湘鲁版四年级下册Unit 3 They are playing.-Section A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:23434).zip


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    • 鲁教湘教2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年4月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 3 They are playing._Section A_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:23434)
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Now.Lets stop. 歌曲: Now , Lets stop. island river photo boat Drive the train 一分钟内拼读 刚学的四个单词 拼读出的单词多的队伍 赢得一次进球的机会。 island river photo boat 课文视频 Wow, the river is big ! Lets take a photo. Are the birds fighting? No, they arent. They are playing. Look at Ted ! Is Ted sleeping? Yes, it is. Haha ! Welcome to Orange Island Please get on the boat. GAME ON YOUR MARKS 一教师读一段自己编的短文 二让学生选择担任文中的角色 三教师读第二遍,每提到一个 人或物,扮演者就马上表演该 动作并且回答老师的问题。 On the island , Human beings and animals are living harmony . Look, there are two birds. They are playing. There are two bulls over there. They are fighting. Look, this is a swimming turtle and its a swimming duck. A sheep, it is eating grass. Who are sleeping? They are a turtle and a sheep. What is the girl doing ? She is reading. What are the boys doing? They are playing basketball. Haha! Look at the cute boy , He is sleeping , too. This is a fairyland. I love it. Playplaying write-writing Readreading singsinging Drawdrawing runrunning Eateating cutcutting Jumpjumping swimswimming Sleepsleeping putputting Makemaking taketaking Talktalking skip-skipping Choose the best answer 1.( ) Is the duck _? A. swim B. swiming C. swimming 2.( )-Are the birds fighting? -_ A. Yes, it is. B. No, they arent. C. No, they are. 3.( )Is she _? A. writing B. writeing C.writes Choose the best answer 1.( ) Is the duck _? A. swim B. swiming C. swimming 2.( )-Are the birds fighting? -_ A. Yes, it is. B. No, they arent. C. No, they are. 3.( )Is she _? A. writing B. writeing C.writes C B A PK Time Ask and answer the dialogues one by one. 顺利完成对话多的队 赢得一次进球的机会。 课文视频录音 Are they birds fighting? Is Zhang Jia writing ? Is Li Xiao taking a photo? Is the sheep sleeping? Is the duck swimming? X V VX V Summary Count your balls Review Homework Please make up a dialogue about your PE class. 歌曲 Now, Lets stop. 教 案 湘教版四年级英语下册第三单元 Unit 3 They are playing .Section A 学情分析: 本课的教学对象是四年级的学生。学生的年龄都是十岁左右。他们活泼好 动,对英语学习有着浓烈的兴趣。他们善于模仿,善于表现,更善于与伙伴们 交流,尤其是他们经过了两年的英语学习已经掌握了一些单词及简单的句型, 并能用学过的句型进行简单的交流。孩子们在学习本课前已经了解一些动词和 动词词组,这更有利于他们对本课的学习。但由于本课要求把动词用在现在进 行时里表达,孩子们可能会感到有些困难,所以要加强现在分词的表达训练。 一、Teaching Content: Grade 4 Unit 3 They are playing. Section A 二、:Teaching objectives and requirements: 1.语言知识目标: 听、说、认、读、写: island 、boat 、photo、 river、 get on 、fight 听说读写句型: -Is the sheep jumping? -No, it isnt. It is sleeping. -Are they fighting? -Yes, they are. 2.语言技能目标: (a)在出外旅行的情景中正确使用英语进行简单的对话。 (b)正确使用现在进行时的一般疑问句的问答,特别是 V-ing 的发音 3.学习策略目标: 本课主要采用师生合作、小组合作等形式进行操练,并用学生生活中的 照片、视频,游戏,PK 等以增强学生完成任务的积极性。 4.情感目标: (1)学习中充分调动学生的积极性,提高学生的学习兴趣,把学到的句 型充分演练以提高使用英语的语言交流能力。 (2)通过小组合作来培养学生的交流合作精神。 (3)通过对动词的学习,使学生更喜爱运动。 (4)课文中展示的可爱的动物形象,使学生更加喜欢动物,进而保护动 物。 三、Focus Points: 1、熟练读准 V-ing 2、理解本课对话并自然、流利地运用对话 四、Difficult Points: 运用所学句型进行扩展性的情景会话 五、Teaching methods: 本节课运用 CAI,情景表演,游戏,PK 等活动来完成教学任务。教师穿针 引线,学生们以小组合作形式进行自主探究学习,学生体会到合作学习的精神, 把学生们学到的知识熟练地运用到生活中。本节课充分运用游戏,竞赛等形式 来突破本课难点,是学生在愉悦的气氛中完成教学任务。 六、Teaching Preparation: Cards、 photos、 headwear 七、Teaching Steps: StepStep 1 1 warmingwarming upup 1、Free talk 2. Sing and act the song “Now ,Lets stop.” 3.Show the title“Unit3 They are playing.” Step2Step2 LearnLearn thethe newnew wordswords 1.(Look at the screen)Show the picture T:This is a beautiful place .It is surrounded by water. We call it “island”. Teach them how to read it. T:The water we named it “river”.(show the river picture) Teach them to master the word river. T: How to cross the river and reach the island ? What do we need? Yes, we need a boat.(show the boat picture) Lead them read the word. T:The weather is sunny. We come to a so beautiful place. I feel very happy. So, Id like to take a photo.(show a picture.) Read the word photo. a Read after the record sound b Chant with teacher c Ask some students read 2、Lets play a game (drive the train) Step3Step3 LearnLearn thethe dialoguesdialogues 1、Show the video (situational dialogues) and explain the setting 2. Listen to the dialogue . 3. Teach them how to read and understand the sentences one by one. 4. Read the dialogues with the video. 5. Read it together. 6. Are and answer.(PK) 7. Act out the situation.(PK) 8. Play a game “On your marks”(Love animals education) StepStep 4 4 PracticePractice 1、Do an exercise(choose the best answer) 2、Ask and answer one by one (PK) StepStep 5 5 LoveLove sportssports EducationEducation 1、Show the short videos 2.Ask and answer.(PK) StepStep 6 6 ConcretionConcretion Learn Part 5.Listen, tick and cross. a. Listen to the record sound b. Tick your answer c. Check your answers Step7Step7 SummarySummary T: Now Lets review what have we Learn in this class. Step8Step8 HomeworkHomework Write a dialogue about our PE class: StepStep 9 9 RhythmRhythm andand saysay good-byegood-bye 1. Do a rhythm: Walking walking ,walking walking, Hop hop hop, hop hop hop Running running running, running running running Now, Lets stop. Now, Lets stop. Tiptoe tiptoe, tiptoe tiptoe Jump jump jump, jump jump jump Swimming swimming swimming, swimming swimming swimming Now, Lets sleep, now, Lets sleep. Wake up. 2.How time flies! Its time to say good-bye. DesigningDesigning ofof thethe blackboard:blackboard: UnitUnit 3 3 TheyThey areare playing.playing. island - Is the sheep jumping ? river - No, it isnt. It is sleeping. boat -Are they fighting ? photo -Yes, they are. play-playing write-writing read-reading sing-singing jump-jumping swim-swimming 教 学 反 思 本节课主要学习一段同学在出外玩耍时情景对话,通 过进一步应用对话,复习及加强一般现在进行时的理解与 掌握。在课堂中,我用有趣的游戏,让同学们将单词快速 记住,然后学习对话,模仿对话,自己创设对话,这个呈 螺旋式上升的教学设计,层层递进。纵观整节课后的设计, 从易到难,从理解到运用、从模仿到生成。这样的设计符 合了英语语言学习的特点,遵从儿童的认知规律。 上完这节课,基本达到了我预设的教学目标,以下是 我这节课的几个特色。 1 1、激发学生参与的兴趣,体验参与的乐趣、激发学生参与的兴趣,体验参与的乐趣 开始通过一节轻快的律动操,把学习轻松带进英语课 堂,认知单位后,通过“drive the train”和“on your marks”两个简单有趣的游戏,让所有的学生参与进来,并 体验了参与的乐趣。 2 2、激活学生朗读兴趣,培养英语朗读能力和语感、激活学生朗读兴趣,培养英语朗读能力和语感 我将学生分为 Basketball team Football team 两大 组通过分组与分角色朗读比赛,让学生体验到了朗读的乐 趣与成就感,在朗读练习中培养朗读的能力和语感。 3 3、教学活动紧密结合,不断为学生搭建手脚架、教学活动紧密结合,不断为学生搭建手脚架 开始游戏之前,我展示了单词卡片,让同学们回顾记 忆单词,为做好游戏做铺垫。然后在同学们自由表演对话 之前,我先在大屏幕上展示相关图片,为后面创造情景对 话做一个示范。之后,扫除同学们表演的障碍,我和学生 也表演了一段对话。不断给学生搭建手脚架,学生就可以 更容易一步步往上爬,攀登英语学习的另一个高峰。 4 4、注重学生交流,培养合作型的学习策略。、注重学生交流,培养合作型的学习策略。 同们互助互学是学生比较有效的学习策略。在教学中, 我注重学生之间的交流合作,这节课中我设计了 3 个活动 来达成这个目标:一、让学生小组合作,完成游戏;二、 让学生小组合作,完成问话接龙,更好地理解对话;三、 通过与同学之间创设情景对话,互相学习,培养英语表达 能力和语感。 作为一名中青年教师,在教学中,引发我对这节课的 思考。学生的学习能力存在差距,还有受到学生心理素质 的影响,在课堂上,学生的表现不一。学习能力较强的学 生,表演欲较高的学生表现活跃,而学习能力不是很高又 比较内向的学生在课堂上比较沉默。如果我平时在课余多 与同学交流,给内向的学生多些鼓励,也许他(她)们英 语会说得更好。 在以后的教学中,我一定会不断探索和追求,用勤奋 和创新引导我的学生掌握好英语这门课程,学上英语、学 好英语、更好的运用英语,我相信我一定能做到!
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湘鲁版四年级下册Unit They are playing._Section A_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:23434) 鲁教湘教版 四下 _unit playing _section
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