人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 6 We are watching the games.-Lesson 36-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:70022).zip


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精通英语五年级下册精通英语五年级下册 Unit 6 Were watching the games. Lesson 36Lesson 36 make us healthy make us happy make us beautiful make us live longer (长寿)(长寿) make us relax (放松)(放松) make us young guess a wordguess a word s sp po or rt ts s play footballplay football They are playing football. play basketballplay basketball They are playing basketball. play ping-pong play ping-pong They are playing ping-pong. play tennisplay tennis They are playing tennis. play baseballplay baseball They are playing baseball. play badmintonplay badminton They are playing badminton. play volleyballplay volleyball They are playing volleyball. play rugbyplay rugby They are playing rugby. play hockeyplay hockey They are playing hockey. swimswim They are swimming. row boatsrow boats They are rowing boats. ride horsesride horses They are riding horses. ski ski They are skating. skate skate They are skiing. ride bikesride bikes They are riding bikes. runrun They are running. Free TalkFree Talk What sports do you like?What sports do you like? The 13th National Games The 13th National Games in in Peoples Republic of China Peoples Republic of China ( (第十三届全国运动会第十三届全国运动会) ) a videoa video The 13th National Games in China Tianjin is a big and beautiful city. The 13th National Games will be held here in September! There will be a lot of interesting games. And many players are going to have a great sports party in Tianjin. Would you like to join in the party and watch the games? Welcome to Tianjin! learn more sportslearn more sports Are you watching ? Are they doing the high jump? Are they doing the high jump, too? Which do you like?Which do you like? _ _ 同学同学 祝贺你在校运动会跳远祝贺你在校运动会跳远 比赛获得第一名。比赛获得第一名。 run slowlyrun slowly Have a raceHave a race Are they ? Yes, they are. No, they arent. readyready gogo readyready gogo The 13th National Games in China Tianjin is a big and beautiful city. The 13th National Games will be held here in September! There will be a lot of interesting games. And many players are going to have a great sports party in Tianjin. Would you like to join in the party and watch the games? Welcome to Tianjin! Tips: Lets go and watch the games What is/are doing? Look at Is/Are doing .? My favourite sport is They are all good runners/players. Can I with you? be good at be interested in well Doing sports is good for us. Sports make us healthy.Sports make us healthy. 健康健康 Sports make us happy.Sports make us happy. Sports make us Sports make us beautiful.beautiful. Sports make us strong.Sports make us strong. Sports make us young.Sports make us young. Sports make us relax.Sports make us relax. 放松放松 Sports make us cool.Sports make us cool. Sports make us brave.Sports make us brave. 勇敢勇敢 Sports make us live longer.Sports make us live longer. 长寿长寿 Sport is the source of all life.Sport is the source of all life. (运动是生命的源泉。)(运动是生命的源泉。) After school, go outside to do more sports. HomeworkHomework 1.1. Perfect your poster. Perfect your poster. 2.2. Do a reading exercise on your mobile Do a reading exercise on your mobile phone.phone. All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer. Sports change with the seasons. People play different games in winter and summer. Swimming is fun in warm weather, but skating is good in winter. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. Some sports or games go back thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese wushu has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are new. People are inventing new sports or games all the time. Water skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports. People from different countries may not be able to know each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. Sports help us to learn more in our life. ( ) 1. Doing sports is good for our health. ( ) 2. Sports are the same all the year. ( ) 3. People like sports because they are interesting. ( ) 4. Chinese wushu has the longest history in the world. ( ) 5. Sports can make people be friends. 精通小学英语精通小学英语 五年级下册五年级下册 Unit 6 We re watching the games. Lesson 36 教学设计 Unit 6 Were watching the games. Lesson 36 一、教材分析 精通小学英语五年级下册 Unit 6 以介绍体育运动为主题,36 课是词汇 句型课,要求学生通过本课学习能够掌握如何用英语表达各种体育运动,并利 用现在进行时简单询问和介绍自己及他人正在从事的活动。同时建立热爱体育 运动的精神。 二、教学目标 结合新课标的要求和学生的认知水平,我设计的教学目标如下: 1.知识目标:能够表达与运动相关的的词汇并运用现在进行时表达正在从事的 活动。 2.能力目标:能够在真实的语境中用英语进行交流,表达对运动的热爱;能够 询问和表达自己和他人正在做的事情。 3.情感目标:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使其主动参与课堂实践活动, 从而培养他们的合作意识。 三、重难点分析 (一)教学重点: 1、单词/词组:do the high jump, do the long jump, run fast 2、句型:Are you watching the high jump? Yes, we are. Are they doing the high jump? No, they arent. (二)教学难点:用英语表达各种体育运动,理解现在进行时,并能够准确 使用进行时态说出他人或者自己正在从事的活动。 三、教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 1.Warming up1. show a video1. Say a chant 说唱本课 chant, 练习字母组合 are 2.Brain Storm 3.Presentation 4. New lesson 2. guessing game Show some pictures about sports 1.Free Talk What sports do you like ? Ask: Can you guess what I like doing? Tell them : I like walking. 2. introduce a new friend “Jin Wa” and The 13th National Games 3. arrange the task (1) Show a photo of the teacher(watching TV) T: Im watching a game. Can you guess what game Im watching? 2. Guess a word Look and read the phrases quickly and say “They are ing.” 1.talk about the sports they like Know sth. about “Jin Wa” and the games Get a poster (1)Guess what game the teacher is watching S: Are you watching ? 的发音,完成 Part 3 部分的学 习。同时热身, 进入英语学习状 态 通过教师描述, 猜单词 sports,引 出本科学习主题, 初步了解运动的 作用 利用头脑风暴将 所学有关运动的 词汇进行归纳复 习,同时练习用 现在进行时表达 图片中人物正在 从事的体育活动 学生从介绍自己 喜欢做的事情到 猜测老师喜欢的 事,教师介绍自 己的爱好 介绍另一位热爱 运动的朋友“津 娃”,并通过一段 短片简单了解全 运会 布置本节课任务- 制作关于全运会 的海报 通过一张教师本 人看电视的照片 形成信息差,学 生由猜测教师正 在观看的比赛自 然过渡到学习新 (2) Show a video to teach “do the high jump” T: Im watching the high jump. (3) Show other pictures and ask: Is he doing the high jump? Is she doing the high jump? Are they doing the high jump? (4)Show some pictures (do the long jump) Ask: Are they doing the high jump, too? (5)Guessing game Who is good at long jump? (6) show a video (跳远的分跳远的分 解动作,简单介绍解动作,简单介绍) T: Look! He/She is doing the long jump. Before jumping, he has to run. And he runs fast. (7) compare fast and slowly (2)Watch the video and learn new phrase Practise in pairs (3) look and answer Answer: No, they arent. They are doing the long jump. Guess the student Learn “run fast Do and say: fast or slowly 的运动 high jump 学生边观看跳高 视频,教师边问 个别学生“Are you watching the high jump?”完成 本课句型的呈现, 学生回答“Yes, I am.” ,由此过渡 到问全班,并引 导学生一起回答 “Yes, we are.” 两人问答操练新 词汇和句型 帮助学生掌握对 一般疑问句的正 确回答 借助图片,呈现 并学习 “do the long jump”和本 课三会句型 通过猜擅长跳远 的同学练习词语 通过跳远的分解 动作学习 “run fast”, 更生动形 象 学生边做边说, 对比练习 fast 和 5. Practice 6. Develop 7. Homework (1)Have a race (Part 2 Lets play) (2) Group work (本节课的评价是(本节课的评价是 9 月将在天月将在天 津举办的全运会吉祥物津娃,津举办的全运会吉祥物津娃, 图片内容都是津娃的全运会比图片内容都是津娃的全运会比 赛项目,最后想让学生利用评赛项目,最后想让学生利用评 价图片制作一分手抄报,简单价图片制作一分手抄报,简单 介绍全运会比赛项目,自己喜介绍全运会比赛项目,自己喜 欢,擅长或者喜欢观看的运动欢,擅长或者喜欢观看的运动 项目)项目) Show more pictures about sports to tell them doing sports is good. (1) Perfect the posters. (2) Do a reading practice.(通(通 过问卷星的形式,利用手机答过问卷星的形式,利用手机答 题)题) (2) have a race in groups S1: Are they ? S2:Yes, they are./ No, they arent. (2)Make a poster and make up a new dialogue about the poster Enjoy the pictures and learn something from them. slowly 通过动作帮助学 生理解和区分 run fast 和 run slowly 竞赛活动活跃课 堂气氛,学习过 程中的休息环节, 同时完成 Part2 的学习 将所学知识整体 呈现,在合适的 情境中综合灵活 运用, 小组合作制作有 关全运会的手抄 报,让学生学会 协作,在互动中 实现知识的整合 和升华 培养学生热爱体 育运动的精神 五、教学板书 Are you watching the high jump? Yes, we are. do the high jump Are they doing the high jump? No, they arent. do the long jump 六、教学反思: 本课是一篇单词句型课,主要学习体育运动的短语和现在进行时,通过学习掌握如何 表达他人或自己正在从事的活动。在整个教学过程中,由易到难,逐层递进,帮助学生了 解进行时态。 本节课的亮点: 1.创设各种情景,让学生能够大胆地说英语,对他们在学习过程中的失误和错误采取宽容 的态度。 2.为学生提供自主学习和直接交流的机会,以及充分表现和自我发展的一个空间。 3.学生通过体验、实践、合作、探究等方式发展听、说、读、写的综合能力。 4.创造条件让学生能够探究他们自己的一些问题,并自主解决问题。 5.引导学生结合语境,采用推测、查阅和协调的方法进行学习。 6.把英语教学与情感有机的结合起来,创造各种合作学习的活动,促进学生互相学习、互 相帮助、体验成就感发展合作精神。 7.对学生进行有效的评价 本节课的不足: 1. 对词汇教学的流程还是把握得不全面。单词操练环节形式单一,操练不够,有欠缺。 2. 在课堂中没能做到面向全体学生。在今后的教学中,我会尊重学生的个体差异,遵循 学生的认知规律,面向全体学生,唤醒学生的主题意识,全方位的调动学生的积极主 动性,积极性。 即使是成功的课堂页难免会有疏漏失误之处,我会对自己的课堂进行回顾、梳理、并且 对其作出深刻的反思、探究和剖析,长期的积累,必有“集腋成裘、聚沙成塔”的收获。 run fast
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人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit We are watching the games._Lesson 36_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_(编号:70022) 精通 精晓 年级 下册 英语 unit
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