人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 1 Welcome to our school!-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:b0579).zip
meeting room have a meeting library borrow books Library, library. This is our library. We borrow books, from the library. Meeting room, meeting room. This is our meeting room. We have meetings, In the meeting room. 2 3 4 5 6 7How many lessons do you have in a week? We have How many lessons do you have in a week? We have Ask and answer 1 2 How many science lessons do they have in a week? How many English lessons do they have in a week? Li Yan: This is our science lab. We often have science lessons in it. Visitor: How many science lessons do you have in a week? Li Yan: We have two. Gao Wei: This way, please. Look! This is our language lab. We often have language lessons in it. Visitor: How many English lessons do you have in a week? Gao Wei: We have three. Visitor: Do you like English? Gao Wei and Li Yan: Yes. We all like it. Visitor: And you speak English very well. Gao Wei and Li Yan: Thank you very much. 1 2 How many science lessons do they have in a week? How many English lessons do they have in a week? They have two. They have three. Li Yan: This is our science lab. We often have science lessons in it. Visitor: How many science lessons do you have in a week? Li Yan: We have two. Gao Wei: This way, please. Look! This is our language lab. We often have language lessons in it. Visitor: How many English lessons do you have in a week? Gao Wei: We have three. Visitor: Do you like English? Gao Wei and Li Yan: Yes. We all like it. Visitor: And you speak English very well. Gao Wei and Li Yan: Thank you very much. 1 2 Draw a picture and intruduce your school. Make a new dialogue and act. HomeworkHomework 1.Design a timetable with your friends. 2.Make a new dialogue with your partner. GOODBYE!GOODBYE! 1 / 7 小学英语教学设计案例小学英语教学设计案例 教师姓名教材版本人教版 精通英语 五年级下 课题名称Lesson 5课时1 课时 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 指导思想与指导思想与 理论基础理论基础 (课标阐述)(课标阐述) 通过学习义务教育英语课程标准 ,将英语课程的工具性 和人文性贯彻到课堂,重视语言学习的实践性和应用性,倡导学 生的积极参与,让学生在学习过程中接触、体验、理解语言。通 过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作探究等活动方式,发展语言能 力。同时,在学习的过程中调控情感态度和学习策略,以形成积 极的学习态度,促进语言运用能力的提升。结合五年级学生的学 习特点和教学需求,在本课设计中,我开展了多种活动,激发学 生的学习热情和兴趣的同时,更加注意培养学生在真实情景中运 用语言的能力,力求通多媒体课件和板书所创设的情境,在情景 体验以及学生熟识的学习活动中,落实课标要求的教育教学理念, 促进学生语言能力的提升。 教学内容教学内容本节课是人教版小学英语(精通) 五年级下第一单元, 单元主题是Welcome to our school!.本课主要通过 Li Yan 和 Gao Wei 作为小向导,继续带领客人参观学校,并介绍学校语言 实验室和科学实验室以及相关课程的真实情景,引导学生学会用 英语询问并介绍一周有几节课或是在某地有几节课的表达。在教 学过程中,围绕这一课题,我设计了以下四个部分的学习内容: 1. 本单元学过的单词的复习;2. 新单词“语言实验室”“科学实验 室”的教学及训练;3. 对话教学;4. 扩展训练,通过问答,提高 综合语言运用能力。在处理这四部分的教学内容时,我把重点放 在了对话教学及拓展训练,让学生通过看、听、说、等练习,巩 固句型及其用法。 new words:Language lab, science lab.教学项目教学项目 basic sentences:How many lessons do you have in a week? We have 2 / 7 教学方法教学方法根据学生的年龄特点和认知水平,以视觉认识和形象思维为 主,在本节课中充分利用生动的课件,有效创设了真实情境。采 用说说韵文,情境体验和活动实践的教学方式,结合学生的生活 经验,通过学生合作互助,设计多种学习活动,韵文、对话、游 戏、表演等方式,力求在真实情景中运用语言,最终实现学生主 动表达与真实地输出语言,落实课堂教学效果。 教学手段及教学手段及 信息技术运信息技术运 用分析用分析 自制多媒体动画,PPT 演示文稿,提供更多语言支持,激发 学生兴趣的同时,体现出语言知识输入的层次性、渐进性,有助 于学生对语言的理解运用。 语言知识语言知识主要目标语言:How many lessons do you have in a week? We have 教学目标教学目标 能力能力1. 能够在恰当的语境中初步运用语言进行简单的话 题交流; 2. 通过学习,提高学生的观察能力和语言运用能力。 教学重点教学重点在情境中询问 How many lessons do you have in a week? 及答语 We have 教学难点教学难点运用本课所学内容在恰当的情境中进行真实交流。 教具准备教具准备图片、卡片、录音机、多媒体课件。 二、学习者分析二、学习者分析 本节课的授课对象是五年级学生,他们想象力丰富,在英语学习上普遍存 在着浓厚的兴趣,能够积极按照老师要求进行学习,并且通过以往的训练,初 步形成了小组合作的意识,明确了小组活动的规则,能过顺利通过小组活动, 完成学习任务。本课主要是帮助他们形成更加稳固的兴趣,培养学生利用所学 的语言知识,解决实际问题,提高交际能力,拓展学生的英语思维,培养学生 合作创新的意识。 问题框架问题框架1. 如何使学生更好的参与学习? 2. 如何使对话教学更生动? 3 / 7 三、三、Flow Chart of Teaching 教学简案教学简案 Step 1: Warm-up 1) Free talk. 2) Guessing game. Step 2: Presentation 1. Lead in. 1) Talking with the students. 2) Review. 3) Do a chant. 4) Teach the new words. 5) Teach the new sentences. Step 3: Practice 1) Listen the radio. 2) Listen and repeat. 3) Read in role. Step 4: Extension 1) Draw a picture and introduce your school. 2) Make a new dialogue and act. Step 5: Ending Set homework. 四、四、Teaching process 教学过程教学过程 Teachers Activity 教师活动教师活动 Students Activity 预设学社活动预设学社活动 Purpose of Design 设计意设计意 图图 Step1: Warm up: 1) Free talk. 2) Guessing game. T: Its a place. We can see teachers and students there. We often have classes, play Say hello to each other. Think carefully and answer “School”. 通过本环节设计,预热课 堂,营造良好学习氛围, 为学习新的知识做准备。 4 / 7 games and do many interesting activities there. What place is it? Step 2: Presentation 1. Lead in. 1) T: Your school is very beautiful. Can you tell me how many floors are there in your school? 2) T: Lets go into the teaching building. Oh, there is a big room. In this room, there are many desks and chairs. T: What do we do in the meeting room? T: Next to the meeting room, there is a room. What can you see in the room? T: What place is it? T: What do we do in the library? 3) T: Lets do a chant. 4) T: Lets go upstairs. Oh, there is a room. The students are having a lesson. Lets have a look. What are they doing? (Play the video.) The students count together “One, two, three, four”. S: There are four. S: Meeting room! S: We have meetings. S: Books! S: Many books! S: Library! S: Read books! S: Borrow books! Chant together. Watch carefully and answer “做实验”. S: 科学实验室。 出现自己学校的图片,引 入学习要点,既复习了上 节课学的知识,又能充分 调动起学生学习的兴趣。 学生对上节课的内容操练 扎实,在教师引导下,能 够轻松地理解问题,进行 问答。 通过 chant 将以前学过的 单词进行复现,引导学生 复习旧知,为后面的学习 奠定基础,并自然引出课 文中其他的单词。 通过看视频,充分调动学 生的感官,激发学生的学 习热情。 5 / 7 T: They are doing science experiment. They are having a science lesson. Where do we have science lessons? Teach the new words “science lab” and “science lesson”. T: There is another room. Look carefully. What can you see? T: What place is it? Teach the new words “language lab” and “English lesson”. 5) T: How many students are there in the classroom? T: How many lessons do you have in a week? Step 3: Practice 1) Put on the picture of the dialogue on the screen. Introduce it to the students: Li Yan and Gao Wei showed visitors around the library and the meeting room. What other places do you visit? Here are two questions for you. Lets listen. Learning. S: Blackboard! S: Door! S: Computer! S: . S: 语言实验室。 Learning. Count together. S: Seven! Ask and answer in Paris. Listen to the teachers introduction. Listen carefully and answer the questions. Read in role. 通过游戏猜出“语言实验 室” ,激发学生兴趣。 通过小组活动,让所有学 生参与学习,能够轻松地 理解问题,进行问答。 初步感知课文。 在学生理解课文之后,采 用跟读模仿,小组朗读和 分角色的形式,分层次操 练对话。 6 / 7 2) Read the dialogue. 3) T: Read the dialogue in pairs and then read in role. Step 4: Extension Choose one in your group. 1) Draw a picture and introduce your school. 2) Make a new dialogue and act. Step 5: Ending Set homework: 1) Design a timetable with your friends. 2) Make a new dialogue with your partner. Make the new dialogues and show them in the front. 1) Pair work. 2) Show time. Remember the homework. 学生以小组为单位进行选 择,交流进行创编对话。 这个活动不仅有助于提高 学生的综合语言运用能力, 还滚动复习了以前的旧知, 更重要的是培养了学生在 小组中合作交流的意识, 在真是的语境中完成了综 合语言的运用。 布置作业,既符合学生的 年龄特点,让高年级孩子 乐学、爱学,结合学生对 英语的热爱之情,延伸至 可让外做交际训练。 Blackboard Designing(板书)(板书) Lesson 3 science lab language lab science lesson English lesson How many lessons do you have in a week? We have. 评价方式评价方式本节课我采用了多种评价方式,激发学生的学习兴趣,有效 地提高了课堂效率。 1. 口头表扬。当学生表现出色,老师会给予及时的表扬,如: Good! Very good! Excellent! Well done! 等等,当学生克服困难, 再次表现出色时,老师也适时地给予鼓励和表扬。 7 / 7 2. 体态激励。通过身体语言对学生的突出表现进行表扬。如点头 微笑,摸摸学生头,拍拍肩膀,竖起大拇指等等。 五、教学设计说明五、教学设计说明 本节课以活动和任务为平台,通过创设参观学校的情景,让学生在自主讨 论,交流合作等过程中学习和理解课文。 一、发挥资源媒体优势一、发挥资源媒体优势 本节课,无论是学习新知,巩固旧知,强化理解等环节都体现出对情景的 关注。有效利用媒体资源,绘声绘色的媒体制作,起到了较好的辅助强化作用。 二、关注真实语境交流,设计有效地实践活动二、关注真实语境交流,设计有效地实践活动 本节课给学生设计真实的语境,真实的交流,真实的语言运用。在本课的 How many. 练习中,我设计了让小组成员间进行问答的内容,同时又锻炼了 他们小组间的合作意识。 三、面向全体学生三、面向全体学生 本节课的设计充分考虑五年级学生的年龄特点和心理特征,关注语言学习 者不同特点和个体差异,面向全体学生,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,活动具有 趣味性、灵活性和开放性的特点,从而培养学生探究问题、解决问题、运用语 言的能力。 反思:反思: 一、本节课教学设计层层递进,目标清晰,操练到位。首先从同学们感兴趣的 内容入手,引入新课,整个课堂气氛活跃,同学们参与活动的积极性高。 二、在课堂上运用了情境交际法、小组合作学习等方法,在注重课堂形式的同 时抓实效,小组合作活动,有效有趣。 三、在朗读的方面,我安排了学生分角色朗读对话,这样既有利于学生理解对 话,更有利于他们在生活中去使用对话。 四、在小组活动内容的选择上,我让学生二选一,既尊重了学生的兴趣,又体 现了教学的灵活性。 五、及时评价学生的各种表现,达到了评价与教学不脱离的目的。
- 资源描述:
meeting room have a meeting library borrow books Library, library. This is our library. We borrow books, from the library. Meeting room, meeting room. This is our meeting room. We have meetings, In the meeting room. 2 3 4 5 6 7How many lessons do you have in a week? We have How many lessons do you have in a week? We have Ask and answer 1 2 How many science lessons do they have in a week? How many English lessons do they have in a week? Li Yan: This is our science lab. We often have science lessons in it. Visitor: How many science lessons do you have in a week? Li Yan: We have two. Gao Wei: This way, please. Look! This is our language lab. We often have language lessons in it. Visitor: How many English lessons do you have in a week? Gao Wei: We have three. Visitor: Do you like English? Gao Wei and Li Yan: Yes. We all like it. Visitor: And you speak English very well. Gao Wei and Li Yan: Thank you very much. 1 2 How many science lessons do they have in a week? How many English lessons do they have in a week? They have two. They have three. Li Yan: This is our science lab. We often have science lessons in it. Visitor: How many science lessons do you have in a week? Li Yan: We have two. Gao Wei: This way, please. Look! This is our language lab. We often have language lessons in it. Visitor: How many English lessons do you have in a week? Gao Wei: We have three. Visitor: Do you like English? Gao Wei and Li Yan: Yes. We all like it. Visitor: And you speak English very well. Gao Wei and Li Yan: Thank you very much. 1 2 Draw a picture and intruduce your school. Make a new dialogue and act. HomeworkHomework 1.Design a timetable with your friends. 2.Make a new dialogue with your partner. GOODBYE!GOODBYE! 1 / 7 小学英语教学设计案例小学英语教学设计案例 教师姓名教材版本人教版 精通英语 五年级下 课题名称Lesson 5课时1 课时 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 指导思想与指导思想与 理论基础理论基础 (课标阐述)(课标阐述) 通过学习义务教育英语课程标准 ,将英语课程的工具性 和人文性贯彻到课堂,重视语言学习的实践性和应用性,倡导学 生的积极参与,让学生在学习过程中接触、体验、理解语言。通 过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作探究等活动方式,发展语言能 力。同时,在学习的过程中调控情感态度和学习策略,以形成积 极的学习态度,促进语言运用能力的提升。结合五年级学生的学 习特点和教学需求,在本课设计中,我开展了多种活动,激发学 生的学习热情和兴趣的同时,更加注意培养学生在真实情景中运 用语言的能力,力求通多媒体课件和板书所创设的情境,在情景 体验以及学生熟识的学习活动中,落实课标要求的教育教学理念, 促进学生语言能力的提升。 教学内容教学内容本节课是人教版小学英语(精通) 五年级下第一单元, 单元主题是Welcome to our school!.本课主要通过 Li Yan 和 Gao Wei 作为小向导,继续带领客人参观学校,并介绍学校语言 实验室和科学实验室以及相关课程的真实情景,引导学生学会用 英语询问并介绍一周有几节课或是在某地有几节课的表达。在教 学过程中,围绕这一课题,我设计了以下四个部分的学习内容: 1. 本单元学过的单词的复习;2. 新单词“语言实验室”“科学实验 室”的教学及训练;3. 对话教学;4. 扩展训练,通过问答,提高 综合语言运用能力。在处理这四部分的教学内容时,我把重点放 在了对话教学及拓展训练,让学生通过看、听、说、等练习,巩 固句型及其用法。 new words:Language lab, science lab.教学项目教学项目 basic sentences:How many lessons do you have in a week? We have 2 / 7 教学方法教学方法根据学生的年龄特点和认知水平,以视觉认识和形象思维为 主,在本节课中充分利用生动的课件,有效创设了真实情境。采 用说说韵文,情境体验和活动实践的教学方式,结合学生的生活 经验,通过学生合作互助,设计多种学习活动,韵文、对话、游 戏、表演等方式,力求在真实情景中运用语言,最终实现学生主 动表达与真实地输出语言,落实课堂教学效果。 教学手段及教学手段及 信息技术运信息技术运 用分析用分析 自制多媒体动画,PPT 演示文稿,提供更多语言支持,激发 学生兴趣的同时,体现出语言知识输入的层次性、渐进性,有助 于学生对语言的理解运用。 语言知识语言知识主要目标语言:How many lessons do you have in a week? We have 教学目标教学目标 能力能力1. 能够在恰当的语境中初步运用语言进行简单的话 题交流; 2. 通过学习,提高学生的观察能力和语言运用能力。 教学重点教学重点在情境中询问 How many lessons do you have in a week? 及答语 We have 教学难点教学难点运用本课所学内容在恰当的情境中进行真实交流。 教具准备教具准备图片、卡片、录音机、多媒体课件。 二、学习者分析二、学习者分析 本节课的授课对象是五年级学生,他们想象力丰富,在英语学习上普遍存 在着浓厚的兴趣,能够积极按照老师要求进行学习,并且通过以往的训练,初 步形成了小组合作的意识,明确了小组活动的规则,能过顺利通过小组活动, 完成学习任务。本课主要是帮助他们形成更加稳固的兴趣,培养学生利用所学 的语言知识,解决实际问题,提高交际能力,拓展学生的英语思维,培养学生 合作创新的意识。 问题框架问题框架1. 如何使学生更好的参与学习? 2. 如何使对话教学更生动? 3 / 7 三、三、Flow Chart of Teaching 教学简案教学简案 Step 1: Warm-up 1) Free talk. 2) Guessing game. Step 2: Presentation 1. Lead in. 1) Talking with the students. 2) Review. 3) Do a chant. 4) Teach the new words. 5) Teach the new sentences. Step 3: Practice 1) Listen the radio. 2) Listen and repeat. 3) Read in role. Step 4: Extension 1) Draw a picture and introduce your school. 2) Make a new dialogue and act. Step 5: Ending Set homework. 四、四、Teaching process 教学过程教学过程 Teachers Activity 教师活动教师活动 Students Activity 预设学社活动预设学社活动 Purpose of Design 设计意设计意 图图 Step1: Warm up: 1) Free talk. 2) Guessing game. T: Its a place. We can see teachers and students there. We often have classes, play Say hello to each other. Think carefully and answer “School”. 通过本环节设计,预热课 堂,营造良好学习氛围, 为学习新的知识做准备。 4 / 7 games and do many interesting activities there. What place is it? Step 2: Presentation 1. Lead in. 1) T: Your school is very beautiful. Can you tell me how many floors are there in your school? 2) T: Lets go into the teaching building. Oh, there is a big room. In this room, there are many desks and chairs. T: What do we do in the meeting room? T: Next to the meeting room, there is a room. What can you see in the room? T: What place is it? T: What do we do in the library? 3) T: Lets do a chant. 4) T: Lets go upstairs. Oh, there is a room. The students are having a lesson. Lets have a look. What are they doing? (Play the video.) The students count together “One, two, three, four”. S: There are four. S: Meeting room! S: We have meetings. S: Books! S: Many books! S: Library! S: Read books! S: Borrow books! Chant together. Watch carefully and answer “做实验”. S: 科学实验室。 出现自己学校的图片,引 入学习要点,既复习了上 节课学的知识,又能充分 调动起学生学习的兴趣。 学生对上节课的内容操练 扎实,在教师引导下,能 够轻松地理解问题,进行 问答。 通过 chant 将以前学过的 单词进行复现,引导学生 复习旧知,为后面的学习 奠定基础,并自然引出课 文中其他的单词。 通过看视频,充分调动学 生的感官,激发学生的学 习热情。 5 / 7 T: They are doing science experiment. They are having a science lesson. Where do we have science lessons? Teach the new words “science lab” and “science lesson”. T: There is another room. Look carefully. What can you see? T: What place is it? Teach the new words “language lab” and “English lesson”. 5) T: How many students are there in the classroom? T: How many lessons do you have in a week? Step 3: Practice 1) Put on the picture of the dialogue on the screen. Introduce it to the students: Li Yan and Gao Wei showed visitors around the library and the meeting room. What other places do you visit? Here are two questions for you. Lets listen. Learning. S: Blackboard! S: Door! S: Computer! S: . S: 语言实验室。 Learning. Count together. S: Seven! Ask and answer in Paris. Listen to the teachers introduction. Listen carefully and answer the questions. Read in role. 通过游戏猜出“语言实验 室” ,激发学生兴趣。 通过小组活动,让所有学 生参与学习,能够轻松地 理解问题,进行问答。 初步感知课文。 在学生理解课文之后,采 用跟读模仿,小组朗读和 分角色的形式,分层次操 练对话。 6 / 7 2) Read the dialogue. 3) T: Read the dialogue in pairs and then read in role. Step 4: Extension Choose one in your group. 1) Draw a picture and introduce your school. 2) Make a new dialogue and act. Step 5: Ending Set homework: 1) Design a timetable with your friends. 2) Make a new dialogue with your partner. Make the new dialogues and show them in the front. 1) Pair work. 2) Show time. Remember the homework. 学生以小组为单位进行选 择,交流进行创编对话。 这个活动不仅有助于提高 学生的综合语言运用能力, 还滚动复习了以前的旧知, 更重要的是培养了学生在 小组中合作交流的意识, 在真是的语境中完成了综 合语言的运用。 布置作业,既符合学生的 年龄特点,让高年级孩子 乐学、爱学,结合学生对 英语的热爱之情,延伸至 可让外做交际训练。 Blackboard Designing(板书)(板书) Lesson 3 science lab language lab science lesson English lesson How many lessons do you have in a week? We have. 评价方式评价方式本节课我采用了多种评价方式,激发学生的学习兴趣,有效 地提高了课堂效率。 1. 口头表扬。当学生表现出色,老师会给予及时的表扬,如: Good! Very good! Excellent! Well done! 等等,当学生克服困难, 再次表现出色时,老师也适时地给予鼓励和表扬。 7 / 7 2. 体态激励。通过身体语言对学生的突出表现进行表扬。如点头 微笑,摸摸学生头,拍拍肩膀,竖起大拇指等等。 五、教学设计说明五、教学设计说明 本节课以活动和任务为平台,通过创设参观学校的情景,让学生在自主讨 论,交流合作等过程中学习和理解课文。 一、发挥资源媒体优势一、发挥资源媒体优势 本节课,无论是学习新知,巩固旧知,强化理解等环节都体现出对情景的 关注。有效利用媒体资源,绘声绘色的媒体制作,起到了较好的辅助强化作用。 二、关注真实语境交流,设计有效地实践活动二、关注真实语境交流,设计有效地实践活动 本节课给学生设计真实的语境,真实的交流,真实的语言运用。在本课的 How many. 练习中,我设计了让小组成员间进行问答的内容,同时又锻炼了 他们小组间的合作意识。 三、面向全体学生三、面向全体学生 本节课的设计充分考虑五年级学生的年龄特点和心理特征,关注语言学习 者不同特点和个体差异,面向全体学生,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,活动具有 趣味性、灵活性和开放性的特点,从而培养学生探究问题、解决问题、运用语 言的能力。 反思:反思: 一、本节课教学设计层层递进,目标清晰,操练到位。首先从同学们感兴趣的 内容入手,引入新课,整个课堂气氛活跃,同学们参与活动的积极性高。 二、在课堂上运用了情境交际法、小组合作学习等方法,在注重课堂形式的同 时抓实效,小组合作活动,有效有趣。 三、在朗读的方面,我安排了学生分角色朗读对话,这样既有利于学生理解对 话,更有利于他们在生活中去使用对话。 四、在小组活动内容的选择上,我让学生二选一,既尊重了学生的兴趣,又体 现了教学的灵活性。 五、及时评价学生的各种表现,达到了评价与教学不脱离的目的。
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