人教pep版六年级下册英语Unit 3 Where did you go -Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:90070).zip


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展开 人教pep版三起六年级下册英语Unit3Wheredidyougo_B_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_省级优课_编号90070.zip人教pep版三起六年级下册英语Unit3Wheredidyougo_B_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_省级优课_编号90070.zip
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教材及教学内容教材及教学内容 人民教育出版社(三年级起点)人民教育出版社(三年级起点)20132013版版 PEPPEP六六年级下册年级下册 Unit3Wheredidyougo?PartBReadandWrite 教学目标教学目标 一、知识目标一、知识目标 1.学生能够听、说、认,读本课时词汇:basket,part,licked,laughed等;能听懂, 会说句子Maxsatinabasketonthefrontofthebike.Wedressedupandmadea funnyplay.Itwasabaddaybutalsoagoodday! 2.学生能够理解Readandwrite内容并完成课本练习及教师所给的拓展活动。 二、技能目标二、技能目标 1.学生能通过读图、阅读人物对话,讨论故事的开端和进一步发展,激活相关背 景知识和储备词汇。 2.学生能够在图片的帮助下和教师的指导下读懂文本,找出关键词,并完成相关 练习。 3.学生能够仿照日记,描述自己糟糕又美好的一天。 三、学习策略三、学习策略 通过听音、读图、预测、圈关键词,划关键句等方式,培养学生在语篇中捕捉不 同类型信息和思考的英语阅读能力以及小组合作精神。 四、情感态度四、情感态度 积极运用所学语言进行表达和交流,在阅读中体验:凡事有好坏,我们要积极努 力使坏事变好事。 PEP8Unit4PartBReadandwrite swam swim jump jumped take took madewere make buy bought run sat ran sit are ate eat ride rode Pickupstones ListenandJudge Rules Say“Itwasgood!” ifyouthinkitisgood. Say“Itwasbad!” ifyouthinkitisbad. Itookpicturesofthebeautifulflowers. Itwasgood!Itwasbad! Irodeabikeatnight. Itwasgood!Itwasbad! Ifelloffmybikeandhurtmyfoot. Idrewpicturesathome. Itwasgood!Itwasbad! Mybabyhadafeverlastnight. Itwasgood!Itwasbad! Imadesomecookiesforyou. Itwasgood!Itwasbad! Mycatateallthecookies. ? WhatdidWuYifanmakeyesterday? Maybehemadeyesterday. atoycar . ? abikeforthree people Hemadeyesterday. abikefortwopeople abikeforonepeople Hemadenewfriendswith_. ? adog A.WuYifanlosthiscap.Maxhelpedhim. B.Maxlosthiscap. HowdidWuYifanmeetMax? Whatsyourname? Howabout“Max”? Hello,Max! Lookandthink 1 WuYifanlosthishat. Hewasworried. Adoghelpedhim. WuYifanwashappy. Hisparentslikedthedog. Itwassocute! B.Adoghelpedhim.WuYifanwashappy. C.WuYifanlosthishat.Hewasworried. A.Hisparentslikedthedog.Itwassocute! Readandmatch Whathappenednext? 2 3 同桌合作,给图配文 playedbasketball/. . MaybeMax_withthem. wentswimming atefreshfood boughtgifts Maxsatinthebasket. Thebasketwasonthefrontofthebike. Maxsatinthebasketonthefrontofthebike. WuYifans Diary WhoWhatWhere A B C D E F Tick out the pictures WuYifans Diary They_ofbeautiful_. They_forthreepeople. They_. They_some_food. Yummy ! Letssay WhatdidWuYifandointhe morning? rodeabike tookpicturescountryside boughtsomegifts atedelicious 1. 2. 3. 4. 231 Predict and Order CAB 预测故事的发展并排序 P P2929 Read , choose and underline Q1.Whydidtheystayinthehotel? A.Ihurtherfoot.B.Mumhadafever.C.Mumatebadfruit. Q2.WhatdidtheydoforMum? A.Theysanganddanced. B.Theydressedupandmadeafunnyplay. C.Theydidhousework. Q3.Whatpart(角色)(角色)didRobinplay? A.acatB.adogC.arabbit Read , choose and underline Q1.Whydidtheystayinthehotel? A.Ihurtherfoot.B.Mumhadafever.C.Mumatebadfruit. Q2.WhatdidtheydoforMum? A.Theysanganddanced. B.Theydressedupandmadeafunnyplay. C.Theydidhousework. Q3.Whatpart(角色)(角色)didRobinplay? A.acatB.adogC.arabbit Dadplayedthepartof _. GodErlang WuYifanplayedthepartof_ . MonkeyKing 舔 Read and judge ()1.Theywereveryhappythatafternoon. ()2.MaxjumpedtoRobinandlickedhim. RobinlikedMaxverymuch. P P2828 Read by yourself 大声朗读第二段大声朗读第二段 Payattentiontosentencestress,pause andliaison. 注意句子的重音、停顿和连读现象。 P P2929 atebadfruitrodeabike didntfeelwellboughtgiftsatedeliciousfood tookpictures dressedupandmadeafunnyplay WhathappenedtoWuYifansfamily intheafternoon? ? Lets have a debate A:Itwasabadday.Because. AB B:Itwasagoodday.Because. Asthesayinggoes, “Badluckoftenbringsgoodluck.” (俗话说:塞翁失马,焉知非福。)(俗话说:塞翁失马,焉知非福。) Itwasabaddaybutalsoagood day! Wasitabaddayoragoodday? wentfishin OnedayIwentfishing. It was a bad day . Iwentfishing butgotoneboot. Ah-oh ! Then. Mamaputflowersinit. Itwasbeautiful. Good ! Itwas abadday butalso agood day! Whatcanturnabaddayintoagoodday? hadafever babysistermadenoises brotheratemychocolate atebadfood hurtmyfoot/arm. hadnocomputerclass . metoldfriends wentcamping boughtanewbike/ playedgames sawafilm badthingsgoodthings hadafever hadnocomputerclass atebadfood hurtmyfoot/arm. babysistermadenoises brotheratemychocolate . metoldfriends wentcamping boughtanewbike/ playedcomputer Write about your bad but good day P P2929 abadday . agoodday. Myfriendscametoseeme. Wetalkedandlaughed. LastSunday Ifelloffmybikeandhurtmyleg. Putonasmile. Loveeveryday. Become smarter,kinderandstronger everyday. 展露笑脸。 热爱生活。 每天变得更聪明、更善良,更强大! 1.ReadP28byyourself. 2.Talkaboutyourbadbutgood daywithyourfriends. 3.Writeashortdiaryabouttoday. PEP8Unit3Wheredidyougo?PartBReadandWrite rodeabikebasket tookpictures boughtgifts atedeliciousfood Itwasabaddaybutalsoagoodday. inthe morning Badluckoftenbringsgoodluck. atebadfruitanddidntfeelwell stayedinthehotel dressedupandmadeafunnyplay playedthepartof inthe afternoon lickedlaughed 1.勾出第一段提到的图片。勾出第一段提到的图片。 2.阅读第二段,划出关键词句,并选择阅读第二段,划出关键词句,并选择 。 3.阅读第二段,判断对错。阅读第二段,判断对错。 Worksheet PEP8 Unit3 Where did you go? Part B Read and write 教学设计教学设计 教材版本义务教育教科书(三年级起点)2013 版 PEP 六年级下册 主讲教师 教学主内容PEP8 Unit3 Where did you go? Part B Read and write 一、教学目标: 1.知识目标 (1)学生能够听、说、认,读本课时词汇:basket, part, licked, laughed 等;能听懂,会说句子 Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. We dressed up and made a funny play. It was a bad day but also a good day! (2)学生能够理解 Read and write 内容并完成课本练习及教师所给的拓展活动。 2. 技能目标 (1)学生能通过读图、阅读人物对话,讨论故事的开端和进一步发展,激活相关背景知识和储备词 汇。 (2)学生能够在图片的帮助下和教师的指导下读懂文本,找出关键词,并完成相关练习 。 (3)学生能够仿照日记,描述自己糟糕又美好的一天。 3.学习策略 通过听音、读图、预测、圈关键词,划关键句等方式,培养学生在语篇中捕捉不同类型信息和思考 的英语阅读能力以及小组合作精神。 4.情感态度 积极运用所学语言进行表达和交流,在阅读中体验:凡事有好坏,我们要积极努力使坏事变好事。 二、教学重难点: 重点: 1. 听、说、认,读本课时词汇:basket, part, licked, laughed 等。 2. 听懂、会说句子 Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. We dressed up and made a funny play. It was a bad day but also a good day! 3. 理解 Read and write 内容并完成课本练习及教师所给的拓展活动。 难点:仿照日记或范例,书写自己糟糕又美好的一天。 三、教学用具: 多媒体课件,板书词条,小组合作活动材料。 四、教学过程: 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step1.Warm up 1.Sing a song: “What did you do today?” 2.Pick up stones: Revision of infinitive & past tense taketook, runran, jumpjumped, eat-ate 3.Listen and judge: If you think it is good, just say“it was good! If you think it was bad, say “it was bad!” 1.Ss sing together 2.Ss read the infinitive & past tense. 3.Ss Listen and judge, say“it was good! or“it was bad!” 设计歌谣、捡石头 以及听音判断游戏 温习动词不定式与 过去式词汇与句型, 为阅读做铺垫。 Step2. Presentation 二、Presentation 1.Take a guess: What did Wu Yifan make yesterday? T: Just kidding you. I was not helpful. Our friend Wu Yi fan was very helpful. Yesterday he made something. What did he make? Maybe he made a kite and flew a kite. Can you take a guess? T: Wow! He made a bike! This is a bike for three people. This is a bike for two people, this is a bike for one people. Wu Yi fan also made a new friend. Who did he make new friends with? Listen! (Woof!) 2.Look and think T: Three pictures for you, please look and think! How 1.Ss take a guess. S1: Maybe he made a house. S2: Maybe he made a car. S3: Maybe he made a boat. 通过猜测,激发孩 子的阅读好奇心与 兴趣。 did Wu Yifan meet the dog? A. Wu Yi fan lost his cap. Max helped him. B. Max lost his cap. 3.Read and match T: Now please read the sentences and match the pictures with your partner. 4.Check and Say T: What happened next? Maybe Max played basketball with them. Maybe Can you gusee? 5.Learn the sentence of“Max sat in the basket on the front of the bike.” T: See?! Max rode a bike with them. Where was Max? S: Max sat in the basket. T: Where was the basket? S: The basket was on the front of the bike. T: The basket was on the front of the bike. And Wu Yi fan was on the back of the bike. T: So these two sentences together, we can say: Max sat in the basket on the front of the bike. 6.Think and answer Q1: What was the weather like? Q2: Who were they in the picture? T: My kids. Please look at the picture carefully and answer my question:What was the weather like in the picture? Was it rainy? S: It was sunny. T: How do you know? Ss: I saw the blue sky. / Good weather. 2.Ss look at the pictures, think and choose A. 3.Ss read three pictures and match the sentences. 4.Ss guess: Maybe Max with them. 5.Ss learn the sentence of“Max sat in the basket on the front of the bike.” 6.Ss look at the pictures and answer the question. Q1: What was the weather like? Q2: Who were they in the picture? 读图、阅读人物对 话,讨论故事的开 端,激活相关背景 知识和储备词句。 仔细读图,寻找故 事背景线索。 T: Yes! The sky was blue. The weather was nice. Have you seen the shadows?So it was a big sunny day! T: Q2: Who were they in the picture? S: Wu Yi fans family. 7.Think and answer Q3: Where did they go? Q4: What did they do there? T: Now lets read Wu Yi fans diary. Please read part 1, tick out the pictures which are mentioned in the passage. T: Have you finished? Lets check!We choose BCDF. Picture B, how do you know? Which sentence shows you? Read it together, ok? T: Great! Can you read this word? Countryside 8.Think and Fill in the blanks T: According to the picture, recall what did Wu Yi fan do in the morning. (板书) T:Were they happy? Was it a good day or a bad day? S: It was a good day! 9.Predict and order Wu Yi fan wrote: It was a bad day but also a good day. Why? T: Three pictures for you. Please try to predict and put the pictures in order. T: Tell me your answer, please! / Maybe pic C goes first. Pic A is No.2, Pic B is No.3. Good try! 10. Read Part 2, answer 3 questions. T: Boys and girls, I have three questions for you. Q1: Why did they stay in the hotel? 7.Ss read Part 1, tick out the pictures which are mentioned in the passage. Check-Learn new words 8.Ss look at the pictures, recall what Wu Yi fan did in the morning; Ss look at the word cards on the blackboard and retell. 9.Ss predict what will happen next and put the pictures in order. Check 10. Read Part 2, circle the key words and underline the key sentences, 通过读图、预测、 培养学生在语篇中 捕捉信息和思考的 英语阅读能力。 通过听圈关键词, 划关键句等方式, 指导阅读技巧和阅 Q2: What did they do for mum? Q3: What part did Robin play? Please read Part2, circle the key words and underline the key sentences. Are you clear? Go! T: Have you finished? Lets check! Q1: We choose C. Which sentence tells you? Read the sentence, please! Ss: In the afternoon, mum ate some bad fruit and didnt feel well. So we stayed in the hotel. T: It was bad. So what did they do for Mum? Ss: B! T: Which sentence? Ss: We dressed up and made a funny play. T: Look! Wu Yi fan and his daddy dressed up and made a funny play. T: Why did they play a funny play? Ss: Because they wanted to make Mum happy. T: What part did they play? Look! Wu Yi fan played the part of Ss: Monkey King. T: And Daddy played the part of God Er Lang. It was so funny! T: What part did Robin play? 11. Read and judge T: Good job! Did everybody have a good time that afternoon? Now read Part 2 once again and Tick or cross. Ss 阅读判断对错。 T: Now, lets check! No.1 They were very happy that afternoon. () How do you know?/ Which sentence answer 3 questions. Q1: Why did they stay in the hotel? Q2: What did they do for mum? Q3: What part did Robin play? 11. Ss read Part 2 once again and Tick or cross. 读策略。 shows you? Ss: We laughed and laughed. T: Bingo! Laughed 跟读。I laughed and laughed. Who can show us how to laugh. T: So lovely! So he laughed and laughed. Show me how to laugh. Ss laugh. T: Just now, we laughed and laughed. You were so cute. 12. Read by yourself T: Now read part 2 by yourself. Pay attention to sentence stress, pause and liaison. 13. Retell things Wu Yifans family did in the afternoon. T: What happened to Wu Yifans family in the afternoon? Please look at the word cards and try to retell. (板书) Ss show how they laugh. 12. Ss read Part 2 by themselves. Pay attention to sentence stress, pause and liaison. 13. Ss look at the word cards and try to retell things Wu Yifans family did in the afternoon. 仔细阅读,寻找细 节信息,培养学生 阅读思考能力。 大声朗读,注意句 子的重音、停顿和 连读现象。 通过所给的图片提 示,复述文章,培 养学生的英语语言 组织能力。 Step3. Consolidation 1.Write bad things and good things. T:So something bad and something good happened to Wu Yifans family. Now turn to page29, write down the bad things and good things. 2.Have a debate T: Have you finished? Boys and girls, Was it a god day or a bad day? Lets have a debate! For example: A:I think it was a bad day. Because Mum didnt feel well. B: I think it was a good day. Because they dressed up and made a funny play. Mum was happy. Whats your idea? Please have a debate with your partner. Go! 3.Group show T: Which group can show us? T: Nice work! It was a bad day but also a good day. And as the saying goes: Bad luck often brings good luck. 1.Ss write bad things and good things. 2.Ss have a debate in pairs. 3. Group show 通过辩论,培养孩 子的英语思辨能力 与小组合作精神。 给学生小组展示的 机会,让学生更自 信,同时激励全班 学生大胆开口,勇 于展现自我。 Step4. Extension 1.Enjoy a little picture book as an example T: Boys and girls. I have a little picture book as an example for you. Lets watch. One day I went fishing One day I went fishing It was a bad day. I went fishing but got one boot. Then Mum put some flowers in it. It was beautiful. It was a bad day but also a good day. T: What can turn a bad day into a good day? Its up to you! You decide. 2.Life is full of bad things and good things. T: My kids. Life is full of bad things and good things. (1)Bad things T: Did you feel sad?Did you hurt your finger? My baby had a fever. It was the bad thing for me. What about you? (2)Good things T: What was the good things for you? For me, maybe met old friends. How about you? 3.Teachers bad but good day T: Good try! Look at the screen, it was my bad but good day. Last Sunday was a bad but good day for me. First, it was a bad day, I hurt my leg. Then, my friend came to see me. We talked and laughed. So it was also a good day. As the saying goes: Bad luck often brings good luck. 4.Ss write their bad but good day 1.Ss enjoy a little picture book 2.Life is full of bad things and good things. (1)Ss say the bad things in life. hurt my leg / had a cold/ went to WC without toilet paper/ had a nightmare/ (2)Ss say the good things in life. played computer games/ read 4.Ss write their bad but good 欣赏小绘本,通过 这一示范体验糟糕 又美好的一天,为 后续的书写小片段 做准备。 学生分享个人在生 活中经历的 bad things 和 good things, 给班上其他 学生启发和灵感, 涌现更多精彩的词 句。 学生在词库、范例 的帮助下,仿照模 板,描述自己糟糕 又美好的一天并分 T: Now its your turn to write your bad but good day. T: Have you finished? Who can read yours for class? T: Boys and girls. Bad luck often brings good luck. So put on your smile, love every day. Be smarter, kinder and stronger every day! day S1: First, it was a bad day, it was rainy. I couldnt play outside. Then, the sun came out. I saw the rainbow. So it was also a good day. S2: First, it was a bad day, I had a math test. I was scared. Then, I got a good score, it was easy for me. So it was also a good day. S3: First, it was a bad day, I had no computer class. Then, my class went hiking. So it was also a good day. 享,鼓励学生积极 运用所学语言进行 表达和交流,在阅 读中体验:凡事有 好坏,我们要积极 努力使坏事变好事。 Step4.Homework T: You can choose to do and win the little beans: 1. Read P28 by yourself. One bean. 2. Talk about your bad but good day with your friends. Two beans. 3. Write a short diary about today. Three beans. 分层作业,由学生 自主选择作业,赢 学豆。因材施教, 从整体上带动学生 理解知识、运用知 识和创新知识。 五、板书设计 教后反思: 本课时为 PEP8 Unit3 Where did you go? Part B Read and write。这一课分两个部分:第一部分要求学生 完成读前活动,通过读图、阅读人物对话,讨论故事开端和预测故事的进一步发展。教师请学生预测故 事并给图片排序,小结复述了 Wu Yifan 一家在早上所做的事情,并小结 It was a good day 这是美好的一 天。紧接着,抛出三个问题和两句句子给学生判断对错,处理了第二部分的细节信息。最后通过范例模 板,请学生书写自己的糟糕又美好的一天小语段。书写不是为写而写,而是使它成为一个有意义的书写 活动。同时渗透观念:Bad luck often brings good lu
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