人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 5 I'm cleaning my room.-Lesson 25-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:32e17).zip


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Lets write: Its a nice day today. Linglings family are at home. They are very happy. Look! Lingling is riding a bike. Kate is . Grandpa _ . Grandma _ . Daming_with Sam. Dad _ Wheres Mum? Look! Shes in the kitchen. She _ . Unit 5 Im cleaning my room. LessonLesson 2 25 5 Lets sing 你能看到哪些活动?你能看到哪些活动? 请你请你大声的说出来大声的说出来! What activities can you see ? Please speak them out loudly! What are you doing? Immak a call. =I am in g e What are you doing? Im having an English lesson. Im listening to music. What are you doing? AskAsk andand answer:answer: Im reading a book. What are you doing? Im watching TV. What are you doing? Im playing computer games. What are you doing? What is she doing? cleaning the room.She is Lily is busy.(忙碌的)(忙碌的) What is he doing? writing an email.He is Dad is busy. What is she ? washing the clothes.She is Mum is . busy doing What is she doing? She is riding a bike. What is he doing? He is swimming. What is he doing? He is flying a kite. Lets chant What are you doing now? Im writing now. writing, writing, writing an email. What are you doing now? Im cleaning now. cleaning, cleaning, cleaning the room. What is he doing now? He is making now. making, making, making a call. What is she doing now? She is washing now. washing, washing ,washing the clothes. What is he doing? He is playing basketball. What is she doing? She is eating noodles. What is he doing? He is watching TV. What is he doing? He is making a call . What is she doing? She is playing the piano. LetsLets watch.watch. Lilys family are at home. They are all very busy. (Lily 一家都在家。他们都很忙一家都在家。他们都很忙 ) What are they doing? (他们正在干什么?)(他们正在干什么?) 1.What is Dad doing? 2.What is Mum doing? 3.What is Lily doing? AnswerAnswer thethe questions:questions: AnswerAnswer thethe questions:questions: 1.What is Dad doing? 2.What is Mum doing? 3.What is Lily doing? He is writing an email on the computer. She is washing the clothes. She is cleaning her room. ListenListen andand repeat:repeat: (听并跟读)(听并跟读) This is Lily speaking. Can I speak to Grandpa ? Hold on, please. 我是我是 Lily 。 我可以和我可以和爷爷爷爷 通话通话 吗?吗? 请不要挂断电话,稍等一下请不要挂断电话,稍等一下 。 (打电话用语)(打电话用语) YaoYao MingMing YangYang LipingLiping SunSun YangYangLanglangLanglang LiLi YuchunYuchun TomTom PairPair workwork A: Look at Picture 1 . Whos he/she? B: Hes/Shes Yao Ming. A: What is he/she doing? B: He/She is . ing. 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 1 . taking pictures (照相) playing football making a cake (做蛋糕) reading a book riding a bike (骑自行车) flying a kite listening to music (听音乐) Lingling Daming Sam Kate LetsLets talktalk:WhatWhat areare theythey doing?doing? 1. Talk about some photos of your family or friends. 2. Write about what your family members are doing on the weekend. 人教精通版五年级下册人教精通版五年级下册 Unit5Unit5 ImIm cleaningcleaning mymy roomroom LessonLesson 2525 说课稿说课稿 一、一、 教材分析教材分析 LessonLesson 2525 是本单元的第一课,主要讲周末是本单元的第一课,主要讲周末 LilyLily 给爷爷打电给爷爷打电 话,告诉他这个周末她和爸爸妈妈不能去拜访的原因。重点学习话,告诉他这个周末她和爸爸妈妈不能去拜访的原因。重点学习 用现在进行时描述正在进行或发生的动作。因为是第一次学习此用现在进行时描述正在进行或发生的动作。因为是第一次学习此 时态,对学生来说有一定困难,通过创设情景引出时态,对学生来说有一定困难,通过创设情景引出 WhatWhat areare youyou doing?doing? ImIm v-ing.v-ing.过渡到描述图片过渡到描述图片 WhatWhat isis she/heshe/he doing?doing? She/HeShe/He isis v-ing.v-ing.来学习现在进行时的用法。来学习现在进行时的用法。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 学生以前接触过现在进行时的句子,因此本课的学习对学生来学生以前接触过现在进行时的句子,因此本课的学习对学生来 说困难不大,关键是动词说困难不大,关键是动词-ing-ing 的发音。先复习学生已学过的短语,的发音。先复习学生已学过的短语, 为后面的大量输出做铺垫。通过创设情景和描述图片引出句型为后面的大量输出做铺垫。通过创设情景和描述图片引出句型 WhatWhat areare youyou doing?doing? ImIm v-ing.v-ing. WhatWhat isis she/heshe/he doing?doing? She/HeShe/He isis v-ing.v-ing. 以及四个新短语。打电话用语是第四单元要求掌握的,本课只要求以及四个新短语。打电话用语是第四单元要求掌握的,本课只要求 能理解其意和学会在怎样的情景下使用。能理解其意和学会在怎样的情景下使用。 三、三、 教学目标教学目标 1.1.知识目标知识目标 1 1)学生能听懂、会说、认读短语:)学生能听懂、会说、认读短语:makemake a a call,writecall,write anan email,email, washwash thethe clothes,cleanclothes,clean thethe room.room. 2 2)学生能认读、理解并运用下列句型:)学生能认读、理解并运用下列句型: WhatWhat areare youyou doing?doing? ImIm cleaningcleaning thethe room.room. WhatWhat isis hehe doing?doing? HeHe isis writingwriting anan email.email. WhatWhat isis sheshe doing?doing? SheShe isis washingwashing thethe clothes.clothes. 2.2.能力目标能力目标 能够在真实语境中运用能够在真实语境中运用 ImIm + + v-ingv-ing 和和 She/HeShe/He isis v-ing.v-ing.的句的句 型进行语言交际。型进行语言交际。 3.3.情感目标情感目标 通过情景模仿以及角色表演,发展学生的语言交际能力,培养学通过情景模仿以及角色表演,发展学生的语言交际能力,培养学 生良好的合作习惯和学习兴趣。生良好的合作习惯和学习兴趣。 四、四、TeachingTeaching importantimportant andand difficultdifficult points:points: 1.1.掌握新单词、新句型。掌握新单词、新句型。 2.2.在实际情景中正确运用所学对话。在实际情景中正确运用所学对话。 五、五、TeachingTeaching aids:aids: PPT,PPT, wordword cards,cards, oneone telephone,telephone, somesome stickers.stickers. 六、六、TeachingTeaching steps:steps: StepStep 1.1. Warm-Warm- upup 1.Greetings1.Greetings 2.Lets2.Lets sing:sing: Monkey,monkey,Monkey,monkey, whatwhat areare youyou doing?doing? (唱歌是为了活跃气氛,吸引学生注意力,调动学生学习的积极性)(唱歌是为了活跃气氛,吸引学生注意力,调动学生学习的积极性) StepStep 2.Game(Look2.Game(Look andand saysay ) ) WhatWhat activitiesactivities cancan youyou see?see? PleasePlease speakspeak themthem outout loudly!loudly! (复习已学过的短语,为后面的大量输出做铺垫)(复习已学过的短语,为后面的大量输出做铺垫) StepStep 3.Presentation3.Presentation andand practicepractice 1.Present1.Present phrases:phrases: makemake a a call,call, havehave anan EnglishEnglish class.class. WhatWhat areare youyou doing?doing? ImIm makingmaking a a call/havingcall/having anan EnglishEnglish class.class. 2.Ask2.Ask andand answer:answer: WhatWhat areare youyou doing?doing? ImIm v-ing.v-ing. 3.3. PresentPresent phrases:writephrases:write anan email,washemail,wash thethe clothes,cleanclothes,clean thethe room.room. Sentences:Sentences: Lily/Dad/MumLily/Dad/Mum isis busy.busy. WhatWhat isis she/heshe/he doing?doing? She/HeShe/He isis cleaningcleaning thethe room/writingroom/writing anan email/email/ washingwashing thethe clothes.clothes. 4.4. AskAsk andand answer:answer: WhatWhat isis she/heshe/he doing?doing? She/HeShe/He isis v-ing.v-ing. (通过创设情景和描述图片引出句型(通过创设情景和描述图片引出句型 WhatWhat areare youyou doing?doing? ImIm v-ing.v-ing. WhatWhat isis she/heshe/he doing?doing? She/HeShe/He isis v-ing.v-ing.以及四个新短语。以及四个新短语。 ) StepStep 4.Chant4.Chant (巩固所学的知识,特别是四个新短语)(巩固所学的知识,特别是四个新短语) StepStep 5.Guessing5.Guessing gamegame Guess:Guess: WhatWhat isis he/shehe/she doing?doing? (猜的游戏是为了激发学生的学习兴趣,同时为了巩固所学的知识)(猜的游戏是为了激发学生的学习兴趣,同时为了巩固所学的知识) StepStep 6.Watch6.Watch andand answer:answer: 1.1. WhatWhat isis DadDad doing?doing? 2.2. WhatWhat isis MumMum doing?doing? 3.3. WhatWhat isis LilyLily doing?doing? (带着问题观看动画视频,有助于学生理解和掌握重点内容)(带着问题观看动画视频,有助于学生理解和掌握重点内容) StepStep 7.Explanation7.Explanation 1.1. ThisThis isis LilyLily speaking.speaking. 我是我是 LilyLily 。 2.2. CanCan I I speakspeak toto GrandpaGrandpa ? ? 我可以和我可以和爷爷爷爷 通话吗?通话吗? 3.3. HoldHold on,on, please.please. 请不要挂断电话,稍等一下请不要挂断电话,稍等一下 ( (让学生理解打电话用语的意思和学会在怎样的情景下使用让学生理解打电话用语的意思和学会在怎样的情景下使用) ) StepStep 8.Practice8.Practice 1.1. ListenListen andand repeatrepeat 2.2. PractisePractise thethe dialoguedialogue inin groupsgroups ofof three.three. 3.3. ActAct outout thethe dialoguedialogue inin groupsgroups ofof three.three. (通过小组三人练习对话,培养学生良好的合作学习的习惯和提高(通过小组三人练习对话,培养学生良好的合作学习的习惯和提高 学生的学习兴趣)学生的学习兴趣) StepStep 9.Pair9.Pair workwork A:A: LookLook atat PicturePicture 1 1 . . WhosWhos he/she?he/she? B:B: Hes/ShesHes/Shes YaoYao MingMing. . A:A: WhatWhat isis he/shehe/she doing?doing? B:B: He/SheHe/She isis . ing.ing. (利用描述明星的图片,来进一步巩固所学句型)(利用描述明星的图片,来进一步巩固所学句型) StepStep 10.10. LetsLets enjoyenjoy LearnLearn “ TheThe PresentPresent ContinuousContinuous Tense”Tense” ( (进一步学习现在进行时的用法,让学生去仔细观察并发现规律,加进一步学习现在进行时的用法,让学生去仔细观察并发现规律,加 深印象深印象) ) StepStep 11.Lets11.Lets talktalk TalkTalk aboutabout thethe picturepicture : : WhatWhat areare theythey doing?doing? (看完微课后,检测学生对现在进行时的掌握情况,这是预设的活(看完微课后,检测学生对现在进行时的掌握情况,这是预设的活 动,时间够就做)动,时间够就做) Step12.HomeworkStep12.Homework 1.1. TalkTalk aboutabout somesome photosphotos ofof youryour familyfamily oror friends.friends. 2.2. WriteWrite aboutabout whatwhat youryour familyfamily membersmembers areare doingdoing onon thethe weekend.weekend. BlackboardBlackboard Design:Design: LessonLesson 2525 WhatWhat areare youyou doing?doing? ImIm makingmaking a a call.call. WhatWhat isis she/heshe/he doing?doing? cleaningcleaning thethe room.room. She/HeShe/He isis writingwriting anan email.email. washingwashing thethe clothesclothes 七、设计理念与思路七、设计理念与思路 为了倡导任务型教学模式,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生小为了倡导任务型教学模式,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生小 组合作学习和运用语言进行交际的能力,特设计如下:组合作学习和运用语言进行交际的能力,特设计如下: 首先,通过复习已学过的短语,为后面的大量输出做铺垫;通首先,通过复习已学过的短语,为后面的大量输出做铺垫;通 过创设情景和描述图片引出句型过创设情景和描述图片引出句型 WhatWhat areare youyou doing?doing? ImIm v-ing.v-ing. WhatWhat isis she/heshe/he doing?doing? She/HeShe/He isis v-ing.v-ing.以及四个新短语。以及四个新短语。 然后,通过然后,通过 ChantChant 和猜的游戏来激发学生的学习兴趣,同时和猜的游戏来激发学生的学习兴趣,同时 为了巩固所学的知识;通过小组三人练习对话,培养学生良好的小为了巩固所学的知识;通过小组三人练习对话,培养学生良好的小 组合作学习的习惯和提高学生的学习兴趣。组合作学习的习惯和提高学生的学习兴趣。 紧接着,通过两人小组描述明星的图片,来进一步巩固所学句紧接着,通过两人小组描述明星的图片,来进一步巩固所学句 型,同时培养学生运用语言进行交际的能力。型,同时培养学生运用语言进行交际的能力。 最后,通过微课进一步学习现在进行时的用法,让学生去仔细最后,通过微课进一步学习现在进行时的用法,让学生去仔细 观察并发现规律,加深印象。这也是本课教学的一大特色。观察并发现规律,加深印象。这也是本课教学的一大特色。
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人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit I'm cleaning my room._Lesson 25_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_公开课_(编号:32e17) 精通 精晓 年级 下册 英语
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