人教pep版五年级下册英语Songs in each unit-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:40e68).zip


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新新 PEP 五年级下册五年级下册Songs in each unit Unit 5 Animals, animals are everywhere Rabbits and monkeys and elephants, Pandas and tigers, too. Some are climbing, some are jumping. Animals in the zoo. Cats and monkeys and elephants, A dog, a rabbit, a bear. Some are eating, some are sleeping. Animals everywhere! Happy new year Happy new year Happy New Year Happy new year to you all We are singing We are dancing Happy new year to you all Little star Twinkle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky If youre happy If youre happy and you know it, stomp your feet, If youre happy and you know it stomp your feet, If youre happy and you know it, and you very want to show it, If youre happy and you know it, stomp your feet. If youre happy and you know it, nod your head, If youre happy and you know it, nod your head, If youre happy and you know it, and you very want to show it. If youre happy and you know it, nod your head. If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands, If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands, If youre happy and you know it, and you very want to show it, If youre happy and you know it, clap your hands. What are the animals doing in the story? The bear is _. The rabbits are _. The tiger is_. The elepphant is _. The monkey is _. The bird is_. The fish are_. dancing eating running walking climbing flying swimming Lets chant! Dancing, dancing, the bear is dancing. Eating, eating, the rabbits are eating. Running, running, the tiger is running. Walking, walking, the elepphant is walking. Climbing, climbing, the monkey is climbing. Flying, flying, the bird is flying. Swimming, swimming, the fish are swimming. Unit 5 Whose dog is it? Du Lingling (Lynn) Baijiaxian Primary School in Lanzhou City of Gansu Province Du Lingling (Lynn) Unit 5 Animals, animals are everywhere Rabbits and monkeys and elephants, Pandas and tigers, too. Some are_, some are_. Animals in the zoo. Cats and monkeys and elephants, A dog, a rabbit, a bear. Some are_ , some are_ . Animals everywhere! jumping climbing eatingsleeping 现在进行时: 动词-ing形式的变化规律 be+动词-ing形式 重读闭音节单词,双写末尾字母,再加ing reading playing making taking running swimming 一般情况,直接加ing 不发音e结尾的单词,去e加ing Unit 5 Animals, animals are everywhere Rabbits and monkeys and elephants, Pandas and tigers, too. Some are climbing, some are jumping. Animals in the zoo. Cats and monkeys and elephants, A dog, a rabbit, a bear. Some are eating , some are sleeping. Animals everywhere! Unit 5 Animals, animals are everywhere Rabbits and monkeys and e-lephants, Pandas and ti-gers, too. So-me are cli-mbing, so-me are jum-ping. Animals in- the zoo. Cats and monkeys and e-lephants, A- dog, a rabbit, a be-ar. So-me are eating , so-me are sleeping. Animals e-verywhe-re! 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . Animals, animals are everywhere Lets sing together! Unit 5 Animals, animals are everywhere Rabbits and monkeys and elephants, Pandas and tigers, too. Some are climbing, some are jumping. Animals in the zoo. Cats and monkeys and elephants, A dog, a rabbit, a bear. Some are eating , some are sleeping. Animals everywhere! NO.nameanimal(s)doing 1 2 3 4 Unit 5 Animals, animals are everywhere Rabbits and monkeys and elephants, Pandas and tigers, too. Some are climbing, some are jumping. Animals in the zoo. Cats and monkeys and elephants, A dog, a rabbit, a bear. Some are eating , some are sleeping. Animals everywhere! Unit 5 Animals, animals are everywhere _ and _ and _, _ and _, too. Some are _, some are _. Animals in the zoo. _ and _ and _, _, _, _. Some are_ , some are _. Animals everywhere! Animals are our friends! Make a summery Advantages Ways Homework Sing the song after class for your friends and your parents, pay attention to the rhythm and“ing” form. Thank you! Listen to music. Animals, animals are everywhere? Unit 5 Animals, animals are everywhere 教学反思 歌曲悦耳,动听,而且歌词和旋律可以激发人的情绪记忆。儿 童的记忆特点恰是:形象记忆和情绪记忆要先于逻辑记忆。所以, 歌曲教学非常受学生的欢迎。这也是我设计本堂课的初衷。好的英 语歌曲有它丰富的内容,优美的节奏,和谐的旋律,听起来悦耳, 唱起来更使人精神一振。学唱英文歌曲要运用知觉、感情,直接渗 入大脑,形成记忆。用学过的知识来填词,学生既学会了歌曲又加 深了学过内容的印象。在本节课我也在努力尝试用各种方式教会学 生唱这首歌曲,并且让他们拿到素材可以课后填词,创编新的歌曲, 体会英语学习的趣味性和创造性。 学习英语一个重要的目的是运用英语进行交际,为防止过分强 调模仿、死记硬背、机械操练的教学倾向,本节课从热身环节的 Free-talk 到做组内调查,要求学生一问一答练习对话,都体现了 英语的交际作用。本节课有很多的不足之处,引发了我更多的思考: 课堂气氛不够活跃,农村的学生平时展示自己的机会较少,参与课 堂的意愿不强烈,尤其是唱歌这种个性的活动,更容易让学生们退 缩,在教学设计上确实是考虑欠缺,应注意教学的对象和立足点, 因材施教,适时调整教学目标。部分地方 PPT 有待改善。在 PPT 播 放时,有些设计在现有白板上没有体现出来。 在小学英语教学中,做到及时地、有效地反思,全面的分析教 学过程是十分有必要的。总之,本节课在歌曲的学唱中,学生感受 到优美的旋律同时又训练了语音,既促进了语言的学习,又能寓教 于乐。以后我会一切以学生为出发点做更多尝试,争取在教学上有 更大的突破。 新新 PEP 五年级下册五年级下册Songs in each unit Unit 5 Animals, animals are everywhere 新 PEP 五年级下册Songs in each unit Unit 5 Animals, animals are everywhere 一、课前反思 在小学英语课程中,每一个单元都至少设置有一首英语歌曲, 英语歌曲在教学中的重要性是不言而喻的,它是大多数老师用来激 发学生英语学习兴趣的法宝,那么我们如何合理地设计教学环节, 才能在教学过程中发挥出英语歌曲的作用呢?这是我在课前思考的 一个问题。本节课我将这首歌曲呈现给学生,让学生在优美的旋律 中感受英语学习的魅力,为学生用歌曲学习英语提供新的思路,这 也体现了我教学英语的一个理念:在快乐中学习英语,在英语学习 中变得更加快乐。 二、教学内容 “Animals, animals are everywhere”是 PEP 小学五年级下册 Songs in each unit中第五单元的一首歌曲,非常好听,充满童趣。 这首歌中出现了大量的动物英语名称,学生在低段已经学过了,学 生对这样的教学内容比较感兴趣,而动词的-ing 形式又是本单元 B 部分的教学重点,在前几节课课上已经进行了大量的练习。这节课 是以歌曲为载体的复习课,对 ing 形式的构成规律及用法进行总复 习,结合 read and write 巩固旧知。教师在教学过程中通过歌曲中歌 词的连读,渗透英语单词、句子连读的语音知识,指导学生读好英 语句子,提高英语学习的语感,为学生未来学好英语打下基础。 三、学情分析 这首歌曲歌词中的单词和句子,五年级学生已经在前几个课时 进行了学习,学生对动词的“ing”形式和现在进行时有了一定的掌 握,歌词的理解不是难点,难点在于如何指导五年级的学生把歌唱 好,并且在课堂上放开自己、展现自己,高年级学生参与课堂的积 极性明显已经降低,所以教学中要设法激发他们参与英语课堂学习 的兴趣,重拾学习英语的自信心。 四、教学目标 1、知识目标 学生可以通过“Animals, animals are everywhere”这首歌曲复 习本单元部分单词和重点句型,巩固本单元所学内容。 学生学习并了解一定的英语语音知识,如在说、唱的过程中 句子的连读、重读、断句等。 2、能力目标 (1)将歌曲作为学生语篇听力活动材料,先让学生听歌曲再回 答问题,训练学生理解大意、获取信息的能力。 (2)学生能够把歌曲演唱出来,按照正确的语音、语调及节奏。 3、情感目标 教师可以通过歌曲培养学生学习英语的兴趣,树立学生学习 英语的信心。 在歌曲学习过程中,学生可以感受到动物的可爱,并学会热 爱动物,热爱大自然,明白人与自然和谐共处的理念。 四、教学重点与难点 1、教学重点: 将歌曲作为语篇听力活动材料,先让学生听歌曲再回答问题, 训练学生理解大意、获取信息的能力。 学生能熟练演唱歌曲,并且发音准确。 2、教学难点: 学生能够按照正确的语音、语调及节奏把歌曲演唱出来。 五、教学准备 教学课件、教学录音、单词卡片,教学动画、小贴画 6、教学过程 Step 1. Warm-up(热身) (1)Sing songs. (2)Free-talk: Greetings/Brainstorm “animals” on White blackboard 【设计意图】通过 Free-talk 和唱歌营造出轻松活跃的课堂气氛,歌 曲也和本节课的主题相关,对本节课内容进行预热。 Step 2. Review(复习) (1)Show cards of English words, perform “verbs” (2)Read P53 “read and write” in pairs, and answer questions on the screen. (3)Give the answers to make a chant. 【设计意图】复习本单元所学的关于 ing 形式的知识,为歌词的学 习打下基础。 Step3. Presentation(新课呈现) (1)Show pictures about the song, let students guess that what the song is about and where the singer is. Teacher plays music, students listen to music and answer questions on the screen. What animals can you hear in the song? Teacher shows the incomplete lyric, students fill in the blanks. And then teacher and Ss make a summery about the structure of present progressive and the rules of “-ing” form of verbs. 【设计意图】由于教材里的歌曲和歌谣是有意义的语篇,所以先将 其作为语篇听力活动材料,通过设问,来训练学生理解大意、获取 信息的能力。 (2)Open the books(P71) and learn the lyrics Students read the lyrics in pairs. Teacher and students read the lyrics together. 【设计意图】通过跟教师读歌词,学生齐读歌词,加深学生对歌词 的理解,同时为后面的歌曲学唱做铺垫。 (3)Play music again, and students try to sing after the rhythm sentence by sentence. Pay attention to sentence stress, sense groups, pause and liaison. 【设计意图】通过学唱不仅能记住歌词,培养兴趣,还能培养学生 正确的语音语调。教师适当指导学生学习了解一定的语音知识,培 养学生学习英语的口感,为学生说一口好英语打下基础。 Step4. Practice(练习) (1)Watch the flash of the song, Teacher and students sing songs together and try to sing without the original sounds. 【设计意图】观看动画能进一步激发学生学习的兴趣,图词结合也 更便于学生练唱歌曲。 (2)Students practice singing in pairs. Teachers give guidance. (3)Let students perform this song in group. 【设计意图】给学生充足的练习时间,让学生自己结合歌词唱出正 确的旋律。 Step4. Production(输出与巩固) (1)Divide students in several groups and make a survey about their favorite animals. (2)Let students show their talk by ask their partners one by one. (3)Let students make new songs by using the table of the survey after class. 【设计意图】学习英语的目的是为了交流,而歌曲也是一种交流的 工具。学生在本环节用学习的句子做对话对话调查同伴喜欢的动物 和动物的活动,至此已经达到复习本单元重点知识和用英语交流的 目的,让他们课下把调查的结果替换在歌曲里,唱出属于自己的歌, 这就让让英语的学习一下子变得充满创造性和趣味性。 Step5. Emotional education(情感教育) Show pictures about different animals, and let students find how lovely these animals are. To cultivate students to love animals and protect animals, and to let students know the idea of the harmony between human beings and nature. 【设计意图】观赏各种动物的图片,学生从中可以感受到动物的可 爱,并学会热爱动物,热爱大自然,明白人与自然和谐共处的理念。 Step6. Sum-up let them sing the song together in front of the blackboard. 【设计意图】总结本节课所学内容,让学生对本节课有个清晰的思 路。设计竞争评价环节,可以有效地激发学生学习的积极性,让课 堂气氛更加活跃。 Step7. Homework(布置家庭作业) Sing the song after class for your friends and your parents, pay attention to the rhythm and“ing” form. 【设计意图】让学生回家后将所学的歌曲唱给家人朋友听,将英语 的学习渗透在课堂外。 Blackboard Design(板书设计) 【设计意图】通过板书让学生更直观地看到本节课所学内容。 Songs in each unit Unit 5 Animals, animals are everywhere At the zoo (pictures) Unit5 Animals, animals are everywhere Rabbits and monkeys and elephants, Pandas and tigers, too. Some are climbing, some are jumping. Animals in the zoo. Cats and monkeys and elephants, A dog, a rabbit, a bear. Some are eating , some are sleeping. Animals everywhere!
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人教pep版五年级下册英语Songs in each unit_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_公开课_(编号:40e68) 人教 pep 年级 下册 英语 songs unit_ppt
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