人教精通版六年级下册Unit 2 There is a park near my home.-Lesson 9-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:a0116).zip


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    • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 There is a park near my home._Lesson 9_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:a0116)
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人教新版人教新版 六年级下册六年级下册 Unit2 There is a park near my home. Lesson 9 林口县刁翎镇中心小学 董云生 Review Lets chant Review Look and say There is/are Lead-in Play a game I say you do Show me your right hand. Show me your left foot. Turn right. Turn left. Presentation Look and say go down this streetturn rightturn left Lead-in Xiaogang wants to go to Xinhua Bookshop. Where is it? Look and say Can you help him? Presentation Look, read and say First, he should .go down this street. Presentation Look, read and say Then, turn right at the traffic lights. Presentation Look, read and say The bookshop is on the left. Practice Magic fingers Game1 go down this street turn right at the traffic lightson the left cross the street Practice Whats missing? Game2 Consolidation go down this street turn right at the traffic lights cross the street on the left 12 3 4 Look and match Presentation Look and say Look at the picture. Whats in it? There is a community and two girls in it. Presentation Who are the girls? What are they talking about? Look and say Presentation Who is new in the community? When did Lisa move here? Look, listen and say Where is Lisa going? Lisa. She moved here last week. She is going to the bookshop. Presentation How will Lisa go there? Does Kate know the way? Look, listen and say On foot. Yes, she does. Presentation Where is the bookshop? Go down this street and turn right at the traffic lights. Then you can see the bookshop on the left. Look, read and say Presentation Look, think and say How long does it take to go there on foot? Only a few minutes. How long does it take to go there by bike/ bus/car? Only a few minutes. Practice Lisa: Good morning, Kate. Kate: Good morning, Lisa. Nice to see you here. Lisa: I moved to this community last week. Kate: Really? I live in this community! Where are you going? Lisa: I want to go to the bookshop. But where is it? Listen and read Kate: Go down this street and turn right at the traffic lights. Then you can see the bookshop on the left. Lisa: How long does it take to go there on foot? Kate: Only a few minutes. Lisa: Thank you! Kate: My pleasure! Listen and read Practice Show time Work in two, choose a way you like to read or act the dialogue.(2人一组, 选择你喜欢的方 式去读或者表演对话。) Act out the dialogue.(表演对话)(表演对话) Read in roles.(分角色朗读)(分角色朗读) Read together.(齐读)(齐读) Practice ( ) 1. I _ to this community last week . A.move B.moves C.moved ( ) 2.Sue lives _ this community. A.on B.in C.for ( ) 3.I want _ to the bank. A.to go B.go C.to going ( ) 4.I can _everything on the ways to school. A. to see B.see C.seeing ( ) 5.Thank you _ A.My pleasure ! B.OK! C.Im sorry. 根据首字母及句意填写单词 1.Go d_this street. 2.T _ right at the traffic lights. 3.Look!The book shop is on the l _. 4.C_ the road, there is a park. 1 / 4 Lesson9 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容与分析一、教学内容与分析 Just read and talk 本部分以 Lisa 搬到一个新小区居住,由于不熟悉路况向 Kate 问路为主题 情境,引出要学习的目标语言 Go down this street and turn right at the traffic lights. Then you can see the .bookshop on the left.通过师生、生生之间的对诗,学生自主 感知、模仿、理解和体验,学会运用表示问路、指路能的语句在真实语境中进 行交际。 主要目标语言: Where is it? Go down this street and turn right at the traffic lights. Then you can see the bookshop on the left. 二、课前准备二、课前准备 1. 准备 Where are you going 歌曲录音或动画 。 2. 准备第 7 课挂图和人物剪影小图片,以备操练环节使用。 3. 学生准备小区内设施小图片和自家小区简图,以备听力训练和小组讨论 时使用。 4. 准备小区内设施较大图片作为评价工具,并在语言拓展环节做道具使用。 5. 准备音频、本课教学图片或课件,用于给学生创设情景和趣味操练等活 动使用。 三、教学步骤与建议三、教学步骤与建议 1. 热身/复习(Warm-up / Revision) 1) 听力训练,复习巩固 学生提前准备自画小区内设施的小图片,在前几课曾获得老师奖励卡片的 同学可以使用获得的小区设施图片来听录音、摆位置。如听到 There is a school between the toy shop and the cake shop 时,可以用卡片摆在相应的位置。 2) 反应游戏,铺垫新授 教师(或推选出的学生依次发指令,其他学生快速做出反应、做错或做得 最 慢者算输,淘汰出局。如 Show me your right hand. Show me your left food. 2 / 4 Turn right Turn left. Go to the teachers desk. Go back to your seat.等。 2. 新课呈现(Presentation) 1) 视听展示,整体感知 教师播放本课的动画(或展示本课挂图或课件) ,通过师生对展示内容的讨 论与猜测引发学生求知的兴趣。在设计讨论问题时,教师要注意调动学生运用 所学语言进行问答和讨论,以便在实际交流中训练学生对所学语言的运用。听 录音前,教师要根据录音材料提出几个相关问题,让学生带着问题去听,这样 能够通过问题熟悉录音材料内容,使听力训练更有针对性。录音最好听 23 遍, 使学生充分熟悉和了解其内容。 T: Look at the picture. Whats in the picture? S: There is a community and two girls in it. T: Who are the girls, do you know? S: Theyre Kate and Lisa. T: What are they talking about? Have a guess! S: Are they talking about their school? Are they talking about their community? T: Lets listen. Before listening, please pay attention these questions: Q1: Who is new in the community? Q2: When did Lisa move here? Q3: Where is Lisa going? Q4: How will Lisa go there? Q5: Does Kate know the way? 2) 回答五个问题,深入了解对话 通过听本课录音或观看课件,学生尝试回答老师提出的五个问题,引出 Lisa 和 Kate 之间这段对话的背景,即 Lisa 新搬到 Kate 居住的小区,由于不熟 悉小区情况,所以向 Kate 打听去书店的路,从而对本课对话有更深一步了解。 本环节通过师生、生生之间的讨论,学生熟悉以下句子:I moved to this community last week. I live in this community. Where are you going? I want to go to the bookshop. 3 / 4 3) 聚焦目标语言,逐一呈现讲解 教师展示到书店的路线图,边在图上标出路线边用英语进行表达,学生模 仿教师对路线的表达。 T: Where is the bookshop? Look. Go down this street and turn right at the traffic lights. Then you can see the bookshop on the left. 4) 突破难点语言,尝试模仿 教师设置不问出行方式,通过自问自答帮助学生理解 How long does it take to go there?通过设置问题,引导学生对此句式进行理解、模仿和表达。 T: Lisa will go there on foot. How long does it take to go there on foot? It takes about ten minutes. How long does it take to go there by bike? S: About five minutes. T: How long does it take to go there by car? S: About two minutes. 3. 趣味操练(Practice ) 1) 利用图片,操练语言 利用第 7 课图片,操练本课目标语言:Where is.? Go down Then you can see 学生在熟悉的场景中操练目标语言,便于理解和掌握。建议将路名标出, 道路增加交通灯,并将人物剪影置于图片某一位置,男生用男孩剪影,女生用 女孩剪影,以便学生更清晰地进行表达。 S1: Im here, on Green Road. Where is the hospital? S2: Go down this road and turn left at the traffic lights. Go down the main road. Then you can see the hospital on the right. 2) 模仿录音,配音表演 教师带领学生们利用录音机或本课课件再次整体听、读本课课文,形式可 以为模仿录音语音、语调跟读,分组朗读课文或给人物配音等。小组间相互进 行评价,选出最佳的配音小组,以此增加学生对用英语朗读的兴趣。 4. 语言运用(Language use) 展示自己小区,带领同学参观:学生利用照片或自己画的简图展示自己家 4 / 4 所在小区的概况,带领同学们进行参观,为同学们指路。对话编演内容可模仿 本课对或自创小对话。 语言支持: S1: Hi, S2/everybody. Welcome to my community. I moved here last year. Its a nice and clean community. Where do you want to visit? S2: I want to visit the swimming pool. S1: OK! Lets go down this street and turn left at the traffic lights. Then we can get to the swimming pool. Its on our right. S2: How long does it take to go there by bike? S1: Only a few minutes. S2: Great! Lets go! 5. 课堂评价(Assessment) 1) 课堂教学过程中的评价 (1) 评价工具:较大小区内设施的图片。正面为小区设施图片,反面为单 词。 教师在课前公布奖励办法:大图片作为给小组的奖励,对于在课堂上表现 积极,和老师、同学互动,正确回答问题,语音语调正确,声音洪亮或有突出 进步的小组可以得到教师课前准备的图片(得到的图片越多的小组在最后语言 拓展环节布置的小区越实用、漂亮) 。此评价工具不但起到对学生的激励作用, 同时也复习巩固了所学过的单词,并且为后面拓展环节教学内容作了准备。 (2) 对话表演展示,小组进行互评,选出最佳表演小组和最佳表演个人。 (3) 完成小组合作自我评价卡,形成英语学习历程报告。 2) 教师指导学生完成活动手册中的相关内容,并进行评价。 6. 拓展活动(Extended activities) 教师带领学生将教室布置为小区场景,利用桌椅的布局划分出街道并命名, 使学生在真实情境中进行语言运用。对话编演内容可模仿本课对话或自创小对 话,在教室布置出的小区内真实上演。
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