人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 4At the farm-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:712e6).zip


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    • 人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit 4 At the farm_B_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:712e6)
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Are these _? Yes, they are. Wow, they are so_!big carrot s They are tomatoes. What are these? Try some. They are good. They are yum! They are_ tomatoes green beans potatoes carrots They are_ grapeswatermelons oranges strawberries What animals are they talking about? What animals are they talking about? AB C DE What are those? They are horses. Cool. How many horses do you have? MmmSeventeen. What about those? Are they hens? No, they arent. They are ducks. What about_? Are they dogs? these Yes, they are. How many cows? Six. Yes,they are. No, they arent. What are these/those? Are they _? They are _. What are these/those? Are they _? Yes, they are. They are so. Thank you, Mr. Macdonald. Good bye! Farm these They are carrots. those They are horses. They are _. beautiful 2 mins Discuss in pairs Share in class Design your farm Unit4 At the farm B Lets talk& Lets learn 一、 教学目标 1.能够听、说、认读单词: cow, hen, sheep, horse 及其复数形式 。 2. 能够熟练运用 What are those?/Theyre . / Are they? /Yes, they are. /No , they arent. /What about those? /The y are.等句型于真实语境之中。 3.学生能通过有针对性的提问,在文本中找到相关信息,提取答案 。 4. 能运用相关的句型,根据实际情境,编简单的对话,并进行交流。 二、学情分析 学生情况: 学生已经有了一定数量动物单词的积累,并且能够比较熟练地表达这 些动物的复数形式。同时学生在 A 部分已经学习并且掌握了句型:Wh at are these?They are?的问答形式。 三、重点难点 1.教学重点: (1)能够在实际情境中运用句型 What are those?/Theyre . / Are they? /Yes, they are./ No , they arent. /What about those? /They are. 2.教学难点: (1)根据物体远近,合理选择 these 与 those 进行提问。根据单复数 情况合理选择 this 与 these,that 与 those。 (2)在实际情境中运用句型进行交流。 四、教学过程 一、热身一、热身 1. 师生问候,欣赏歌曲 欣赏歌曲- animals on the farm 【设计意图】上课一开始,通过歌曲活跃气氛,引出主题,为本课 的学习做了铺垫。 2. 复习 (1)组织学生谈论刚刚歌曲里听到和看到的动物 (2)教师课件呈现动物剪影,问:What are those?/ What are these?/Whats that?/ Whats this? 学生用 They are. /Its .进行 回答。 【设计意图】通过欣赏歌曲,使学生在一种轻松愉快的气氛中进入课 堂。简单的 free talk 拉近了师生间的距离,复习了部分动物单词。动 物剪影环节有效地复习了 A 部分 Lets talk 的核心句型 Whats are these?They are同时渗透了新句型:What are those?They are、Wow, a lot of animals! 3. 出示课题&任务,复习第一课时内容: (1)呈现课文图片,告诉学生:Last class we went to Mr.Macdonald s farm with Sarah,Mike and John. We visited the Vegetable and Fruit Garden together. Do you remember?复习第一课时课文内容。 (2)Now look. Are they still in the vegetable garden? No. Where are they? They are at the Animals Raising Zone. Today lets talk about the Animals on the Farm. (2)呈现本课 topic: Animals on the Farm. 二、新授教学新授教学 1. 出示课文出示课文 Lets talk 图片,组织全班学生读图图片,组织全班学生读图 出示课文图片,组织全班读图:Mike likes animals. He says, Wow, you have a lot of animas! So what animals are they talking about? 【设计意图】通过引导学生观察插图,了解语言环境,为课文新 授做好准备。 2. 观看视频,回答问题:观看视频,回答问题:What animals are they talking about? 教授新词:教授新词:horse-horses 【设计意图】引导学生带着问题观看视频,在课文情境中学习新 词,做到了词不离句、句不离情境。 3.观看视频,把问句放到合适的位置:观看视频,把问句放到合适的位置:Now you know the animals. Mike and Sarah are very curious about them so they ask some questions. Can you match the questions? Mike 和 Sarah 是善于观察又好学的孩子, 他们问了几个问题,你能把问题放到合适的位置吗?Lets watch again and try. 4. 教学功能句式教学功能句式: What are those? They are horse. T: Mike hasnt seen any horses before, so he asks like this. Mike 之 前从来没有见过马,所以他问:What are those?(自从注意采用自然 拼读法 o-e,th,板书) Mr Macdonald answers: They are horses.(板 书) Pay attention to Mikes hands. Why does he point like this? Look, last time he says what are these. These, those. Whats the different? Yes, very good. Heres a tip for you, when things are near us, we ask what are these, instead, we say , what are those. Clear? How clever. lets chant. Show me your hands. 5 看图,运用希沃一体机的自带放大镜功能看图,运用希沃一体机的自带放大镜功能: Besides horses, there are many other animals here. Look! What are those?Yes, they are cows. They are so教授新词教授新词 cow-cows, sheep-sheep, hen-hens 6.快速反应游戏操练动物单词:快速反应游戏操练动物单词:Now youve met the animals on the farm. They want to have a show for you. Lets see. What are those? 【设计意图设计意图】对课文情境进行延伸,在连贯的情境中学习其它新 单词的同时操练功能句式,一箭双雕。 6.指向马群,问:指向马群,问:How many horses can you see? 通过听课文确认通过听课文确认 数量,并操练句子数量,并操练句子 How many horses do you have? Seventeen. 5. 操练句式操练句式 What about those? Are they hens? No, they arent. They are ducks: Sarah has Qs too. She says.Are they hens?(板书板书) 通过创设情境通过创设情境 Are these dogs?引出肯定回答引出肯定回答 Yes,they are. 并板书。并板书。 6. 板书总结,引导学生讨论:当我们谈论农场动物的时候我们板书总结,引导学生讨论:当我们谈论农场动物的时候我们 可以从哪些方面来谈呢?可以从哪些方面来谈呢? Boys and girls, look at the blackboard. When we talk about animals on the farm, what can we talk about? Discuss in groups please. Yes, We can talk about their kinds, numbers and features including the color and so on. Have you got it? Great. 【设计意图】引导学生在小组合作学习中学会归纳总结并和学 生一起搭建思维导图,发展学生思维能力,培养学生学科核心素养。 7. 听音跟读课文听音跟读课文 【设计意图】呈现英语原音,让学生输入纯正的英语,通过听 音跟读,在语境中学习语篇。 三操练巩固三操练巩固 1. 创设情境操练目标语句。创设情境操练目标语句。Guessing Game: Boys and girls, what do you think of the farm? Is it a beautiful farm? Yeah, Sarah and Mike are so happy. Lets see more animals with them, OK? 通过不同场景中通过不同场景中 动物的蛋、声音、脚印、爱吃的食物等,用动物的蛋、声音、脚印、爱吃的食物等,用 What are these/those? They are They are so How many?讨论。讨论。 (1) Mike 和和 Sarah 到达的第一、二个场景,引导全班自由发言猜到达的第一、二个场景,引导全班自由发言猜 测。测。Look. They see a house. Whose house is it? There are so many food. Mike asks, What are those, are they? What will Mike ask? (2) Mike 和和 Sarah 到达的第三个场景,引导同桌合作学习猜测。到达的第三个场景,引导同桌合作学习猜测。 (3)Mike 和和 Sarah 到达的第四个场景,引导四人小组合作学习到达的第四个场景,引导四人小组合作学习 猜测。猜测。 【设计意图】信息差游戏调动学生学习积极性,在情境中有效地操 练了目标语句。从个人到同桌再到小组合作学习,培养学生合作学 习、自主学习能力。 2. Mikes Three Pictures 爱好画画的爱好画画的 Mike 从农场回到家之后从农场回到家之后,画了三幅关于农场的图画。画了三幅关于农场的图画。 Chen Jie 和和 Mike 一边欣赏图画一边讨论。一边欣赏图画一边讨论。 Mike love the farm very much. When he comes home, he draws 3 pictures about the farm. Lets have a look. Whos this girl? Yes, Chen Jie and Mike are talking about the pictures. First, lets listen. So, they are talking about the tomatoes and the cows. Yes. Now, lets read. 第一幅图片第一幅图片,教师提供全部的对话内容与图片。请学生跟读教师提供全部的对话内容与图片。请学生跟读,并并 对话。对话。This is the second picture. This time, they are talking this kind of vegetables. So, what are 第二幅图片第二幅图片,教师去掉部分信息词语教师去掉部分信息词语,请学生根据图片信息请学生根据图片信息,上下上下 文线索文线索,补充完成。补充完成。 第三幅图片第三幅图片,只有图片内容和对话框只有图片内容和对话框,请学生充分发挥想象请学生充分发挥想象,进进 行二人小组讨论交流行二人小组讨论交流,编出一个新对话。编出一个新对话。This is the third pictures. No words are here. Its time for you to fill in the blanks. Now try to discuss in pairs. The words here may help you. 3.Sarahs E-book 播放播放 Sarah 眼中的农场微视频,进行情感渗透,让学生感受眼中的农场微视频,进行情感渗透,让学生感受 自然、感受农场之美。自然、感受农场之美。 4. Design your dream farm (1)展示老师的)展示老师的 Dream Farm,和学生问答,作为示范,和学生问答,作为示范 This is Ms Chens dream farm. Can you ask questions about it? (2)利用)利用 ipad 设计出你梦中的农场,和同桌互相交流你的设计出你梦中的农场,和同桌互相交流你的 农场,说得越多越好。农场,说得越多越好。 Do you want to design your own farm? (3)全班展示全班展示 4、总结反馈总结反馈 总结本课重点单词和句型以及使用的适合场景。 五、作业五、作业 1. Listen and imitate: Unit5 PartB.* Try to recite if you can. (听音仿读课文,尽量背诵) 2. Search more information about farms abroad.
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