人教精通版六年级下册Unit 6 General Revision 3-Task 1-2-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:40057).zip


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    • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 General Revision 3_Task 1-2_ppt课件_(含教案)_部级优课_(编号:40057)
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travel travel Where is Yang Ming going to travel for the summer holidays? free “Questions” How many days is he going to stay there? Where is he going to visit in the first two days? “Questions” What do you know about Sentosa? “Questions” Whats the Singapore Zoo like? “Questions” What can people do in the zoo? “Questions” What do you know about Singapore Flyer? “Questions” Where is Yang Ming going to visit for the last day? What can he do there? free Where are you going to travel for summer holidays, Yang Ming? How many days are you going to stay there? Where are you going to visit in the first two days? Can you tell me something about Sentosa? How about the Singapore Zoo? What can people do in the Singapore Zoo? How about the Singapore Flyer? Where are you going to visit for the last day? What can you do in Chinatown? Lets watch Reading time 1.Sentosa is the most famous place to visit in Singapore.( ) T 2.People can take the bus around and see animals .( )F 3.From Chinatown, we can learn more about the history of China. ( ) 4.The Singapore Flyer is the largest flyer in the world . ( ) T bus train F China Singapore True or False A: Hello, everyone! My name is Yang Ming. Heres my _ _ for the summer holidays. Im going to travel around _ with my parents. Were going to stay in Singapore for _ _. In the first two days, were going to visit _, the Singapore _ and the Singapore _.Flyer plantravel Singapore three Zoo days Sentosa Read and fill in the blanks B:I hear that Sentosa is a beautiful _ and there are many interesting _ there. It is the most_ place to visit in Singapore. island places famous C:The Singapore Zoo is in the _ _. People can see animals in _ and at _. People can take the _ around the zoo and see animals from the train. open air daytime trainnight D:Singapore _ is the worlds largest flyer. People can see _of Singapore from inside the flyer. For the last day, were going to visit _ . We can enjoy the _ and learn more about the _ of Singapore. We will have a lot of _in Singapore! Flyer all Chinatown historyfood fun PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT背景图片: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: . Lets enjoy the beautiful scenery 让我们欣赏美景让我们欣赏美景 Travel can give us energy(能量) belief(自信) and happiness(快乐) . my travel plan Im going to travel around America with my son. Were going to stay in America for two weeks. In the first week, were going to visit Disneyland and Yellowstone(黄石)(黄石). Disneyland is the first and the most famous park in the world. We can enjoy ourselves there. Yellowstone is the first national park. In the second week, were going to vsit Hollywood(好莱坞)(好莱坞). Its one of the most famous movie centres(电影中心)(电影中心). We can see some classic films(经典老片)(经典老片) there. Well have a lot of fun in America. My travel plan Hello! MY name is,Im going to in this summer holidays. Homework: No homework 1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明 英语课程标准明确提出了六大基本理念:即面向全体学生,注重素质教育;整 体设计目标,体现灵活开放;突出学生主体,尊重个体差异;采取活动途径,倡导 体验参与;注重过程评价,促进学生发展;开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道。这就要 求教师及时转变传统的教育观念,树立全面发展、全体发展的教育观、学生观,要 善于根据学生的生理和心理发展的特点认真研究教学方法,改变“以教师为中心” 和学生被动学习的局面,真正起到“引导和帮助学生学习英语”的作用,以适应课 程改革在课程结构、教学方式、评价体系以及课程管理等方面的变化,最终实现中 小学课程从学科本位、知识本位向关注每一个学生发展的根本性转变。本节课是一 节有关旅行的阅读课,此话题和孩子们的生活比较贴近,孩子们理解本课内容也是 比较容易的。但是,六年级学生由于年龄稍长,不是十分喜欢张口表达。因此,在 本课中,教师利用播放视频、微信聊天、模仿录音、制定个人旅行计划等活动吸引 孩子的注意力,培养学习英语的兴趣。同时,教师根据本课内容设置将要乘飞机旅 行情境,帮助杨明乘地铁 2 号线到乌鲁木齐机场去取免费机票的活动,激励学生以 小组合作和个人努力的方式参与课堂活动。 2. Analysis of teaching background 教 学 内 容 分 析 教学内容分析:本部分通过 Yang Ming 介绍自己的旅行计划引出要复习的目 标语言和词汇。通过语篇的描述对旅行计划进行系统的梳理。在学习过程中, 教师引导学生对语言进行复习、模仿、学习和体验,最终使学生能够运用目 标语言进行交际和书面表达。 学 生 情 况 分 析 正常情况下六年级的孩子已经学习英语三年了,知识的掌握比较全面,在小 学阶段具备了自主学习的能力,但是对农村的孩子来说,可能需要更多的练 习才能掌握本节课的内容,达到认读能力,其中个别接受能力差,基础不牢 的学生需要更多的关注。加强他们对英语学习的信心,给予他们更多的帮助。 3. Teaching Objectives Knowledge and skill goals 1.复习以下词汇和句式并能在真实的语境中灵活运用: travel, plan, see, visit, place, learn, a lot of, hear, at night,be going to do sth. People/We can. . 2.学生能够根据词条复述 Yang Ming 的 travel plan;能够写出自 己的暑假旅行计划,并能在同学之间进行交流。 Ability goals 3.培养学生多资源阅读学习的策略,如视频、音频等。学生能够理 解、运用 be 动词在句中随主语的变化而变化;将所学课文内容形成 思维导图,培养学生的思维能力 Emotional and learning strategy goals 通过课文的学习和操练,培养学生的自主学习意识和对生活的热爱。 通过同学间交流旅行计划,了解他人、学习他人长处,保持比较稳 定的学习兴趣和较为持久的自信心,逐步形成自己的学习策略。 4.Teaching key points and difficult points Key points 1、使用 be going to do 以及 People/We can.等句型,借助于词 条帮助复述 Yang Ming 的 travel plan。 2、 “Sentosa, ,Singapore,island, largest ”的发音。 Difficult points 在学习完 Task 1 之后能够复述本文,并制定自己的暑期旅行计划。 写自己的假期旅行计划。 5. Teaching Aids 1. PowerPoint slides. 2. Picture cards. 3.Speaking and reading 6.Design of teaching process Teaching Procedure Teachers activities Pupils activities Multimedia service Design idea Warming-up Step1:Greetings. T: Class begins. Good morning boys and girls. Ss:Stand up.Good morning Miss Chen. T:Sit down ,please.Today well learn unit6 General Revision3 Task1$2.My travel plan. Let ss read the topic. 【设计意图】使学生很快进入学习英语的状态, Presentation & Practice Step2: T:(Look at the picture and ask) Who is he? Ss: He is Yang Ming. T:YangMing is going to travel by plane. We know summer holidays is coming. But Where is Yang Ming going to travel by plane. Let Ss watch vedio. Ss: Yang Ming is going to Singapore T:YangMing is going to Singapore by plane. Lets have a look. Take a train. A free ticket. But he must go to airport. Go to the Wulumuqi airpot.Go to the behind airport and get the free ticket. How can he get to the Wulumuqi airport. He can take No.2 subway to the airport. lets help him. 【设计意图】播放 Yang Ming 旅行计划的视频,向学生们抛出问题 “Where is Yang Ming going to travel for the summer holiday s?”引出 Singapore。继而创设情境:Yang Ming 想要得到一张去 新加坡的免费机票,但是必须去乌鲁木齐机场取票。他必须坐地铁 2 号线去机场取票。激发学生帮助 Yang Ming 乘坐地铁到达机场。 分步骤完成任务,达成学习目标。 Step3. Presentation 1. To learn the new passage. 2.Questions: T: How many days is he going to stay there? S: Three days. T:Where is he going to visit in the first two days? Ss:He is going to visit Sentosa, the Singapore Zoo and Singapore Flyer. T: What do you know about Sentosa? S:Sentosa is a beautiful island and there are many interested places there. It is the most famous place to visit in Singapore. T: Whats the Singapore Zoo like? S:The Singapore Zoo is in the open air. T: What can people do in the zoo? S:People can see animals in daytime and at night. People can take the train around the zoo and see animals from the train. T: What do you know about Singapore Flyer? S:Singapore Flyer is the worlds largest flyer. People can see all of Singa pore from inside the flyer. T: Where is Yang Ming going to visit for the last day? S:were going to visit Chinatown. T:What can he do there? S:We can enjoy the food there and learn more about the history of Singa pore. 【设计意图】向学生依次抛出问题并且在每个问题的后面呈现课文 片段视频帮助学生解决问题,理解课文。 学生回答问题后,教师将答案中的关键词汇张贴在黑板上形成课文 内容的简易思维导图,从而便于学生跟随教师复述课文. Step4:Yang Ming get a free ticket .So he is very happy. He talks about with their goodfriend.Listen to their talk on wechat. LiYan: Where are you going to travel for summer holidays, Yang Ming? YangMing:Im going to travel around Singapore with my parents. LiYan:How many days are you going to stay there? Y: Were going to stay in Singapore for three days. L: Where are you going to visit in the first two days? Y: In the first two days, were going to visit Sentosa, the Singapore Zoo a nd the Singapore Flyer. L: Can you tell me something about Sentosa? Y: I hear that Sentosa is a beautiful island and there are many interesting places there. It is the most famous place to visit in Singapore. L: How about the Singapore Zoo? Y: The Singapore Zoo is in the open air. L: What can people do in Singapore Zoo. Y: People can see animals in daytime and at night. People can take the tr ain around the zoo and see animals from the train. L: How about the Singapore Flyer? Y: Singapore Flyer is the worlds largest flyer. People can see all of Sing apore from inside the flyer. L: Where are you going to visit for the last day? Y: For the last day, were going to visit Chinatown. L: What can you do in Chinatown? Y: We can enjoy the food there and learn more about the history of Singa pore. 【设计意图】 引入微信对话。教师将课文进行文本再构,以 Yang Ming 和 Li Yan 问答式微信对话的方式再次呈现课文内容,加 深学生对课文的记忆学生听微信对话,同时教师指出黑板上的关键 词条,便于学生明确对话内容. Step3. Practice 1. Watch the video again . 2.Reading times a. Reading in group. b. Reading in pair. c.Reading silently. 3.True and false 4Fill the blank. 【设计意图】教师播放课文视频,请学生跟读模仿。然后学生小组 内看书、读课文、判断对错,按课文填空、再次理解课文。 Step4. Production 1.Lets enjoy the beautiful scenery. 2ask questions: T:Where are you going for your summer holiday? Can you tell me your tr avel plan? 1.Show Miss Chens travel plan for her summer holidays. 1.Let ss write a travel plan and the share it to others. 【设计意图】欣赏美景激发学生的热爱大自然的美好情怀,为下面 的写作做了铺垫 。接着引导学生看教师自己的 travel plan,教师 根据介绍自己的旅行计划。激发学生写出自己的旅行计划的欲望。 使学生能够模仿写出 travel plan。完成后小组内进行交流并在班 内展示。 Step5. Homework 1. Make your familys travel plan for the summer holidays. Summary & Assessment Complete the content of the small book in under the guidance of teachers Homework1. Make yourself travel plan for the summer holidays. Blackboard Design Unit6General Revision-task&task2 7. Teaching evaluation design 评价内容 评价方法 8.8.Feed back 一、整合思路及学情分析:一、整合思路及学情分析: 这节课是精通版小学英语六年级上册Unit6General Revision中task1n 和task2的整 合课。在进行教学设计时,我认真钻研了教材,查阅了大量有关阅读教学的资料,同时对学生 已掌握的知识和教材构造进行了了解。而六年级学生对词汇的积累也有了一定的量,但对阅读 方法却一无所知。因此,考虑到本课阅读内容与学生生活联系非常紧密,而且孩子即将毕业, 刚好可以学以致用,写出自己的假期旅行计划,提高学生的书写能力。本课时阅读内容 My travel plan 为主,将 Revision 中的主要句型和地点词汇作为复习热身环节内容,有效整合进行 教学。 二、设计程序及活动方法:二、设计程序及活动方法: 阅读教学注重学生阅读能力的培养,针对学生词汇量匮乏的问题,在这课时的教学中, 我设置了比较符合学生特点的教学目标,并且穿课文视频辅助阅读教学,使学生真正掌握阅读 方法。 1、热身与引入环节:直接问好将学生快速带入到学习环境中,进入学习状态。 2、阅读部分:小学阅读应至少读三次,并且每次都应是全篇阅读。所以,在这部分的设计 时,我充分考虑到学生在阅读方面可能存在的问题,在每次阅读时,采取观看视频方式,按总- 分-总的学习方式,将课堂重点设置在给予学生阅读方法的指导上,力求通过阅读,使学生理解 本篇章讲述的旅行计划及内容,而不要求学生去精读。 (1)Pre-reading: 由于本篇章属于科普性阅读文章,因此,为了降低阅读难度,我对学生进 行了阅读前预测,通过自制视频资料,介绍世界各地的旅游景点,并主要介绍本篇章出现的三 个景点。 (2)While-reading: 在第一次完整的观看视频阅读时,要求学生整体感知课文的意思,并通 过图片、词句提示帮助学生理解。这一部分是对学生进行泛读的阅读方法的指导。在学生理解 之后,进行第二次阅读,这一次则针对阅读内容提出 8 个主要问题,观看视频片段,图文结合 让学生更直观的从阅读中提取信息点;第三次阅读采取小组读、个人读、默读几种方式,再次 感知课文,针对阅读内容设计了难度一般的判断对错、挖空题,让学生对阅读有更深的理解, 并能从中获取主要信息。 (3)Post-reading: 在阅读教学中,阅读后活动仍然要围绕学生听、说、读、写四方面的技 能进行。因此,在我设计读后活动时,结合本课主题,设计了与旅游有关的旅行计划阅读小短 文,通过学生阅读, 。接着学生写自己的暑假旅行计划,提高学生写作能力,进行拓展提升 三、存在的问题及整改措施:三、存在的问题及整改措施: 这次阅读课教学对我来说,压力很大。在教学整合及设计的过程中,想了许多方法,也考 虑了许多有关阅读教学的疑难之处。尽管如此,还是按照自己的想法去设计了教学活动。有句 话说的好, “教师教学不应只是授之以鱼,而更应该是授之以渔” 。因此,我的一切教学活动都 围绕阅读方法的指导进行。通过教学,我发现学生对于趣味性较强的活动很感兴趣,游戏也能 给学生留下深刻的印象。个人认为,在这堂课中,我的教学设计较符合学生的特点,设计的活 动也与目标紧密结合,同时,采用了多种辅助方法,是为亮点。 考虑到英语工具书并没有普及到每个学生,因此,在教学前没有让学生准备词典,在教学 活动中也就没有让学生去查阅词典。为了替代这一部分,我在教学中设计了猜词环节,给学生 相应的信息,去猜测词意。 除此之外,在作业布置上,充分尊重学生的个体差异。设计了分层作业,针对不同层次学 生的不同特点,分别布置听说读写的作业,使学生在不同程度上均能够获得提高。 但是在这节课中也存在着一些问题:1、学生对于阅读预测部分的视频观看不够认真仔细, 并没有从中获取到应当获取到的知识,因此,在阅读时,猜词环节的难度增加,学生出现畏难 心理,对后续的阅读也产生了一定的影响。2、挖空题环节应当让学生看题阅读,降低阅读难度。 3、阅读后的拓展提升活动由于时间关系,没有让学生讨论,效果没有达到预期。 整改措施:1、充分考虑学生差异,在教学活动中设计更接近学生的活动。 2、在学生阅读出现困难时,及时解决这些困难,为完整阅读提供帮助。 3、继续深入探索阅读教学的策略,使以后的小学阅读教学富有趣味性,使学生切实掌握阅 读策略的实践研究。
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人教精通版六年级下册Unit General Revision 3_Task 1-2_ppt课件_(含教案)_部级优课_(编号:40057) 人教 精通 精晓 版六下 _unit _task _ppt
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