人教精通版六年级下册Fun time-Fun time 1 Fun Reading-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:a0f95).zip


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    • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Fun time_Fun time 1 Fun Reading_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:a0f95)
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Famous Places around China Can you tell me something about it?Smething more? Bingmayong, or the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses, is near Xian in Sihaanxi Province. There are thousands of warriors and horses buried in the grave of the first Chinese Emperor, Qin Shihuang. Do you know how many warriors there are? The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world. Its over 2000 years old and more than 4,500 miles long. more than 7,000 kilometers(公里公里) in the north of China more than 14,000 Li (里里) In English Huangshan is called the Yellow Mountains. They are in the south part of Anhui Province. Huangshan is famous for its beautiful mountains and pine trees. Xihu, or the West Lake, is in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. The lake looks different in each season. There are beautiful lotus flowers and fish in the water. lotus flowers I want to visit the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses, so I read some books about it. Then I know it is near Xian, in Shaanxi Province. There are thousands of terracotta warriors and horses. Lets share with each other and we can get more. Sanya (三亚三亚) Mount Hua (华山华山) Lijiang (丽江丽江) Jiuzhaigou (九寨沟九寨沟) Taishan (泰山泰山) Summer Palace (颐和园颐和园) Bund (上海外滩上海外滩) Guilin (桂林桂林) Love our land! Love our culture! Love our country! 1. English Name A. the Great Wall B. the Yellow Mountains C. the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses D. the West Lake 2. Location A. In Anhui B. In Hangzhou C. near Xian D. In the north of China E. In Beijing 3. Details A. beautiful mountains and pine trees B. over 2000 years old C. the greatest wonder D. looks different in each season E. more than 4,500 miles long F. lotus flowers and fish G. thousands of warriors and horses PlaceEnglish NameLocation (位置位置)Details(细节细节) Bingmayong Changcheng Huangshan Xihu 一、整体设计思路一、整体设计思路 义务教育英语课程标准要求在英语学习的各个方面都体现工具性和人文性,要求 英语教学可以帮助学生形成有效的学习策略以提高学习效率并发展自主学习能力。 本课是六年级下册复习单元中最后一篇课文。学生在第一单元第一课学习过旅游 经历的介绍,第三单元学习过国内外旅游景点的描述。所以学生对长城、兵马俑和西 湖这三个景点都比较熟悉。本课对长城、兵马俑和西湖这三个景点在细节方面进行了 扩展,又新添加了黄山这个景点。通过创设情境、自主阅读,小组合作,完成表格, 让学生了解四个景点的主要内容。运用已学过的,描述景点的主要单词如 province,north, south 以及句型 be famous for, there be. ,根据表格的提示简单复述 本课内容。在此基础上,然后学生写出自己想要去的景点并进行描述。 整个课堂以“在阅读中寻找知识,在分享中获得知识。I read, I know, I share”为 主线,运用 5E 学习循环模型,让学生在探究中开阔视野,学到新知。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 本课学习对象为小学六年级下学期的学生,他们已经有了一定程度的知识储备, 可以了解文章大意,但是细节问题和文中隐含的信息还不是特别了解,需要教师的引 导。文本涉及到的生词较多,但是大部分较为简单直观,容易理解;只有 warriors 和 bury 这两个词较难朗读。 因此本节课的授课重点应该放在引导学生在整体了解文章 的基础上,能了解到更多的细节,并能简单讲述自己喜欢的景点。此外,针对两个不 容易读的单词,应该增加学生的练习机会。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)知识与能力目标 学生能够在语境中听、说、认读生词或短语 wonder, warrior, thousand, bury, grave, emperor, mountain, pine tree, lotus flower 的意思。 学生能够知道这四个景点所处的地点,著名景色以及相关的简单历史知识。 学生能够根据相关资料和例句的提示,简单介绍自己想去的景点,提高学生的综 合人文素养。 (二)情感态度 1. 培养学生积极探究,参与课堂阅读,乐于分享和表达自己的所思所想的态度。 2. 培养学生热爱祖国大好河山的感情。 (三)学习策略目标 1. 积极与小组内的同学合作,共同完成表格。 2. 在小组合作的汇报交流环节中,注意倾听,积极思考,了解各个景点的相关知识。 (四)文化意识目标 使学生乐于了解和分享全国各地的景点以及与景点的相关历史地理知识。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 1. 教学重点是 wonder, warrior, thousand, bury, grave, emperor, mountain, pine tree, lotus flower 等生词词意的理解,以及描述景点地理位置和相关细节的句子理解和运用。 2. 教学难点是如何简单介绍自己喜欢的景点。 五、教具准备五、教具准备 PPT,吹塑纸,记号笔 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Teaching Progress Teachers Activities Students Activities Purposes Engagemen t 1. T: Boys and girls, three months later, you will have your summer holidays. You will have no homework. Thats cool, right? Do you want to go traveling? 2. Show some four pictures of the Great Wall, Bingmayong, the Yellow Mountain and the West Lake. 3. T: Im also looking forward to my summer holiday. Do you know where I want to go? Can you tell me more about the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and horses? How do we know something about the palce? 1. 憧憬自己的暑 假旅行。 2. 观看景点图片, 并猜测老师想去 的景点。思考, 怎样能了解关于 景点的更多知识。 1. 从学生喜爱 的假期旅行开始, 引导学生回忆旅 游景点的相关知 识。激发学生的 探究愿望 2. 让学生明白 可以从书中找到 答案。 Exploration 1. Let the students read the second paragraph and finish the line of Bingmayong, which is about its English name, location and some other details. 2. Ask the students to choose a place they like best. Then read it in groups and finish the blanks. 1. 阅读兵马俑的 这一段,并在教 师的指导下完成 兵马俑的这一行 表格。在阅读后 填写兵马俑的英 文名,地点以及 其他细节。 2. 学生选择自己 喜欢的景点,以 小组为单位进行 阅读,并填写相 应的表格。 1. 关于兵马俑的 这一段有很多生 词,帮助学生寻 找答案,为接下 来的阅读奠定基 础。 2. 鼓励学生在小 组内合作探究, 了解相关知识。 Explanation 1. Ask the students to share something about the place they have read. Then the teacher finish the blank with the whole class. 2. Ask the students to introduce the four places. And tell them that is all they know from the book. Tell the students it is 1. 学生以小组为 单位分享自己对 长城、黄山和西 湖的理解,倾听 其他组的分享, 然后完成板手中 的表格。 2. 学生一起对文 中的景点进行简 单的介绍。学生 了解到分享想法 1. 教师对学生 的分享给予及时 的反馈,从学生 的解释中了解学 生的掌握情况, 并及时给予指导。 important to share ideas with others. And if you share your ideas with others, you will get more. 的好处。 Elaboration 1. Show the students some beautiful pictures of China and ask: There are so many beautiful places around our countries. Our country is fantastic and beautiful. Do you want to travel there? 2. Show the student an example and ask them to write down their own work. 3. Ask the students to choose a place they like, and then read the introduction of the place and write down what they know about the place. 1. 学生观看美丽 的景点图片,选择 自己喜欢的景点 进行阅读。 2. 学生观看教师 的范例,对文章 结构有初步的了 解。 3. 写下自己对该 景点的了解。 观看景点图片, 激发学生对祖国 的热爱。阅读其 他一些自己喜欢 的景点,在语言 和文化两个方面 进行扩展。让学 生写下自己对该 景点的了解有助 于培养学生的综 合语言运用能力。 Evaluation Ask the students to share their writings in class. And the teacher talk about the place with them. 学生们之间互相 分享,互相倾听, 互相评价。 锻炼学生综合运 用语言的能力和 互相倾听的习惯。 Homework Read your writing to you family and make your travel plan. 五、板书设计五、板书设计 The Bund (上海外滩上海外滩) The Bund or Waitan is in the center of Shanghai. It is famous for its different types(类型) of buildings. Since the opening of Shanghai, the Bund began to become Shanghai and Chinas financial and trade center(经济中心), also known as Oriental Wall Street.(东方华 尔街) I like want to visit _, so I read some books about it. I know it is in _ . It is famous for _. Lets share with each other and we can get more. Jiuzhaigou(九寨沟九寨沟) Jiuzhaigou is a nature park in the north of Sichuan Province. It is known for its many multi-level waterfalls(多层的瀑布), colorful lakes, and snow-capped peaks(积雪覆盖的山峰). It is as beautiful as a fairy tale(童话故事). I like want to visit _, so I read some books about it. I know it is in _ . It is _. Lets share with each other and we can get more. the Summer Palace(颐和园颐和园) The Summer Palace is a big groups of lakes, gardens and palaces in Beijing. The Kunming Lake is made by man, and it is very big. The buildings are positioned in sequence(整齐地). I like want to visit _, so I read some books about it. I know it is in _ . The Kunming Lake is _. Lets share with each other and we can get more. Mount Hua (华山华山) The Mount Hua is in Shaanxi Province. It is in the west of China. People like to climb it because it is difficult to climb up to the top. I like want to visit _, so I read some books about it. I know it is in _ . Lets share with each other and we can get more. Sanya(三亚三亚) Sanya is a city in Hainan Province. It is in the south of China. If you come to Sanya, you can wear you T-shirt or skirt even in winter. It is hot all the year. You can go to the seaside and enjoy sunbathing. I like want to visit _, so I read some books about it. I know it is in _ . I can _. Lets share with each other and we can get more. Old Town of Lijiang(丽江古城丽江古城) The Old Town of Lijiang is in Yunnan Province, in the southwest of China. It is famous for its system of waterways and bridges(水路和桥梁系统). Jade Dragon Mountain(玉龙雪 山) is near the old town. The weather is always warm, and you can go there at any time. I like want to visit _, so I read some books about it. I know it is in _ . It is famous for _. Lets share with each other and we can get more. Taishan Mountain(泰山)(泰山) Taishan Mountain is in Shandong Province, in the east of China. Taishan is the head of Chinese five mountains.You can enjoy the beautiful sunrise and see off,clouds at the peak(顶峰) of Taishan. I like want to visit _, so I read some books about it. I know it is in _ . It is _. Lets share with each other and we can get more. Guilin(桂林桂林) Guilin is in Guangxi Province. It is in the southwest of China. The Li River is one of the cleanest river in China. Guilin is also famous for the Elephant Trunk Hill and the Stone Forest. I like want to visit _, so I read some books about it. I know it is in _ . The Li River is _. It is also famous for_. Lets share with each other and we can get more.
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