人教版(新起点)六下英语Unit 5 Nature and Culture-Story Time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:002a9).zip


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六年级下Unit 5 Henny Penny Teaching lesson 老师文艺二校 潘宁 Unit 5 Story Time Henny Penny Stories Stories T:Hello , Hello ,everyone! I am Lisa. S:Hello , Hello,everyone! I am . T:I love reading stories. S:I love reading stories ,too. Three Children with a Wolf. Pull the Turnip. Three Little Mice. T and S:They are interesting. They are inspiring. S:To be wise to run away from the danger. S:To be together to be powerful . S:To be skillful to be safe. T and S:Then we are powerful , we are wise, we are safe. Chant It happened near an old tree. Characters 1 32 4 Goosey Loosey It is a bird, too. It can swim, too. It can not fly, either. Its bigger than the hen and smaller than the goose. Lucky Ducky Cocky Locky Its a mammal. It has a long mouth. It likes to eat chickens, mice and other little animals. Some people thinks it is smart, But some people think it is sly. Mr Fox What will happen to them? What was Henny Penny doing? Henny Penny was looking for food.looked for insects near an old tree. 1.What fell on Henny Penny? 2.Why was Henny Penny crying? Read! 1.What fell on Henny Penny? 2.Why was Henny Penny crying? Suddenly a nut fell on Henny Penny. Because she thought the sky was falling.fall fell falling Letsa ct! looked for insects a nut fell and hit her head afraid and shouted Retell this part! Henny Penny ran down the road. Who would Henny Penny meet? Look at the pictures ! How did they feel? afraid worried 1.Who did Henny Penny meet first? 2.What did they tell each other? 3.How did they feel? Then what did they do? Watch the video 4.Who did they meet in the end? Watch the video Answer the questions Watch the video then answer the questions. a. Who did Henny Penny meet one by one? ( 排序) ( ) Goosey Loosey ( ) Cocky Locky ( ) Lucky Ducky ( )Mr. Fox Then who did Henny Penny meet first? ( ) Who did they meet in the end? ( ) b. What did they tell each other? _. c. How did they feel? What did they do? _ _ 1 2 3 4 Who did Henny Penny meet first? What did they tell each other? The sky is falling! How did they feel? What did they do? worried afraid They ran with Henny Penny. Who did they meet in the end? Mr Fox Follow the tape! Follow the tape! Prepare to read in roles! Read in roles! ran down the road not safe saw Cocky Locky, Goosey Loosey and Lucky Ducky met Mr Fox Retell this part! Where did Mr Fox take the four birds? Lets see! Lets act as Mr Fox! What do you think happened to the four birds? Lets read by yourself! Lets read by yourself! What happened to the four birds? A. They played together in the forest. B. Mr Fox ate them. C. They were afraid and hid in Mr. Foxs home. D. They knew sky was not falling and went outside. What happened to the four birds? Mr Fox ate them. Was the sky falling? No, it wasnt. followed to Mr Foxs home fat Nobody saw them again. was not falling Retell this part! Follow the tape to read the whole story! Follow the tape to read the whole story! Prepare to act or retell the whole story! Act or retell the whole story! Do you like the ending? Why? Prepare to make a new ending! Show the new ending! What do you learn from the story? Do not trust people easily! Be wise! Stories interesting Stories inspiring Stories love Stories kind Stories responsible Stories brave Stories wise Stories safe Stories progress Homework Make a new story and draw a story book. Share with us next class. 课题:英语(六年下)课题:英语(六年下) UnitUnit 5 5 NatureNature andand CultureCulture StoryStory timetime 课时:课时: 第一课第一课 时时 教材分析教材分析 本课是人民教育出版社出版的(一年起点) 英语六年级下册第五单元的故事的 内容。本单元教学主题突出,通过复习前几册书所学的话题如:关于天气,季节,运 动,周末活动,节日,动物,宠物和动物世界的话题及重点词汇和功能句如:windy、 spring 、 basketball 、go to a drawing club、 Father Christmas、duck、 small and so on 句型如: Whats the weather like? Whats your favorite season. I often What do you do? How are you going to celebrate it? I have a duck. It has What kind of animal are monkeys? and so on。引导学生综合 运用所学语言知识和技能进行交流。并引导学生就所听到或所读得信息与他人展开对 话交流。与此同时学生通过仿照阅读文段,按相应的提示或要求写几个意义连贯的句 子。又通过引导学生借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂 story time 的小故事,根据故事问 答问题,并尝试表演复述小故事。积极引导学生参与课堂上的各种活动,并与同伴合 作完成活动。引导学生在活动中认真倾听同伴发言,并尝试表达自己的观点。 本课主要语法内容是关于 Henny Penny 的小故事。以小故事的形式复现以前学过 的词汇和功能句,让学生在欣赏故事的过程中体会重点词汇和功能句在语境中的运用。 引导学生借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂本单元的故事,按照故事内容回答问题,并表 演复述小故事。引导学生通过学习小故事,懂得人要独立思考,不能盲从他人, 轻信 坏人的道理。 学情分析学情分析 对于六年级学生来说,他们已经有了一定的生活经验和将近 6 年的英语知识基础。 学生对故事都非常喜欢,在日常交流中能够表达自己的简单想法。特别是自己感兴趣 的话题。他们能够积极参与,大胆想象,不断创新,愿意享受合作与成功带来的喜悦。 他们的英语知识储备深厚而扎实,也具有一定的自主学习能力。所以在教学设计时要 充分发挥学生是学习的主体,突出培养学生自主学习的能力。 本课教师创设了故事教学模式是学生们喜欢的形式,因此在设计本课教学时,既 注重故事情境创设的整体性与知识的连续性,又要关注学生已有知识水平,帮助每个 学生有效地学习为目的,设计有效的教学活动,帮助学生在借助图片与故事情境中理 解课文内容并扎实语法要点。在有感情的朗读故事的基础上,产生表演与自我表现的 愿望,利用已有的语言基础充分进行表演和复述故事。根据学生已有知识水平,我进 行适度的扩展活动,提供更为广泛的环境让学生听音,讨论,阅读,游戏等多种方式。 全面培养学生听、说、读、写的能力。 教学目标教学目标 语言知识目标语言知识目标 1、在语境中复习、理解、运用词和词组及过去式:was looking for, looked for, insects, falling, safe, hit,fell from, suddenly, running, ran down, saw, coming with, met, followed sb. to sp. 2、能表演及复述小故事。 语言技能目标语言技能目标 能借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂 Henny Penny 这个故事, 按照故事的内容回答 B 项问题,并表演小故事。 学习策略目标学习策略目标 通过本课设计的活动对学生的认知策略(听的策略、说的策略、阅读策略和表 演策略)进行指导,以及培养学生在活动中用英语与他人交流的交际策略; 情感态度目标情感态度目标 引导学生通过小故事的学习,懂得人要独立思考,不能盲从他人, 轻信坏人的道理。 文化意识目标文化意识目标 让学生感受各种职业的过去与现在的不同。 教学重点及难点教学重点及难点 教学重点教学重点 1、能正确地理解、运用词汇 was looking for, looked for, insects, falling, safe, hit,fell from, suddenly, was running, ran down, saw, coming with, met, followed sb. to sp. 2、通过图片及上下文语境来理解故事内容,激活学生的已有知识和生活经验。 3.以话题为线索,通过整体感知语境,培养学生的阅读能力。 4. 通过编演故事,培养学生合作创新意识,增强学生在语境中的语言表达能力。 教学难点教学难点 编演故事。 教学基本策略及设计思路教学基本策略及设计思路 本课教学设计是基于课标的要求,以学生为主体面向每一名学生进行教学的。 从学生的学情和认知水平出发,以教材故事为蓝本,以培养学生综合语用能力为目地, 进行了创设整体故事语境的情境型教学模式。教学中运用实物,诗歌,童谣、视频、 图片、多媒体课件等丰富的教学资源,为学生提供贴近生活的英语学习内容,拓宽了 学生学习和运用英语的渠道,激发了学生的学习兴趣。通过丰富有效的课堂教学活动, 由浅入深,循序渐进地开展对课文的学习。从创设故事情境整体感知理解入手,到分 段复习巩固重点词组,模仿运用语言,再到拓展编演故事再发展,进行文本拓展,有 效地提高学生的听、说、读、写和语言综合运用的整体能力。本课也是基于教材教学 主题的情感递进过程设计的,在教学过程中,潜移默化地渗透懂得人要独立思考,不 能盲从他人,轻信坏人的道理。 在课堂教学中我采用了故事情境教学法,以学生为主体,以发生在 Henny Penny 身上的故事的话题为主线,以语用为目的。整个教学过程当中设计运用丰富多样的教 学策略来启发、引导学生自主学习本节课的学习内容。 采用认知策略,借助图片、实物、视频、音乐多种手段增强学生对新知的感知。 以来深入 Henny Penny 的故事设计了真实的学习和操练以及语言运用的情景,围绕讨 论 Henny Penny 在大树下觅食时,一粒坚果掉在她头上后发生的故事来复习巩固语法 要点。采用交际策略,学生在小组中互动中,学习倾听、参与活动,互相配合,表达 自己的观点。采用资源策略,通过课外照片资料的搜集,为学生呈现新的文本,增加 学生的语言输入量,为语用输出做好铺垫。采用故事阅读表演策略,通过问题引导的 方法指,为学生的表演能力提高奠定基础。 资源的开发及说明资源的开发及说明 文本资源:文本资源: 教师通过 Henny Penny 故事绘本材料来培养阅读能力。 我为学生提供了排序新故事作为补充阅读材料。 图片资源:图片资源: 教师利用大量的网络上的精美图片及 Henny Penny 故事绘本材料为学生创设真实 的语境,呈现在本课教学中。 在板书中呈现 Henny Penny 被一粒坚果砸到后的变化及发生的故事情节,帮助学 生理解课文,理清文本的脉络, 一方面有助于学生把握文本内容;另一方面,能突现重 点词组,降低学习难度。 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教师活动预设学生活动 设计 意图 I Pre-task preparation Warming up 1. Free talk about loving reading stories and show pictures to talk about these stories. 2. Chant to review the stories we learned and what we learned from the stories. 3.T tells them if they do answer the questions right, they will draw a footprint to the deep forest on the paper. At end of the footprint you will get to the book of Henny Penny .Then after the class we Three children and a wolf. Pull the turnip Three little mice Chant with the teacher. They try to answer the questions right to get more footprints for their group. 通过谈论 学生们喜 欢的故事 激发学生 学习的兴 趣,导出 本课主题, 并交代本 课重点故 事教会我 们做人的 道理。 通过以小 组为单位 的奖励方 式提高合 作意识与 集体意识。 will compare. II. Presentation A. Pre-reading 1. Today we are going to learn a new story. Introduce Henny Penny directly (Point to the picture on the board) She is a hen. Then introduce the other animals in the story by their introduction. Cock by listening to its sound. Duck by the introduction words. Goose by listening to the introduction Mr. Fox by watching the video of this introduction 2 Guess what will happen to the characters in the story. B. While-reading 1. Learn Part 1 Show the pictures in the first part. Look at the pictures and read the story by themselves to try to know what happened in this part. a. Look at Picture 1 and answer what was Henny Penny doing? She was looking for food. And review the phrase “look for” b. Read and answer the Pick the number they want and get to know the introduction of these animals and guess what they are. Students will look at the picture and guess what will happen in the story and to the characters Students look at the pictures and read by themselves to get to know what happened to Henny Penny. Answer Henny Penny was looking for food. Students look at the look for changes to red color to review the phrase. Students read the first 通过介绍 故事中的 动物激发 学生们阅 读的愿望, 并对学过 的知识进 行复习。 通过观察 来预设故 事的情节, 引发学生 思考。 通过观察 图片,自 己朗读第 一部分课 文及回答 问题来了 解故事发 生的原因, 对 Henny Penny 被 坚果砸到 头后害怕 天会倒塌 的恐怖心 questions of the first part of the story of Picture 1 and 2 to know the reason why Henny Penny was afraid. And act out the afraid Henny Penny. c. Retell this part of the story by the key phrases was looking for food a nut fell and hit his head shouted 2.Learn Part 2 a. Have the students look at the picture of Henny Penny ran down the road. Guess who would she meet? Look at their learning sheet to pick out the answer. Cocky Locky, Goosey Loosey and Lucky Ducky b. Look at the pictures and guess how they felt after Henny Penny told them “The sky is falling.” Pick the words that teacher gives on the learning sheet. “excited, sad, afraid, happy, worried” c. Watch the video of Part 2 part by themselves. Underline the answers on their books and get to know the reason why Henny Penny was afraid. And act out the afraid Henny Penny. Students retell this part of the story. Students will guess who Henny Penny would meet according to their old experience of knowing the story. Then pick out them they think on the learning sheet. Students look at the picture and feel the characters feelings. “afraid and worried” Students watch the 理有所感 受。 通过复述 这部分课 文来理清 故事发生 的原因, 为下面的 发展提供 悬念。同 时提高学 生整理信 息的能力。 学生们通 过以往的 经验来推 断故事中 的人物, 使学生深 入到故事 中。 引导学生 感受故事 中人物的 情感。 带着问题 来观看课 文视频。 由问题引 and answer the questions Who did Henny Penny meet first? What did they tell each other? How did they feel? Then what did they do? Who did they meet in the end? (show on the learning sheet) d. Follow the tape to read this part. e. Read in roles. f. Retell this part of the story according to the phrases ran down the road saw Cocky Locky, Goosey Loosey , and Lucky Ducky not safe met Mr. Fox 3. Learn Part 3. a. Look at the picture and guess where Mr Fox take the four birds? Pick the answer . Mr. Fox took them back home. ( ) Mr. Fox took them to the garden. ( ) Mr Fox took them to the river.( ) video and answer the questions, they can underline the answers or they can write down the answers on the learning sheet. Students follow the tape to read. Students read in roles Students retell the story. Retell the story in groups. Students guess where Mr fox take the four birds. Students find out the 导听,让 学生在听 和观看的 过程中, 加深对课 文的理解。 通过跟读 课文录音 规范语音 语调。 通过角色 朗读感受 语言和情 感。为表 演打下基 础。 通过复述 培养学生 组织语言 和运用语 言的能力。 通 通过回答 问题启发 学生思考 和预测故 事的发展。 通过模仿 表演狐狸 的话,使 学生意识 b. Look at the picture with words and tell the answer. So who pick the one which is back home is right. And get one footprint. c. Act as the fox to say oh, I can help you. Come to my home. Its safe there to make the students know which one is a good fox or a bad fox by the different tone. d. look at the picture and guess what would the bad fox do to them. d. Read by themselves silently and find out the answer of what would happen to the four birds. f. Ask was the sky falling? s real answer by “Oh, I Can help you. Come to my home. Its safe there. A student acts as the bad fox. Students guess the things that would happen to the four birds. “The bad fox would eat them. The bad fox would kill them. And so on. Students read silently and try to find the answer. And pick the right answer on the learning sheet. (1. Mr. Fox played with them in the forest. 2. Mr. Fox ate them. 3. Mr. Fox cooked for them at home.) Students answer the question. No, it wasnt. 到坏人的 谎言和为 我们带来 的危险。 通过默读 找到答案, 培养学生 阅读能力。 通过回答 问题点出 本课主题, 天并没有 塌,是这 些小动物 太愚昧而 最终被狡 猾的狐狸 g. Retell this part of the story according to the phrases followed to Mr Fox s home Nobody saw them again fat was not falling Students retell this part of the story. 吃掉了, 教育学生 们要有智 慧,不能 够轻易相 信他人。 通过复述 培养组织 和运用语 言的能力。 III. Post-task activities 1Follow the tape to read the whole story. 2. Practise to act or retell the story in groups. 3.Act one group and retell one group 4.Ask the students to change Students read the whole story. Students prepare to act or retell in groups. Students act or retell Students make up the 通过整体 听读课文 提高学生 的朗读技 能。 。 通过表演 及复述故 事达到对 故事的整 体掌握, 培养表演 能力,提 高思维能 力和语言 组织能力。 培养自信 心和成就 感。 通过学生 the ending.ending they like.经过思考 和自我理 解为课文 增添新的 结尾,拓 展学生思 维,发挥 合理想象。 IV. Summary & Homework Ask “what do you learn from the story?” T say a rhyme about reading stories Homework Make a new story and draw a story book. Share with us next class. Students answer: “Do not trust people easily. Be wise.” know the homework 学生通过 总结本课 的故事带 给他们的 道理。学 会理智和 不轻易相 信别人。 通过小诗 来分享读 书的乐趣 和读故事 的意义, 使学生们 热爱故事, 热爱读书。 将课堂学 习延伸到 家里。 学生学习活动评价设计学生学习活动评价设计 依据课程标准,在学生学习活动中,我注重评价的多元化,评价方式的多样化。在 学生学习活动中采用以下评价方式: 1. 在课堂教学过程中,通过语言对学生的学习情况即时评价,面向每一个学生,鼓励 学生积极主动的学习,帮助学生树立学习自信心。 2. 在学习过程中,通过得到表扬,积极发言获得一个小脚印,并可以帮助全组同学得 分来揭示本课主题,对学生的合作学习做出评价,激发学生的学习兴趣。 3. 课后通过延伸课堂学习到家庭的作业对学生的作业进行安排和鼓励,帮助学生总结 知识,生成自己的学习主动性。 板书设计板书设计
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人教版(新起点)六下英语Unit Nature and Culture_Story Time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_公开课_(编号:002a9) 人教版 新起点 _unit time_ppt 课件 教案
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本文标题:人教版(新起点)六下英语Unit 5 Nature and Culture-Story Time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:002a9).zip

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