人教精通版六年级下册Unit 3 We are going to travel.-Lesson 16-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:309e0).zip


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Unit3 Wearegoingtotravel. Lesson15-16 昌吉州实验小学昌吉州实验小学 李雅琼李雅琼 tourguide Labour Day Beijing . North WestEast South BeijingisthecapitalofChina. Therearemanyinterestingplacestovisit. ItisinthenorthofChina. theMingTombs TheMingTombsareinthenorthwestofBeijing. Theyarethetombsofthirteenemperors(皇帝)(皇帝)oftheMing Dynasty(朝代)(朝代).十三陵在北京西北郊,是明朝十三个皇帝的陵墓。 十三陵在北京西北郊,是明朝十三个皇帝的陵墓。 TheGreatWallhasahistoryofovertwentycenturies. 长城有两千多年的历史。长城有两千多年的历史。 ItsinthenorthofBeijing. theGreatWall Itisthelongestwallintheworld. Itsmorethan6000kilometreslong. HewhodoesnotreachtheGreatWallis notatrueman. BeihaiPark BeihaiparkisinthecenterofBeijingCity. Areaof68hectares,ofwhichabout39hectaresofwater,29 hectaresofland.Ithasahistoryof1000years. 北海公园位于北京市中心区。面积北海公园位于北京市中心区。面积68公顷,其中水面约公顷,其中水面约39公顷,陆公顷,陆 地为地为29公顷。距今已有近千年的历史。公顷。距今已有近千年的历史。 theTempleofHeaven TheTempleofHeavenisinthesouthofBeijing. Temple of Heaven was built for emperors of Ming dynasties and Qing dynasties to worship the heaven. 为明、清两代帝王祭祀皇天、祈 为明、清两代帝王祭祀皇天、祈 五谷丰登之场所。五谷丰登之场所。 总面积为273公顷。 Area for 273 hectares. theSummerPalace TheSummerPalaceisinthenorthwestofBeijing. Coveringanareaofabout290hectares. 占地约占地约290290公顷,公顷, TheSummerPalaceisthelargestandthebest-preserved royalgardenintheworld,henceitishonoredasthe museumofroyalgardens. 是世界上建筑规模最大,保存最完整的皇家御苑,被誉为皇家是世界上建筑规模最大,保存最完整的皇家御苑,被誉为皇家 园林博物馆。园林博物馆。 theForbiddenCity TheForbiddenCityisinthecenterofBeijingCity. 紫禁城是中国明、清两代紫禁城是中国明、清两代24个皇帝的皇宫个皇帝的皇宫,现称为故宫。现称为故宫。 There are 24 emperors who have lived in the two dynasties of Ming and Qing Dynasties. TheImperialPalacehas8704rooms. 宫殿共有宫殿共有8704个房间。个房间。 theForbiddenCity theSummerPalace theTempleofHeaven theMingTombs theGreatWall BeihaiPark Whereareyougoingtovisit? Imgoingtovisit_. Whenareyougoingtovisit_. Imgoingtovisit_on_. A.Whereareyougoingtovisit? B.Imgoingtovisit_. A.Whenareyougoingtovisit_. B.Imgoingtovisit_on_. TravelplanonLabourDay. HowmanydaysaretheygoingtostayinBeijing? Wherearetheygoing? Whatcantheylearn? HowmanydaysaretheygoingtostayinBeijing? TheyaregoingtostayinBeijingforthreedays. Wherearetheygoing? TheyaregoingtovisittheGreatWall,the MingTombs,theSummerPalace,the ForridenCityandtheTempleofHeaven. Whatcantheylearn? TheycanlearnalotaboutthehistoryofChina. 历史历史 Time Interesting places Location 方位方位 Purpose 目的目的 thismorning The Great Wall In the north of Beijing . Learn a lot about the history of China .thisafternoonThe Ming Tombs In the north of Beijing . tomorrow morning The Summer Palace In the west of Beijing . then The Forbidden City In the center of Beijing . The Temple of Heaven In the south of Beijing . Readandfillintheblanks DinosaurMuseum HuiminSnackStreet GranaryinQingDynasty BinhuRiver XinjiangGrandTheater NorthPark _(time)iscoming.Weare goingtovisit_ (interestingplaces)on_(time). Itisinthe_ofChangji. Wecan_( purpose). LabourDay XinjiangGrandTheater May1st enjoythewonderfulperformance east _(time)iscoming.Weare goingtovisit_(interesting places)on_(time).Itisinthe _ofFukang. Wecan_(purpose). LabourDay _(time)iscoming.Weare goingtovisit_ (interestingplaces)on_(time). Itisinthe_ofChangji. Wecan_( purpose). XinjiangGrandTheater May1st enjoythewonderfulperformance east LabourDay _(time)iscoming.Weare goingtovisit_(interesting places)on_(time).Itisinthe _ofFukang. Wecan_(purpose). LabourDay Homework: MakeatravelplaninXinjiangon summerholidays. Friendlyreminders: Youshouldmakeareasonabletravelplan. 制定一个合理的旅游计划制定一个合理的旅游计划。 Youshouldknowsomelocalculture. Youshouldbeacivilizedtourist. 了解当地文化了解当地文化 做一个文明的游客做一个文明的游客 温馨提示 : Good bye ! 1 Knowledge Aims: 1、能够听、说、读、写单词:visit、tomorrow、the Great Wall、 them 2、能够听、说、认读词组 the Great Wall 、the Ming Tmbs 、the Temple of Heaven 、the Summer Palace 、the Forbidden City 、 Beihai Park 3、能够听、说、读、写句型:We are going to visit the Great Wall this morning . 4、能够听、说、认读句型: Where are you going to visit _? I am going to visit _ . When are you going to visit _ ? I m going to visit _ on _ . Ability Aims: 1、能够完成三会、四会单词和句型的识记。 2、能够用本课的词汇、句型对 travel 这一话题进行谈论。 3、能够对 travel 这一话题进行拓展谈论。 4、能够为自己的家乡做一个旅行计划。 Emotion Aims: 1 1、了解北京主要景点的历史,了解祖国的大好河山。、了解北京主要景点的历史,了解祖国的大好河山。 2 2、培养学生的爱国主义情感。、培养学生的爱国主义情感。 3 3、引导学生去了解家乡,发现家乡的美,并培养他们对家乡的热爱、引导学生去了解家乡,发现家乡的美,并培养他们对家乡的热爱 2 之情。之情。 Main points and difficult points 1、三会、四会单词和句型的识记及运用。 2、课文的理解及朗读。 3、制定一个合理的旅游计划。 Teaching methods a.情景教学法:把语言知识运用到现实生活中,创设真实情景,让 学生身临其境。 b.启发引导法:尽量让学生自己发现语言规律。教师适时给予点拨、 启发、引导学生运用语言点,鼓励学生大胆发言. c.任务型教学法:交给学生明确的任务,让学生通过感知,体验, 实践,参与、合作,实现任务的目标,感受成功。 Teaching aids PPT、图片等。 教学过程:教学过程: Step Warm-up 1、Greetings Lead in : tour guide 2、Enjoy a song about travel . 3、Free talk about travel. We are /I m going to 设计意图:教师以导游的身份开启本课内容,为本课创设情境,并 3 以歌曲 travel 这首有趣的歌曲复习了旧短语 by bus、by train、by plane、by boat 等语句,为话题埋下了伏笔。 Step Presentation 1、Act as a tour guide to introduce some places in Beijing . Show pictures and lead in these phrases : the Great Wall the Ming Tmbs the Temple of Heaven the Summer Palace the Forbidden City Beihai Park 2、Teach these phrases 3、Introduce these places direction ,dynasty ,function and so on . 设计意图:再次以导游的身份对每个地点用不同角度的图片来教授 新单词,增强学生的感观认知,通过适量的介绍,拓展学生对名胜 景点的了解,加强记忆,拓宽学生的知识面,培养学生的爱国主义 情感。 Step Practice Practice these phrases Read the word cards Look and say the picture Look and say it quickly 设计意图:利用不同的方法强化本课新知的记忆。 Step Presentation Lead in these sentences : 4 Where are you going to visit on Labour Day ? I am going to visit _ . When are you going to visit _ ? I m going to visit _ on _ . Step Practice 1、Look at the map Practice these phrases 设计意图:通过地图再次巩固新知,输出新知。 2、Look at the map Talk about travel plan on Labour Day A: Where are you going to visit on Labour Day? B: I am going to visit _ . A: When are you going to visit _ ? B: I m going to visit _ on _ . 设计意图:通过看地图进行对话练习,具有真实性,调动学生的积 极性、主动性,并培养他们做计划要有合理性。 Step Presentation 1、Lead in the dialogue 2、Listen and answer these questions How many days are they going to stay in Beijing? Where are they going? What can they learn ? 5 3、Read and fill in the blanks TimeInteresting places Location 方位方位 Purpose 目的目的 this morning The Great WallIn the north of Beijing . this afternoonThe Ming TombsIn the north of Beijing . tomorrow morning The Summer Palace In the west of Beijing . The Forbidden City In the center of Beijing . then The Temple of Heaven In the south of Beijing . Learn a lot about the history of China . 设计意图:表格的设计融入了地理知识,实现了学科融合,巩固了 新知。 Step Expansion 1、Teacher give a travel plan about hometown. 2、Student to be a tour guide and make a travel plan about hometown . 设计意图:教师第三次利用 tour guide 身份介绍自己的家乡,用短 文的形式给出旅游计划,再次点明所创情境这条主线,以短文形式 让学生做导游来制定合理的家乡旅游计划来拓展本课内容。 6 Step Homework Make a travel plan in Xinjiang on summer holidays . 设计意图:将家庭作业作为课堂的延伸,培养学生的自学能力和创 新能力,引导学生去了解家乡,发现家乡的美,并培养他们对家乡 的热爱之情。
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