人教pep版六年级下册英语Unit 1 How tall are you -Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:c085e).zip


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展开 人教pep版三起六年级下册英语Unit1Howtallareyou_B_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_公开课_编号c085e.zip人教pep版三起六年级下册英语Unit1Howtallareyou_B_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_公开课_编号c085e.zip
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UnitUnit 1 1 HowHow talltall areare you?you? B B LetsLets learnlearn 达标检测达标检测 (一)写出下列各词的比较级形式。 1. old _ young _ short _ small _ 2. big _ thin _ hot _ 3. heavy _ funny _ (二)形容词比较级形式的构成方法: 1 一般情况下直接加 _. 2 以重读闭音节结尾、末尾只有一个辅音字母的单词_. 3 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的单词_ (三)仿照例子写句子。 例:Im tall. Your brother is short. Im taller than your brother. 1. Im 151 cm tall. He is 154cm tall. _ 2. Chen Jie is 30kg. Amy is 31kg. _ 3.Miss Whites hair is short.Sarahs hair is long._ 4.My hands are small. Your hands are big._ (四)根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1. How _(tall) are you ? 2. How _ (heavy) are you ? 3. My hands are _ (big) than yours. 4. She is 2 years _ (old) than me . 5. Im _ (thin) than you. 6.You are _(short) than you. 7.ZhangPengs shoes are _(nice) than mine. 8.The elephant is _(heavy) than the panda. UnitUnit 1 1 选出你认为选出你认为不是不是炸弹的单词读一读炸弹的单词读一读 。 I am taller. How tall are you? short and thin tall and strong Whats he like? longer Youre older than me. Im 1.61 metres. heavy younger shorter 明星档案: A: 王俊凯 17 years old 1.73 m 52 kg 问年龄:A: How old are you? B:I am _ years old. 问身高: A:How tall are you? B:I am _ metres 问对方的体重: A:How heavy are you? kg = kilogram B: Im 52 kilograms. 明星档案: A: 王俊凯 年龄:17 身高:1.73 m 体重:52 kg 明星档案: B: 王源 年龄:16 身高:1.65 m 体重:45 kg A is older than B. A is taller than B. A is heavier than B. Who is heavier, the bear or the elephant? 70kg eThe elephant is heavier than the bear. heavy 100kg heavier thin 大毛大毛 三毛三毛 thinner Who is thinner, Da mao or San mao? San mao is thinner than Da mao. strong strong Xiao Ming Xiao Gang er Xiao Gang is stronger than Xiao Ming. Who is stronger, Xiao Ming or Xiao Gang? Mikes shoes are Size 40.Wu Yifans shoes are Size 37. Whose shoes are bigger, Mikes or Wu Yifans? Whose shoes are smaller, Mikes or Wu Yifans? Mikes shoes are bigger than Wu Yifans. Wu Yifans shoes are smaller than Mikes. bigger smaller Make a new dialogue (根据自己的实际情况自编对话)根据自己的实际情况自编对话) Listen and match(听音连线,找找他们各自钓的鱼听音连线,找找他们各自钓的鱼 ) Mikes fish is_ than _ shorter thinner taller longer heavier smaller stronger bigger PK:一比高下(写一写)一比高下(写一写) 用比较级仿照例句与同桌或朋友展用比较级仿照例句与同桌或朋友展 示自己的优点!示自己的优点! Im _ than you. My is _ than your My are _ than your shorter long young old short heavy late strong big small thin younger older heavier later stronger bigger longer smaller thinner 怎样加er? 有什么规律? 请同学们认真观察这些请同学们认真观察这些-er形容词形容词,想一想:我们是怎么样给想一想:我们是怎么样给 这些单词加上这些单词加上er的?有什么规律的?有什么规律(rules)? funnyfunnier hothotter 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1. How _(tall) are you ? 2. How _ (heavy) are you ? 3. My hands are _ (big) than yours. 4. She is 2 years _ (old) than me . 5. Im _ (thin) than you. 6.You are _(short) than you. 7.ZhangPengs shoes are _(nice) than mine. 8.The elephant is _(heavy) than the panda. tall heavy bigger older thinner shorter nicer heavier UnitUnit 1 1 选出你认为选出你认为不是不是炸弹的单词读一读炸弹的单词读一读 。 I am taller. How tall are you? short and thin tall and strong Whats he like? longer Youre older than me. Im 1.61 metres. heavy younger shorter 明星档案: A: 王俊凯 17 years old 1.73 m 52 kg 问年龄:A: How old are you? B:I am _ years old. 问身高: A:How tall are you? B:I am _ metres 问对方的体重: A:How heavy are you? kg = kilogram B: Im 52 kilograms. 明星档案: A: 王俊凯 年龄:17 身高:1.73 m 体重:52 kg 明星档案: B: 王源 年龄:16 身高:1.65 m 体重:45 kg A is older than B. A is taller than B. A is heavier than B. Who is heavier, the bear or the elephant? 70kg eThe elephant is heavier than the bear. heavy 100kg heavier thin 大毛大毛 三毛三毛 thinner Who is thinner, Da mao or San mao? San mao is thinner than Da mao. strong strong Xiao Ming Xiao Gang er Xiao Gang is stronger than Xiao Ming. Who is stronger, Xiao Ming or Xiao Gang? Mikes shoes are Size 40.Wu Yifans shoes are Size 37. Whose shoes are bigger, Mikes or Wu Yifans? Whose shoes are smaller, Mikes or Wu Yifans? Mikes shoes are bigger than Wu Yifans. Wu Yifans shoes are smaller than Mikes. bigger smaller Make a new dialogue (根据自己的实际情况自编对话)根据自己的实际情况自编对话) Listen and match(听音连线,找找他们各自钓的鱼听音连线,找找他们各自钓的鱼 ) Mikes fish is_ than _ shorter thinner taller longer heavier smaller stronger bigger PK:一比高下(写一写)一比高下(写一写) 用比较级仿照例句与同桌或朋友展用比较级仿照例句与同桌或朋友展 示自己的优点!示自己的优点! Im _ than you. My is _ than your My are _ than your shorter long young old short heavy late strong big small thin younger older heavier later stronger bigger longer smaller thinner 怎样加er? 有什么规律? 请同学们认真观察这些请同学们认真观察这些-er形容词形容词,想一想:我们是怎么样给想一想:我们是怎么样给 这些单词加上这些单词加上er的?有什么规律的?有什么规律(rules)? funnyfunnier hothotter 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1. How _(tall) are you ? 2. How _ (heavy) are you ? 3. My hands are _ (big) than yours. 4. She is 2 years _ (old) than me . 5. Im _ (thin) than you. 6.You are _(short) than you. 7.ZhangPengs shoes are _(nice) than mine. 8.The elephant is _(heavy) than the panda. tall heavy bigger older thinner shorter nicer heavier Unit 1 How tall are you? B Lets learn 教学设计教学设计 一、 教材分析 本节课是六年级第一单元的第四课时,要求学生能用形容词的比较级来谈 论自己、朋友及其他事物,能在活动中准确表达。通过这节课的学习,引导学 生关注自己身边的人和事物,培养学生分析观察的能力,并为以后学习形容词 最高级打下基础,在教材中处于举足轻重的地位。 二、 学情分析 尽管本节涉及的内容前三节课的学习已有基础,学生对形容词的比较级已 有了解,但是还有少数同学在活动中该方面知识运用起来有困难。因此,在本 节学习中还应该以练习为主,通过对比学习使学生更好地掌握比较级的用法。 这节课中涉及到 heavy,thin,big 的比较级形式,和前面学习的比较级形式有区别, 所以学习时应正确引导,避免学生走弯路。 三、 教学目标 1、知识目标: 1、能听、说、读、写形容词的比较级形式:bigger,smaller, longer, thinner, heavier. 2、熟练掌握句型 A is heavier than B. Mikes shoes are bigger than Wu Yifans.等。 2、能力目标: 1、能用以上形式描述人物和动物的特征; 2、能根据 lets play 提供的小图进行替换练习, 让学生在自 然的情境中运用所学单词,进行对话。 3、情感目标: 通过本节的学习,引导学生关注身边的人和事,培养学生观察 分析的能力。 四、 教学重点和难点 教学重点 :掌握本课时要求四会的五个形容词的比较级形式。 教学难点: 掌握形容词 heavy,thin,big 的比较级构成形式,以及 在交流中灵活准确地运用形容词比较级结构。 五、教学过程 (一)Warm up(热身运动 / 复习) 1.复习旧知 ( Bomb time 利用游戏复习 Part A 部分已学的重要知识点) 2.Free talk(利用学生所熟知和喜爱的明星提问同学,引起孩子们的兴趣): T: Whats his name? How old is he ? How tall is he? (通过体重单位 kg) 引出新授单词 kilogram 并带读 (二)Presentation 授新课 1、 导入新课:今天我们学习 PartB. 板书:How heavy are you ? Im 52 kg 2、Play game: 课件呈现 Tfboys 的两个成员的年龄、身高、体重进行 PK T: Who is taller? Who is older? Who is stronger ? 引导 :A is older than B. A is taller than B . A is heavier than B 3、 操练单词 heavier 、thinner 和 stronger (提示 heavy、thin、和 strong 的比较 级变化规则) (PPT 课件呈现 70kg 的熊和 100kg 的大象)说句子:Who is heavier, the bear or the elephant? (看大屏幕)指名说:The elephant is heavier than the bear. (看大屏幕)(出示两个男孩像)观察,说:San mao is thinner than Da mao. (看大屏幕)指名说句子:Xiao Gang is stronger than Xiao Min . 4、 学习 bigger 和 smaller (提示 big 和 small 的比较级变化规则) (看大屏幕)(出示迈克和吴一凡的鞋子尺码)观察,老师问:Whose shoes are bigger, Mikes or Wu Yifans? 学生说句子 Mikes shoes are bigger than Wu Yifan s . Wu Yifans shoes is smaller than Mikes . (三)Practise and Consolidation 操练和巩固 . 1、领读单词,打开课本,听录音跟读。 2、小组合作(Work in pairs):两人一组运用所学的形容词的比较级,自编对 话,可比身高或体重并交流展示。 3、 听音配对(listen and match) 。 (课件显示) 4、游戏 Play a game 两人小组比身高,体重,五官,身体部位,至少说出一种自己的优势并写出比 较级的句型。 例如:Im taller than you My legs are longer than yours .I can run faster than you .请两小组板前展示。 (四)总结(summary) 1.询问别人的体重:How heavy are you? I am kg . 2.总结:形容词比较级的变化规则 (课件显示) ,让学生观察和归纳。
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人教pep版六年级下册英语Unit How tall are you _Part B_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_公开课_(编号:c085e) 人教 pep 六年级 下册 英语 unit _Part B_ppt
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