人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 3Weather-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:115c6).zip


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    • 人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit 3 Weather_A_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_省级优课_(编号:115c6)
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        • weather.mp3
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说课稿说课稿 1说教材及教学内容:说教材及教学内容: 本节授课内容是 Pep 三年级起点人教版 Unit3 Weather A 部分的 Lets learn。主 要让学生掌握四个单词 cold , warm , hot ,cool 及两个目标句 This is the weather report. 和 Its .in. 2说教学过程及设计意图:说教学过程及设计意图: 1.播放小树经历不同天气状况的视频,让学生整体感知本节课的核心话题,直 入主题。 2.以新疆这个神奇的温差悬殊之地展开教学。 辅以视听等感官体验,以新疆一日当中不同时段有不同的温度逐一呈现并教学 新词 cold,warm, hot ,cool,同时遵循词不离句,以用导学的原则,从听说练等方 面引导学生输入知识。 3.新授之后及时以转盘猜词小组竞赛的形式对新授内容进行了简要回顾与初步 练习应用。 4.回归课本,听说训练,小组活动仿说天气预报,紧扣课本进行知识输出练习。 5.之后用齐读民谣和自编 chant 的方式对已学新知进行了整体内化加深印象,同 时有季节文化渗透。 6.接下来进入知识输出阶段,听说练习,学以致用,回应课标以培养和提高学 生的综合语言运用能力为宗旨。这一环节设置了一个听力练习顺延口语练习, 测评了本节课的目标词句掌握情况,另外设置了一个综合拓展练习,让学生对 话谈论自己喜欢的城市,当地天气,名特产等,既有地域文化的渗透也拓宽学 生的思维与视野,把英语学习与生活内容紧密联系起来,无形中培养了学生学 习英语的兴趣。 7.最后进行了课堂小结同时完善了板书,布置了家庭作业。 3说教学反思说教学反思: 1.课堂上还是要继续尽量用英语组织教学,虽然小学生领悟能力有限,但辅以 肢体语言还是可以进行有效教学的。 2.要真正做到面向全体,班容量大不可能逐一考查学生学情,但以每行学生为 单位或以小组为单位考查既可增强孩子们的信心又能基本做到面向全体。 8. 教学设计 一教学目标: 1.知识与能力目标: 1)学生能听、说、认读表示天气的单词 cold,warm,hot,cool 并知道与这几种天 气相对应的大致温度范围。 21 世纪教育网版权所有 2)能听懂、会说句子 This is the weather report. Its . in . today. 例:Its warm in Beijing today. 并初步了解我国几个不同城市的基本气候特点。 2.德育目标: 在课堂内容和环节中渗透地域文化, 让学生领悟生活中处处有知识, 时时需积累。 二教学重难点: 1. 重点是学生能听、说、认读新单词和目标句,并能学以致用,在模拟情境中 自然交流。 2 难点是单词的准确发音(如 weather 中字母组合 th 的咬舌音,warm 中的 儿化音等)以及新词句的应用。 三教具: 课件、随堂听力习题学案和点读机 四教学过程: 一.) Warm-up Students watch a video about the weather. 二、) Lead-in T: Whats the video about? T&Ss: Weather. littleTree.exe father mother brother bread thereaW Xinjiang “早穿皮袄午穿纱早穿皮袄午穿纱 , 围着火炉吃西瓜。围着火炉吃西瓜。 ” Its_inXinjiang. Thisistheweatherreport. (天气预报)(天气预报) 2 6:00a.m. 21 10:00a.m. 32 1:00p.m. 16 7:00p.m. cold Its_inXinjiang.cold old Thisistheweatherreport. 6:00a.m. 2 1 The_iscold. . - - 1313 Harbin哈尔哈尔 滨滨 Its_in_today.cold Harbin Thisistheweatherreport. Changchun长春长春 33 Changchun warm 21 10:00a.m. 21 10:00a.m. Its_inXinjiang.warm Thisistheweatherreport. 2 Kunming2424 Its_in_today. Thisistheweatherreport. warmBeijingKunming Beijing 2020 hot 1:00p.m. 32 dog not Its_inXinjiang. hot Thisistheweatherreport. 3 The_ishot. Idlikesomehot_. . HongKong( (香港香港 ) ) 3535 hot Its_in_today. hotHongkong Thisistheweatherreport. 16 cool Its_inXinjiang. 7:00p.m. too room cool Thisistheweatherreport. 4 Lhasa( (拉萨拉萨 ) ) 1515 cool Its_in_today. cool Lhasa Thisistheweatherreport. Its_today. warm Guess: Howistheweathertoday? Its_today. cool Guess: Howistheweathertoday? Its_today. cold Guess: Howistheweathertoday? Its_today. warm Guess: Howistheweathertoday? Its_today. hot Guess: Howistheweathertoday? Weatherreport(天气预报)(天气预报) Lhasa Harbin Beijing HongKong cool(15) warm (20) cold(5) hot (30) Thisistheweatherreport. Goodmorning. ItswarminBeijingtoday. Its_in_today. Lets read. Weather,weather, this is the weather report. Cool, cool, its cool in Lhasa . Cold , cold, its cold in Harbin. Warm, warm, its warm in Beijing. Hot , hot , its hot in Hong kong. Listen and tick war m ho t col d coo l Dalian Shangh ai Shenzhe n Tianjin Group work(四人小组合作播报天气预报) Ss:Goodmorning. Thisistheweatherreport. S1:Its_in_.S2:Its_in_. S3:Its_in_.S4:Its_in_. Ss:Thankyou.Goodbye. Letstalk(选择喜欢的食物和城市说给你的同桌听。选择喜欢的食物和城市说给你的同桌听。) Mynameis_. Ilike_.Its_. Idlikesome_. 22 warm23warm 7cold 16cool 33hot Ann Yantai coo l apples watermelon 平湖瓜灯节平湖瓜灯节 Zongzi Chinese tradition rice-pudding. Homework 1ListentoP25and readit5times. (听录音跟读听录音跟读P25五遍五遍) 2Makeaweatherreportwithyour partners.(跟朋友一起做天气预报跟朋友一起做天气预报) 教学设计教学设计 一教学目标:一教学目标: 1.知识与能力目标: 1)学生能听、说、认读表示天气的单词 cold,warm,hot,cool 并知道与这几种天 气相对应的大致温度范围。 21 世纪教育网版权所有 2)能听懂、会说句子 This is the weather report. Its . in . today. 例:Its warm in Beijing today. 并初步了解我国几个不同城市的基本气候特点。 2.德育目标: 在课堂内容和环节中渗透地域文化,让学生领悟生活中处处有知识,时时需积 累。 二教学重难点二教学重难点: 1. 重点是学生能听、说、认读新单词和目标句,并能学以致用,在模拟情境中 自然交流。 2 难点是单词的准确发音(如 weather 中字母组合 th 的咬舌音,warm 中的 儿化音等)以及新词句的应用。 三教具:三教具: 课件、随堂听力习题学案和点读机 四教学过程:四教学过程: 一.) Warm-up Students watch a video about the weather. 2、) Lead-in T: Whats the video about? T&Ss: Weather. Then teach the word weather. Show the saying ”早穿皮袄午穿纱,围着火炉吃西瓜” T: Xinjiang is a magical place.1cnjy The weather in Xinjiang is interesting, in the morning, its cold, At noon, its hot. But, in the evening, its cool. Now Lets learn about the weather in Xinjiang. I 来源:21世纪教育网】 三、三、) Presentation 1. A. Lets learn (1)声音和图片呈现出天气预报,教 weather report, 操练 report(short), weather report, This is the weather report.(板书)21世纪*教育网 T: In Xinjiang, at6 in the morning, its 2 degrees. Its very cold. 出示新疆 早晨 6 点 cold,风声引出 cold,结合 old 听音模仿,coldcold操练(让学 生通过 old 自己拼读出再听音模仿),板书操练 Its cold in 2-1-c-n-j-y (2)由闹钟滴答声引出上午十点新疆 warm 图片,(T: Listen, tick, tock,tick tock Times flies. Its 10:00 a.m. Its 21 degrees. Its warm now.)教 warm, 听音模仿,操练,板书,操练 Its warm in。 【来源: 21cnj*y.co*m】 (3)滴答声后出现(T: Listen, tick, tock,tick,tockthe time flies to 1:00 p.m. Its 32 degrees, hot now.)教 hot,(dog,not 让学生直拼,听音模仿,操 练) 板书,操练 The _ is hot. Id like some hot _. (4)滴答声把孩子们带到晚上(T: Listen, tick, tock,tick,tockWhat time is it now? )7:00 Its 16 degrees.Its cool. 教 cool,(oo/u:/,too, room,)操 练板书。【出处:21 教育名师】 (5)Lets play a guessing game. Guess: How is the weather today? Who d like to have a try? G1: warm? G2:cold?G3:cool?Ok, lets have a look. Oh, its warm today. Who is right? Hands up. All the hands, lets say: Warm,warm,Its warm today. Great. Try agin? 找第四组 6 个同学猜, 然后转,出示结果让第四组同学一起说 cool,cool,its cool today. (6)播放“Lets learn”部分的课件和录音,让学生观看并跟读单词及句子, 然后 Lets make a weather report.www-2-1-cnjy-com Ss: Good morning. This is the weather report. Its warm in Beijing today. Its cold in Harbin. 21*cnjy*com Its hot in Hong Kong. 【版权所有:21 教育】 Its cool in Lhasa.21 教育名师原创作品 (7)Lets read. 词汇歌谣记忆: 花红草绿燕飞回,初春 warm 心舒畅。 烈日炎炎荷花开,仲夏 hot 去踏浪。 黄叶飘落五谷熟,金秋 cool 农民忙。 白雪皑皑新年到,寒冬 cold 享安康。 Weather, weather, this is the weather report. Cool, cool, its cool in Lhasa . Cold , cold, its cold in Harbin . Warm, warm, its warm in Beijing . Hot , hot ,its hot in Hong kong . 四、四、Consolidation & Extension 1Listen and tick (Lets do an exercise. Take out your paper,please.) 2 Group work(四人小组合作播报天气预报) warmhotcoldcool Dalian Shanghai Shenzhen Tianjin T: Ok, number1, who knows? S1: Cold. T: Yes or no?21 教育网 Listen again and check your answers. Can you make a weather report like this: Ss:Good morning. This is the weather report. S1:Its_in_. S2:Its _ in_. S3: Its _in _.S4: Its_in_. Ss:Thank you. Goodbye. T: My name is Ann. I like Beijing. Its warm. Id like some duck. What about you? Lets talk in pairs. 3Lets talk(选择自己喜欢的食物和城市说给同桌听)。 带着学生看一遍图片,说一说,再练习。 My name is _. I like_. Its_. Id like some _. 五、Summary T: Boys and girls,weve learnt how to make a weather report. 六、Homework: 1Listen to P25 and read 5 times.听录音跟读 P25 五遍。 2Make a weather report with your partners. 跟朋友一起做天气预报。 板书设计: Unit 3 Weather Part A Lets learn This is the weather report. Its in today. cold 10 20 warm 30 10 cool 20 littleTree.exe father mother brother bread thereaW Xinjiang “早穿皮袄午穿纱早穿皮袄午穿纱 , 围着火炉吃西瓜。围着火炉吃西瓜。 ” Its_inXinjiang. Thisistheweatherreport. (天气预报)(天气预报) 2 6:00a.m. 21 10:00a.m. 32 1:00p.m. 16 7:00p.m. cold Its_inXinjiang.cold old Thisistheweatherreport. 6:00a.m. 2 1 The_iscold. . - - 1313 Harbin哈尔哈尔 滨滨 Its_in_today.cold Harbin Thisistheweatherreport. Changchun长春长春 33 Changchun warm 21 10:00a.m. 21 10:00a.m. Its_inXinjiang.warm Thisistheweatherreport. 2 Kunming2424 Its_in_today. Thisistheweatherreport. warmBeijingKunming Beijing 2020 hot 1:00p.m. 32 dog not Its_inXinjiang. hot Thisistheweatherreport. 3 The_ishot. Idlikesomehot_. . HongKong( (香港香港 ) ) 3535 hot Its_in_today. hotHongkong Thisistheweatherreport. 16 cool Its_inXinjiang. 7:00p.m. too room cool Thisistheweatherreport. 4 Lhasa( (拉萨拉萨 ) ) 1515 cool Its_in_today. cool Lhasa Thisistheweatherreport. Its_today. warm Guess: Howistheweathertoday? Its_today. cool Guess: Howistheweathertoday? Its_today. cold Guess: Howistheweathertoday? Its_today. warm Guess: Howistheweathertoday? Its_today. hot Guess: Howistheweathertoday? Weatherreport(天气预报)(天气预报) Lhasa Harbin Beijing HongKong cool(15) warm (20) cold(5) hot (30) Thisistheweatherreport. Goodmorning. ItswarminBeijingtoday. Its_in_today. Lets read. Weather,weather, this is the weather report. Cool, cool, its cool in Lhasa . Cold , cold, its cold in Harbin. Warm, warm, its warm in Beijing. Hot , hot , its hot in Hong kong. Listen and tick war m ho t col d coo l Dalian Shangh ai Shenzhe n Tianjin Group work(四人小组合作播报天气预报) Ss:Goodmorning. Thisistheweatherreport. S1:Its_in_.S2:Its_in_. S3:Its_in_.S4:Its_in_. Ss:Thankyou.Goodbye. Letstalk(选择喜欢的食物和城市说给你的同桌听。选择喜欢的食物和城市说给你的同桌听。) Mynameis_. Ilike_.Its_. Idlikesome_. 22 warm23warm 7cold 16cool 33hot Ann Yantai coo l apples watermelon 平湖瓜灯节平湖瓜灯节 Zongzi Chinese tradition rice-pudding. Homework 1ListentoP25and readit5times. (听录音跟读听录音跟读P25五遍五遍) 2Makeaweatherreportwithyour partners.(跟朋友一起做天气预报跟朋友一起做天气预报)
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人教PEP版四年级下册Unit Weather_Part A_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_省级优课_(编号:115c6) 人教 pep 四下 _unit weather_Part A_ppt 课件 教案 素材 省级 编号
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