人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 3 My school calendar-B-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:705fb).zip


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Unit 3 My School Calendar B Read and write Amy 看世界 看世界 复活节 Easter eggs Easter Bunny Easter meet play games March home chocolate party what April Bunny eggs spring look for will eat email Easter Sharp eyes 1.season warm fly kites 2.food small breakfast 3.animal long ears red eyes spring egg Bunny Guess Guess springeggbunny 1. Skim the passage,circle the new words. (快速阅读,圈出生词 ) 1. holiday 2. RSVP 3. by March 23rd 假期 请回复 在3月23日以前 Do you know? before 在.之前 summer vocation summer holiday This passage is an _. A. email B. invitation(邀请函邀请函) 2. Read the passage, circle the key words. (细读,圈出重点词 ) WhenWhere What Its on April 12th,7p.m.Its at Wu Yifans home. We will play many games. We will roll Easter eggs. We will look for eggs. We will eat chocolate eggs. You will meet the Easter Bunny. Why Easter holiday What will you do at the Easter party? We will . roll Easter eggs look for eggs eat chocolate eggsmeet the Easter Bunny We will 3. Listen and follow. (听读) Read and tick or cross. 1.( ) The Easter party is on March 23rd. 2.( ) The party will start at 7 p.m. 3.( ) Youll play ping-pong at the party. 4.( ) Youll eat a birthday cake at the party. Easter 一年一度纪念耶稣复活的节日一年一度纪念耶稣复活的节日,日期年年不同日期年年不同, 在每年春分月圆之后的第一个星期日在每年春分月圆之后的第一个星期日;如果月圆那天如果月圆那天,正正 好是星期日好是星期日,则复活节推迟一星期则复活节推迟一星期 When is Easter ? A Sunday between March 22nd and April 25th . When is Easter this year ? New Years Day Tree Planting Day Mothers Day Fathers Day Mid-Autumn Day We will New Years Day Tree Planting Day Mothers Day Fathers Day Mid-Autumn Day sing and dance do housework play games / . eat mooncakes / . make a card say “Thank you” . Try to write. _ Party WHEN:_ WHY: _ WHERE:_ WHAT:_ _ _ RSVP: Will you come to the party? Please send me an email at_by_. Show Time Enjoy your life! Unit3 My school calendar Part B Read and write 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 本课选自人民教育出版社出版的义务教育科教书英语(PEP)五年级 下册第三单元 My school calendar B 部分的 Read and write. 该 Read and write 的 主体部分是 Wu Yi fan 和 Robin 准备的一份关于复活节派对的邀请函。这个 Read and write 分为读、写两个部分:第一部分要求学生能够在图片的帮助下 读懂邀请函,完成读后句子正误判断的活动;第二部分为语境下的书写活动: 要求学生能够参考例词和运用核心句型书写一份邀请函。 本单元的主题是校历,主要涉及不同节日所在的月份,而在 Read and write 中的 Easter Day 是西方的节日,故本课时除了让学生关注邀请函的文体 格式外,还实现节日文化意识的渗透。教学内容如下: 二、学生情况分析二、学生情况分析 本课的教学对象是五年级的学生,在进入本课学习之前,学生已经学习了 12 个月份的单词、中西传统节日名称和节日活动短语,以及核心句型:I will 五年级的学生活泼好动,思维活跃,乐于模仿和参与活动,因此,这节课以 阅读前猜测文本内容、通过 skimming 获取文本大意、通过 scanning 理解文本意 思、学生读文本和小组讨论邀请函内容为主要教学环节,目的是培养学生初步 的阅读能力,也培养学生的相应的思维能力,同时渗透中西方节日文化不同的 意识。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 通过借助图片、跳读、细读等方法读懂邀请函、理解文章意思;通过头脑 风暴、同桌合作、阅读预测等方式激活思维,并聚焦核心语言 I will 的运用; 通过模仿录音,以正确的语音语调朗读文章;并根据所设定的情景,参考例词, 运用核心句子 Ill 制作节日邀请函。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 1. 教学重点:能够借助图片正确理解邀请函的内容,并完成相应的理解练 习并在有意义的语境中书写句子 Ill 2. 教学难点:能够根据设定情景制作一封邀请函。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up 1. 课前五分钟 学生主持人开场。 学生展示者介绍关于“复活节”的课外知识,并与班级同学互动。 欣赏相关歌曲 Easter Bunny. 2. Game I: Sharp eyes. 迅速出示关于月份、复活节相关单词、短语,引导学生快速认读。 Game II: Guess. 通过猜谜游戏引出主体:Easter. 【设计意图】课前的英语交谈,引导学生运用旧知谈论最喜欢的月份及原 因,滚动复习并引出本课的主题。 Step 2 Pre-reading 1. Something about Easter 教师展示关于复活节的图片并对复活节的传统活动做简单的介绍。 T: What festivals are in April? Ss: April Fools Day. / Easter Day. T: Yes. What will American children do on Easter Day? Look at the pictures. What will they do? Ss: Roll Easter eggs. Look for eggs. T: Yes. And they are very happy on that day. 【设计意图】激活学生复活节的文化背景知识,为深入了解文本做铺垫。 2. Predicting Wu Yifan 和 Robin 也将在复活节这天举行活动,他们将要做什么呢?让学 生听他们的计划(课文录音),并进行预测。 T: Wu Yifan and Robin are happy because of Easter. They will have something fun on that day. What will they do? Ss: They will T: May be. Lets listen to their plan. 【设计意图】引导学生预测阅读内容,调动学生的阅读欲望,训练学生的 发散性思维。 Step 3 While-reading 1. Skimming (1)快速阅读文本,印证预测。 T: So what will they do on Easter? Ss: They will have a party. (2)让学生观察文本,确定文本是信件还是邀请函。 T: Yes. They will have a party with their friends. But how do they ask their friends to come to the party? By a letter? Or by an invitation? Look here. Whats it? Is it a letter or an invitation? 【设计意图】训练学生快速阅读获取文本大意的能力,以及引导学生关注 邀请函文体。 2. Scanning 让学生查读文本,找出邀请函所包含的内容:时间、地点、原因、事情, 并以思维导图的形式板书出来;然后让学生在文本中划出邀请函相应内容的具 体信息。 T: Whats in the invitation? Just say “Hello. Amy. Come to the party.”? Ss: No. T: In the invitation, you should tell your friends the time. Ss: When/Where/Why/What. T: Great! So when is the party? Ss: Its April 12th 7 p.m. T: Yes.(教师补充板书)And where is the party? Why will they have the party? What will they do at the party? Please read the invitation and underline the answer. 【设计意图】关注邀请函的组成部分,为下面的书写邀请函做铺垫,同时训 练学生快速阅读查找关键信息的能力。 3. Detail reading and correcting. Wu Yifan 的朋友已经收到了邀请函,他们正在谈论邀请函,他们谈论的内 容符合邀请函吗?请给予判断并圈出错误的地方。(见 worksheet Task1) T: Wu Yifans friend has got the invitation. They are talking about the invitation. Is the talking right? Lets read and judge. 【设计意图】通过判读句子正误并圈错的方式,引导学生关注文本的细节, 培养学生做阅读笔记的习惯。 4. 听音朗读环节 (1)教师呈现文本,让学生根据标注(升降调、意群停顿)自己尝试朗读 文本。 (2)播放录音,让学生模仿朗读。 【设计意图】通过让学生听录音模仿朗读和按标记朗读,引导学生从模仿 朗读到自主朗读,训练学生的语音语调和朗读技巧。 Step 4 Post-reading: Make an invitation 1. 教师与学生谈论各个月份相应的节日,以及该节日的活动。 T: There are many festivals in a year. Look! What are they? Ss: New Years Day. T: What will you do on the festivals? For example, on Mothers Day, I will cook for my mother. What about you? You have 30 seconds, choose one festival and talk about it. Ss: On , I will . 【设计意图】学生根据图片提示迅速展开头脑风暴,回忆与节日有关的活 动词组,激活学生各节日的背景知识,为最后的产出打下基础。 2. 让学生根据自己的喜好,举办一个节日 party,现在小组内分享自己的 想法,书写邀请函,然后进行全班展示。 T: When will you have a party? On New Years Day? Ss: I will have a party on Childrens Day. T: What will you do at the party? Share your ideas in your group. Ss: I will T: For me, I will have a party on my birthday. I will eat noodles and birthday.(教师边说边填写邀请函做示范)Can you make an invitation for your party? 【设计意图】呼应第一环节关于 festivals 的讨论。通过制作邀请函的活动 培养学生的合作,让学生利用自己已有的知识储备进行尝试,培养学生的语言 综合运用能力。 Step 5 Expansion and summary 教师引导学生欣赏关于节日欢聚的图片,激发学生热爱生活之心。 六、板书六、板书 后续粘贴学生的 Invitation,进行展示 【设计意图】思维导图式的板书设计,帮助学生理清文本脉络,同时起到 在学生完成重构文本活动时给予充分支架作用。同时展示学生小组合作成功, 增强学生的协作能力、自信,进而增进学生学习外语、了解多元文化的意识。 Unit 3 My School Calendar B Read and write Amy 南岸怡丰实验学校南岸怡丰实验学校 徐曼徐曼 看世界 看世界 复活节 Easter eggs Easter Bunny Easter meet play games March home chocolate party what April Bunny eggs spring look for will eat email Easter Sharp eyes 1.season warm fly kites 2.food small breakfast 3.animal long ears red eyes spring egg Bunny Guess Guess springeggbunny 1. Skim the passage,circle the new words. (快速阅读,圈出生词 ) 1. holiday 2. RSVP 3. by March 23rd 假期 请回复 在3月23日以前 Do you know? before 在.之前 summer vocation summer holiday This passage is an _. A. email B. invitation(邀请函邀请函) 2. Read the passage, circle the key words. (细读,圈出重点词 ) WhenWhere What Its on April 12th,7p.m.Its at Wu Yifans home. We will play many games. We will roll Easter eggs. We will look for eggs. We will eat chocolate eggs. You will meet the Easter Bunny. Why Easter holiday What will you do at the Easter party? We will . roll Easter eggs look for eggs eat chocolate eggsmeet the Easter Bunny We will 3. Listen and follow. (听读) Read and tick or cross. 1.( ) The Easter party is on March 23rd. 2.( ) The party will start at 7 p.m. 3.( ) Youll play ping-pong at the party. 4.( ) Youll eat a birthday cake at the party. Easter 一年一度纪念耶稣复活的节日一年一度纪念耶稣复活的节日,日期年年不同日期年年不同, 在每年春分月圆之后的第一个星期日在每年春分月圆之后的第一个星期日;如果月圆那天如果月圆那天,正正 好是星期日好是星期日,则复活节推迟一星期则复活节推迟一星期 When is Easter ? A Sunday between March 22nd and April 25th . When is Easter this year ? New Years Day Tree Planting Day Mothers Day Fathers Day Mid-Autumn Day We will New Years Day Tree Planting Day Mothers Day Fathers Day Mid-Autumn Day sing and dance do housework play games / . eat mooncakes / . make a card say “Thank you” . Try to write. _ Party WHEN:_ WHY: _ WHERE:_ WHAT:_ _ _ RSVP: Will you come to the party? Please send me an email at_by_. Show Time Enjoy your life! Invitation _ Party WHEN:_ WHY: _ WHERE:_ WHAT:_ _ _ RSVP: Will you come to the party? Please send me an email at _ by_ . Invitation when why where what
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人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit My school calendar_B_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_省级优课_(编号:705fb) 人教 pep 年级 下册 英语 unit calendar_b_ppt
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