人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 4 Last Weekend-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)--(编号:e0990).zip


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B Lets talk Lets chant Every weekend I climb mountains, What do you do ? Every weekend I read some books, What do you do ? Every weekend I go shopping, What do you do ? Every weekend I go hiking, What do you do ? MayMay 5 5月月 一 Mon. 二 Tue. 三 Wed. 四 Thu. 五 Fri. 六 Sat. 日 Sun. 1234 5 5 6 6 789 1010 11 12121313 14151617181920 21222324252627 28293031 Weekend= Saturday + Sunday May (5月) 一 Mon 二 Tue 三 Wed 四 Thu 五 Fri 六 Sat 日 Sun 一 Mo n 二 Tue 三 We d 四 Thu 五 Fri 六 Sat 日 Sun 30 1234 5 5 6 6 7891010 11 1212 1313 this weekend last weekend (last weekend = last Saturday + last Sunday) today Guessing Guessing games:games: 1、What do I do on the weekend? 2、What did I do last weekend? 读一读:读一读: washed the clothes watched TV helped them cooked meals cleaned the room played the computer listened to music watered the flowers played football played the piano played sports climbed mountains visited grandparents 1、ed读t: 2、ed读d: 3、ed读id: Lets chant Last weekend I played football. What did you do? Last weekend I watched TV. What did you do? Last weekend I cleaned the room. What did you do? Last weekend I washed the clothes. What did you do? Last weekend I visited grandparents. What did you do? Lets chant Last weekend I _. What did you do? Last weekend I _. What did you do? Last weekend I _. What did you do? Last weekend I _. What did you do? Lets play a gameLets play a game A: What did you do last weekend? B: I_. How about you? C: I_. How about you? D: . . . ? E: . . ? F: . . ? G: . . ? What did Zhang Peng do last weekend? -He _.watched TV What did do last Saturday? -She . Chen Jie washed the clothes What did do last Sunday? -She . Chen Jie cleaned the room What did do last weekend? -He . Mike played football What did do last weekend? -He . Wu Yifan visited grandparents (1)Did you? -Yes, I did. -No, I didnt. (2)Did you? -Yes, I did. -No, I didnt. (3)Did you? -Yes, I did. -No, I didnt. (4)Did you? -Yes, I did. -No, I didnt. Did you clean the room? Yes, I did. Did you play football? No, I didnt. Did you watch TV? Yes, I did. Did you water the flowers? No, I didnt. Lets Lets talktalk John: What_ you do last _? Wu: I _ football. How about you ? John: I _ my grandparents. Wu: _ you help them clean their room? John: Yes, I _. didweeken d playe d visite d Did di d Answer the Answer the questions:questions: 1、What did Wu Yifan do last weekend? 2、Did John visit his grandparents? Lets Lets talktalk A: Hello! B: Hi! A: What did you do last weekend? B: I _. How about you? A: I _. B: Did you _? A: Yes, I _. (No, I _.) Lets Lets talktalk A: _! B: _! A: What_ ? B: I _ . _? A: I _ B: Did_? A: _, _. (_, _.) watc hed TV clean ed the roo m wash ed clot hes playe d footb all liste ned to musi c _e d Zhang Peng . -What did do last weekend? -ISheHe listened to music. 做一做:做一做: watched TV, listened to music, washed the clothes, cleaned the room, played football, visited grandparents, watered flowers, cooked the meals, climbed mountains, did homework, did housework, planted trees 帮助父母做力所能及的家务 ,孝敬长辈,热爱劳动,乐于 助人是中华民族的传统美德 。我们应该从小时候做起。 1、-What did you do last weekend? -I watched TV.cleaned the room. . 2、-Did you watch TV clean the room. ? Yes, I did. No, I didnt. Key points:Key points: ( ( 重点重点 ) ) HomeworkHomework 1. 听、读Lets talk, 抄写本课四会句子。 2. 创编对话: 与同学、朋友说说上个周末的活 动。 See you! PEP 小学英语六(下)Unit 3 Last weekend B Lets talk 一、教学内容: lets talk 和 Lets find out. 二教学目标与要求: 1、学生能理解并询问他人在过去时间里干了什么事情。 2. 学生能够掌握动词在句型 Did you? Yes, I did./ No ,I didnt 中的运 用。 3.能够正确运用重点句型进行对话,完成 lets find out 部分的活动。 4、培养学生的合作能力和创新精神,以及他们热爱生活,乐于助人的情操。 二教学重难点: 1、重点是句型 What did you do last weekend? I played football. Did you play football? Yes, I did No, I didnt. 2、难点是该句型的问句部分 Did you play football?和动词过去式的发音。 3、学生能结合新旧知识,自编 Lets talk. 三课前准备: 录音机和相关的磁带、CAI、自制动词短语的卡片 四教学步骤: (一)复习导入(review) 1.sing a song 2、Free talk: How are you ? nice to meet you! Can you give me your name? What day is it today? Whats the weather today? What do you do on the weekend?. 3.play a game:快速抢答学过的动词短语卡片。 watch TV,water the flowers, play football, play sports, clean the bedroom, climb mountains, play chess, play the piano, go hiking, go shopping, visit grandparents, cook the meals, do the dishes, empty the trash, set the table, wash the clothes, listen to music, make a snowman, read a book, do homewoek, fly kites, plant trees, draw pictures, sweep the floor, make the bed, play computer, (来自 PEP 五上,五下,) 3.放磁带,师生一起吟唱五(下)unit1 的歌谣“What do you do on the weekend?” (二)新课呈现(presentation) 1、T:whats the date today?-Its May 10th, 并拿出当月的日历,指着 日历说日期:Today is May 10th, Last Saturday is May 5th, Last Sunday is May 6th , They were last weekend. 板书 last weekend.学生跟读短语 last weekend T: Now I know what you do on the weekend. Guess what did Z P do last weekend? 呈现卡片 watched TV. what did Chen Jie do last weekend? 呈现 卡片 washed the clothes, what did Chen Jie do last weekend? 呈现卡片 cleaned the room, what did Mike do last weekend? played football, what did Wu Yifan do last weekend? visited grandparents. 2、呈现过去式短语,然后让学生找规律。 3、Chant: Last weekend I played football. What did you do? Last weekend I watched TV. What did you do?. (三)练习(Practice) 1、Lets chant 并让学生根据旋律 4 人一组创编 chant. 2.传话游戏:-what did you do last weekend? -I .How abou you? -I .How abou you? . 3、根据图片 2 人一组 make a dialogue. 4.Guessing game: 教师把自己生活中的图片闪放于幻灯片中,请学生猜: What did I do last weekend?提示学生用句型:Did you? 来询问,教师板书这个句型,并写出 肯定和否定回答: Yes, I did/ No, I didnt.老师边说边举牌子 Yes, I did/ No, I didnt.(生问师答)让学生动手把肯定和否定回答写在两张事先 发的纸上。 提示并快速反应: =Yes, I did. =No, I didnt. T: Ss: Yes, I did. T: Ss: No, I didnt. T: Yes, I did. Ss: 举牌子 T:No, I didnt. Ss: 举 牌子 chant: Did you clean the room? Yes, I did. Did you play football? No, I didnt. Did you watch TV? Yes, I did. Did you water the flowers? No, I didnt. (四)巩固(consolidation) 1.听 lets talk 部分的录音两遍,然后口头填空并带读对话。针对对话提问: What did Wu Yifan do last weekend? Did John visit his grandparents? 2.两人活动: 根据 lets talk 的内容和旁边的图片,两人一组自编对话,并 请几组当堂表演对话。 3.要求学生运用刚才学过的句型完成 29 页下方的调查表。并请几个学生汇报。 4.屏幕呈现学生应养成爱劳动、孝敬长辈等优秀品德。 5.总结本课整点知识。 (五)作业(homework) 1.听写重点句子,背诵对话。 2.与朋友谈一谈自己上个周末的活动,也可以用学过的一般将来时谈一谈这个 周末的打算,在实际运用中体会两种时态的不同. 五、板书设计 Unit3 Last weekend A Lets talk What did you do last weekend? played football. Play football cleaned the room. clean the room -I watched TV. Did you watch TV last weekend? visited grandparents. visit grandparents washed clothes. Wash the clothes Yes, I did. No, I didnt. B Lets talk Lets chant Every weekend I climb mountains, What do you do ? Every weekend I read some books, What do you do ? Every weekend I go shopping, What do you do ? Every weekend I go hiking, What do you do ? MayMay 5 5月月 一 Mon. 二 Tue. 三 Wed. 四 Thu. 五 Fri. 六 Sat. 日 Sun. 1234 5 5 6 6 789 1010 11 12121313 14151617181920 21222324252627 28293031 Weekend= Saturday + Sunday May (5月) 一 Mon 二 Tue 三 Wed 四 Thu 五 Fri 六 Sat 日 Sun 一 Mo n 二 Tue 三 We d 四 Thu 五 Fri 六 Sat 日 Sun 30 1234 5 5 6 6 7891010 11 1212 1313 this weekend last weekend (last weekend = last Saturday + last Sunday) today Guessing Guessing games:games: 1、What do I do on the weekend? 2、What did I do last weekend? 读一读:读一读: washed the clothes watched TV helped them cooked meals cleaned the room played the computer listened to music watered the flowers played football played the piano played sports climbed mountains visited grandparents 1、ed读t: 2、ed读d: 3、ed读id: Lets chant Last weekend I played football. What did you do? Last weekend I watched TV. What did you do? Last weekend I cleaned the room. What did you do? Last weekend I washed the clothes. What did you do? Last weekend I visited grandparents. What did you do? Lets chant Last weekend I _. What did you do? Last weekend I _. What did you do? Last weekend I _. What did you do? Last weekend I _. What did you do? Lets play a gameLets play a game A: What did you do last weekend? B: I_. How about you? C: I_. How about you? D: . . . ? E: . . ? F: . . ? G: . . ? What did Zhang Peng do last weekend? -He _.watched TV What did do last Saturday? -She . Chen Jie washed the clothes What did do last Sunday? -She . Chen Jie cleaned the room What did do last weekend? -He . Mike played football What did do last weekend? -He . Wu Yifan visited grandparents (1)Did you? -Yes, I did. -No, I didnt. (2)Did you? -Yes, I did. -No, I didnt. (3)Did you? -Yes, I did. -No, I didnt. (4)Did you? -Yes, I did. -No, I didnt. Did you clean the room? Yes, I did. Did you play football? No, I didnt. Did you watch TV? Yes, I did. Did you water the flowers? No, I didnt. Lets Lets talktalk John: What_ you do last _? Wu: I _ football. How about you ? John: I _ my grandparents. Wu: _ you help them clean their room? John: Yes, I _. didweeken d playe d visite d Did di d Answer the Answer the questions:questions: 1、What did Wu Yifan do last weekend? 2、Did John visit his grandparents? Lets Lets talktalk A: Hello! B: Hi! A: What did you do last weekend? B: I _. How about you? A: I _. B: Did you _? A: Yes, I _. (No, I _.) Lets Lets talktalk A: _! B: _! A: What_ ? B: I _ . _? A: I _ B: Did_? A: _, _. (_, _.) watc hed TV clean ed the roo m wash ed clot hes playe d footb all liste ned to musi c _e d Zhang Peng . -What did do last weekend? -ISheHe listened to music. 做一做:做一做: watched TV, listened to music, washed the clothes, cleaned the room, played football, visited grandparents, watered flowers, cooked the meals, climbed mountains, did homework, did housework, planted trees 帮助父母做力所能及的家务 ,孝敬长辈,热爱劳动,乐于 助人是中华民族的传统美德 。我们应该从小时候做起。 1、-What did you do last weekend? -I watched TV.cleaned the room. . 2、-Did you watch TV clean the room. ? Yes, I did. No, I didnt. Key points:Key points: ( ( 重点重点 ) ) HomeworkHomework 1. 听、读Lets talk, 抄写本课四会句子。 2. 创编对话: 与同学、朋友说说上个周末的活 动。 See you!
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人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit Last Weekend_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_(编号:e0990) 人教版 新起点 年级 下册 unit _ppt 课件 教案 音频
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