人教pep版六年级下册英语Unit 3 Where did you go -Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-省级优课-(编号:62341).zip


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教学目标: 1.正确理解日记内容,回答问题。 2.能够懂得凡事都有好坏两面,只要努力坏事也能转 换成好事的道理。 1.ride a bike for three people. 2.took pictures 3.bought some gifts 4.ate some delicious food 5.ate bad fruit 6.make her happy 7.dress up 8.make a funny play 9.play the part of 10.It was a bad day but also a good day H .骑一辆三人自行车骑一辆三人自行车 G .照相照相 F. 买一些礼物买一些礼物 E. 扮演扮演的角色的角色 D. 编排一个有趣的戏剧编排一个有趣的戏剧 C. 使她开心使她开心 B. 装扮,打扮装扮,打扮 I. 吃了坏水果吃了坏水果 A. 吃一些美味的食物吃一些美味的食物 J. 那是糟糕但又美好的一天那是糟糕但又美好的一天 Review 1.ride a bike for three people. 2.took pictures 3.bought some gifts 4.ate some delicious food 5.ate bad fruit 6.make her happy 7.dress up 8.make a funny play 9.play the part of 10.It was a bad day but also a good day H .骑一辆三人自行车骑一辆三人自行车 G .照相照相 F. 买一些礼物买一些礼物 E. 扮演扮演的角色的角色 D. 编排一个有趣的戏剧编排一个有趣的戏剧 C. 使她开心使她开心 B. 装扮,打扮装扮,打扮 I. 吃了坏水果吃了坏水果 A. 吃一些美味的食物吃一些美味的食物 J. 那是糟糕但又美好的一天那是糟糕但又美好的一天 Review Max How did Wu Yifan meet Max?(吴一凡怎 样遇见Max的?) 1minute! Talk about it by yourself! (1分钟自己准备!) (根据关键词说说故事! ) How did Wu Yifan meet Max? One day, Wu Yifan lost (丢失) Then helped(帮助)him find (找到) Sotookback home(带回家) One day, Wu Yifan lost He was Then helped him find the cap So Wu Yifan took back home Whats the diary(日记) about ? A. A day of the summer holiday. B. A day of the spring holiday . Read quickly and number the pictures quickly.(任务 1:浏览全文,快速快速给下面的图片排出正确的顺序。并 且划出你的依据。) Fast Reading 1 2 3 Read quickly and number the pictures quickly.(任务1:浏览全文,快速快速给下面的图 片排出正确的顺序。并且划出你的依据。) Read Paragraph 1 and answer the questions . Meanwhile underline the answers. 任务2(小组合作,判断对错。同时在书上划出答案。) True or False 1.Friday was a rainy day. ( ) 3.Max sat in a basket. ( ) 2.We rode a bike for two people ( ) Read Paragraph 1 again and answer the question . Meanwhile underline the verb phrases 任务3(再读一遍第一段回答问题,同时用直线划出关键的动词 词组。) What did Wu Yifans family do in the morning? 吴一凡一家上午过得如何) How was the morning? It was _!good Guess ! 任务4:(猜测一下吴一凡一家下午过得如何) How was the afternoon? It was _! Read Paragraph 2 and answer the following questions. And underline the sentences.任务5:(读一遍第二段课文,回答下 列问题,并且划出相应的原因。) ( ( ) ) 1 1. . WWh hy y d di id d t th he ey y s st ta ay y i in n t th he e h ho ot te el l i in n t th he e afternoon?afternoon? A A. . B Be ec ca au us se e f fa at th he er r d di id dn n t t f fe ee el l w we el ll l. . B B. . BecauseBecause MumMum didntdidnt feelfeel well.well. C.C. BecauseBecause WuWu YifanYifan didntdidnt feelfeel well.well. ( ) 2.What2.What diddid theythey dodo toto makemake MumMum happy?happy? A.A. TheyThey dresseddressed upup B.B. theythey mademade a a funnyfunny playplay C.C. A A andand B.B. ( ( ) ) 3.3. WhatWhat diddid MaxMax dodo toto Robin?Robin? A.A. HeHe dresseddressed up.up. B.B. HeHe mademade a a funnyfunny play.play. C.C. HeHe jumpedjumped onon himhim andand lickedlicked himhim What did Wu Yifan and his father do to make Mum happy ?(妈妈生病,吴一 凡和爸爸做了什么使妈妈高兴?) _played the part of _ WWh ha at t d di id d MMa ax x d do o t to o Robin?Robin? j ju ummp pe ed d o on n h h i i mm a a n n d d l l i i c c k k e e d d( 舔舔 ) himhim. . Listen and read BadBad luckluck oftenoften bringsbrings goodgood luck!luck! It was a sunny day. Wu Yifan and his family for three people to the countryside . They 、 and But in the afternoon, his mum ate bad fruit and so they . To make his mum happy , they dressed up and . Robin played the part of a . It was a bad day but also a good day. A As s t th he e s sa ay yi in ng g g go oe es s, , “ “B Ba ad d l lu uc ck k o of ft te en n bringsbrings goodgood luck.”luck.” T To od da ay y w wa as s a a b ba ad d b bu ut t g go oo od d d da ay y f fo or r me.me.First,First, it it waswas a a badbad day,day, . . B Bu ut t w wh ha at t d di id d I I d do o t th he en n? ? , , . . SoSo it it waswas alsoalso a a goodgood day.day. A As s t th he e s sa ay yi in ng g g go oe es s, , ” ”B Ba ad d l lu uc ck k o of ft te en n bringsbrings goodgood luck.luck. I I w w e e n n t t shoppingshopping y ye es st te er rd da ay y , ,I I l lo os st t mmy y b ba ag g . .MMy y phonephone 、mymy cardcard andand mymy keyskeys werewere in in it. it. I I w we en nt t b ba ac ck k t to o t th he e supermarketsupermarket a an nd d a a k ki in nd d h he ea ar rt te ed d mma an n( (好好心心的的人人) r re et tu ur rn n i it t t to o me.me.( (返还)返还) 塞翁失马焉知非福塞翁失马焉知非福. . Write about your bad day but a good day. 任务6:(仔细阅读,写自己曾经历过的糟糕但又美好的一天。 ) TodayToday waswas a a badbad butbut goodgood dayday forfor me.me. First,First, it it waswas a a badbad day,day, . . ButBut whatwhat diddid I I dodo then?then? , , . . SoSo it it waswas alsoalso a a goodgood day.day. A As s t th he e s sa ay yi in ng g g go oe es s, , ” ”B Ba ad d l lu uc ck k o of ft te en n b br ri in ng gs s goodgood luck.”luck.” NowNow writewrite aboutabout youryour badbad butbut goodgood day.day. 塞翁失马,焉知非福。塞翁失马,焉知非福。 hurthurt mymy footfoot ateate badbad fruitfruit hadhad a a coldcold sawsaw a a goodgood filmfilm readread a a funnyfunny storystory listenedlistened toto musicmusic Our life is full of good news and bad news. So try your best to be happy every day. We must remember that bad luck often brings good luck. 我们的生活中有好的事情,也有坏的 事情,所以我们应该尽最大的努力每 天都要开心的去渡过,我们要记住塞 翁失马焉知非福。 H Ho omme ew wo or rk k: : 1 1. . ReadRead thethe diarydiary andand trytry toto retellretell ( (复复 述)述)it. it. 2 2. . WriteWrite aboutabout youryour badbad butbut goodgood day.day. 3 3. . FinishFinish thethe exercisesexercises in in youryour workbook.workbook. Unit 3 Where did you go? (Part B Read and write) 教学目标: 1.正确理解文章内容,回答问题。 2.能够懂得凡事都有好坏两面,只要努力坏事也能转换成好事的道理。 教学重点、难点: 1.能听懂会说文章中涉及到的短语。 2.理解句子 It was a dad day but also a good day.的意思和结构。 教学工具: PPT Book 教学过程: Step1 Greetings Step 2 Review: Match Step 3 lead-in: Talk about the story about how Wu Yifan meet Max according to the key words and the pictures. Step 4 Presentation Step 1) Learn the text and finish the exercises(所有的习题都由学生讨论完成并讲 解) Task1. Read quickly and number the pictures quickly Task 2. .Read Paragraph 1 and answer the questions in group . Meanwhile underline the answers. True or False (1.)Friday was a rainy day. ( ) (2.)We rode a bike for two people ( ) (3.)Max sat in a basket. ( ) Task 3. Read Paragraph 1 again and answer the question . Meanwhile underline the verb phrases What did Wu Yifans family do in the morning? 此时板书所有的动词短语,并一起重述有关第一段的内容。 Task 4. Guess ! How was the afternoon? Task 5. Read Paragraph 2 and answer the following questions. And underline the sentences. ( ) 1. Why did they stay in the hotel in the afternoon? A. Because father didnt feel well. B. Because Mum didnt feel well. C. Because Wu Yifan didnt feel well. ( )2.What did they do to make Mum happy? A. They dressed up B.They made a funny play C. A and B ( )3. What did Max do to Robin? A. He dressed up. B. He made a funny play. C. He jumped on him and licked him Step2) 详细讲解 dressed up ,made a funny play 和 played the part of Step 3)并且板书第二段涉及到的一些动词词组。 Step3) 听录音并跟读课文 Step4)学生根据板书内容及 PPT 提示重述课文 Step5. Practice 【写作练习】给出例文,学生仿写 (做为家庭作业) Now write about your bad but good day.(写自己曾经历过的糟糕但又美好的一天) Today was a bad but good day for me . First, it was a bad day._ _. But what did I do then?_ _ _. So it was also a good day. As the saying goes, “ Bad luck often brings good luck.” Step 6 Make a summary Our life is full of good news and bad news. So try your best to be happy every day. We must remember that bad luck often brings good luck. Step7 Homework 1. Read the diary and try to retell (复述)it. 2. Write about your bad but good day. 3. Finish the exercises in your workbook. Step6 B.B Unit 3 Where did you go? (B Read and write) Apr.23rd In the morning In the afternoon rode a bike stayed in the hotel took pictures made a funny play bought some gifts laughed and laughed ate some delicious food good bad good It was a bad day but also a good day. 教学反思: 本单元是六年级下册第三单元,是过去时态。过去时态在第二单元,学生已经接 触过,学生对过去时的用法已经有初步的了解,学生了解了动词过去式的变化规则,学生 已经会用句型相互询问上个周末过得怎么样?上个周末做了什么?本单元,在第二单元学 习的基础上,进一步学习接触不规则的动词过去式,及询问上个假期去了哪儿?是怎样去 那儿?以及与谁去的? 我在教学设计时,让学生学唱第三单元的歌曲,让学生对本单元有一个初步感知。上 课前给学生展示本节课的学习目标,让学生有目的的去学习。首先复习了上一节课所学的 关于这节课课文的短语,降低学习本节课的难度,同时课文的讲解,主要是通过学生小组 合作完成练习,学生进行讲解,从而进一步理解本节课课文。最后重述课文,练习写作。 反思:本节课,我设计时遵循了小组合作和高校课堂教学原则,我的教学流程很清晰, 重难点突出,让学生通过一个个的教学任务,小组合作来完成,课堂活动丰富,学生积极 性高,互助学习好。不足之处,1.平时,课堂上英语口语交流还需增加练习,用英语给学 生下指示时,学生不懂 ;2.课堂的任务量还是有点偏大,时间的掌控方面还需要加强,课文 的阅读练习应该再加强些 3.写作任务的练习应该放在下节课去进行。
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