛马上变得活泼起来,调动了学生的积极性。 活动 2 : In the city T:Now boys and girls we are on Green Street.(拿出路标贴板书) What can you hear in the street?(教师作出“听”的动作,手中拿 举行卡片贴板书) (PPT 出现句子模板 1.I can hear a _.) S1:I can hear a bike.(播放自行车的声音,学生猜,PPT 出示自 行车的图片,同时板书粘贴出相应图片。 ) T:Can you spell the word “plane”? S2:Yes, “p-l-a-n-e”. T:Spell one by one S2:I can hear a car. (播放小汽车的声音,学生猜,PPT 出示自 行车的图片,学生拼写。板书粘贴出相应图片。 ) S3:I can hear a train.(播放火车的声音,学生猜,PPT 出示自行 车的图片,学生拼写。板书粘贴出相应图片。 ) T:Can you use the sentences“I can hear a _, a _ and a _.”? work in groups. 设计意图设计意图:此环节出现的三个交通工具都是单数形式,在 PPT 上要 有“听”的图片进行归类,方便对比下面复数单词和“看”到的交 通工具。 T:What can you see in the street? (手作出看的动作,边说边贴 句型卡片) (PPT 出现两架飞机,三艘轮船,四辆公交车) S1:I can see planes. T:How many? (可以领着学生数) S1:Two. T:You can say“I can see two planes.”. S1:I can see two planes. T:What can you see in the street? S2:I can see three ships. T:What can you see in the street? S3:I can see four buses. S4:I can see _,_and_. T:Look ,here “es”izbuses . T:Now look, what colour are/is the? Ask and answer like this in pairs. (PPT 出示记者的图像。边说边贴出板书句型) 设计意图设计意图:提示学生这是一个小采访,增强学生学习英语的趣味 性。 S:What colour is the./are the ? Its./They are(小组讨论展示) Now take out your paper,write answers.(让学生拿出同步测评 题纸,做第一题填空。如下测题) T:Who can tell us,what can you see? what can you hear? 小组讨论展示答案。 设计意图:设计意图:在复习完复数的交通工具后,情境引入复习了询问颜 色的句子,再做同步测评题纸,顺利的整合了“In the street”的知 识点。 T:Look,(手指屏幕)in the city,we can see and hear these things. But on the farm we cant. so this is our city.(引出单词 city,帖板书) On the farm T:Now Lets go on .Do you want to go to the farm? lets go! (继续播放:英语歌曲Mac Donald had a farm一小段,走到桌 子边停止音乐)look ,we are on the farm,the farm!(教师举出 farm 的图片贴板书) T:What did you hear in the song? S:I can hear a cow/ T:Guess,what other animals can you see/hear? S:I can see/hear PPT 出示图片,左边有三种单数的图片右边分别有三种复数的动物, 供学生“看” “听”) What animals can you see? What can you hear ?Work in groups (小组讨论展示) S1:What can you see on the farm? S2:I can see a _,a _and a _. S1:What can you hear on the farm? S2:I can hear _, _and _. 设计意图设计意图:此部分和上一部分训练的知识点相同,意在加强学生对 句型的熟练程度。 T:Look, this is Mac Donald .He is very happy. He has some fruits for us. What are they? look,who can tell me? (PPT 出示水果 篮子,教师拿出准备好的水果盘) S:Its an apple . S:Its a pear. T:Yes, listen what Mac Donald say.(播放音频:Hello,boys and girls,welcome to my farm,heres the fruit!) Now Taste it. How is it? What is it? S:(品尝之后回答 Its sweet/sour. Its ) T:Do like this to next one in your groups!(给小组长分发水果后 小组讨论展示) 设计意图:设计意图:此处采用实物教学和游戏教学相结合的方式,整合了 询问味道的句子。深化了学生对句子的记忆。活跃了课堂氛围。 T:Are you happy today? Look, our friends Ben and Kitty are here,Can you answer their questions? Work in groups! (测评第二题,小组展示) 设计意图:设计意图:此环节让学生用口语表达的形式输出在城市和在乡村的 小作文,为下一环节家庭作业节打基础,也总结了本节课的主要内 容。 ) 活动三: T:We see many beautiful things,and we hear many amazing sounds. The city is beautiful,and the farm is beautiful,too. Use your eyes,ears,heart to feel the beauty of the world! 设计意图设计意图:通过对农场和城市所看所听,启引导学生用自己的感官 去看,去听去感受世界的美. 活动四:Homework :Write a letter(同步测试题纸第三题) Dear Mr Mac Donald , I am very happy today. On the farm, I can see_. I can hear_. I can eat_. I like the farm. Thanks for your inviting May 17th 2019 _ 同步测评题纸 1 In the street,I can see a b_ _ _ p_ _ _ _. a w_ _ _ _ s_ _ _ and a r_ _ t_ _ _ _. I can hear two y_ _ _ _ _ b_ _ _ _.three g_ _ _ _ c_ _ _ and four b_ _ _ _ b_ _ _ _. 2. In the city, I can see_. I can hear_. I can eat_. I love the city. On the farm ,I can see_. I can hear_. I can eat_. I love the farm. 3. Dear Mr Mac Donald , I am very happy today. On the farm, I can see_. I can hear_. I can eat_. I like the farm. Thanks for your inviting! _ May 17th 2019
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沪教版三下_Module Using my five senses_Revision 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:b0257) 沪教版三下 _module _ppt
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