湘鲁版五下Unit 3 What time do you usually go to school -Section B-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:d06cf).zip


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    • 鲁教湘教2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 What time do you usually go to school _Section B_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:d06cf)
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Unit3 What time do you usually go to school? ( SectionA ) 教学目标教学目标: 1. 能用所学词语或句型谈论作息时间和日常安排。 2. 能听懂并会用 what time、when 开头的问句进行问答对话和交流, 掌握本节课出现的生词。 3. 让学生养成生活有规律的好习惯。 教学重难点教学重难点: 词汇:get a telephone call get up put on brush teeth (tooth 的复数形式) Breakfast half past have to wash my face put on my clothes 句型:What time do you usually get up every morning? I always get up at 6:30 every morning. When do you have breakfast? At 7:00. 教学活动:教学活动: 让学生分成小组,每组合作制定一份时间安排表。要求表中时 间安排合理,活动内容丰富多彩。然后,各小组选派代表向全班汇 报,最后评选出“最佳时间安排表” ,或“时间小主人” 。 课前准备课前准备: 教师课前准备录音机、教学挂图和单词卡片。 教学过程教学过程 1. Leading-in T:Good morning,everyone.What time is it? S:Its 6 oclock. 通过表引出时间,复习时间单词及句型,为本节教学铺平了 道路,又自然而然地引出了本节教学内容。 2. Presentation: T: Look at the picture “get up”,引出句型 What time do you usually get up every morning? S:I always get up at 6:30 every morning. 教师领读 get up 并让学生猜出汉语意思。进行一系列活动。 (1)在进行上述活动的基础上,教师让学生看 look,listen and act 的教学内容,看对话中出现了哪些人物,他们在谈论什么, 提到了哪些时间和作息活动。 (2)教师简单讲解黑板上或多媒体展示出来的生词和句型。然 后,教学生认读、跟读和记忆。 (3)播放 look,listen and act 的录音,让学生布置“任务” ,比 如:What time is it in China ?What does Li Wei do after he gets up every morning? Does Bill usually go to school at half past seven?等, 让学生带着问题、带着目的去听录音。 (4)通过多种形式让学生朗读 look, listen and act 的内容,比如: 跟录音读,跟教师读,校色扮演读(根据对话校色,让不同的 学生扮演读) 。 3. 任务 2 的教学: (1)教师让学生看 Listen and say 的教学内容,带领学生朗读 get up,brush my teeth,wash my face,put on my clothes,have my breakfast 这几个短语,或让学生齐读这几个短语。 (2)根据 Listen and say 的内容,让学生两人一组,仿照图片 上面的对话形式和句型 What time do you brush your teeth? I usually brush my teeth at 6:40 in the morning.等,就本任务学习 的几个短语进行对话练习。 (3)将学生分成两人一组,相互询问对方的作息时间安排, 用英语记录对方一体的生活。 教学评价:教学评价: 本节课教学内容为情景对话,侧重语言的交际功能,目的 是通过谈论时间和日常作息安排这个话题,让学生学会有关的 词语和句型。教学中,围绕主题展开教学活动,强调在语境中 学习,有利于培养和提高学生的听说能力。 家庭作业家庭作业: 1.背诵单词:get a telephone call get up put on brush teeth (tooth 的复数形式) 2.练习句型:What time do you usually get up every morning? I always get up at 6:30 every morning. When do you have breakfast? At 7:00. 板书设计: Unit3 What time do you usually go to school? What time do you usually get up every morning? I always get up at 6:30 every morning. When do you have breakfast? At 7:00. Lead-in Look and say What time is it? Its six oclock. What do you usually do at 6:00 am? Presentation Lets learn I usually get up at 6:00 am. What time do you usually get up? get up Presentation Lets learn I usually brush my teeth at 6:10 am. What time do you usually brush teeth? brush teeth “tooth”的复数 Presentation Lets learn I usually wash my face at 6:15 am. What time do you usually wash face? wash face Presentation Lets learn I usually put on my clothes at 6:20 am. When do you usually put on clothes? put on clothes Presentation Lets learn I usually put on my shoes at 6:25 am. When do you usually put on shoes? put on shoes Presentation Lets learn I usually have my breakfast at 6:30 am. have breakfast When do you usually have breakfast? Presentation Lets learn I usually go to school at 6:50 am. When do you usually go to school? go to school Practice get up put on clothes put on shoesbrush teeth wash facehave breakfast Game 1 Magic fingers Practice Game 2 Quick response What time do you ? get upbrush my teethwash my face put on my clothes put on my shoes have my breakfast Listen and say Pupil A: What time do you brush your teeth? Pupil B: I usually brush my teeth at 6:40 in the morning. Presentation Presentation Look and say Li Wei gets a telephone call from Bill in the US. They talk about what they do every day. get a telephone call Presentation Look and act Li Weis life Activities Time 6:30 6:307:00 7:00 7:30 get up put on clothes, brush teeth, wash face have breakfast go to school Presentation 1. What time is it in China when it is 7:00 pm in the US? 2. What does Li Wei do after he gets up every morning? Its 6:00 am. He puts on his clothes, brushes his teeth and washes his face. 3. Does Bill usually go to school at half past seven? No, he doesnt. He usually goes to school at half past eight. Listen and answer Presentation Read and act Li Wei gets a telephone call from Bill in the US. They talk about what they do every day. Bill: Hello, this is Bill. Is that Li Wei? Li Wei: Hi, Bill! Do you know its 6:00 am in China? Bill: Oh, Im sorry. Its 7:00 pm here. What time do you usually get up every morning? Li Wei: I always get up at 6:30 every morning. Bill: Thats really early. Presentation Read and act Li Wei: Yes. And then I put on my clothes, brush my teeth and wash my face. Bill: When do you have breakfast? Li Wei: At 7:00. Bill: What time do you usually go to school? Li Wei: I always go to school at half past seven. How about you? Bill: I usually go to school at half past eight. Li Wei: OK. I have to get up now. Bill: Bye. Read it by yourselves for one minute. 自读课文一分钟。 Learning tip: 当你自己朗读时,遇到不会 读或不明白意思的单词或 句子,可以把它圈起来, 请教同学或老师! 50 40 60 30 20 10 Practice Practice 模仿录音中的语音语调, 有感情地朗读。 可以脱离课本,适当改动 其中部分,语音地道。 适当添加内容,意思完整 ,有创新,表演生动。 Good Great Excellent 小组合作,练习对话并表演,其他同学评价。 Pair work Talk about what you usually do in the morning. Take turns to ask each other questions. Practice What time do you get up in the morning? I usually get up at 6:00 am. I wash my face and put on my clothes. Then I Talkaboutyourtimetable活动 NameWhatdoyouusuallydo? 7:30a.m. 12:30p.m. 7:30a.m. 12:30p.m. 7:00a.m. 9:00a.m. 7:00a.m. 9:30p.m. Practice Summary 本课所学的日常活动类的短语有: get upbrush my teethwash my face put on my clothes put on my shoes have my breakfast Summary 如何询问日常作息时间并做相关回答呢 ? 1. What time do you usually go to school? I usually go to school at half past seven. 2. When do you have breakfast? At 7:00. Homework 1. 背诵短语:get up brush teeth put on clothes have breakfast 2. 根据自己的日常作息时间,制作一张英 文作息表,要求填写具体的时间和活动。 3. 预习Unit3 Section B 模块的内容。 Unit3 What time do you usually go to school? ( SectionA ) 教学目标教学目标: 1. 能用所学词语或句型谈论作息时间和日常安排。 2. 能听懂并会用 what time、when 开头的问句进行问答对话和交流, 掌握本节课出现的生词。 3. 让学生养成生活有规律的好习惯。 教学重难点教学重难点: 词汇:get a telephone call get up put on brush teeth (tooth 的复数形式) Breakfast half past have to wash my face put on my clothes 句型:What time do you usually get up every morning? I always get up at 6:30 every morning. When do you have breakfast? At 7:00. 教学活动:教学活动: 让学生分成小组,每组合作制定一份时间安排表。要求表中时 间安排合理,活动内容丰富多彩。然后,各小组选派代表向全班汇 报,最后评选出“最佳时间安排表” ,或“时间小主人” 。 课前准备课前准备: 教师课前准备录音机、教学挂图和单词卡片。 教学过程教学过程 1. Leading-in T:Good morning,everyone.What time is it? S:Its 6 oclock. 通过表引出时间,复习时间单词及句型,为本节教学铺平了 道路,又自然而然地引出了本节教学内容。 2. Presentation: T: Look at the picture “get up”,引出句型 What time do you usually get up every morning? S:I always get up at 6:30 every morning. 教师领读 get up 并让学生猜出汉语意思。进行一系列活动。 (1)在进行上述活动的基础上,教师让学生看 look,listen and act 的教学内容,看对话中出现了哪些人物,他们在谈论什么, 提到了哪些时间和作息活动。 (2)教师简单讲解黑板上或多媒体展示出来的生词和句型。然 后,教学生认读、跟读和记忆。 (3)播放 look,listen and act 的录音,让学生布置“任务” ,比 如:What time is it in China ?What does Li Wei do after he gets up every morning? Does Bill usually go to school at half past seven?等, 让学生带着问题、带着目的去听录音。 (4)通过多种形式让学生朗读 look, listen and act 的内容,比如: 跟录音读,跟教师读,校色扮演读(根据对话校色,让不同的 学生扮演读) 。 3. 任务 2 的教学: (1)教师让学生看 Listen and say 的教学内容,带领学生朗读 get up,brush my teeth,wash my face,put on my clothes,have my breakfast 这几个短语,或让学生齐读这几个短语。 (2)根据 Listen and say 的内容,让学生两人一组,仿照图片 上面的对话形式和句型 What time do you brush your teeth? I usually brush my teeth at 6:40 in the morning.等,就本任务学习 的几个短语进行对话练习。 (3)将学生分成两人一组,相互询问对方的作息时间安排, 用英语记录对方一体的生活。 教学评价:教学评价: 本节课教学内容为情景对话,侧重语言的交际功能,目的 是通过谈论时间和日常作息安排这个话题,让学生学会有关的 词语和句型。教学中,围绕主题展开教学活动,强调在语境中 学习,有利于培养和提高学生的听说能力。 家庭作业家庭作业: 1.背诵单词:get a telephone call get up put on brush teeth (tooth 的复数形式) 2.练习句型:What time do you usually get up every morning? I always get up at 6:30 every morning. When do you have breakfast? At 7:00. 板书设计: Unit3 What time do you usually go to school? What time do you usually get up every morning? I always get up at 6:30 every morning. When do you have breakfast? At 7:00.
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