人教精通版六年级下册Unit 1 I went to Sanya for my holidays.-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:41525).zip


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    • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 I went to Sanya for my holidays._Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+微课+视频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:41525)
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Happy Happy H Holidayoliday What you do What you do during your holidays during your holidays? diddiddiddid I to Sanya.go went e enjoynjoy sunbathing sunbathingeded enjoyed the moon and stars That That sounds sounds wonderful!wonderful! in a hotel in a hotel drank stayed orange juiceorange juice I I hadhad a big party. a big party. dancedanced d swswa amm t the guitarhe guitarplayed photosphotos tooktook I a lot of things.I a lot of things. did did I a good timeI a good time during my holidays! during my holidays! hadhad 精通版英语六年级下册精通版英语六年级下册 Lesson One Step1 Warming-up 引导学生由一般现在时过度到一般过去时的学习,体会动词的变化 过程。并在此环节预设 did /That sounds wonderful.为微课教授新知环 节作铺垫。 T: Hello, boys and girls. Welcome back to school. I think you had a good time on holiday. So, today well share our holidays here. What do you often do on holidays? S1: I often T: That sounds wonderful. S2: I often T:That sounds wonderful. S3: I often T: That?(引导全班一起尝试说出 That sounds wonderful.) T: What do you think about it? (引导个别学生说) S1:That sounds wonderful. S2: That sounds wonderful. T: You did a good job!(重读 did 并板书 did) T:(指着黑板上的 did) My good friend Cherry did a lot of things during her holidays. What did she do during her holidays? Do you want to know? If you want to know, please ask her:(为微课对过去时的讲解 做预设) “ What did you do during her holidays?” (慢说) “ What did you do during your holidays?” (慢说) S1: “ What did you do during your holidays, Cherry?” S2: “ What did you do during your holidays, Cherry?” S 全:“What did you do during your holidays, Cherry?” 教师点录音,播放 Cherry 说话:“I did a lot of things. After listening, please say words, phrases, or sentences as possible. If you did a good job, you can get nice cards. (主人公通过录音回答学生的问题,并交代了评价方式。为学生对微 课学习进行反馈和巩固操练做了铺垫。奖励卡片是星星和月亮,为 突破文本中的 enjoy the moon and stars 作铺垫。) Step 2 Presentation: T:Listen and watch carefully and then tell us what you heard. T: That sounds wonderful. What do you think of it? S1: That sounds wonderful. T: What did you hear? 六个小组每组一次机会任意说。每组学生可说出 1-2 种动词过去式 的短语或句子。教师给予星星和月亮的奖励卡片。并在奖励 的同时教授 the moon /star / stars. S1: I went to Sanya. T: Thats great! The moon is for you .(展示手中的月亮卡片) T:Do you like moon? S1: Yes, I like it. T: Please say “ moon” S 全:moon. (教师带读一遍,为后面教授作铺垫) S2: I stayed in a hotel. T: Good! A star is for you!(带读 star,为后面教授作铺垫) S3:I had a party . /We took photos. T: (教师给两张星星奖励卡,引导学生说出 star 复数)Great! Two ? S3: Two stars. T:(教师继续给奖励卡)Excellent! They are for you.(引导学生说出 短语) T:Anything else? S4: enjoyed sunbathing T: Great! The moon and stars are for you. (引导学生一起说 the moon and stars) T: Did you enjoy them? S4: Yes, I enjoyed the moon and stars.(多找两人说一下) T: How about your group? S5: They swam, drank juice. T: Great! They are for you. Did you enjoy them at night? S5: Yes. I enjoyed the moon and stars at night. T: The last group. S6: They sang and danced. T: That sounds great! You can get cards! Here are some nice cards. Would you like to show them on the blackboard? Come here, show them one by one. (学生在讲台前排队快速贴,在贴的过程中教师引导学生读单词, 并找两位同学造句。说出从微课中听到的信息,然后将这些信息也 就是动词过去式相应贴到黑板上) S1: went T: Please teach us. S1: went S 全:went T: Can you say a sentence ? S1: I went to . T: Good job! Go back to your seat. S2: stayed T: Please say: “ stayed” S 全:stayed S2: I stayed at home/in a hotel. S3: had /took T: Please. S3: had, took T: Teach your friends. S 全: had, took T: Great! Next one. S4: enjoyed T: Please teach . S 全: enjoyed. T: 举起评价卡片:I enjoyed? S4: I enjoyed the moon and stars. T: Great! How about you? S5.6 一起:sang danced swam drank T: Would you like to teach? S5: swam drank S 全:swam drank S6: sang danced S 全: sang danced T:Good job! You can get nice cards. So many words here. Lets watch a magic show about them. Watch carefully. (播放课中微课,辅助讲解过去式,此处我理解为课 中微课内容包含讲解读音) T: PPT 图(先别出字)Good job! I have some questions about them.(指着前几个词说) T: What did she do during her holidays? (指一下 went) S: She went to Sanya T: Please ask her/him. S1: What did she do during her holidays? S2: She went to Sanya(1-2 组练习) T: She went to Sanya ,what did you do during your holidays? S1: I went to Beijing/ Shanghai S2:What did you do during your holidays? S3: I went to Beijing/ Shanghai (继续 PPT 场景图片) T: You enjoyed holidays in Beijing/Shanghai. S1:What did she enjoy? S2: She enjoyed sunbathing during her holidays. T:(讲解 sunbathing)Do you like sunbathing? S: Yes! T:She likes sunbathing very much. It was a sunny day. She lay on the beach and looked up the sky. What did she do during the day ? S1: She enjoyed sunbathing during the day. T: Would you please ask? S2:What did she do during the day? S3:She enjoyed sunbathing during the day.(说 2-3 组) T: That sounds wonderful!(展示奖励卡星星和月亮,在前面教授 的基础上引导说出文本 enjoyed the moon and stars) T:(PPT) What did you enjoy at night?(展示奖励卡) S3: I enjoyed the moon and stars at night. (问答说两-三组) T: She enjoyed the moon and stars at night. T:What other things did you enjoy? S1: I enjoyed reading. S2: I enjoyed watching TV T: That sounds great! Gao Wei and Kate also enjoyed their holidays. Lets watch the video. After that, answer my questions. Step3 文本 (学生回归文本,利用所学内容掌握文本内容) 1.放光盘 Please read it. (1)How did Kate get there? (2)Where did Kate and her family stay? (3)When did they enjoy sunbathing (4)What did they enjoy at night? 2.读课文: T: You did a good job. Lets read together. Open your books. 第一遍教师带读 T: Read after me. 第二遍学生分角色读(利用光盘中的分角色功能) T:Who wants to be Gao Wei? Kate? S: 学生分角色朗读 T:Good job! Gao Wei and Kate had a wonderful holiday. Do you want to know their friends holidays?(PPT) Look! What did they do? (PPT 出微课中很多人在海滩聚会图,让学生通过观察,会灵活运 用更多动词过去式) Would you like to say something about this pictureCome here.(找学生上 前面说) S1: They had a party. She played the guitar. T: Good! Say together: “ played” (板书手写这个词) S: played (板书手写这个词) T: Anything else? S2: They swam. He ate hamburgers. She drank juice. T: Thats great! But dont litter on the beach. We should keep the beach clean. Do you think so? S 全: Yes! S3: She sang and she danced. (学生指着说) He took photos. (He ran.) They had a good time. T: What do you think of her/him?(问全班) S 全: That sounds wonderful! T:Clap your hands! Get two cards. Step4: 活动 1 调查表 T: They had a good time during their holidays. What about yours? Lets do a survey like this. EX: Cherry went to. .First, ask and answer in groups. And then write down the information. 2 minutes to prepare it. 采访并调查同学们的假期生活,也将自己的假期生活告诉同学。 通过前面的学习和操练,学生已经用问答的形式与同学进行了简单 的假期交流,学生能够用问答形式来谈论自己的假期生活,不仅仅 局限于文本。在此基础上,教师组织活动,让学生组内问答形式讨 论假期生活,每组设定一张 A4 大小的调查表,组内讨论过程形式多 样,有的组是组长记录,组员汇报给组长。有的组是组员们 one by one 形式一问一答传递调查表。有的组是两两互相采访问答。讨论 后,小组用调查表做展示,并谈一谈同学的假期。此环节学生在展 示过程中既可用问答形式,也可进行个人表述。既锻炼了学生写的 能力,又锻炼了学生从句到语篇的综合语言运用能力。 活动 2 用地图讨论假期去过的地方,讨论并在黑板地图上贴。 通过地图谈一谈假期你去过哪些地方(地图包括中国地图不同城市, 也可说一说去过的其它国家,在讨论中可加入不同城市或国家的文 化元素,在微课中提到了 Cherry 在假期中去了三亚,学生在此基础 上拓展讨论,与微课中呼应。既培养了学生综合语言运用能力,又 让学生通过讨论,了解城市文化以及中西方国家文化) T: All of you had wonderful holidays. We did a lot of things and visited so many places during the holidays. Where did you go during your holidays?Lets talk about it in groups. You can choose any cities or other countries if you like. Ill give you 2 minutes to prepare it. Go! 小组进行讨论并展示,展示形式多样一些,有讨论国内城市,也有 国外。 计划小组展示效果: 第一组:说天津,运用较简单的文本。 (简单,陈述方式,每人 1-2 句话) T: That sounds wonderful! Do you love Tianjin? S: Yes! We love our hometown forever. 第二组:讨论北京-杭州。 (难易适中,对话) T: 第三组:美国感恩节 this winter holiday 澳大利亚圣诞节 (略难一点,对话) T: What a fantastic holiday! We should thank our parents , teachers and the people around us! The best wishes for all of you! S 全:Thank you, teacher. 总结:(德育渗透,让学生自主表达) T: Good children! Your holidays sound amazing. Did you have a good time? S: Yes. Step 6 Homework: T: So, after class: (1)Talk about your holidays with your friends. (2)Make a poster about holidays . T: Goodbye! Children. S: Goodbye! Teachers. 板书: Lesson One sunbathing moon went enjoyed had star What did you do during your holidays? danced stayed swam played 此处为微课视频 enjoyed sunbathing enjoyed the moon and stars play the guitared 此处为课文教材视频
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人教精通版六年级下册Unit went to Sanya for my holidays._Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+微课+视频+素材)_公开课_(编号:41525) 人教 精通 精晓 版六下
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