人教版(新起点)六下英语Unit 5 Nature and Culture-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:30145).zip


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Unit 5 Nature and Culture Lesson2 Christmas DayChristmas Day SpringSpring FestivalFestival Mothers DayMothers Day Fathers DayFathers Day Teachers DayTeachers Day Dragon Boat Festival HalloweenHalloween Tree Planting DayTree Planting Day Tomb-sweeping DayTomb-sweeping Day Whats your favourite holiday? Listen and numberListen and number 1 2 3 4 When is Childrens Day? How do you celebrate it? What do you say on that day? Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is a family holiday in Canada and the USA.CanadaUSA Task1 Read and AnswerTask1 Read and Answer Read the first paragraph silently and find the answers. (默读第一段 并找到答案) When is Thanksgiving? A.in autumn in Canada and the USA B. in October in Canada C. in November in the USA D. 以上三个答案都对 Listen to the tape and find main information about the Thanksgiving s food and activity, then underline the key words. 听音并提取关于感恩节食物与活动的主要信息,并给关 键词划线。 Task2 Listen and UnderlineTask2 Listen and Underline have a big dinner with their families roast turkey rstt:k We should thank our parents for giving us life; we should thank our friends for making us warm; we should thank our teachers for teaching us knowledge. give thanks to their friends and families tell Thanksgiving stories 感谢父母,给了我们生命; 感谢朋友,温暖了我们的生活; 感谢老师,丰富了我们的知识。 A Grateful Mouse On this day, people oftenOn this day, people often remember _.remember _. 5th day of 5th month in lunar year Qu Yuan zongzi Thanksgiving is a family holiday in autumn in Canada and Thanksgiving is a family holiday in autumn in Canada and the USA. In Canada,Thanksgiving is in October.In the USA ,it isthe USA. In Canada,Thanksgiving is in October.In the USA ,it is in November . On Thanksgiving, people have a big dinner with their in November . On Thanksgiving, people have a big dinner with their family.They usually eat roast turkey and other delicious food.Theyfamily.They usually eat roast turkey and other delicious food.They also tell Thanksgiving stories and give thanks to their friends also tell Thanksgiving stories and give thanks to their friends and families. and families. FestivalFestivalFestivalFestival CanadaCanada t the USAhe USACountryCountry CountryCountryOctoberOctober NovemberNovember roast turkeyroast turkey have a big dinner with their family tell Thanksgiving stories and give thanks to their friends and familiesand families Thanksgiving Thanksgiving TimeTimeTimeTime FoodFood ActivityActivityActivityActivity in autumnin autumn Task3 Try to sayTask3 Try to say! They alsoThey also tell tell _and_and _ to their friends and families. _ to their friends and families. In Canada,Thanksgiving is in _.In Canada,Thanksgiving is in _. In the USA ,it is in _ . In the USA ,it is in _ . On Thanksgiving, people On Thanksgiving, people _with their family._with their family. They usually eat_and They usually eat_and other delicious food.other delicious food. October November have a big dinner give thanks Thanksgiving stories roast turkey Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is a family holiday in is a family holiday in _in _in CanadaCanada and the and the USAUSA. .autumn Mid-Autumn Festival Task4 Listen and FillTask4 Listen and Fill Festival TimeActivity Food Mid-Autumn Day Country mooncake Mooncakes are round. mooncake like the full moon. China Open your book and listen again, then fill in the blanks.Open your book and listen again, then fill in the blanks. (打开书再听一遍,然后完成表格)(打开书再听一遍,然后完成表格) FestivalTimeActivityFoodCountry mooncakesin autumn Mid-Autumn Day Task5 Listen and FillTask5 Listen and Fill get together with their families to have a big dinner enjoy looking at the bautiful round moon have a big dinner with their families enjoying Time ActivitiesFood Country Mid-Autumn Day Chinain autumn mooncake get together with their families to have a big dinner enjoy looking at the beautiful round moon 217 静夜思 床 前 明 月 光 , 疑 是 地 上 霜。 举 头 望 明 月 , 低 头 思 故 乡。 Some people cannot go back home, but they can look at the moon and think about their families.think about miss Task6 Compare the two festivals Thanksgiving DayThanksgiving Day Mid-AutumnMid-Autumn Festival Festival in autumn Canada and the USA roast turkey tell Thanksgiving stories and give thanks to their friends and families China in autumn have a big dinner with their families mooncake get together with their families to have a big dinner with their families enjoy looking at the bautiful roiund moon Both have a big dinner with their families in autumn in autumn in autumn have a big dinner with their families get together with their families to have a big dinner with their families CountryTimeFoodActivities Task7 Talk and Write My Favourite Holiday My favourite hodiday is_ It is onin _. On this day, I can eat_. I often_. _. . Introduce your favourite holiday . AB We should try our best to take Chinese We should try our best to take Chinese Traditional Festivals to the world and let more and Traditional Festivals to the world and let more and more people know China. We should also learn more more people know China. We should also learn more western culture . Lets share our culture together.western culture . Lets share our culture together. Level AListen and retell the text. Level B Introduce your favouite Chinese holiday . HomeworkHomework UnitUnit 5 5 Lesson2Lesson2 教学设计教学设计 TeachingTeaching ContextContext: 一Analysis of teaching material: 本课是新起点英语六年级下册 Unit5 Nature and Culture 第二课,有关节日的复习课。学生通过听、说、读、写等活动复习有关 节日的内容,并能对自己喜欢的节日进行介绍。本课共分为四个板块, 分别是:A 项,通过听力活动复习有关 Festivals 和 Special Days 重点 词汇和功能句。B 项,引导学生运用在 A 项所复习到的语言,来谈论更 多的节日。C 项,引导学生通过阅读短文来复习有关感恩节和中秋节的 知识,并进行节日对比。D 项,引导学生写作,介绍最喜爱的节日或特 殊的日子。 二Analysis students: 本课的授课对象为我校六年级的学生。学生经过六年的英语学习, 有一定的语言基础。多数同学能够用 4-5 句话,进行话题表达。大部分 学生养成了良好的英语学习习惯,且英语学习兴趣较为浓厚。表现为, 学生喜欢上英语课,喜欢在课堂中以小组合作的方式学习或讨论,愿意 在课上表达自己对某事物的观点。 TeachingTeaching AimsAims: 1知识目标: (1)通过听、说、读、写等形式的语言活动,复习前几册有关 Holidays 和 Special Days 等话题的重点词汇和功能句。 (2)能够识别和掌握词汇 Thanksgiving 和 roast turkey. 二能力目标: (1)能够听懂和读懂介绍有关 holidays 的语段。 (2)能够口头介绍自己最喜欢的节日。 (3)能够写一段文字介绍自己最喜欢的节日。 三情感目标: 能够了解中西方文化的相似和不同,传播传统文化。 KeyKey PointsPoints andand DifficultDifficult PointsPoints KeyKey PointsPoints: 1.复习有关节日的词汇短语及相关功能句。 2.学生用一段话介绍自己最喜爱的节日。 DifficultDifficult PointsPoints:对节日的介绍。 TeachingTeaching procedureprocedure 1 1Step1.WarmStep1.Warm upup 1.歌曲导入,T and ss sing an English song about holidays .T :Hi,boys and girls,today we are going to learn unit 5 lesson2.Its about holidays.Now lets sing a song about holidays. 【设计意图】通过学生熟悉的英文歌曲导入本课主题,同时在课堂 伊始创设轻松的英语学习氛围。 2.T presents some pictures about holidays .ss guess the holidays 如:南瓜灯Halloween,“福”字Spring Festival 圣诞树 Christmas Day T: Now I show some pictures to you ,please try to guess what festivals they are . T:What else festivals do you know ? Whats your favourite festival? Ss 回 答 【设计意图】通过猜节日,帮助学生回忆并复习前几册有关 Holidays 和 Special Days 等话题的重点词汇。此外通过提问 Whats your favourite holiday?为后续教学做好铺垫。 3.教师播放录音,ss listen and number .T:Now Bill ,Ted and Tina are also talking about festivals .Please listen to the tape and number the holidays. 【设计意图】此环节通过听音标号活动对学生进行描述 Holidays 和 Special Days 话题听的输入。 4.T and ss talk about Childrens Day. 【设计意图】通过谈论儿童节的时间和庆祝方式等相关内容为下 文学习感恩节和中秋节做好铺垫。 Step2.Step2. PresentationPresentation andand PracticePractice 1.用英文版歌曲感恩的心来导入,ss 猜测接下来要了解的节日是 Thanksgiving,教授新词 Thanksgiving 并简单介绍 Thanksgiving is a family holiday in the USA and Canada. 【设计意图】通过音频导入,更能激发学生的兴趣。 2.T 出示选择题 When is Thanksgiving? Ss 通过阅读第一段,找出感恩 节的时间。 【设计图意】由于文中描述的感恩节时间的内容相对较多,通过选 择题形式,一是降低了难度,二学生能够清晰地了解到感恩节的时间。 3.T 引导学生听音从 Food 和 Activity 两方面提取关于感恩节的主要信 息,并给关键词划线。T 从音,形,意从方面讲解 roast turkey. 【设计图意】通过听音提取关键信息,能够培养学生的学习能力。 4.讲解 tell Thanksgiving stories ,介绍典型感恩小故事,讲解 give thanks to their friends and families,讲解 give 句型,同时对学 生进行情感教育。T:We should thank our parents for giving us life; we should thank our friends for making us warm;we should thank our teachers for teaching us knowledge. 【设计图意】在给予 ss 知识的同时,也要适时进行情感教育,学 生能够懂得感恩。 5.T and ss 从 Country Time Food Activity 四方面梳理感恩节内容 . 【设计图意】ss 能清晰了解感恩节模块,为复述感恩节做好铺垫 6.ss try to retell the text .T:Practice with your partners.try to retell Thanksgiving . 【设计图意】此环节为检测学生学习感恩节情况而设立,教师可对 学生掌握不太好的内容再次进行强调。 1.歌曲明月几时有导入,SS 猜测接下来要了解的节日是 Mid-Autumn Festival. 【设计意图】通过音频导入,更能激发学生的兴趣。 2.Ss listen to the tape and fill in the chart .T and ss check the answers.,T 着重讲解 mooncake. Mooncakes are round like the full moon . 【设计意图】第一遍听音填写 Mid-Autumn Festival 国家,时间和 食物的关键词,内容相对简单。 3.SS 再次听音,完成表格 T and ss check the answers. 【设计意图】第二遍听音,填写 Mid-Autumn Festival 活动的关键 词,从第一遍听音到第二遍听音所设计的任务,由易到难,符合学生的 认知过程。 4.讲解 get together with their families to have a big dinner 相 当于 have a big dinner with their families.讲解 enjoy looking at the round moon,强调 enjoy 用法。 【设计意图】为后面两个节日对比环节做好铺垫,避免 ss 认为词 不同意思就不同的想法。讲解 enjoy 句型,学生能够在学习中融会贯通。 5.利用思维导图帮助学生整理归纳 Mid-Autumn Day 相关知识。 【设计意图】利用思维导图,有利于形成学生对中秋节的完整记忆。 6.借助李白的静夜思 讲解 Some people cannot go back home,but they can look at the moon and think about their families. 【设计意图】巧妙地运用学科的关联性,ss 能更加深刻地理解句子 的涵义。 7.ss compare the two festivals. 【设计意图】通过对比,SS 能更加清晰地了解两个节日的相同点和 不同点,形成深刻记忆。 Step4.ConsolidationStep4.Consolidation 1.Ss talk about favourite holiday in their group. 【设计意图】此环节设置是说的形式进行输出为下面写的环节做好 准备. 2.请学生独立完成书写 My Favourite Holiday 任务。教师巡视,观察 学生书写,并及时帮助指导。 【设计意图】设立情境,在听读和说的基础上学生进行书写,写是 输出环节,设计 AB 两项内容让每个不同层级学生都能得到锻炼。 3.Ss 展示书写,师生共同评价 T:Who can show your writing? Step4.SummaryStep4.Summary andand HomeworkHomework 1.T:We should try our best to take Chinese traditional festivals to the world and let more and more people know China. We should learn more western culture . Lets share our culture together. 【设计意图】注重了学生文化意识的培养。 2.T 出示 homework.Level A Listen and retell the text.Level B Introduce your favourite Chinese holiday . 【设计意图】设计 AB 两项内容让每个不同层级学生都能得到锻炼。
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