人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 1 Keeping Healthy-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:811a1).zip


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Unit One Lesson One 教学目标 : 1、进一步巩固四会句子:I like because 并能在 情境中综合运用。 2、能够正确认读和理解文章的含义,并正确完成选 择题。 3、能够根据教学内容回答对四季喜好的问题,并做 恰当的回答,完成句子填写的活动。 教学重难点 :1、掌握四会句型:I like because句型。 2、能听懂短文内容,并完成提 出的问题。 教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up 1.Greetings. 2.Lets sing: Whats your favourite season? (设计意图:通过问候,拉近 师生距离;通过吟唱与本课相关的歌曲,既活跃了课 堂气氛, 又让学生在歌曲中初步感知 fall 的含义。) Step 2 Pre-reading 1、T:(承接上面的歌曲)We have learnt four seasons. They are.(学生看课件 依次说出四个季节名称)Yes. We also call “autumn” “fall”.教师出示单词卡操练,操练完 后板书并让学生拼读。 2、Ask and answer: T: Which season do you like best? Why do you like spring/summer/fall/winter. (设计意 图:通过问答复习本单元重点句型,为本课学习作铺 垫。) Step 3 While-reading 1、General reading (1)让学生带着问题 Which season does Robin like best? 观看 Read and write 的动 画。 (2)Read and tick: Let the students read the passage quickly and tick. (3)Tick or cross: 1.There are beautiful flowers in spring.( ) 2.The weather is cold in summer. ( ) 3.Robin doesnt like summer. ( ) 4.There is lots of snow in winter. ( ) (设计意图:让学生有针 对性地粗读课文,初步感知文本,获取关键信息,做 到去伪存真,从而了解阅读整体。) 2、Detailed reading (1)Get the Ss to read Paragraph 1 and answer the question: Why does Zoom like spring? T: Yes. The spring is very beautiful. (课件出示 beautiful spring,并板 书 beautiful) (2)Read Paragraph 2 and answer the question: Whats the weather like in summer? T: Yes. The summer is hot.(课件 出示 hot summer 并板书 hot) (3)Read Paragraph 3 and answer. T: Does Zoom like summer? How do you know? 引导学生读出句子: I go swimming。 Why do you like summer? Because I can swim in the lake. 课件呈现动态 落叶图,帮助学生理解句子:The leaves fall and fall and fall. T: Yes. The fall is lovely.(课件出 示 lovely fall 并板书 lovely) Its fall. Zoom and Zip go hiking. They eat a lot. (4)Read Paragraph 4 and answer. T: Why does Zoom like winter? Ss: Because he can play in the snow. T: Yes. And there is lots of snow.(课件划出 lots of,让学生根据图片猜测其含义,并出示单词卡操练。 ) T:What colour is the snow? Ss: White. T: Yes. The snow is white. The winter is white.(课 件出示 white winter,并板书。) Because I can sleep a long time. (设计意图:学生通过 自主阅读课文,根据关键词口头回答教师的问题,对 文本信息进行筛选分析,充分了解文本细节,从而清 楚地掌握所学内容。) Step 4 Post-reading 1、Listen and repeat. (1)播放课文录音, 学 生仔细听。 (2)再次播放录音,学生逐句跟读。 (3)学生齐读课文。 (设计意图:通过跟读模仿, 培养学生的语感,形成正确的语音、语调,促进学生 更流畅的表达。) 2、Fill in the blanks. (1) The trees are_and the flowers are _ in spring. (2)The weather is _ in summer. Zip likes summer but he _swim. (3)What _ colours! Zip wants to _. (4)Zoom likes winter because he can_. (设计意图:通过填空练习, 不但对学生是否掌握了语篇内容起到了较好的检测、 反馈作用,还有意识地引导学生走出文本,培养其语 篇运用能力。) 3、Read and choose. Hello, Im Zhang Peng. I like summer best. The weather is hot. The trees are very green in summer. I often go swimming with my friends. I often eat ice cream. I often eat watermelons, too. They are my favourite fruit. I have a long summer vacation, too. What a happy summer! ( )1.Zhang Peng likes_ best. A.spring B.summer C.fall ( )2.Zhang Peng often _ in summer. A.goes swimming B.eats ice cream and watermelons C.both A and B ( )3.Zhang Peng has a _ summer. A.happy B.lovely C.hot 4、Tick or cross. Hello, Im Mike. I like winter best. Because I can make a snowman. My friends like different seasons. Amy likes spring. She often flies a kite in spring. John likes summer. He often goes swimming in the lake. Mary likes autumn best. She often pickes apples in autumn. What about you? 1.Mike likes winter best.( ) 2.Amy often goes swimming in spring.( ) 3.Mary likes fall best.( ) 4.John often picks apples in autumn.( ) 5.Mikes friends like different seasons.( ) (设计意图:通过补充两篇阅读材料, 让学生自主阅读,完成相应的练习,以巩固、扩大学 生的词汇量及语言知识,拓展学生的思维,培养和提 升学生的阅读技能。) 5、Write a poem. My favourite season I like spring best. Spring is warm. Spring is rainy. There are green trees. I can fly kites. I can go on a picnic. Spring, spring. I love you! (1)教师进行示范。 (2)学生仿写。 (3)学生展示。 (设计意图:通过让学生仿写有 关季节的小诗,提高学生的语言综合运用能力,达到 学以致用的目的。) Step 5 Summary T: What colourful seasons! Lets enjoy every season. Happy every day. (适时进行小结,并进行 德育渗透,使学生的情感得以升华。) Step 6 Homework 1.Listen and read P19. (听录 音,朗读,请注意语音语调。) 2. Read the poem and write poems about other seasons. (读自己写 的小诗,试着写一写另外的季节。) 板书设计: Unit 2 My favourite season 一、寻找朋友:根据问句找出合适的答语并将其序号 填在前面的括号内(共 10 颗 )。 ( ) 1. Whats your new teacher like? A. No.they arent. ( ) 2. Whos your math teacher? B. Its Monday. ( ) 3.Are they horses? C. Yes,you can. ( ) 4. What day is it today? D. Four English classes. ( ) 5.What can you do at home? E. Twenty yuan. ( ) 6. What do you have on Monday? F.Some fruits. ( ) 7. Whats the weather like? G. John. ( )8. How much are the ducks? H. Set the table. ( ) 9. Whats your favourite food? I.Rainy. ( )10.Can I wear my shirt today? J. Hes tall and thin. 二、火眼金睛:根据语境,完成句子(共 10 颗 )。 John: When do you ? Mike: I go to work at 9:00 in the evening. John: When do you ? Mike: I eat dinner at 7:00 in tne evening. John: When do you ? Mike: I go home at 5:00 in the morning. John: When do you ? Mike: I usually get up at 12:00 noon. John: When do you ? Mike: I play sports at about 3:00 in the afternoon. 三、情景对话:根据对话,完成句子(共 10 颗 )。 1. 你什么时间吃午饭?十二点。 2. 你周末做什么?去购物。 3. 你最喜欢哪个季节?天。 四、能力提升:阅读短文判断正误“T”F” (共 10 颗 ) 。 I have a big family. My grandpas name is Harry. Summer is his favourite season. He likes to swim in the river. My grandmas name is Helen. She likes fall. She likes to eat a lot of apples. My mother is a teacher. She likes spring because she can plant flowers in spring. My father is a doctor. He likes all the four seasons. My father says they are all beautiful and he can find many things to do. Who am I? I m Amy. Which season do I like? I like winter. I like to skate and make a snowman. ( ) 1.There are four people in my family. ( ) 2.My grangpa likes summer. ( ) 3.My father is a doctor. ( ) 4.My father like fall best. ( ) 5.I like to make a snowman. 五年级下册英语试题 B (时间 20 分钟 满分 50 颗 ) 学校 班级 姓名 一、单词记忆: 根据提示,写出下列词组(共 10 颗 )。 (植树) (打扫房间) (做饭) (吃晚饭) (接电话) 二、寻找朋友:根据问句找出合适的答语并将其序号 填在前面的括号内(共 10 颗 )。 ( ) 1. Whats your math teacher like? A. No.they arent. ( ) 2. Whos your math teacher? B. Its Monday. ( ) 3.Are they horses? C. Yes,you can. ( ) 4. Whats your favourite food? I.Sunny. ( )5.Can I wear my shirt today? J. Hes tall and thin. ( ) 6. What day is it today? D. An English class and a P.E. lesson. ( ) 7.What can you do at school? E. Twenty yuan. ( ) 8. What do you have on Tuesday? F.Some vegetables. ( ) 9. Whats the weather like? G. Miss White. ( )810. How much are the ducks? H. Clean the window. 三、火眼金睛:选择正确的词填在横线上(共 10 颗 ) 。 1. your favourite season? Winter. 2. is the weather like here? Its sunny and windy. 3. season do you like best? Summer. 4. is the best time to go to Beijing? Fall. 5. do you like Mount Tai best? Because Its beautiful. 四、情景对话:根据对话,完成句子(共 10 颗 )。 .1. 你什么时间起床?六点。 2. 你最喜欢哪个季节?春天。 3. 你周末做什么?去远足。 二、寻找朋友:根据问句找出合适的答语并 将其序号填在前面的括号内(共10颗 )。 ()1.Whatsyournewteacherlike?A. No.theyarent. ()2.Whosyourmathteacher?B.Its Monday. ()3.Aretheyhorses?C.Yes,youcan. ()4.Whatdayisittoday?D.Four Englishclasses. ()5.Whatcanyoudoathome?E. Twentyyuan. ()6.WhatdoyouhaveonMonday? F.Somefruits. ()7.Whatstheweatherlike?G.John. ( )8.Howmucharetheducks?H. Setthetable. ()9.Whatsyourfavouritefood?I.Rainy. ()10.CanIwearmyshirttoday?J.Hestall andthin. 三、火眼金睛:根据语境,完成句子(共10 颗 )。 John:Whendoyou?Mike:Igoto workat9:00inthe evening. John:Whendoyou?Mike:Ieat dinnerat7:00intneevening. John:Whendoyou?Mike:Igohome at5:00inthemorning. John:Whendoyou?Mike:Iusually getupat12:00noon. John:Whendoyou?Mike:Iplay sportsatabout3:00intheafternoon. 四、情景对话:根据对话,完成句子(共10 颗 )。 1.你什么时间吃午饭?十二点。 2.你周末做什么?去购物。 3.你最喜欢哪个季节?春天。 五、能力提升:阅读短文判断正误“T”F” (共10颗 )。 Ihaveabigfamily.Mygrandpasname isHarry.Summerishisfavouriteseason.He likestoswimintheriver.Mygrandmasname isHelen.Shelikesfall.Shelikestoeatalotof apples.Mymotherisateacher.Shelikes springbecauseshecanplantflowersinspring. Myfatherisadoctor.Helikesallthefour seasons.Myfathersaystheyareallbeautiful andhecanfindmanythingstodo.WhoamI?I mAmy.WhichseasondoIlike?Ilikewinter.I liketoskateandmakeasnowman. ()1.Therearefourpeopleinmyfamily. ()2.Mygrangpalikessummer. ()3.Myfatherisadoctor. ()4.Myfatherlikefallbest. ()5.Iliketomakeasnowman. 五年级下册英语试题 B (时间20分钟 满分50颗 ) 学校 班级 姓 名 一、单词记忆: 根据提示,写出下列词组 (共10颗 )。 (植树 )(打扫房间)(做饭) (吃晚饭)(接电话) 二、寻找朋友:根据问句找出合适的答语并 将其序号填在前面的括号内(共10颗 )。 ()1.Whatsyourmathteacherlike?A. No.theyarent. ()2.Whosyourmathteacher?B.Its Monday. ()3.Aretheyhorses?C.Yes,youcan. ()4.Whatsyourfavouritefood?I.Sunny. ()5.CanIwearmyshirttoday?J.Hestall andthin. ()6.Whatdayisittoday?D.An EnglishclassandaP.E.lesson. ()7.Whatcanyoudoatschool?E. Twentyyuan. ()8.WhatdoyouhaveonTuesday? F.Somevegetables. ()9.Whatstheweatherlike?G.Miss White. ( )810.Howmucharetheducks?H. Cleanthewindow. 三、火眼金睛:选择正确的词填在横线上( 共10颗 )。 1.yourfavouriteseason?Winter. 2.istheweatherlikehere?Itssunny andwindy. 3.seasondoyoulikebest?Summer. 4.isthebesttimetogotoBeijing? Fall. 5.doyoulikeMountTaibest? BecauseItsbeautiful. 四、情景对话:根据对话,完成句子(共10 颗 )。 .1.你什么时间起床?六点。 2.你最喜欢哪个季节?春天。 3.你周末做什么?去远足。 五、能力提升:阅读短文判断正误“T”F” (共10颗 )。 Howareyou?Well,Iambusyallday.I usuallygetupat6:00inthemorning.ThenI domorningexercisesat6:20.Iofteneat breakfastat7:00.Igotoschoolat7:30.We haveEnglish,Chineseandmathinthe morning.Weusuallyhavemusic,art,andP.E. andscienceintheafternoon.Ioftenplay sportsafterschool.Igohomeat5:00.ThenI watchTV.SometimesIreadbooks.Ido homeworkat7:00.Iusuallygotobedat9:00. Ontheweekend,Ioftenplayfootball,watch TVandgoshopping.SometimesIvisitmy grandparents. ()1.Ioftenhavebreakfastat7:00.xkb1 .com ()2.Ihavefourlessonsinthemorning. ()3.Iofenplaysportsat5:00inthe afternoon. ()4.Igoshoppingontheweekend sometimes. ()5.Ioftengoshoppingwithmy grandparents. 五年级下册英语试题 C (时间20分钟 满分50颗 ) 学校 班级 姓 名 一、单词记忆: 根据提示,写出下列词组 (共10颗 )。
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人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit Keeping Healthy_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_(编号:811a1) 人教版 新起点 年级 下册 unit _ppt 课件 教案 素材
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