人教精通版六年级下册Unit 2 There is a park near my home.-Lesson 11-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:6062e).zip


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    • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 There is a park near my home._Lesson 11_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:6062e)
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丽泽小学丽泽小学 张文鸥张文鸥 WhereWhere isis it?it? Its a place we can borrow books and read books in it. WhereWhere isis it?it? Its a place we can buy fruit, vegetables, drinks and many things in it. WhereWhere isis it?it? Its a place who is ill should go there. WhereWhere isis it?it? Its a place people can take a walk, play and look at flowers in it. Happy Song How can I get to park? How can I get to park? You can take a bus. You can take a bus. Where is the bus stop? Where is the bus stop? Its over there. Its over there. Lets get on the bus and have a trip! get on the bus get off the bus Video Stop Practice Stop Water Park at the first stop get off 2.How can he get there? Video Stop 1.Where does the man want to go? How can he get to the City Library? He can go there by No.6 bus. number 857 No.857 bus hotel supermarket bank bookshop park hospital A: How can I get to ? B: You can go there by . You can take a to go there. Practise in groups. (离离远远) Is the City Library far from here? (离离远远) Is it far from here? No, its about half an hour by bus. 30 minutes / a: / Video Stop Practice Stop Water Park at the first stop Practice Stop You can get off the bus at the third stop, and then youll find a supermarket on your right. The City Library is near the supermarket. super- market Video Stop Practice Stop Water Park at the first stop Water Park Choose the right answers. A young man wants to the City Library. Li Yan and Yang Ming tell him the way . Man: Excuse me, _ Li Yan: The City Library? Oh, _ Man: But_ Yang Ming: Look! Its just over there. Get off the bus at the third stop and youll find a supermarket on your right._ Man: Thanks a lot. Li & Yang:_ A: The City Library is near the supermarket. B. how can I get to the City Library? C. Youre welcome. D. you can go there by No. 6 bus. E. where is the bus stop? B D E A C flyer Water Park Zoo Tianjin Tower Ancient Culture Street Tianjin Eye Food Street Xigu Park Beining Park 1.Excuse me, how can I get to? 2. You can get there. 3.How long does it take to go there ? 5.Its on your left/ right. 6. Make a dialogue. Listen and read the dialogue . (You should do.) Write something about other places you want to go and send it to me by Wechat (微信微信 ). (You can do.) Homework 一、教学目标 本单元学生已经初步学习了如何进行问路及指路的交际问答,本课将通过 对话的形式继续就有关出行方式、所用时间及路线的语言进行学习及操练,孩 子们能够灵活掌握相关句型:How can I get to ? You can go there by并能根 据身边的真实场景自主感知、模仿、理解和体验,从而真正实现语言的灵活输 出。培养和深化学生良好的学习习惯,发扬合作精神,培养互帮互助的美好品 质。 二、学情分析 六年级的学生们从三年级开始系统学习英语,已经掌握了一定的英语语言 技能,能够清楚的表达自我的想法及个人意愿。课堂上能够很好的和教师用英 语进行交流,简单的进行会话。但同时六年级的学生两极分化的现象严重,部 分学生参与课堂教学的热情不高,这就需要教师在教学中从学生的生活入手, 将教学和学生的生活实际紧密的连接,从而调动起全体学生的参与热情。 三、教学重难点 教学重点:通过一篇问路的小对话,使学生掌握主要目标语言:How can I get to ? You can go there by并能灵活运用。 教学难点:学生能够运用 You can get off the bus at the third stop.等表示指路 的功能语句在真实语境中进行交流。 四、教具准备 PPT,自制教具卡片 五、教学活动 I. Warming-up 1.游戏活动,开拓思维。 教师活动: T: Welcome to my English class. Today we will go on learning lesson 11. Before learning it, lets play a guessing game. (出示 ppt) 学生活动: 找学生朗读幻灯片内容,并让其他学生进行猜测。 a. Its a place we can borrow books and read books in it. -library b. Its a place we can buy fruit, vegetables, drinks and many things in it. - supermarket c. Its a place who is ill should go there. -hospital d. Its a place people can take a walk, play and look at flowers in it.-park 设计意图:通过猜猜看的游戏,营造英语学习氛围,拉近师生距离,为引出本 课的主线做好铺垫。 2. 齐唱歌曲,分解难点。 T: It is the Water Park in Tianjin. Its a fine day today. Would you like to go to the park with me? Ss: Sure. T: But how can we get to the park? 提出问题并引出重点句式,教师适时进行板书,同时让学生思考并回答。 Ss: we can get there by. T: Oh, there are so many ways to get to the park, lets choose the best way. Heres a song for you. Lets sing the song together. How can I get to the park? You can take a bus. You can take a bus. Where is the bus stop? Where is the bus stop? Its over there. Its over there. 学生活动:Sing the song with the teacher. T: Can you tell me how can we get to the Water Park? Ss: We can take a bus to go there. /We can go there by bus. (板书) 设计意图:通过歌曲的方式,将本课的重点句型进行初步接触学习,分散了难 点,为后面教学的顺利开展做好铺垫。 II. Presentation 1. 引入主线,布置任务。 教师活动: (1)T:Look , the bus is coming!Lets get on the bus and have a trip to the park. Do you know the meaning of “get on”? 出示 ppt,对 get on/get off 进行对比,学习。 T:Whats the meaning of “bus stop”? 出示自制教具,让学生直观了解其意思,贴到黑板上,对 bus stop 进行学习,并 能根据教师的提示说出 the first stop , the second stop, the third stop. 学生活动: 通过图片以及教具,对单词及词组进行跟读学习。 (2)(出示 ppt)T: Look, herere some bus stops during the trip! In each stop theres a task for you. If you can do the tasks well, we can get to the Water Park early. Please try your best to do the tasks well! 学生活动: 随着公共汽车的驶入,学生齐说:Get on, get on, get on the bus. 当汽车到达公交站时,学生齐说:Get off, get off, get off the bus. 设计意图:通过“车站”这条主线,将本课的几个任务连接起来,告知学生要 完成的任务,通过演示汽车运行的过程,自然地突破了难点 get off the bus.不仅 增加了课堂的趣味性,还使学生真正做到在情境中自然习得语言。 2. 观看视频,整体感知。 教师活动: T: We get off the bus at the video stop. Lets watch the video and try to answer the questions. Question 1: Where does the man want to go? Question 2: How can he get there? 教师播放本课的视频,让学生带着问题认真听。 学生活动: 学生带着问题认真观看本课的课文视频,并回答问题: Ss: He wants to go to the City Library. 教师通过图片的展示让学生了解 City Library 的含义。 根据教师的提问学生回答: Ss: He can take the No. 6 bus. (出示 ppt) 对 No. = number 进行讲解,并通过图片直观感知 No. 6 bus. 随后出示图片 857 路公交车,让学生进行练习,并造句。 之后,由老师做示范,以 chain game 的形式进行小组的问答练习,对本课的重 点句型进行巩固:A: How can I get to ? B: You can go there by . You can take a to go there. 设计意图:整体感知会话内容,训练学生的听力以及理解能力。通过问题的设 置,让学生对本课对话有一个整体了解,并在处理问题的过程中对新知进行学 习及巩固练习。 3.深入提问,启发思维。 教师活动: 教师再次播放课文内容,并提出问题,让学生们带着问题认真聆听。问题如下: T: Is it far from here? How do you know? 学生活动: 带着问题,再次观看视频,并回答。 Ss: No, its about half an hour. 当学生回答后,教师适时利用课件演示 half an hour, 并引导学生回答: half an hour=_60_minutes 30 minutes= half an hour /a:/ 学生活动: 学生认真观看 flash 课件, 学生根据教师的示范和课件的提示,学习词组 half an hour,教师要适时纠正读音。 设计意图:通过再次观看课文内容,让学生们对会话有更深入的了解,并在教 师的引领下,逐步的突破本课的新知内容: half an hour 能发音准确,并能够正 确的理解及运用该短语。 4. 自然交流,突破新知。 T: Lets go on our trip. Ss: Get on, get on, get on the bus. (随着汽车的移动)学生齐说:Get off, get off, get off the bus. T: This time we get off the bus at the practice stop. 教师活动: 教师播放课文录音,让学生们逐句跟读,规范发音,模仿读音的同时回答最后 的问题: How can I get to the City Library? 学生活动: 自己读课文并找出答案,借助课件提示进行描述: Ss: You can get off the bus at the third stop. And then youll find a supermarket on your right. The City Library is near the supermarket. 之后,老师利用板书及教具进行示范,找学生上前在教具的帮助下,脱离课本, 在创设的真实情境中进行描述。 设计意图:回归文本,找出到达图书馆的路线,并借助课件、教具及板书总结 复述出正确的路线。让孩子们在理解的基础上能够熟练掌握本课的难点句型。 IIIPractice 1.角色扮演,表演对话。 教师活动: 教师引领学生分组进行角色扮演(准备好三个人物的标牌) 学生活动: 学生三人一组表演本课的对话内容。 设计意图:进一步巩固课文内容。激发学习兴趣。 2.书写练习,巩固内化。 T: Lets go on our trip. Ss: Get on, get on, get on the bus. (随着汽车的移动)学生齐说:Get off, get off, get off the bus. 教师活动:T: Oh, we get to the last stop. Lets get off at the Water Park stop. (课件出示公园门口)If you want to get into the park, you need tickets. Heres a task for you, if you can do the task well, you will get the free tickets. 学生活动: 学生完成相应的练习。 Choose the right answers. A young man wants to the City Library. Li Yan and Yang Ming tell him the way . Man: Excuse me, _ Li Yan: The City Library? Oh, _ Man: But_ Yang Ming: Look! Its just over there. Get off the bus at the third stop and youll find a supermarket on your right._ Man: Thanks a lot. Li & Yang: _ A: The City Library is near the supermarket. B. how can I get to the City Library? C. Youre welcome. D. you can go there by No. 6 bus. E. where is the bus stop? 设计意图:此部分只要练习学生的书写技能,考察学生对于知识的实际运用能 力。在学生表演结束后教师及时检测学生对于小语篇的理解,练习本课的重难 点,并帮助学生梳理知识脉络。 IV. Consolidation 1.语言拓展,灵活应用。 教师活动: T: All of you did a good job. Herere the tickets for you. Lets go! 进入公园,来到摩天轮面前。 T : This is the flyer. Would you like to get on it? Ss: Yes. 出示图片,从摩天轮俯瞰。 T: Its very high! From it, we can see many tall buildings and famous places in Tianjin. 出示天津一些名胜的图片并进行学习。 Lets make a dialogue about how to get to the other places. 学生活动: 学生根据教师提供的内容,两人一组,进行会话练习。最后全班展示。 设计意图:让学生对所学的内容灵活运用的同时,拓宽他们的思维。让班级中 的每个学生都能学有所用,都有展示自我的机会。 VHomework 1. Listen and read the dialogue . (You should do.) 2.Write something about other places you want to go and send it to me by Wechat (微信)微信). (You can do.) 板书设计 Lesson11 How can I get to You can go there by 图 You can take to go there. 课后反思: 本节课主要呈现的是六年级会话教学的新授环节。在课前我精心的设计教学 环节,首先通过游戏和歌曲切入本课的主题,再通过问题引导学生层层深入。 最后利用多媒体教学创设英语教学情境。再运用不同的活动形式逐一突破教学 难点,把枯燥的单词、句型生活化,具体化形象化,使学生们在听、做、说、 玩、演中轻松的氛围中掌握语言。学生们对学习英语兴趣倍增,达到了操练的 真正目的。学生们能够运用小组合作中来完成任务。英语是一门语言,语言便 要为人所用,因此最后孩子们能够自由灵活的根据生活实际自由运用本课的重 点句型才是教学的重中之重。所以最后环节从孩子身边实际出发,让他们把本 课的知识为我所用,真正的做到了语言的灵活输出。但还有很多不足之处:如 班里少部分学生只是机械的模仿而没有真正的动脑筋来投入来自主学习中来。 还需在以后的教学过程中摸索改进。
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人教精通版六年级下册Unit There is park near my home._Lesson 11_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_公开课_(编号:6062e) 人教 精通 精晓 版六下
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