人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Can I help you -Lesson 7-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:b004f).zip


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人教新版人教新版 五年级下册五年级下册 Unit2Unit2 Lesson7Lesson7 Warm-up Sing a song Happy birthday When is your birthday? Lead-in Free talk My birthday is on March 28th. What do you usually do? What gifts do you like? Presentation Look and say Presentation Look and say Dad, can I have a toy train? Sure! Presentation t tr ra a inin train toytoy traintrain toytoy planeplane toytoy shipship toytoy carcar Presentation Look and say Good afternoon. Can I help you? Yes. I want a toy train. Pair work CanCan I I helphelp you?you? I I wantwant aan.aan. Lets chant CanCan I I CanCan I I CanCan I I helphelp you?you? I I wantwant a a toytoy train.train. I I wantwant a a toytoy plane.plane. CanCan I I CanCan I I CanCan I I helphelp you?you? I I wantwant a a toytoy car.car. I I wantwant a a toytoy ship.ship. Presentation Look and say I like the blue one. Which one do you like? OK. Here you are. Which one do you like? How much is it? It5 yuan. How much is it? It10 yuan. How much is it? Its fifty-six yuan. Presentation Look and say How much is it? Its fifty-six yuan. Well take it. Here you are. Thank you. Good bye! Bye!Bye! How much is it? I t s . . .yuan.yuan Lets search on How much is it? I t s . . .yuan.yuan Lets play a game! How much is the dress? ¥80 Its eighty yuan. Ask and answer Practice How much is the bag? Its ninty yuan. Ask and answer Practice How much is the cap? Its sixty yuan. Ask and answer Practice How much is the shirt? Its sixty yuan. Ask and answer Practice How much is it? Its seventy yuan. Ask and answer Practice Presentation Listen and say Tomorrow is Dicks birthday. 1. What does Dick want to buy? 2. What color does he like? He wants to buy a toy train. He likes blue. Presentation Its fifty-six yuan. 3. How much is it? Listen and say Show time Work in three, choose a way you like to read or act the dialogue.(3人一组, 选择你喜欢的 方式去读或者表演对话。) Act out the dialogue.(表演对话)(表演对话) Read in roles.(分角色朗读)(分角色朗读) Read together.(齐读)(齐读) Practice Practice 40 A: _ B: Yes, I want a T-shirt. A: _ do you like? B: I like the orange one. _ A: Its _ yuan. B: Ok, _ A: Here you are. Can I help you? How much is it? Ill take it. forty Which one Look and write Practice Helping others make us feel happy. W Wh he en n w we e r re e h ha av viin ng g t th he e h ha ap pp py y l liif fe e t to od da ay y, ,p pl le ea as se e d do on n t t f fo or rg ge et t t th he e c ch hiil ld dr re en n iin n poorpoor areas.areas. BecanseBecanse we we all all livelive underunder thethe samesame sky!sky! Homework AccordingAccording toto youryour realreal situation,makesituation,make a a newnew dialoguedialogue aboutabout shopping!shopping! 小学英语教学设计案例小学英语教学设计案例 教师姓教师姓 名名 教材版教材版 本本 人教版精通(三起)人教版精通(三起) 课题名课题名 称称 Lesson7Lesson7 课时课时 1 1 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 指导指导 思想与思想与 理论基础(课理论基础(课 标阐述)标阐述) 英语课程标准中明确指出,基础教育阶段英语课程的任务之一是:激发和培养学 生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发 展自主学习的能力和合作精神;使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能, 形成一定的综合语言运用能力。并强调从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡 导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言 运用能力,使语言学习的过程为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、提高跨 文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。在本节课的设计上,我以对话教学作为这堂课的主 线,贯穿课堂始终。一切教学活动都围绕这一主线展开。在设计每一环节的活动时,都采 用了适时适度的评价方式,激发了学生的学习兴趣。 教学内容教学内容 本节课是Can I help you?。在教学过程中,围绕这一课题,我设计了以下五个部 分的学习内容:复习有关生日的话题;复习有关礼物的单词;创设情境对话教学; 扩展训练,通过观看贫困地区孩子们的学习和生活情况,激发学生献爱心,用所学创编 对话。在对话教学中,注重对学生听音能力的培养,并对学法进行了指导,加深了学生 对对话的理解和运用。此外,在评价方法的选择上,我采用了小组评价和个人评价相结合 的评价方法,极大的调动了学生的学习热情。 new words:toy train can help 教学项目教学项目 basic sentences:Can I help you? I want a/an. How much is it? Its. 教学方法教学方法任务型教学法、多媒体教学 教学手段及信教学手段及信 息技术运用分息技术运用分 析析 利用图片、多媒体课件等辅助资源教学,充分调动全体学生参与课堂活动,从而提高 课堂教学效率。 教学目标教学目标语言知识语言知识 Master the words:toy train can help; Master the sentences:Can I help you? I want a/an. How much is it? Its. 能能 力力 Ss can use the sentences to communicate with each other. Improve their listening and speaking abilities。 教学重点教学重点 words and sentences; dialogue。 教学难点教学难点 通过学习,学会购物语言。 对学生进行情感教育。 教具准备教具准备图片、实物、卡片、多媒体课件 二、学习者分析二、学习者分析 该班学生在英语学习上普遍存在着浓厚的兴趣,能够积极按照老师要求进行学习,作为五年级的学生, 他们在英语的听、说、读、写方面已经奠定了比较坚实的基础。我把重点放在了新课的呈现和操练的创新 上,为了使学生牢固掌握以往所学知识,在教学的过程中,教师起到了引领的作用,学生为主体,本课是 一个对话教学,通过播放“Shopping”的视频,激发学生的积极性和完成任务的热情。其次我能根据学生 的特点用态势语言、适时微笑、激励性的表扬与肯定,真实情境的创设、Chant、 “Guessing the price” 等游戏的设计让学生们由浅入深、由易到难地掌握了本课的故事内容,并能复述对话。再次,让任务型的 教学模式贯穿始终,以学生为主体,注重抓基础,小步调稳步前进,让学生有成就感,学的轻松而愉悦。 活动的设计层层递进,做到了输入有度,输出有步 ,并使课文的学习作为一种主动的、探索式的认知 体验。之后对学生进行情感教育让学生运用所学创编对话为贫困地区的小朋友献爱心,这样既对学生进行 了思想教育,又培养了他们的思维和想象力,帮助他们流利地表达语言的能力,事实上,我感觉随着任务 的更进一步深入,学生的理解能力和思维都有了很大的提升和拓展,学生创造性的表演也使课堂气氛达到 了高潮。 为了调动学生参与课堂,我设计了多种评价方式,有个人评价,也有小组评价,并针对学生在课堂上 的表现,及时进行表扬,虽然时间有限,但是,我让学生参与评价,不但节约了时间,而且使评价更具有 公正性。 问题框架问题框架 如何使学生在故事的情境中掌握对话内容? 如何围绕主题对学生进行情感教育? 如何在有限时间里对全体学生进行评价? 三、三、FlowFlow ChartChart ofof TeachingTeaching 教学简案教学简案 Step 1: Warm-up Free talk and (review some words 1) When is your birthday? My birthday is on. 2) What do you do on your birthday? I eat a birthday cake. Step 2: Presentation ( teach the new dialogue ) 1) Listen and answer the questions according to the dialogue. 2) Teach the new words and sentences. 3) Chant 4) Play a guessing game. Step 3: Extension ( Use the sentences to make up a new dialogue. ) Step 4: Self-assignment ( Summary the activities in the class. ) Step 5: Summary ( Summary the class and set the homework. ) 1)Summary the class with the students. 2) Set homework. 四、四、TeachingTeaching processprocess 教学过程教学过程 TeachersTeachers ActivityActivity 教师活动教师活动 StudentsStudents ActivityActivity 预设学社活预设学社活 动动 PurposePurpose ofof DesignDesign 设计意图设计意图 Step1:Warm up: 1.Greeting to the teacher . 1. Greet to the Ss 2. Look at the screen and sing a song Happy birthday. 3. Free talk 4. Review some words about gifts. Step2:presentation: 1.T will tell a story about Dick. Tomorrow is Dicks birthday, his father and he will go to the shop. Lets go and see. 2.T played a video clip for the Ss and let them watch the cartoon happily, 3.T let the Ss say out the sentences about the picture. 4.T show teach the new word “train” and “toy train” and let them know the difference between two words.(板书) 5.T teach the sentences“Can I help you? I want a/an.”(板书) 6.T let Ss do pair work using the sentences“Can I help you? I want a/an. 7.Teach show a chant to Ss and let them say the chant happily. 8.T played a video clip for the Ss again and let them say the two sentences “Which one do you like? I like the blue one.” 9.T show two pencils, rulers.and ask Ss “Which one do you like? ” 10.T show a toy car to the Ss and ask “Can you guess how much is it?(板书) 11.T show the picture of 5 yuan and ask the Ss “How much is it? 12.Its.yuan.(板书) 13.T show the pictures of 50 yuan,5 yuan and 1yuan to the Ss, let them sum up the price of the toy car. 14.T show the picture of shopping and let them say out two sentences again. And 2.They look at the screen and sing the song Happy birthday. 3They Free talk 4.They review some words about gifts. 1.They listen to the T and know the story is about shopping. 2.They listen to the teacher and watch the video clip for the first time. 3.They look at the picture and say out the sentences 4.They learn and know the differences. 5.They know the meaning. 6.They practice in pairs using the sentences“Can I help you? I want a/an. 7.They say the chant happily according to the music. 8.Ss say the two sentences “Which one do you like? I like the blue one.” 9.They understand the meaning easily and they can answer the questions using I like the .one. 1 10.They look at the toy car and guess the price,and know the meaning of “ How much is it?” 11.They look at the screen and say “Its 5 yuan.” 12.They know the meaning of it. 13.S1:Its 56 yuan. 14.they say out two sentences again. And know the meaning of “take”. 多媒体播放歌曲,为学生 创设愉快的语言氛围,为课上 的练习作好铺垫。 以讲故事的形式把学生们 带入真实的语言情境中,让学 生在真实的语境中习得语言, 播放生动的动画片会激发孩子 们学习的兴趣和热情。 举一反三,让学生真正理 解“toy”的含义。 继续看动画片,以提问的 形式,新授本课的重点句型。 动感的朗朗上口的 Chant 不仅调节了课堂气氛,而且利 于学生记忆重点单词和句型。 就身边的实物问答加深对 句子的理解、交流和运用。 展示实物玩具汽车并让学 生对熟悉已知的人民币钱数引 出重点句型,以旧带新,利于 学生掌握和接受。 做到了英语学科与数学学 科的整合。适时的学科间的整 合,会扩大一节课的深度,达 到事半功倍的作用。 tell them the meaning of “take”. 15.Pair work. Step3:Practice: 1.Play a game!-Guessing the prices. 2.T let Ss listen to the text and show three questions . 3.Show time-Let Ss work in three, choose a way you like to read or act the dialogue. 4.T show a new dialogue,let them fill in the blanks. 5.T show some children in poor and say “Childrens Day is coming, do you want to send your warm heart to them?” 6.T show shops to the Ss and let them make up new dialogue using what we have learned today. 7. Ask some group come to the front and perform. Step4:Sum up and homework: Let Ss according to their real situation,make a new dialogue about shopping! 15.They do the pair work. 1.Ss play the game happily and master the two sentences easily. 2.Ss listen to the text and answer three questions 3.Ss work in three, choose a way you like to read or act the dialogue. 4.They will fill in the blanks according to the picture. 5.They look at the pictures and moved and want to sent their warm heart to the poor students. 6.They make up new dialogue using what we have learned today. 7.Some students come to the front and perform. They will make a new dialogue about shopping! 学生们拿出 Ipad 在淘宝 网上搜索自己喜欢的玩具,并 询问价格,达到了学习的生活 化、实践化。 学生们在玩中学,学中得。 由浅入深,扩大信息量,让学 生在语言输入的基础上逐步地 输出语言。 三个不同层次的任务,让 不同层次的学生都有完成任务 并得到奖励的可能性,利于激 发学生对英语学习的兴趣和参 与热情。 观看大屏幕上贫困山区孩 子们的图片,利于对学生进行 情感教育,激发他们为灾区孩 子献爱心。 培养学生的创新能力和语 言表达能力。 学生对本节课的内容有系 统的掌握。 BlackboardBlackboard DesigningDesigning(板书)(板书) Unit 2: Lesson 7 walk read sing Can I help you? I want a/an. How much is it? Its. play basketball 评价方式评价方式本节课我采用了多种评价方式,激发学生的学习兴趣,有效地提高了课堂效率。 口头表扬。当学生表现出色,老师会给予及时的表扬,如:Very good!excellent! Well done! 等等,当学生克服困难,再次表现出色时,老师也适时地给予鼓励和表扬。 物质激励。在学生个人回答问题出色时,教师及时地利用手中的 chocolate 进行评价, 有效地调动学生的表现欲望,营造了浓厚的学习氛围。 小组评价。为了开展好小组评价,在上课前我把全班学生分成了两组,哪组同学表现 得出色,哪组的 flower 就会相应前进,极大的激发了学生们参与的热情和积极性。 How many flowers can you get? 五、教学设计说明五、教学设计说明 在设计本课教案时,我主要体现了以下几个特点: 首先,我能充分发挥多媒体的优势,在情境中教学,逐步引导学生感悟理解教学内容。如在复习过程 中以歌曲的形式热身,让学生以轻松的状态投入到英语教学中去,通过播放“Shopping”的视频,激发学 生的积极性和完成任务的热情。 其次,我能根据学生的特点用态势语言、适时微笑、激励性的表扬与肯定,真实情境的创设、 Chant、 “Guessing the price”等游戏的设计让学生们由浅入深、由易到难地掌握了本课的故事内容,并 能复述对话。 再次,让任务型的教学模式贯穿始终,以学生为主体,注重抓基础,小步调稳步前进,让学生有成就 感,学的轻松而愉悦。活动的设计层层递进,做到了输入有度,输出有步 ,并使课文的学习作为一种 主动的、探索式的认知体验。我让学生带着问题听录音,小组讨论理解并回答问题, 最后,对学生进行情感教育让学生运用所学创编对话为贫困地区的小朋友献爱心,这样既对学生进行 了思想教育,又培养了他们的思维和想象力,帮助他们流利地表达语言的能力,事实上,我感觉随着任务 的更进一步深入,学生的理解能力和思维都有了很大的提升和拓展,学生创造性的表演也使课堂气氛达到 了高潮。 反思:反思: 在师生互动过程中,学生能够在老师指导下积极、主动地完成各项练习。学习目标完成较好,课堂教 学取得了预期效果,学生的听、说、读、写能力得到了提高。 一、听: 本节课的新对话教学,我把对话内容设计在情境中,布置一定的思考问题,让学生带着问题边听边讲, 从中得到问题的答案,以便学生的听力有所提高。如:在教学新对话时,我把新单词教学内容和句型结合 起来,让学生通过听音,思考问题,感悟新单词,提高单词教学效果。与此同时,学生的听力也得到了训 练。 二、说: 在学习新句型时,我设计了多种训练方式。如:Can I help you? I want a/an. How much is it? Its.直接师生问答,等等。此外,我还注意培养学生口语交际的能力,结合本课内 容,我安排了有关学生情况的问答,提高了学生对这些句子的理解和使用能力。 三、读: 在读的方面,我安排了学生分角色朗读对话,这样既有利于学生理解对话,更有利于他们在生活中去 使用对话。 四、写: 在写的环节中,我设计了 Fill in the blanks 形式,让学生间进行练笔,之后 Fill in the blanks 五、评价: 根据本节课的教学内容,我安排了小组评价的形式对学生学习进行评价。由于内容多,时间安排紧, 单靠教师进行评价肯定会有评价不到的地方,我把评价的方式方法给了他们,这样由教师评价,学生具体 操作,既节约了时间,又调动了学生的学习情趣。 当然本节课也有不理想的地方,如在教师板书时,学生若能配合拼读会、书写会更好,这样能提高学 生对单词、词组和句型的掌握。在表演环节中,有的学生讨论的不够热烈,参与面不够广,如果时间充足, 给学生更多参与的机会,让学生有更多的时间操练,课堂效果会更好些。
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