人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 3 My school calendar-B-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级优课-(编号:11226).zip


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        • school trip to Quancheng Park
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      • 【超链接】_Unit 3 My school calendar Part B_英语_小学_陈峰
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人民教育出版社人民教育出版社 小学英语小学英语 五年级下册五年级下册 Unit 3 My school calendar Part B springsummer autumnwinter I like autumn because my birthday is in autumn. What will Oliver have? A birthday party. ( ) A birthday cake. ( ) Which season does Oliver like? I really like the colors. Which season does Chen Jie like? Why? I like autumn, too. We usually have a school trip in autumn. Well go to the Great Wall. Well have a school trip this year. In April,2016 In September, 2016 When is the trip this year? Its in October. Make a trip plan of your own. Where will you go? Baotu Spring Daming Lake Qianfo Mountain the Great Wall Mount Tai Huangshan Mountain the Yangtze River the Yellow River West Lake Grand Canal the Forbidden City Temple of Heaven Summer Palace Mogao Grottos Make a plan for your trip ! Where will you go? When will you go? Who will you go with? What will you do there? Work in groups. (小组合作,制作旅途计划小组合作,制作旅途计划) _ is my favorite season because its _ and _. Ill go to _ in _. Ill go with my _. Ill _. Autumn coolwindy the Great WallOctober parents take some pictures Dont take anything away.(不要带走景区物品)不要带走景区物品) Leave no trash behind you.(不乱丢垃圾)(不乱丢垃圾) Use public transportation.(使用公共交通)(使用公共交通) Walk more. Drive less.(多步行,少开车)(多步行,少开车) Be a good tourist(做文明出游者) 五年级下册五年级下册 Unit 3 My school calendar Part B Lets talk 教学设计教学设计 Subject Grade 5 Unit 3 Part B Class hourThe first class Teaching Objectives 1. Knowledge and ability: 1)Enable the students to choose the right answers according to what they hear. 2)Enable the students to get a rough idea about the dialogue with the help of pictures. 3)Enable the students to read the dialogue with the correct pronunciation and intonation, and role play the dialogue. 4)Enable the students to use the sentences “When is the trip this year? Its in October. Well go to the Great Wall.”in situational dialogues. 5) Enable the students to ask and answer about the months of school activities. 6)Enable the students to use the sentence pattern “Ill .” to do drill practice. 2. Emotions, culture awareness and learning strategies: 1)Make the students be aware of their behaviors when taking a trip and help them develop good habits for travelling. 2)Help the students develop environmental awareness. Key point and difficult point 1. The central sentences “When is the trip this year? Its in October. Well go to the Great Wall.” 2.The correct pronunciation and use of the simple future tense “Ill .”and “Well.” 3. The understanding of the phrase “this year” and the appropriate use of it. Teaching material analysis 1. Lets try 部分的听力活动是旨在引出本单元的一个 话题生日,并且通过陈杰和 Oliver 谈论生日活动, 帮助学生对一般将来时的用法以及 Well .加深印象, 并能根据图文提示预测听力内容。 2. Lets talk 部分通过 Oliver 和陈杰讨论秋游的情景, 介绍秋游的时间以及秋游将要去的地方,让学生感知核心 句型 When is the trip this year? Its in October. Well go to the Great Wall.这三个句子的语义及语用 情景。 Teaching Steps Teachers activityStudents activityTeaching intention Step 1 Warm-up 1. Teacher: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Today well study a dialogue in Unit 3 My 1. Think about the two questions raised by the teacher and watch the video. 【设计意图设计意图】通过热 身环节播放卡通原声 电影叮当小仙女 片段,把四季的美景 在最短的时间内展现 school calendar. This unit is all about the 12 months in a year and some big events in each month. Lets watch a very beautiful cartoon video. But before that, I have two questions for you: How many seasons are there in a year? And what are they? Watch and video and then answer my questions, OK? 2. Play the video of . 3. Teacher: Wow, its so beautiful. Do you love this cartoon, children? Now please tell me how many seasons there are in a year? What are they? 4. (Pictures of the 4 seasons on the screen) Answer the questions: There are four seasons. They are spring, summer, autumn/fall and winter. S1: I like summer best because I can go swimming every day. S2: I like winter best because I like snow. 给学生,然后用 free talk 的方式带领学生 复习 seasons 词汇, 再引导他们说出自己 喜爱的季节和原因, 把涉及到本课时教学 内容的基础词汇进行 了滚动复习和巩固, 为新知识的教学做好 了铺垫。 这篇对话虽然重点是 学习问答关于学校活 动的月份和内容,但 也涉及到前面学习过 的季节等内容,所以 教师在导入新知识时 引用 1,2 单元的内容, 可以帮助学生更好地 理解。同时引导学生 说出自己喜欢的季节 Teacher: Which season do you like best? Why?(ask 4-5 students) 5.(Pictures of the autumn season on the screen) Teacher: I like autumn. (A picture of birthday cake shown on the screen) Teacher: Because my birthday is in autumn. Step 2 Presentation 1.(Oliver shown on the screen)Teacher: Whos he? Ss: Hes Oliver. Teacher: Right. Today is a special day. Its Olivers birthday today. What will S3: I like winter, too because I can make a snowman. S4: I like spring because its warm and sunny. S5: I like autumn because its cool and the colors are beautiful. 及原因,可以有效地 引入对话学习,帮助 学生理解 Oliver 和 Chen Jie 喜欢秋天的 原因。 【设计意图设计意图】教师先 后用两个问题: Which season does Oliver like?和 Which season does Chen Jie like? 引出 Oliver 和 Oliver have? A birthday party or a birthday cake? Lets listen and tick the right answer. 2.(Play the audio of Let s try and the whole class listen.)Teacher: What will Oliver have? A birthday party, or a birthday cake? T: Thats right. 3. T: But do you know what is Olivers favorite season? Lets watch the video. (Play the video of Let s talk)Students watch the video for the first time and answer: Its autumn. T: Yes. Autumn is Olivers favorite season. But why? (Show the pictures of autumn on the screen and Finish the listening part of Lets try: Listen and find out the answer: A birthday party. Watch the video and find out the answer to the teachers question: Its autumn. Chen Jie 喜爱的季节 和原因,学习 I like autumn. / I really like the colors./ We usually have a school trip in autumn. 【设计意图设计意图】学生们 在观看对话视频寻找 答案的同时,熟悉了 文本语言。 teach the sentence “I really like the colors.” ) Teacher: I really like the colors. Practice the sentence. 4.(Chen Jie shown on the screen)Teacher: Whos she? Teacher: Which season does Chen Jie like? Why? Lets watch the video once again and find out the answer. OK? (Play the video of the dialogue for the second time) (Teach the sentences“ I like autumn, too. We usually have a school trip in autumn.”) Practice the sentences together / in pairs. Tell who the girl on the screen is: Shes Chen Jie. Watch the video of the dialogue once again and give the answer: I like autumn, too. We usually have a school trip in autumn. Practice the sentences together / in pairs. 5.Teacher: Good. Chen Jie will have a school trip in autumn. Where will Chen Jie go on her school trip?( Pictures of zoo, the Great Wall, farm shown on the screen) (Teacher draws the Great Wall on the blackboard.) Teacher: Wow! Chen Jie will go to the Great Wall. Practice the sentence. 6. Now, I have a good news to make. Well have a school trip this year.(Photos of the school trips of 2016 shown on the screen)Teacher: Lets see, boys and girls. In 2016, we had school trips, too. Do Ss: The Great Wall. Learn the sentence“Well go to the Great Wall.” Practice the sentence. Recall the school trips held in 2016 when we went to Quancheng Park in April and Qilishan Nature Park in September School trip 对于学生 来说有点抽象,教师 在这个环节借用了学 校真实组织过的外出 短途踏青活动,增加 了语言的真实感,不 仅将 school trip 瞬间 直观化,同时增强了 you remember that? Look! In April, we went to Quancheng Park. In September, we went to Qilishan Natuer Park. We had great fun there! (Teach the new sentence“When is the trip this year?” )Teacher: Can you guess? (Guessing game: When is the trip this year?) T: Its in October. 7. Practice by asking and answering: When is the trip this year? Its in October. Practice together / in pairs. Play a guessing game: . When is the trip this year? Ask the teacher using the sentences: Is it in October / April / ? Practice by asking and answering: When is the trip this year? 语用性和真实性。 【设计意图】利用我 们学校在 2016 年自 己组织的 school trip 引出课文中 When is the trip this year? 在这个环节中设计了 一个 Guessing game,让学生猜今年 学校的 school trip 会 在几月,自然地引出 新句子 Its in October. 这样对话中 的核心句型很自然地 被引出并操练,为学 生学习整个对话打下 了基础。 8. T: OK, boys and girls. In a year, we usually have a 3- day holiday in May and a 7- day holiday in October, plus we have winter vacation and summer vacation. So we can take a trip and go to many different places. We need a trip plan, right? But before that, lets watch the video and read the dialogue. (Play the video of the dialogue and ask the whole class to read together / pair work / role play.) Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1.(“Make a plan for your trip”on the screen.)T: Within a year, we usually have May Day holiday, Chinas National Day Read the dialogue with the video and then practice the dialogue in pairs. 【设计意图设计意图】在学习、 操练对话后,教师引 导、鼓励学生设计自 holiday, our winter vacation and summer vacation. So we can go to many different places. Now lets make a plan for your trip. Where will you go? Actually, there are a lot of beautiful places in China. Lets watch. (Pictures of some tourists attraction spots in China shown on the screen.) Teacher: We just saw so many beautiful places. Now lets make a trip plan of your own. You need to think about four questions: Where will you go? When will you go? Who will you go with? And what will you do there? 2. Teacher: Now lets work in groups and finish the Watch a short video about some famous tourists attraction spots throughout China. Think about 4 questions: Where will you go? When will you go? Who will you go with? And what will you do there? 己的旅行计划,并提 出四个问题:Where will you go? When will you go? Who will you go with? And what will you do there? 四人小组合作, 用填空补全短文的形 式,设计旅行计划。 这样学生们可以把本 单元和以前学过的词 汇“滚动”运用起来, 达到综合运用语言的 目的。最后,教师提 供了几条建议,告诉 学生如何做一名文明 的出游者,引导学生 在外出郊游时应该注 意自己的行为,养成 文明出游的良好习惯 等,同时培养他们的 环保意识,教育学生 passage. (PPT:Where will you go? When will you go? Who will you go with? What will you do there?) Fill in the blanks with the words of your favorite season, where and when you will go, and also who you will go with. (An example of trip plan shown on the screen.) 3. Students work in groups and finish the passage. 4. The teacher ask some students to show their trip plans to the whole class and read out aloud and the teacher makes some comments on their plans. 【Closure】 ( Some tips on how to be a good tourist shown on Work in groups of 4 and finish the trip plan. Show their trip plans to the whole class and read them out aloud. 关爱大自然,懂得 “保护环境,从我做 起” 。 【设计意图设计意图】本课的 文化意识教学目标就 是引导学生在外出郊 the screen) Teacher: OK, children. When you are taking a trip, you need to be a good tourist and be aware of the following tips: Dont take anything away from the tourist attraction spot. / Leave no trash behind you. / Use public transportation. / Walk more and drive less. So we can help protect the environment. 游时应该注意自己的 行为,养成文明出游 的良好习惯等,还要 培养学生的环保意识, 教育学生关爱大自然, 懂得“保护环境,从 我做起” 。所以在这 个环节,教师提出了 几条建议,帮助学生 理解如何“做一名文 明的出游者。 ” Homework1. Act out the dialogue with your partners. 2. Make a survey about your partners trip plan. Where will he / she go? When will he / she go? Blackboard writing design 【设计意图设计意图】在板书设计上,教师用简笔画的形式画出长 城,并且用“开火车去长城”男女生分组竞赛方式进行评 价,有效激发学生的学习积极性,同时帮助他们直观地理 解 the Great Wall. 在板书中还为对话中的核心句型留出了位 置,随着教学环节的推进,把这 5 句话依次呈现给全班同 学,便于他们学习、操练和扎实掌握。 We have sports meet in April. We have Childrens Day in June. We have Tree Planting Day in March. We have a singing contest in May. We have Thanksgiving party in November. We have a school trip in October. We have a Mid-Autumn party in September.
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人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit My school calendar_B_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_部级优课_(编号:11226) 人教 pep 年级 下册 英语 unit calendar_b_ppt
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