人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 1 My School-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:a195b).zip


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    • 人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit 1 My School_B_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:a195b)
      • Bandari-Annies wonderland.mp3
      • Bandari-New Morning.mp3
      • computer room.mp3
      • Do you ....mp3
      • Do you have a library .mp3
      • Forty-five ....mp3
      • Introduce my school.mp4
      • Is that ....mp3
      • Is that the computer room .mp3
      • Its so ....mp3
      • No, it ....mp3
      • No, it isnt..mp3
      • Our school.mp3
      • Our school.mp4
      • Share school life.mp4
      • Unit 1 B Lets talk.mp4
      • Unit 1 B Lets talk.pptx--点击预览
      • Welcome to ....mp3
      • Yes, we ....mp3
      • Yes, we do..mp3
      • 教案a195b.docx--点击预览
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first floor second floor Review computer room Look and say Is that the computer room ? No , it isnt . Ask and answer Do you have a library ? Yes , we do . B Lets talk Role-play Lets play Do you have a library ? Yes , we do . Where is it ? Its on the second floor . computer room teachers office library classroom Ask and write Do you have a computer room ? Is that the computer room ? Imagine future school Enjoy the song Homework 1、Memorise what we learned today and try to use them in real life . 2、Imagine future school and draw it out . Good bye 板书设计 1 Unit 1 My school Part B Lets talk 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本节课内容选自小学英语人教版四年级下册第一 单元 Part B Lets talk 。要求培养学生说英语、用英 语的能力。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 学生经过了之前以及本册第一单元 A 部分的学 习,掌握了一定的词汇如 teachers office , library 和 语句如 Its on the second floor。这节课将有几个新的 单词和词汇,要求学生通过图片、语境和老师的引导 理解意思并能正确发音。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 知识目标:知识目标: 1、学生将能够理解对话大意。 2、学生将能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。 3、学生将能够听、说、认读句型:Is that the computer room ? No , it isnt . Do you have a library ? Yes , we do . 能力目标:能力目标: 2 1、学生将能够在情景中恰当运用句型 Is that ?来 确认远处的场馆;学生将能够在情景中运用句型 Do you have ?询问教室或场馆。 2、学生将能在情景中恰当运用句型 Welcome to our school !表示欢迎以及 This way , please .引导方向; 学生将能够在语境中理解新词和词组 our, class, forty, way , computer room 的意思并能正确发音。 3、学生将能够按照意群朗读对话,理解对话内 容并完成句子仿写活动。 情感目标:情感目标: 1、学生将能够在生活中主动提问,对别人的询 问热情应答,并且学习陈洁有礼貌的品质。 2、学生将能够感受校园的美丽与温馨,更加热 爱我们的学校。 3、学生将能够注重合作学习,大胆想象,构思 未来学校的蓝图。 四、教学方法和策略四、教学方法和策略 结合现代信息技术,利用本校园真实场景图片、 故事、音乐等创设情景,使学生的学习内容尽量来源 于生活本身,增强学生学习的兴趣。主要有观察法、 思考法、旧知滚动新知法、听说法、问答法、讨论法、 3 评价法、猜疑法、模仿法、角色扮演法、游戏法、创 设情境法、想象法。 五、教学重难点五、教学重难点 重点:重点: 学生将能够听、说、认读句型:Is that the computer room ? No , it isnt . Do you have a library ? Yes , we do . 难点:难点: 1、学生将能够在语境中理解新词和词组 our, class, forty, way , computer room 的意思并能正确发音。 2、学生将能够按照意群朗读对话,理解对话内 容并完成句子仿写活动。 六、教学过程六、教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up Enjoy an English song called Our school 1、 Greetings T: Good morning , boys and girls . Ss:(Good morning , Mrs. Li ) 2、 Review 4 T:Look , whose school is this ? S1:My school . ( Its my school ) T:You are right . This is my school. This is our school . Our 我们的 T:Boys and girls , whats in our school ? Think about it . Ss: T:Look here, please . This is the (teachers office). This is the (library) . This is our teaching building . Teaching building 教学楼 This is the ( first floor ) and this is the ( second floor ) . This is the ( classroom ). (设计意图:音乐,渲染气氛,歌词内容也为下 面的新知学习做铺垫;通过问好,拉近师生距离;通 过复习,巩固旧知,为学习新知做预热。) Step 2 Presentation and practice 1、Look and say T: Boys and girls , look here, there are many computers in this room. What room is this ? S2: ( 电脑室) T: Yes , you are right . Its a computer room in our school . (师尽量注明音标) Listen and repeat ,please. 5 Ss: T:Who can read ? S3:( computer room ) T: Good job ! ( A sticker for you .) Ss: T: OK. Now , lets spell this phrase together . ( C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R R-O-O-M computer room ) 2、Ask and answer T: Boys and girls , look over there .( 师远远指着办公室 图片问学生) Is that the computer room ? S4: No, it isnt . T: No, it isnt . Its the teachers office . Its my office . T: Listen and repeat , please . Ss: T: OK. Now , let me check up you . S5: S6: T:Who can try to recite ?( Super . Heres a sticker for you .) Boys: Girls: T: Wonderful . 6 T:Now , let me write down them for you . (教师在电子白板第二行和第三行分别板书:Is that the computer room ? No, it isnt .) T: Do you have a library in school ? S8:Yes, we do . T: Listen and repeat , please . Ss : T:You are wonderful . (A sticker for you . ) T:Now , let me write down them for you . (教师在电子白板第四行和第五行分别板书:Do you have a library ? Yes , we do .) T:Now, look at the screen , lets ask and answer : Boys - Girls Girls - Boys 3、Lets talk T:Now, open your book and turn to page 7, please. Part B Lets talk T: Let me write down the title for you (教师在电子白板 第一行板书 B Lets talk ) T: On this page , whom can you see? Ss: T:One day , a reporter comes to visit Chen Jies school . 7 How does Chen Jie do ? Lets see . T: Chen Jie says first : (T explains the meaning of our .) The reporter : T guides students to understand the meaning of forty and way . T: While introducing her school to this reporter uncle , Chen Jie used welcome , please . What do you think of Chen Jie ? Ss: (文明礼貌) T: You are so clever . We should be polite like Chen Jie in real life . T: Listen and repeat , please . Ss: 4、Role-play T: Now , lets have a role- play . T - Ss Ss - T T: Who did better ? (学生互评) (设计意图: 通过看图说话,引出新词汇 computer room ,听音模仿,为句型学习打下基础;通过观图 8 问答,自然引出本课重点句型,听音复读,能熟练掌 握句型;通过情景图片和老师的引导,了解新词和词 语的意思,了解对话内容和突破难点,听音模仿语音 语调,习得语言; 通过角色扮演,进一步了解对话 内容。 ) Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1、 Lets play T: Boys and girls , look at these cards . Lets read together .(师出示卡片) Ss: T: This is the first floor and this is the second floor . ( 师 指着屏幕图片) Sarah asks: Do you have a library ? Zhang Peng answers: Yes, we do . Sarah asks again: Where is it ? Zhang Peng answers: Its on the second floor . T: Now, lets play . (师拿出两个头饰)Who wants to be Sarah and who wants to be Zhang Peng ? Come to the front, please . A boy A girl A girl A boy T: Well done . Congratulations !Stickers for you . Thank 9 you . (Clap your hands !) 2、 Ask and write T: Boys and girls , look at the picture over there . According to what we learned just now, can you ask two questions ?You can discuss each other . T: Volunteers ? T: Let me help you .( T says with a smile) T:Please notice the first letter of the first word is capital .There is a blank between two words and there is a question mark at the end of the sentence . T: Lets ask . (生生互评) 3、 Share school life T: Now, lets appreciate a short video to share our school life . T: How do you feel about our school ? Ss: 10 T: If others come to visit our school some day , how will you introduce? 4、 Introduce our school T: Lets watch a video first .(播放) T:Our school is more beautiful because of you and our teachers. I love our school . I also love you ! T:Who can try ? student 1: (学生自评说得好否) T: Super ! ( Clap your hands.) student 2: T:Try together 5、 Imagine future school T: What do you think of the school in the future ? Lets imagine , OK ? T:Maybe like these ! (设计意图:戴上 Sarah 和张鹏的头饰,一问一答 的生动表演,巩固了所学;通过问和写,培养学生的 观察能力、表达能力和初步的写英文句子的能力;通 过分享学校生活图片,学生将更加热爱我们的学校; 11 在真实校园图片的帮助下,通过让学生介绍自己校园, 使学生引以学校为豪;通过让生构思未来学校蓝图, 让他们对学习充满信心,对未来充满希望。 ) Step 4 Sum-up 1、 Enjoy the song T: Now, lets enjoy the song to relax for a while . 2、 Homework T: Todays homework is to T: How time flies ! Class is over , good- bye! Ss: (设计意图:家庭作业使学生将校内学习延伸到校外 学习,想象未来学校蓝图并画出来;音乐声中师生互 道再见。) 12 七、板书设计:七、板书设计: 13 八、教学反思八、教学反思 经过了认真准备,走进了教室,开始了我的 Unit 1 Part B Lets talk 内容的教学。 总体来说,效果还行。毕竟我们学校一周只有 两节英语课,学生基础比较薄弱。好在这节课内容是 学生所熟悉的真实的学校生活。围绕陈洁友善招呼来 校记者谈话内容,加上我自己拍照制作出了几段围绕 学校生活,并能展现学校特色的小视频,配上了一些 美妙音乐,学生很喜欢。音乐中,学生能用英语说出 跟学校有关的简单句子,学习了陈洁有礼貌的品质, 表达出了爱学校的情感。课堂上初步培养了学生“用 英语做事的能力” 。 班额比较大,教学中,老师按照自己的教学设 计来上课,没能照顾到所有学生的学习需求。学生有 点发音小错误,也没能及时纠音。 另外有点小遗憾,隔壁老师上课声音过大,多少 影响到我们这个班学生听课,虽然外部环境不起决定 作用。 希望以后的教学中,更加做到以学生的需求为主, 以课件为辅,为学生的学习和成长提供服务。
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人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 1 My School_Part B_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_公开课_(编号:a195b) 人教 pep 四下 _unit my school_Part B_ppt 课件
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