人教PEP版三年级下册英语Unit 2 My family-A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:d1e0c).zip


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AlphablocksAlphablocksAlphablocksAlphablocks Unit 2Unit 2 My familyMy family A Lets spell RevisionRevisionRevisionRevision e elephantlephant e egggg /e/ pen /p/- /e/ -/n/ red /r/- /e/ -/d/ Ten red pens. /t/- /e/ -/n/ ten leg /l/- /e/ -/g/ /e/ What can you find? red tenpen lege ee e 你能找出这些单词有什么相同点吗? Ten red pens. Ten red pens. Eight pens, Nine pens, Ten red pens. Lets chant 学法指导:学法指导: 1. 1. 先看视频并试着跟先看视频并试着跟 读。读。 2. 2. 两人一组,边拍手边两人一组,边拍手边 说唱。说唱。 I can do. 学法指导:学法指导:学法指导:学法指导: 1. 1. 1. 1. 先看视频,并书空。先看视频,并书空。先看视频,并书空。先看视频,并书空。 2. 2. 2. 2. 在书上描红单词在书上描红单词在书上描红单词在书上描红单词。同桌互相订正书写。同桌互相订正书写。同桌互相订正书写。同桌互相订正书写。 Ben wet vet pet getlet led beg bed hep Can you read?Can you read?你会读吗? 学法指导: 1.四人一组,一个学生指,另外三个依次拼读 ,互相纠正发音。 2.小组汇报,三个同学依次拼读,最后一个同 学直接说出单词。 Word factory Word factory Word factory Word factory 词汇加工厂词汇加工厂词汇加工厂词汇加工厂 学法指导:学法指导: 1.1.四人一组,用这些四人一组,用这些 字母组合新词。字母组合新词。 2.2.随机提问,学生指随机提问,学生指 并拼读,每人说一并拼读,每人说一 个。个。 学法指导:学法指导:学法指导:学法指导: 1. 1. 1. 1. 四人一组四人一组四人一组四人一组读绘本读绘本读绘本读绘本。回答问题。回答问题。回答问题。回答问题。听录音纠正发音。听录音纠正发音。听录音纠正发音。听录音纠正发音。小组展示,三人轮流读,一人涂颜色。小组展示,三人轮流读,一人涂颜色。小组展示,三人轮流读,一人涂颜色。小组展示,三人轮流读,一人涂颜色。 QuestionsQuestions 1. What colour does Ben like?1. What colour does Ben like? 2.What does 2.What does Ben paint red?Ben paint red? 3.Does the elephant like red?3.Does the elephant like red? RedRedRedRed Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, eggplants, eggplants, eggplants, eggplants, lemons, lemons, lemons, lemons, hen, elephant.hen, elephant.hen, elephant.hen, elephant. No.No.No.No. SummarySummary 字母字母字母e e e在单词中发在单词中发在单词中发/e/e/e/的的的音音音 ten red pen leg HomeworkHomework 1.Copy the words four times. (抄写四个单词,每个抄遍。 ) 2. Try to find more words with the sound of /e/. (试着找找更多的含有/e/ 的单词。 问学案问学案 课题课题 Unit2 My family 主备人主备人授课人授课人课型课型Spell 学习学习 目标目标 1.学生能够听懂、会说、认读、书写单词:ten, pen, red, leg。 2.学生能够了解元音字母 e 在单词中发的短音/e/。 3.学生能够根据元音字母 e 的发音规律拼读含有字母 e 的 单词。 学习学习 重难点重难点 重点: 1. 学习单词:ten, pen, red, leg 的音、形、义。 2. 了解元音字母 e 在单词中发的短音/e/。 难点: 根据元音字母 e 的发音规律拼读含有字母 e 的单词。 学情学情 分析分析 学生已经学习了 ten, pen, red, leg,也会读这些单词, 但是没有总结过这些单词中字母“e”的发音,而且对于 短音/e/的发音方法也只有简单的了解,没有进行过系统的 学习。 教具、教具、 学具准学具准 备备 多媒体 PPT、题单 学学 习习 过过 程程 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动 学法指导学法指导 设计意图设计意图 修改补充修改补充 Step 1: Warm up 1.Greetings T: Class begins. T: Good afternoon, boys and girls! T: How are you? T: Im fine, too. Sit down, please. 2.Feedback T: Now, lets welcome our monitor and team leader to provide the feedback about our English class. T: Welcome! T: Thank you! Most of you did a very good job, but some students did not Ss: Stand up. Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Guo. Ss: Very well, thanks. And you? Ss: Thank you, Miss Guo. Ss: 大家好,我是英 语班长乔家钰 Aim of design: To evaluate Ss performa nce in English class. very well. Come on, boys and girls. I hope you can do better next time. OK? 3.Daily report T: Lets do our daily report . Whos on duty today? T: Thank you! All of you did a good job. Who can give us short comments? T: Thank you. Step 2: Presentation 1. Revision T: Today lets learn . T: Look! Whats this? T: Good! What about this? T: Last term, we have learned the letter “a” at the beginning of a word. It pronounces? Ss: OK! Ss: We are. Ss: I can. . Ss: Unit2, my family. Ss: Its an elephant. Ss: Its an egg. Ss: /e/. Aim of design: To give Ss chance to present themselve s. T: In this lesson, lets go on learning the sound of letter “e”. T: Look! Whats this? T: Yes. Its a pen. Pen, pen, /p/-/e/-/n/,pen. T: What colour is it? T: Yes. Its red. Red, red, /r/-/e/-/d/, red. T: How many red pens? T: Yes. Ten. Ten, ten, /t/ -/e/ - /n/, ten. T: Look! Whats this? T: Yes. Its a leg. Leg, leg, /l/-/e/-/g/, leg. 2. What can you find? T: Look at these words, what can you find? T:The letter “e” is in the middle of the word. It Ss: Its a pen. Ss: Pen, pen, /p/ -/e/ - /n/,pen. Ss: Its red. Ss: Red, red, /r/ -/e/ - /d/, red. Ss: Ten. Ss: Ten, ten, /t/ -/e/ - /n/, ten. Ss: Its a leg. Ss: Leg, leg, /l/-/e/- /g/, leg. Ss: 单词中间都有字 母 e,都发/e/. Aim of design: To present the new words and the sound of letter “e”. Aim of design: To let Ss find the rules of these Write the words on the blackboa rd. makes the sound of /e/. Lets watch a short video. Listen and repeat. T: Show me your fingers. T: Put your finger here, /e/, /e/. T: /e/, /e/, pen. T: /e/, /e/.? 3. Lets chant T: Very good! Look! Can you read? T: Lets read the silently. Step 3: Practice 1. Read, listen and circle T: Boys and girls. Open your books, turn to page 16. T: Ready? Lets read Ss: Here, here. Ss: /e/, /e/. Ss: /e/, /e/, pen. Ss: /e/, /e/, red. /e/, /e/, ten. /e/, /e/, leg. Ss: Yes. Ten red pens. Ten red pens. Eight pens, nine pens. Ten red pens. Ss: Red, red. words. To let Ss be exposed in the native speaking. Learning guidance: 1.先看视 频并试着 跟读。 2.听第二 遍时两人 一组边拍 手边说唱。 and point at the words. Red, red. T: OK, lets listen and circle. T: Do you want to listen again? T: Good! I will check. No. 1? T: Leg, yes or no? T: Good! 1point for you. No.2? . 2. Listen and write T: Lets learn how to write the words. Read the tips silently. T: Lets watch the video, please wrtie with your finger together. Ready? T: Now write on your books. T: Have you finished? Ss: No. Ss: No. 1, leg, /l/-/e/ - /g/, leg. Ss: Yes. Ss: No.2, . Ss: Go! R- e- d,red. . Ss: Yes. Learning guidance: 1.先看视 频,并书 空。 2.在书上 描红单词。 3.同桌互 相订正书 Check with your partners. 3. Can you read? T: Close your books. I have some new words, can you read? First, lets read the learning guidance silently. T: Please take out your paper sheet. 4 students in a group. One student point, others read in turns like this. Clear? T: Go! T: Times up. I will check. Lets check from group 1. T: Each group did a very good job, so you can get a star. 4. Word factory T: Actually, we can make more words like Ss: Yes. Ss: /p/-/e/-/t/, pet. . 写。 Learning guidance: 1.四人一 组,一个 学生指, 另外三个 依次拼读, 互相纠正 发音。 2.小组汇 报,三个 同学依次 拼读,最 后一个同 学直接说 出单词。 Learning guidance: this: /s/-/e/-/t/, set. Take out your paper sheet, 4 students in a group, lets find and read. T: 1, 2, 3! Who can come here to point and read? Step 4: Extension 1. Read and answer T:Please take out your cartoon book “Ee”. 4 students in a group, lets read and answer. (1)What colour does Ben like? (2)What does Ben paint red? (3)Does the elephant like red? T: 1,2, go! T: Who can answer my questions? Ss: /p/ -/e/ - /t/,pet. Ss: /r/ -/e/ - /f/, ref. Ss: /t/ -/e/ - /d/, ted. Ss: /l/-/e/- /p/, lep. . Ss: No. 1, red. 1.四人一 组,用这 些字母组 合新词。 2.随机提 问,学生 指并拼读, 每人说一 个。 Learning guidance: 1. 四人 一组读绘 本。 2.回答问 题。 3.听录音 纠正发音。 4.小组展 T: Question 2. Who can come here, find and stick the answers on the blackboard. 2.Listen and repeat T: Lets listen and repeat. 3.Act the story T: Which group wants to come here. One pants, others read the story. Step 5: Summary T: Lets sum up what we have learned today? T: Lets read together. Step 6: Homework T: Lets see our homework. 1. Copy the words four times.(抄写四个单词, Ss: Eggs. Ss: Eggplants. Ss: lemons. Ss: Hen. Ss: Elephant. Ss: Red Ben. Ben likes red. . Ss: 字母 e 在单词中 发/e/的音 Ss: Pen, pen, /p/ -/e/ - /n/,pen. Red, red, /r/ - 示,三人 轮流读, 一人涂颜 色。 每个抄遍。) 2. Try to find more words with the sound of /e/.(试着找找更多的 含有/e/的单词。 /e/ - /d/, red. Ten, ten, /t/ -/e/ - /n/, ten. Leg, leg, /l/-/e/- /g/, leg. 板书设计:板书设计: 安全小提示:安全小提示:不要在教室里用尖锐的东西玩耍,如钢笔、铅笔等。不要在教室里用尖锐的东西玩耍,如钢笔、铅笔等。 教后记:教后记: 学生基本能够掌握字母 e 在单词中的发音,但部分同学在/e/的 发音方面存在问题,需要仔细纠正,还有部分学生/p/, /t/, /l/,/n/ 等 辅音有拖音现象,也需要关注并纠正。
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人教PEP版三年级下册英语Unit My family_A_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_市级优课_(编号:d1e0c) 人教版 pep 三年级 起点 出发点 下册 英语 unit family_a_ppt
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