人教pep版六年级下册英语Unit 3 Where did you go -Part A-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:31b39).zip


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Unit 3 where did you go ? Part B lets try Lets talk roderode a a bikebike SoundsSounds greatgreat lotslots ofof farfar fromfrom tooktook picturespictures WentWent swimmingswimming byby planeplane WentWent toto beijingbeijing wentwent campingcamping WhatWhat diddid how Lets PK Shenzhen Where? How ? What ? By plane took pictures Saw a film WuYifanWuYifan andand AmyAmy meetmeet SarahSarah atat schoolschool . . Lets try WhereWhere diddid SarahSarah gogo onon winterwinter holiday?holiday? WhoWho diddid sheshe gogo with?with? She went to Hangzhou. WithWith herher parents.parents. Lets talk Went to Hangzhou Sarah: Where did you go over the winter holiday? Amy: My family and I went to Sanya. Wu: Really? Did you like it? Amy: Yes, it was so warm. Sarah: Hainan is far from here. How did you go there? Amy: We went there by plane. Wu: How was the beach? What did you do there? Amy: It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming. Sarah: Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime? Amy: Sure. First listen then Underline the key sentences(听录音用横线画出问题以及答案听录音用横线画出问题以及答案 ) 绿色圃中小学教育网绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L 绿色圃中学资源网绿色圃中学资源网http:/cz.L Lets talk 1.Where did Amy go last winter holiday? 2.How did Amy go there? 3.What did Amy do there? She went to Sanya with her family. She went there by plane. She took lots of pictures and went swimming. Sarah: Where did you go over the winter holiday? Amy: My family and I went to Sanya. Wu: Really? Did you like it? Amy: Yes, it was so warm. Sarah: Hainan is far from here. How did you go there? Amy: We went there by plane. Wu: How was the beach? What did you do there? Amy: It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming. Sarah: Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime? Amy: Sure. A. each B. peach C. reach D. beach Sarah: Where did you go over the winter holiday? Amy: My family and I went to Sanya. Wu: Really? Did you like it? Amy: Yes, it was so warm. Sarah: Hainan is far from here. How did you go there? Amy: We went there by plane. Wu: How was the beach? What did you do there? Amy: It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming. Sarah: Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime? Amy: Sure. Groupwork : please practice with your group members, in your group, one will be Sarah, one will be Amy and one will be Wu Yifan. You have 2 minutes. Tips:小组成员可以分角色读,小组齐读,:小组成员可以分角色读,小组齐读, 组员带读,跟读等方式进行组员带读,跟读等方式进行。 DiscussDiscuss(讨论):(讨论): IfIf youyou areare AmyAmy useuse youryour ownown sentencessentences discribediscribe thethe AmysAmys holidayholiday . . ( (如果你是如果你是AmyAmy请你请你 用自己的语言来描用自己的语言来描 述一下艾米的假期述一下艾米的假期 和谁去了哪里,怎和谁去了哪里,怎 么去的,做了什么么去的,做了什么 ?心情怎么样?心情怎么样?) ) Last winter holiday ! Hello! Im _. My family and I went to _. HaiNan is far from here. We went there _. I_ and _.We had a good time. : A: Hello! Im_. Where did you go_? B: _. A: Who did you go with? B:_. A: How did you go there ? B:_. A: What did you do there ? B:_. A: Sounds great ! Tips:与你的同桌之间用对话的形式来说说你在假期的时候去与你的同桌之间用对话的形式来说说你在假期的时候去 了哪里?了哪里? a.询问朋友过去做了什么可以问:询问朋友过去做了什么可以问: b.询问朋友节假日去了哪里可以问:询问朋友节假日去了哪里可以问: C. 询问朋友过去怎样去某个地方可以问:询问朋友过去怎样去某个地方可以问: SummarySummary what did you do ? where did you go over the holiday ? How did you go there ? TheThe worldworld isis beautifulbeautiful .lets.lets gogo outout andand enjoyenjoy ourselves.ourselves.世界是美好的世界是美好的, ,我们我们 应该在假期的时候多走出去看看。应该在假期的时候多走出去看看。 上个寒假你做了那些有意义的事情,心情怎么样?请上个寒假你做了那些有意义的事情,心情怎么样?请 你写出来展示给大家你写出来展示给大家. 1.不少于不少于5句话,句话,2.条理清晰条理清晰 3. 字迹工整字迹工整 Lets write : Last winter holiday _ _ _ _ HomeworkHomework (1)Read after the tape, act out the dialogue on page 26. (必选) (2) Try to make up a new dialogue (According the report), and write it down. (必选) (3) Share the dialogue with parents. (可选) Unit 3 Where did you go? B. Lets talk. 一、教材内容分析 本单元学习的主题是谈论和描述人物在过去做的事情。在主情景图中,张鹏给 John 打 电话,了解 John 没有上学的原因,并去 John 家探望,分享 John 在刚过去的五一假期旅游 的照片,通过这些情景来呈现本单元的核心词汇和句型。而 Lets talk 部分学习的核心句 型是:Where did you go ? How did you go there? What did you do? 教材通过吴一凡和 Amy 在学校遇见 Sarah,三人谈论 Amy 的寒假活动的情景,帮助学生感知上述句型的语用情景。 二、学生情况分析 六年级的学生从三年级就开始真正意义上学习英语,在本单元学习对别人假期活动进行 口语交际之前,学生在六年级上册也学习过相关的话题,所不同的是上学期是对将要进行 的活动进行提问 Where are you going? What are you going to do? How are you going? Who are you going with? . 也就是一般将来时运用;而本单元即是针对过去的活动进行提问 Where did you go? What did you do? How did you go? Who did you go with? . 也就是一般运去的运 用。把新知识套用到旧公式当中,对学生来说应该是更易于掌握的。而且旅游和活动,永 远都是学生最感兴趣的话题,因此学生肯定会乐于接受新知识的。 3教学目标 知识目标: 1、能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。 2、能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演 3、能够听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用句型 Where did you go ? How did you go there? What did you do?谈论假日安排; 4、能够在语境中理解生词 beach 的意思,并能正确发音。 5、能够运用所学句型谈论自己的寒假生活 能力目标: 1、能够用一般过去时描述自己在过去的时间里所做的事情。 2、能够用主要句型询问他人在过去的时间里所做的事情并作答。 3、学会阅读短文,并从中获取信息,同时能互相谈论有关上个假期所做的事情。 情感目标:能合理安排假期,懂得热爱生活,热爱每一天! 四、教学重难点 教学重点:1.能够熟读对话并理解对话内容。 2.能听、说、读、写句子:Where did you go ? How did you go there? What did you do? 并在实际情景中运用。 教学难点:能实际情景中,正确运用特殊疑问句。 五、教学过程 Step1: Warm-up and greetings (课前欣赏 Tell me about your holiday.) (1) greetings (2) Review play a game (大屏幕上出现单词词组学生以最快的方式读出来,在一定程度 上复习动词的过去式) (3) Free talk T: Where did you go over the winter holiday? xx? (提问 3 到 5 个同学) S1: I went to ShangHai. S2: I went to Hu Nan. S3: I went to ChangSha. T: What did you do there? S: I rode a horse . T:what did you do last weekend ? S:I watched TV. (4) talk about my holiday Where did i go ? I went to ShenZhen. How did I go there? I went there by bus. What did i do ? I saw a film What else did i do ? I took lots of pictures. 【设计意图】通过师生交谈,让学生在轻松欢快的氛围中开始新的课程,通过询问 where, who, how ,what 等与旅游相关的话题,让学生回忆、感知所学过的相关词汇和句型,并让 学生初步了解旅游可以谈论的话题。) Step 2: Presentation (1) Lets try My holiday was great .how about your friends holiday ? PPT 出示 Wuyifan Amy and Sarah 在学校遇见的图片以及课本上的题目。 What are they talking about? A. School. B. Holiday. Who did Sarah buy gifts for? A. Amy and John. B. Wu Yifan and Amy. A. Present the scene: Wu Yifan and Amy are at school. They meet Sarah. What are they talking about? lets listen。 B. First listening: Listen and choose C.Second listening: Listen and answer. Where did Sarah go on winter holiday? Who did she go with? D. Check the answers. 【设计意图】 通过两遍的录音播放,帮助同学们完成对应的练习。同时获取 lets talk 部分的人物及场景 信息而扩展的问题是让学生掌握更多的信息,在培养学生们的听力技巧的同时,自然过渡 到本课时对话的学习及相关信息。 (2) Lets talk A. Lead-in. T: Now, we know Sarahs holiday. What about Amys holiday? What do you want to know? Please write down the questions you want to know. a) Let students to write down the questions on the paper. (1 分钟) b) Write down the questions on the blackboard. (把学生提出的问题以思维导图的形式写在黑 板上) 【设计意图】初读文本,了解文本大意。让学生先带着三个较简单的问题从听上整体感知 故事内容,再通过看录像进一步完整清晰地了解了故事内容。激发学生的阅读兴趣,吸引 学生由浅入深地整体感知内容.目标激发学生的阅读兴趣,树立学生阅读的自信心,让后进 生也能参与其中,辐射学生的参与面。为下一步的细读作好铺垫. B. First listening: Listen and think. T: Wow, we have many questions. Now, open your book P26. Please lets take these questions to listen the recording. And mark down the main information: Where, When, What, Who, How. 【设计意图】 引导一般过去时特殊疑问句的用法,让学生带着这课文的几个核心问题去听音,集中注意 力,并尝试去捕捉关键的信息。 T: Can you catch the answers? Ss: Yes! (可能会有部分学生会举手发表意见) T: All right! Who can tell me: Where did Amy go? When did she go? What did she do there? Who did she go with? How did she go? (让学生在对话当中找出黑板问题的答案,检测之前的回答 并板书) Check the answers: 【设计意图】 第一遍听录音,对学生进行整体输入感知对话。抓住问题去听,在考查学生的专注度的同 时,也培养了学生听的能力,让他们在快速听力的情况下获得信息,也获得了取得答案后 的成功感,进一步提升探知课文的欲望. 总结 Amys winter holiday 然后在进行 lets chant. Where did Amy go? She went to sanya. When did she go? on winter holiday . What did she do there? she took pictures and went swimming. Who did she go with? her family. How did she go? She went there by plane.(让学生在对话当中找出黑板问题的答案, 检测之前的回答并板书) 【设计意图】 这个环节目的是为了让学生对文本有更好的整体的了解,并通过 chant 让学生对本节课的 疑问句更好的读和理解运用为接下来的句子排序做铺垫) 3. Second listening: A. Watch, listen and write T: Sounds great!You did a very good job! So, lets watch the whole story. Please listen again and watch. (播放视频) B. Read after the computer. 学生们跟着电脑朗读对话,教师在课件上提醒学生们注意句子的重音、意群和停顿。 T: Now please read after the computer, but pay attention to the tones, stress and liaison. 【设计意图】在前面三次听的输入和对应的练习之后,学生们基本上理解了对话的意思, 通过跟着标准的录音朗读对话,帮助学生们学习和掌握对话的正确语音语调。 Now can you use your own sentences discribe the Amys holiday .教师在 PPT 上给 出模版。 Last winter holiday !my family and I went to _.it was so _.we went there _.the beach was _.I _and _.I had a good time. Step 3: Practice (1) Role play 学生小组之间,男生和女生之间进行角色扮演。 A. Make a model. T: Lets role play. I will be Sarah and who wants to be Amy and Wu Yifan? B. Group work. T: Good job! This time, please practice with your group members, in your group, one will be Sarah, one will be Amy and one will be Wu Yifan. You have 2 minutes. C. Act out the dialogue.教师请班上几位同学进行表演对话示范后,引导同学们小组内练习对 话,并请若干组到讲台前表演对话。 【设计意图】通过角色扮演,帮助学生们更好地理解和把握语言的使用情境,为接下来的 自由运用所学语言提供示范。 (1) Discuss the pictures. 教师呈现本板块的插图,然后让学生两两进行讨论 Amy 的三亚之行。 T: These are the pictures of Amys trip for Sanya. Lets discuss with your partner, you can ask “What did Amy do on the 1st/2nd / day? How did she feel? What was the weather like there? What did she eat there? Did she?”, the other one please answer. T: Ok! Now, who has the questions? Or who would like to say anything one of the pictures? S: Me. (学生举手回答) T: Wonderful! / Sounds great! / Good idea! (用不同的评价方式,让学生体现自己与别人的 不同) 【设计意图】 提供图片与提问信息,引导学生结合图片,发挥想象力,对 Amy 在三亚旅游的细节进行对 话。用上面呈现过的知识点进行有效的输出,懂得语言在实际情境中的运用,为接下来的 拓展活动起到脚手架的作用。 Step 4: Consolidations (1) Production: Amys Holiday Trip T: Here has some sentences of Amys Holiday Trip. But do you know how to ask? 教师用 PPT 呈现 Amy 旅游信息的句子,要求学生根据提供的信息推断合适的疑问句。 【设计意图】文本重构的同时,点拨知识点,加深学生在实际情境中正确使用特殊疑问句 的认识,在“会说”的基础上再到“会写”,巩固所学。 (2)Do a survey. A. Talk about your winter holiday. T: Last winter holiday, Amy and Sarah had fun. What about your winter holiday? Lets talk about it with your partner. 学生两人一组调查对方最近一次旅行的相关情况并作记录。鼓励学生尽可能多地获取信息。 B. Make a report: went to in He/She 【设计意图】 创设一个相对真实,与课本对话相对应并与课堂开头设置任务相呼应的情景,让学生们在 任务的驱动下自主表达语言,真正体会和感受核心句型的语用功能,从而达到学以致用。 Summary : a.询问朋友过去做了什么可以问:what did you do ? b.询问朋友节假日去了哪里可以问:where did you go over the holiday ? C. 询问朋友过去怎样去某个地方可以问:How did you go there ? Lets write : 上个寒假你做了那些有意义的事情,心情怎么样?请你写出来展示给大家,1. 不少于 5 句话,2.条理清晰 3. 字迹工整 Last winter holiday _ _ _ -_ Progress: T:You have went to many beautiful places .lets see some other wonderful scenery.(通过图片形 式带同学们观看一些其他的旅游胜地以及美景)然后教师总结 The world is beautiful .lets go out and enjoy ourselves.世界是美好的我们应该在假期的时候多走出去看看。 Step 5. Homework (1) Read after the tape, act out the dialogue on page 26. (必选) (2) Try to make a new dialogue (According the report), and write it down. (必选) (3) Share the dialogue with parents. (可选) 【设计意图】 布置分层次的作业,实现课内课外知识一体化,使不同学习层次的学生都能得到巩固和提 高。 6、板书设计 Unit 3 Where did you go ? Where did you go over the winter holiday? I went to. How did you go there? I went there by. Who did you go with? I went with. What was the weather like there? It was
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人教pep版六年级下册英语Unit Where did you go _Part A_ppt课件_(含教案)_部级优课_(编号:31b39) 人教 pep 六年级 下册 英语 unit _Part A_ppt 课件
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