人教PEP版三年级下册英语Unit 5 Do you like pears -C-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:a6745).zip


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Enjoy a song(欣赏歌曲)欣赏歌曲) Unit5 Do you like pears? Story time Where are they now? (他们现在在哪里?)他们现在在哪里?) Look and answer: (看图回答问题)看图回答问题) (自助餐厅自助餐厅/馆馆) buffet Share your experience(你吃过自助餐吗?分享你吃过自助餐吗?分享 一下你的经验吧!)一下你的经验吧!) Look and guess: (看图猜一猜:自助餐每位多少看图猜一猜:自助餐每位多少 钱?)钱?) Look and guess: (看图猜一猜:自助餐每位多少看图猜一猜:自助餐每位多少 钱?)钱?) 8 dollars (8美元)美元) each (每人)(每人) Sharp eyes(火眼金睛火眼金睛:快速说出你看到的食物快速说出你看到的食物) breadnoodlesricefish apples orangesbananas juicemilkCoke water grapes Food (食物食物) Fruit (水果)水果) Drinks (饮料)(饮料) I want someand (想要)(想要) Zoom wants some and a . Watch and fill in the blanks (观看视频补全句子:(观看视频补全句子:Zoom想要什么食物?)想要什么食物?) fishchickenbread hot dog Watch and fill in the blanks (观看视频补全句子:(观看视频补全句子:Zoom想要什么食物?)想要什么食物?) Zoom wants some and a . Watch and fill in the blanks (观看视频补全句子:(观看视频补全句子:Zoom想要什么食物?)想要什么食物?) fishchickenbread hot dog Watch and choose (观看视频选择:(观看视频选择:Zoom想要什么水果?)想要什么水果?) Zoom wants some . A . bananas, oranges and apples B. bananas, oranges and pears _ Watch and choose (观看视频选择:(观看视频选择:Zoom想要什么水果?)想要什么水果?) Watch again and choose 再次观看视频选择:再次观看视频选择:Zoom想要什么水果?想要什么水果? Zoom wants some . A . bananas, oranges and apples B. bananas, oranges and pears _ bananas, oranges and apples _ Listen and choose (听音选择:听音选择:Zoom喜欢喝点什么饮料喜欢喝点什么饮料?) Zoom likes . A: milk, juice and water B: milk, juice and Coke milk, juice and Coke Watch and answer:(观看视频回答问题)观看视频回答问题) 1. Are Zoom and Zip full? 2. What does Zoom still want? (Zoom和和Zip吃饱了吃饱了吗?)吗?) (Zoom还想要什么?)还想要什么?) Watch and answer:(观看视频回答问题)观看视频回答问题) 1. Are Zoom and Zip full? 2. What does Zoom still want? (Zoom和和Zip吃饱了吃饱了吗?)吗?) (Zoom还想要什么?还想要什么?) Are Zoom and Zip full? (Zoom和和Zip吃饱了吃饱了吗?)吗?) What does Zoom still want? (Zoom还想要什么?)还想要什么?) doggy bag doggy bag 打包袋打包袋 Do you know? 你知道你知道doggy bag的由来吗?的由来吗? 以前美国人不好意思把吃剩的饭菜带回家,怕以前美国人不好意思把吃剩的饭菜带回家,怕 有失面子。所以有的人会对服务员说:有失面子。所以有的人会对服务员说:“请把这些请把这些 剩饭剩菜包起来,我想带回家给我的小狗吃剩饭剩菜包起来,我想带回家给我的小狗吃。”现现 在就不同了,把在饭店里吃剩的东西装在在就不同了,把在饭店里吃剩的东西装在doggy bag里面带回家已经是习以为常的事了。里面带回家已经是习以为常的事了。 Can Zoom take a doggy bag in the buffet? Zoom在自助餐厅能打包吗?在自助餐厅能打包吗? Buffet Tips (自助餐须知自助餐须知 ) Listen and imitate( learning tips:认真听,跟读:认真听,跟读 ,注意模仿发音和语音语调,注意模仿发音和语音语调 ) Listen and imitate( learning tips:认真听,跟读:认真听,跟读 ,注意模仿发音和语音语调,注意模仿发音和语音语调 ) Zoom: Wow! 8 dollars! Zip: Its cheap. Zip: Do you like milk? Zoom: Yeah, I like milk, juice and Coke. Zip: Oh, Im full. Zoom:Doggy bag, please! Rabbit: No way! Zoom: I want some chicken and a hot dog. I want some bananas, oranges and apples. Reading tips: 1.注意语音语调以及情感的表注意语音语调以及情感的表 达达! ! 三人一组分角色读故事三人一组分角色读故事 2.如果你读的时候遇到困难,可以问同学如果你读的时候遇到困难,可以问同学 也可以举手问老师。也可以举手问老师。 A: I want some chicken and a hot dog . I want some bananas, oranges and apples. B: Doggy bag, please. C: Wow! 8 dollars! D: I like milk, juice and Coke. B AD C Read and choose(读一读,选一选)读一读,选一选) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) Assessment (评价)(评价) StandardsStandards ( (标准)标准) (三人一组分角色表演故事三人一组分角色表演故事) Good! OK! Super! 发音发音基本清晰基本清晰,表达,表达基本流畅基本流畅;语音语调;语音语调 基本准确基本准确;有;有基本的基本的表情、动作和情感投入;表情、动作和情感投入; 发音发音很清晰很清晰,表达,表达很流畅很流畅;语音语调;语音语调很标很标 准准;表情、动作;表情、动作很丰富很丰富;情感;情感充沛有有感充沛有有感 染力染力; 发音发音清晰清晰,表达,表达流畅流畅;语音语调;语音语调 准确准确;表情和动作;表情和动作丰富丰富;情感;情感投入投入; Challenge your imagination ( Zoom剩了这么多食物,接下来会发生什么?)剩了这么多食物,接下来会发生什么?) Pay a fine (交罚款)交罚款) Eat too much to the hospital (吃的太撑了生病去医院)吃的太撑了生病去医院) What have you learned from the story?(从这个故事中你学到了什么?)(从这个故事中你学到了什么?) YouYou mustmust: : ( (必做)必做) Listen and repeat the story after class. (听录音并跟读故事听录音并跟读故事) 1. Act out the story with your friends after class.( 课下和朋友合作表演故事)课下和朋友合作表演故事) 2. Find out more information about civilized dining in the buffet from the Internet.(从网上查找(从网上查找 更多的自助餐文明就餐知识,共同分享)更多的自助餐文明就餐知识,共同分享) If you can(选做)选做) PEP 三年级下册 Unit 5 Do you like pears? C Story time 教学设计 一、教学目标 1. 知识目标能力目标: (1) 能理解故事内容。 (2) 通过阅读趣味故事,复习巩固本单元所学语言,感知学习新语言 It s cheap; I want some; No way! 2.能力目标 (1) 能借助图片的帮助表演或讲故事。 (2) 能灵活运用故事中所学语言创编故事,尝试在相应的语境中运用所 学语言。 3. 情感态度目标:通过感知理解体验故事,形成节约和杜绝浪费的意 识。 二、教学重、难点 重点:能够正确理解并能认读运用句型 I want some表达自己想要吃什 么; 难点:长句的表达 I want someand以及语调是难点。 三、教具: PPT, 四 . 教学文本 Zoom: Wow!8 dollars!. Zip: Its cheap! Zoom: I want some chicken and a hot dog. I want some bananas, oranges and apples. Zip: Do you like milk? Zoom: Yeah! I like milk, juice and Coke. Zip: Oh, Im full. Zoom: Doggy bag, please. Rabbit: No way! 五 、教学过程 Setp1 Warm up 1 Enjoy a song(课前):An apple a day 2 Greetings:Now lets begin our class. Good morning boys and girls. How are you today? 3 导入课题:This class, well learn“ Unit5 Do you like pears? Story time” Step2 Presentation 1 出示人物:This story is about :引导学生说 Zoom and Zip. 2 看图回答出示场景 buffet: Look! Where are they now? Teach: buffet. 3 说说你的经验(唤醒学生生活经验): Have you eaten in the buffet? Can you share your experience with us? 4 看图猜一猜教学 8 dollars:Look at this buffet. How much is it for each one? Can you guess? Teach: 8 dollars. 5 教学 Its cheap : Wow! 8 dollars. Is it cheap? Yes, its cheap. Teach: Its cheap. 6 Sharp Eyes: Its cheap and there are many kinds of food in the buffet. Lets have a look“Do you have sharp eyes” (生快速说出看到的单词) 7 食物简单归类并渗透句型 I want以及 Do you like.? Wow, so many food, fruit and drinks. They look yummy. I like milk. Do you like milk?(贴句子卡片) I like fish. Do you like fish?(引导学生回答 Yes/ No) I want some milk and fish. What about you? 引导生说:I want some 8 分段学习:Zoom 取了什么食物,水果,饮料? (1)观看视频补全句子:Zoom 想要什么食物? Zoom and Zip want some food, too. First, what food does Zoom want? Lets watch and fill in the blanks. 核对答案后,教师示范然后学生戴上头 饰演一演 I want some chicken and a hot dog; (2)观看视频选择:Zoom 想要什么水果? Now we know Zoom wants some chicken and a hot dog. What fruit does Zoom want? Lets watch and choose. 核对答案后,师问:Who wants to be Zoom? 学生戴上头饰演一演 I want some bananas, oranges and apples.; (3)听音选择:Zoom 喜欢什么水果? Now we know Zoom wants some food and fruit. What drinks does Zoom like? Lets listen and choose. Now Im Zip: Do you like milk? 学生 戴上头饰演一演 I like milk juice and Coke; 9 深入理解文本,处理 full, doggy bag, No way. (1)看最后一段视频回答问题:Are Zoom and Zip full at last? What does Zoom still want? Look!Zoom takes so many food, fruit and drinks. Are Zoom and Zip full at last? What does Zoom still want? Lets watch and answer. (2) 核对答案教学 Oh, Im full: Are Zoom and Zip full at last? How do you know? Teach: Oh, Im full. (3) 核对答案教学 Doggy bag, please: What does Zoom still want? Teach: Doggy bag, please. (先教学 doggy bag; 然后介绍 doggy bag 的由来:以前 美国人不好意思把吃剩的饭菜带回家,怕有失面子。所以有的人会对服 务员说:“请把这些剩饭剩菜包起来,我想带回家给我的小狗吃。 ”现 在就不同了,把在饭店里吃剩的东西装在 doggy bag 里面带回家已经是 习以为常的事了。) (4) 看图回答:Zoom wants a doggy bag. Can he take a doggy bag in the buffet? Teach: No way. (5) 自助餐提示:If you go to the buffet, I have some tips for you:No doggy bag in the buffet ; Dont waste food; Pay a fine if you waste ; Stand in a line; Take food in order; You must use the clips to get some food; Try to keep silent; Dont make noise; Learn to be civilized in the buffet, OK?) 10 听音跟读:Lets listen and imitate. Pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation and feelings. Step3 Practice 1 Read in roles: 师生读,三人一组分角色读; 2 读图配对: (生读图选择,师核对答案) 3 故事表演(呈现表演评价标准):You did a good job. Now lets act out the story. If your performance is OK, you can get 1 star. If your performance is Good , you can get 2 stars. If your performance is Super, you can get 3 stars. ( 师生示范分角色表演练习表演展示,学生评价); 4 Lets retell the story. Setp4 Production 1 Challenge you imagination: I like you performance. Look! Zoom has so many food left. What will happen? 2 Summary: What have you learned from the story? 3 Homework for you: You must: Listen and repeat the story after class. If you can: 1. Act out the story with your friends; 2. Find out more information about civilized dining in the buffet from the Internet. Step5 Blackboard Design Unit5 Do you like pears? C Story time Its cheap. I want some and No way!
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人教PEP版三年级下册英语Unit Do you like pears _C_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:a6745) 人教版 pep 三年级 起点 出发点 下册 英语
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