人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 2What time is it -Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-市级优课-(编号:53d94).zip


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Proverbs(谚语谚语 ): Time flies.Time flies. Time is money.Time is money. Time cannot be won again.Time cannot be won again. TimeTime TimeTime TimeTime 时光易逝。时光易逝。时光易逝。时光易逝。 一寸光阴一寸金。一寸光阴一寸金。一寸光阴一寸金。一寸光阴一寸金。 时间一去不复返。时间一去不复返。时间一去不复返。时间一去不复返。 PEP Book 4 Unit 2 What time is it? B lets talk What time is it? Ivys time table Year 042 Year 2017 Guessing game ! Its time for/to 6:00am6:00am breakfastbreakfast 7:00am7:00am get upget up go to workgo to work ( (工作工作) ) lunchlunch go homego home do exercisedo exercise ( (做运动做运动) ) readingreading go to bedgo to bed 6:30am6:30am 12:0012:00 4:00pm4:00pm 6:00pm6:00pm 8:00pm8:00pm 9:00pm9:00pm Its What time is it ? What do you think of Ivys life?What do you think of Ivys life?What do you think of Ivys life?What do you think of Ivys life? 你觉得你觉得你觉得你觉得IvyIvyIvyIvy的生活怎么样?的生活怎么样?的生活怎么样?的生活怎么样? goodgoodnot goodnot good OK OK Listen to the vedio!Listen to the vedio!Listen to the vedio!Listen to the vedio! Circle the time!Circle the time!Circle the time!Circle the time! Mikes time table(作息表) Time Event 6:30 Time to 7:00 Time for 7:30 Time to 8:00 Time for get up.get up.get up.get up. breakfast.breakfast.breakfast.breakfast. go to school.go to school.go to school.go to school. English class.English class.English class.English class. Listen and repeat: Mike: Oh! Its 6:30.Its time to get up. Students: Its 8 oclock. Its time for English class. Mum: Breakfast is ready. Mum: Hurry up!Its time to go to school. Mike: OK. Teacher: What time is it? Mike: Im ready. Its time to Its time to Its time for 准备备好 赶快;赶紧紧 Say a chant: Time, time What time is it ? Its 6:30. 6:30 ? Its time to get up. Get up, get up. What time is it ? Its 7:00. 7:00 ? Its time for breakfast. Say a chant: Time, time What time is it ? Its . ? Its time to . , . What time is it ? Its . ? Its time for . Lets act it in roles:(小组合作) Speak correctly.Speak correctly. Act emotionally.Act emotionally. Act creatively.Act creatively. 发音正确发音正确 富有感情富有感情 富有创造性富有创造性 Think and say What do you think of Mikes timetable(时刻表) ? I thinkI thinkI thinkI think Your advice?Your advice?Your advice?Your advice?( ( ( (你的建议你的建议你的建议你的建议) ) ) ) good not good OK Lets try Mikes new time table TimeIts time to/for get up bearkfast go to school English class (小组活动)(小组活动) How about your life? stressedstressedstressedstressedsadsadsadsad happyhappyhappyhappy 累累 压力压力 Your time table for weekend. Your timeIts time to/for get up do exerciseekssaz(做运动 ) reading(阅读) breakfast lunch dinner do homework (做作业) play games(玩游戏) watch TV go to bed Work bankWork bank (周末作息表 ) Make a dialogue. Work with your partners.(与搭档合作) Choose one of your timetables.(选择你们其中一个人的时刻表 ) Make a dialogue.(做对话) What time is it? Its_. Its time for/to _. Lets go !/ Im ready. Oh! Its_. Its time for/to _. Lets _. You can make your own dialogue! (你能创造自己的对话!) Time is life and when the idleTime is life and when the idleTime is life and when the idleTime is life and when the idle man kills time,he kills himself.man kills time,he kills himself.man kills time,he kills himself.man kills time,he kills himself. 时间就是生命,懒人消耗时间就是时间就是生命,懒人消耗时间就是时间就是生命,懒人消耗时间就是时间就是生命,懒人消耗时间就是 消耗自己的生命。消耗自己的生命。消耗自己的生命。消耗自己的生命。 Be happy! Be healthy! Always cherish your time! HomeworkHomework 1.You can read the dialogue 3 times.1.You can read the dialogue 3 times. 2.Share your timetable with2.Share your timetable with your parents. your parents. 一、整体设计思路一、整体设计思路 本课是四年级下册第二单元 B 部分的对话课。学生已经学习过数字的表达,本节 课通过创设情境、安排活动,让学生可以运用语言 What time is it? Itsoclock.提问 与回答时间,并用 Its time for/to表达该做什么事情,使学生能够从生活中进入对话 学习,并通过对话学习回到生活中运用,同时,通过课文引发学生对时间的思考,学生 们能够珍惜时间,合理安排自己的时间。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 Teaching aims and learning objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. understand the meaning of “get up; go to school” and pronounce them clearly; 2. speak and understand the sentence patterns:What time is it?Its:Its time for/toand the sentences:Im ready. Breakfast is ready. Hurry up!; 3. use the sentence patterns to talk about the time and their timetables in proper situations.; 4.read the dialogue correctly and create their new dialogues properly . 5.improve their awareness of cherishing time and arranging time properly.; 三、教学重难点三、教学重难点 Focus of the lesson: 1.Students will be able to use the sentence patterns “What time is it? Its oclock” to ask and answer the time. 2. Students will be able to use the sentence patterns“Its time for/to”to describe the things we are going to do. 3.Students will be able to understand the idiomatic expressions such as:Breakfast is ready. ;Im ready.;Hurry up! Predicted area of difficulty: 1.Students will be able to use the sentence patterns “Its time for/to”correctly. 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Teaching Progress Teachers Activities Students Activities Purposes Warm up go to school 的意思, 并能正确发音。 利用学生对教 师的兴趣来调 动学生的积极 性,打开学生 的语言话题, 检测学生已有 的知识储备, 为后面课程的 开展做铺垫。 通过看故事圈 时间,让学生 明确时间点, 把握话题主线。 通过听一听, 写一写的活动, 不仅能锻炼学 生的听、写技 能,也能帮助 学生更好地理 解文本。 Practice 1012 mins 1. Listen and repeat. Read the whole dialogue 2 times in this part. And help the students correct the pronunciation. 2. Say a chant. 1.Students say the chant about time. 2.Students make their own chants. 3.Lets act it in roles. Ask the students to act out the dialogue. 4. Think and say. Let students think about Mikes timetable and give their opinions. 5. Lets try. Students work with their partners and try to make a new timetable for Mike. 1. Listen and repeat. 学生能够按照正 确的语音、语调 及意群朗读对话 2. Say a chant. 学生根据老师的 chant 自编 chant。 3.Lets act it in roles. 小组合作表演对 话。 4. Think and say. 学生思考 Mike 的 作息时间是否合 理,并提出自己 的看法。 5. Lets try. 学生小组活动, 合作完成 Mike 的 timetable。 录音有助于学 生正确的发音。 Chant 朗朗上口, 能够帮助学生 加深记忆,通 过学生自创 chant 来检验学 生对 Its time for/to 的掌握情 况。 对话表演给学 生提供机会在 真实的语境中 练习。 让学生思考 Mike 作息表的 合理性,可以 培养学生自己 的思维能力, 用英文表达自 己的观点,可 以锻炼学生的 口头表达能力。 在学生质疑之 后,让学生提 出解决方案, 锻炼学生解决 问题的能力。 Production 78 mins 1.Make your time table for your weekend. Students make their time tables for the weekend and try to describe it. 2.Make a dialogue. Students work with each other and choose ones time table.Then, theyre going to make a dialogue according to the time table. 1.Make your time table for weekend. 学生制定自己的 周末作息表并描 述自己的作息表。 2.make a dialogue 学生小组合作,学生小组合作, 选择一个人的选择一个人的 time table 创编对创编对 话。话。 学生介绍自己 的时间表 It soclock.Its time to/for 为生成对话提 供丰富的语言 基础和素材。 在真实的情节 中,运用语言, 检测自己语言 的掌握程度。 Homework 12mins Homework 1.Read the dialogue 3 times. 2.Share your new dialogue with your parents. 正确朗读对话 3 遍。 与父母分享自己 的新对话。 与父母分享新 对话,增强孩 子的成就感。 5、板书设计板书设计 Unit 2 What time is it? Its time to Its time for 6、教学反思教学反思 本课的教学重难点是学生能够正确运用 Its time for/to来表达什么时候做某事, 我先运用自己的时间表让学生猜测老师什么时候会做什么事情,然后让学生尝试用句型 完整的表达出来,同时在课上,我也利用相关的单词卡与句型让学生快速反应说出正确 的句子,以此来突破重难点。 当代课堂倡导“开放式课堂”,注重培养创新型人才,注重激发学生的发散性和批 判性思维,鼓励学生主动发现,主动思考,积极解决问题,在课中,我鼓励学生思考, 然后为 Mike 制作新的时间表,最后由 Mike 转向学生自身,学生设计周末活动表,并 且与搭档共同合作,创编对话,让学生所学的知识得到升华,并且将升华的知识学以致 用。 这堂课的施教情况来看,我深深感受到教师具备良好的语言素质和教学组织能力以 及富有创新精神的重要性;同时,我也感受到创设和谐的朋友式的师生关系的必要性。 在新课程标准改革的大潮中,身为一名年轻的小学英语教师,我要虚心向同行们学习, 以新课程标准的理念积极地去探索、大胆地去尝试、勇敢地去实践!
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人教PEP版四年级下册Unit What time is it _Part B_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频)_市级优课_(编号:53d94) 人教 pep 四下 _unit _Part B_ppt 课件 教案 视频
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