人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 1 Keeping Healthy-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)--(编号:d01dc).zip


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P5 Welcome back to school! 欢迎回学校欢迎回学校! How was your winter vacation(寒假寒假)? Wonderful! /Great! Its boring(无聊的无聊的).Just so so. Good! Vacation time放假时间放假时间 When do you get up? I usually get up at _.usually (经常经常) 8:30 When do you go to bed? I usually go to bed at _.usually10:30 School time上学时间上学时间 When do you get up? I usually get up at _.usually When do you go to bed? I usually get to bed at _.usually What time is it now? Its _.: Its time for English class. Name: Pedro Nationality(国籍国籍):Spain 西班牙西班牙 China Spain Spain is far from(离离远远) China. Name: Pedro Nationality(国籍国籍):Spain 西班牙西班牙 School schedules are different in different countries. 不同国家有不同的学校作息时间。不同国家有不同的学校作息时间。 When does Pedro get up? get up 6:50 I usually get up at 6:50. Listen: do morning exercises7:00 At 7 oclock. When _ _ ?do morning exercisesdo you eat breakfast8:00 A: When do you eat breakfast?How about you? B: At _. have class9:00 Its time for English class. _ _ _ have class?When do you have PE class have English class have music class . have class9:00 Its time for English class. have PE class have English class have music class I usually have class at 9:00. eat lunch1:30 p.m. I usually eat lunch at 1:30 p.m. play sports6:00 p.m. Thats too late. eat dinner9:00 p.m. I usually eat dinner at _. get up6:50 do morning exercises eat breakfast 7:00 eat lunch1:30 p.m. eat dinner 6:00 p.m. have class9:00 play sports 9:00 p.m. I usually _ at _. 8:00 Hello! Im Pedro.Im from _.Spain get up6:40 do morning exercises eat breakfast7:05 eat lunch11:00 eat dinner5:10 p.m. have English class9:20 play sports6:00 p.m. Miss Huangs Day When do you ? 采访你同桌的作息时间,把表格补充完整。采访你同桌的作息时间,把表格补充完整。 P5 A: When do you ? B: I (usually) at _.: 1 Unit1Unit1 MyMy DayDay Period1Period1 Sec- tions LinksStepsActivitiesTime Reflec- tion Warm up Review 1. Sing the number song “one, two, three, four, five, once I caught a fish alive.” 2. Show a clock model and revise the time “What time is it?”(6:20am, 7:00am, 7:15am, 10:30pm) 3 Review Lead in T: What do I do at 6:20am/7:00am/ 7:15am/10:30pm ? (use TPR, present Ts time table.) 3 Task assignment Teacher presents the task: T: Today lets make our own timetable and talk to your partners. 1 Overview Explicit objectives To finish the task, we should: 1.Review the numbers. 2.Review the time expression. 3.Revise the activity: get up, go to school, go home, go to bed. 4.Learn the activity to describe the day: do morning exercises, eat breakfast/lunch/dinner, have. class, play sports 5. Learn to ask others daily activities using “When do you.?” Let me know Presentation Review Revise the words about timetable by using the mind map. 5 2 Lead inPresentation 1. Get the clock showing 10:00am and ask “What time is it? What do we usually do at 10:00am?” Present “do morning exercises”(practice reading “exercises”) 2. In the same way , present “eat breakfast/lunch/dinner, play sports” 3. T: Today is Tuesday. It is 8:30. What do we do at 8:30?( Present “have.class”.) 4. Play the tape. Students listen carefully and repeat the materials on page 5. 10 Individual work 1. Game: listen and guess (T says a time randomly, Ss guess the activity) 2. Complete the timetable get up eat breakfast go to school do morning exercises play sports go to bed 3 Pair work Ask and answer partners timetable6 Let me try Engagement Group work Do a survey: Whose timetable is better?(in groups of four) S1: I get up at 6:00. When do you get up? S2: I get up at 6:30. When do you get up? S3: . S4:. 7 3 Task fulfillment Show timetable and talk to the class. Feed back Summary What do we learn today?1 Let me do Summary After-school activities 1. Listen to the tape and read the materials that we learned today. 2. Copy the new words and dictate them. 3. Writing-My day 1 4 Unit1Unit1 MyMy dayday Period2Period2 Sec- tions LinksStepsActivitiesTime Reflec- tion Warm up Review 1. Greetings and free talk 2. Duty report 3.Show the video.(利用微课,制作 一个小视频关于自己一天的活动。 ) Today is Monday. I have a busy day. Its 8:30. Im checking the students homework. Its 10:00. Im giving a lesson. Now, its the afternoon. Im reading a book. Now its 4:00. Im listening to music. 4. Ask and answer according to the video. 3 Review Lead in My day is very busy but happy. What about Chen Jie ? Lets have a look. 3 Task assignment Teacher presents the task: 1.Learn Chen Jies activitie in a day . 2. Talk about your activities in a day. 1 Let me know Overview Explicit objectives To finish the task, we should: 1.Review the activities: get up, go to school, go home, go to bed, do morning exercises, eat breakfast/lunch/dinner, have. class, play sports 2.Review the time expression. 3.To use the sentences Its ., Im ing. He is .ing. 4.learn the phrases. 5 Review Revise the words about timetable and activities by using the mind map. 5 Lead in Presentation Presentation 1. Ask some questions: 1) When do we finish class in the morning? 2) Where do we have lunch? 3) When do we start class in the afternoon? 4) When do we eat dinner? 2. Books open! Who are the two boys? Present a new friend- Pedro(a boy from Spain) Where are Zhang Peng and Pedro?(listen and tick) 2. Pedro is quite different from us. Read the dialogue and find the differences. 3. Play the tape . Listen and repeat. 10 Individual work To individuals: 1. When do you get up? 2. When do you eat breakfast? 3. When do you go to school? 4. When do you start class in the morning? 5. When do you do morning exercises? 6. When do you finish class in the afternoon? 7. When do you go to bed? 3 Let me try Engagement Pair work Ask and answer partners timetable6 6 Group work Task fulfillment Do a survey: ask two or more Ss about their timetable and see who can ask more. 7 Feed back Summary What do we learn today?1 Let me do Summary After-school activities 1. Listen and recite the dialogue. 2. 17 zuoye 1 Unit1Unit1 MyMy DayDay Period3Period3 Sec- tions Links Step s Activities Tim e Reflec- tion 7 Warm up Review 1. Greetings and free talk 2. Review the dialogue in Part A. 3 Review Lead in This class lets come to the spelling part.1 Task assignment Teacher presents the task: T: We have learned the pronunciation of some vowel combinations. Today well study the pronunciation of some consonant digraphs 1 Overview Explicit objectives To finish the task, we should: 1.Find the pronunciation rule. 2.Read the words correctly: clean,clock,class,clever; plate,please,eggplant,play 3.Play a game Review Guide Ss to revise the pronunciation rule of vowel combinations: ar, or, er, ir, ou, ow 5 Lead in Let me know Presentation Presentation 1.Showing word cards: clean, clock,class,clever Lead the students to read the words correctly and find out the rule. 2.In the same way, present the pronunciation rule of pl as in : plate,please,eggplant,play 3.Play the tape. Listen and repeat. 7 8 Individual work 1. Check slow individuals. Get them to read the words correctly. 2. Present other words. Get Ss to read them according to the pronunciation rule. Clam,clasp, clash, clear,close,cloud,club; Place, plain, plan, plant,plane 3 Pair work Play a game “Bingo”.5 Let me try Engagement Class work Class work: Spell time. Teacher read out some words include “pl,cl” loudly. Let the students try to spell out the words. See who can spell out more words correctly. 5 Task fulfillment Lets chant7 Feed back Give assessment to the excellent reader. Summar y What do we learn today?2 Let me do Summary After-school activities 1) Copy the words for 4 times 2) Finish the exercises on the activity book. 3) Finish the exercises on the net. 1 9 Unit1Unit1 MyMy DayDay PeriodPeriod 4 4 Sec- tions LinksStepsActivitiesTime Reflec- tion Warm up Review 1. G.reetings and free talk 2.Quick response-listen and act Revise the verb phrases about weekend activities 3 Review Lead in 3.What do you do on the weekend? Do you often.? 3 Task assignment Teacher presents the task: T: Today lets do a survey-What do your friends do on the weekend? 1 Let me know Overview Explicit objectives To finish the task, we should: 1.Review the weekend activities 2.Differ and use adv-always, often ,sometimes 3.Ask and answer ones weekend activities using “What do you do on the weekend? I always/ often/ sometimes.” 10 Review Revise the weekend activities using the mind map. 5 Lead in Presentation Presentation 1. What else do we do on the weekend? 2. Game-listen and guess Sarahs weekend activities 1) Sarah is helpful at home. She always makes the room clean and tidy. What does she do on the weekend.(present “clean the room”) 2) Sarah likes dancing very much. She learns to dance every weekend. (present “take a dancing class”) 3) In the same way, present “go for a walk” “go shopping” using riddles or TPR 4)Play the tape. Listen and repeat 10 Individual work Game: watch Ts mouth and guess the phrase 3 Let me try Engagement Pair work Activity-I do, you say6 11 Group work G1:What do you do on the weekend? G2: I always. What do you do on the weekend? G3:. Task fulfillment Do a survey: what do you do on the weekend? (answer with “always,often, sometimes) 7 Feed back Summary What do we learn today?1 Let me do Summary After-school activities 1.Listen to the tape and read the materials that we learned today. 2.Copy the new words and dictate them. 3.Writing-My weekend 1 Unit1Unit1 MyMy DayDay PeriodPeriod 5 5 Sec-LinksStepsActivitiesTimeReflec- 12 tionstion Warm up Review 1. Greetings and free talk 2. Show word cards 1)Look and say 2)Read and act 3 Review Lead in Last period we talked about our weekend. This class well continue to talk about weekend. 3 Task assignment Teacher presents the task: T: Today lets make a survey-ask your classmates weekend activities and see who can ask more students. 1 Overview Explicit objectives To finish the task, we should: 1.Review the weekend activities 2.Read and understand the dialogue. 3.To use the sentences “What do you do on the weekend? Ialways/often/sometimes.” fluently Review Revise the weekend activities by using the mind map. 5 Let me know Presentation Lead in 1.Sarah is helpful. She always cleans the room. Sometimes she goes shopping for her mother? What is Sarah doing now? Where is she? Listen and circle. 2;Sarah is shopping now. Why?(Read and find the answer.) 3. Who is Sarah talking with?(present “shopkeeper”) 4. They are talking about Sarahs 10 13 Presentation weekend. Read and underline Sarahs weekend activities. 5.Play the tape . Listen and repeat. 6.Make sure Ss understand the dialogue. Individual work To individuals: What do you do on the weekend? 3 Pair work Ask and answer partners weekend activities. 6 Let me try Engagement Group work Task fulfillment Do a survey: ask two or more Ss about their weekend and see who can ask more. 7 Feed back Summary What do we learn today?1 Let me do Summary After-school activities 1.Listen and recite the dialogue. 2.17 zuoye 1 14 Unit1Unit1 MyMy DayDay PeriodPeriod 6 6 Sec- tions LinksStepsActivitiesTime Reflec- tion Warm up Review 1. Greetings and free talk 2. Quick response(a little teacher reads the verb phrase on the cards, others listen and act) Review Lead in T: You all did a good job. You can act very well. How about Robin? He is in a play now. Who does he act? What does he do every day? Does he have a friend? Whats he like? Robin writes a letter about his play. Task assignment Read a letter from Robin and try to write a letter to him. Let me know Overview Explicit objectives To finish the task, we should: 1. read and understand the passage 2. learn new words: play, letter, live, cave, good at, win 15 Review When do you get up?(revise “early/ late” What do you do every do? (Use “in the morning/ afternoon”) Lead in Presentation Presentation 1. Talk about the picture 1) Who can you see? 2)What can you see? 2. Fast reading: Who does Robin act in the play? Who is Robins friend? 3.Intensive reading: 1)What does Robinson do every day?(read and underline the verb phrase) 2)Whats Friday like?( present “is good at”) 4.Explain difficult points. 5.Practise reading Individual work Read and judge the statements on P9 Pair work Retell the passage . Let me try Engagement Class work 16 Task fulfillment Write a letter to Robin. Feed back Summary What do we learn today? Let me do Summary After-school activities Read the passage fluently Unit1Unit1 MyMy DayDay PeriodPeriod 7 7 17 Sec- tions LinksStepsActivitiesTime Reflec- tion Warm up Review 1.Greetings and free talk 2.What do we learn in Unit1? (revise verb phrases and sentence patterns) Review Lead in Lets do some exercises Task assignment Teacher presents the task: 1.Finish the exercises on P10 2.Read the story on P11 Overview Explicit objectives 1.To use the verb phrases fluently. 2.To describe weekend activities using “always/ often/ sometimes” probably. 3.To get to know what Zip does on weekdays and weekend. Review 1. What do you do on the weekend? Get Ss to answer using “always/often/sometimes” 2.What does Zhang Peng do? Listen and tick. 3. Write about yourself. 4. Lets wrap it up Let me know Presentation Lead in 1.What do you do on weekdays? Ss: From Monday to Friday I go to school. 2.How about Zip? What does Zip do on weekdays? (read and underline the answer) 3.What does Zip do on the weekend? 18 Presentat ion Individual work Writing- My week I get up at_. I go to school at_. I do morning exercises at_. . On the weekend I always_. I often_. Sometimes I _. Pair work Ask and answer about the writing. Let me try Engagement Class work Writing show Task fulfillment Feed back Give assessment to the excellent speaker. Summary What do we learn today? Let me do Summary After-school activities 1) Review the key words and expressions of this unit. 2) 17zuoye
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人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit Keeping Healthy_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_(编号:d01dc) 人教版 新起点 年级 下册 unit _ppt 课件 教案 音频
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