人教版(新起点)六下英语Unit 1 Visiting Canada-Story Time-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:60b1e).zip
How did the children get safe? Read P5.6 and order the sentences. ( ) The children climbed to the top of the tree. ( ) The children ran into the house and locked the door. ( ) The wolf got into the basket. ( )The wolf fell to the ground and could not move. ( ) The children pulled the wolf in the air and then let go of the rope. ( ) The children climbed down from the tree. 六年级英语下册(人教版) Unit 1 Visiting Canada Story Time 沈阳市浑南区第四中学 周颖 Do you like reading stories? What stories do you like best? What can you see in the picture? Where did they live? What did they want to do? Read P1 and underline the answers. Where did the three children and their mother live? What did they do? Long ago, three children lived with their mother in a village. Their names were Wenwen, Taotao, and Baobao. One day, their mother went to visit their grandmother. The three children stayed at home. An old wolf saw all this. Listen and answer When will the mother be home? What is the wolf going to do? Listen and imitate How did the wolf come into the house to eat the children? Lets think ReadP2 & P3 and underline the answers. How did the wolf come into the house? Who opened the door? After the wolf came into the house, what did the wolf do ? That evening the wolf got dressed in a skirt, a sweater and a scarf. He went to the childrens house and knocked on the door. The children were very surprised. Wenwen was the oldest. She felt nervous, but Taotao and Baobao were excited and opened the door. When the wolf came in, he quickly blew out the candle. Listen and imitate Read P4 and underline the answers. How did she find the truth? Who found the truth? They got into bed together. Wenwen touched her “grandmothers” leg. It was furry. She was very scared, but she was also smart and brave. She jumped out of bed. After Wenwen found the truth, what did she do? They got into bed together. Wenwen touched her “grandmothers” leg. It was furry. She was very scared, but she was also smart and brave. She jumped out of bed. She jumped out of bed and waked up Taotao and Baobao. Listen and imitate Did they get safe at last ?Lets guess How did the children get safe? Read P5.6 and order the sentences. ( ) The children climbed to the top of the tree. ( ) The wolf got into the basket. ( ) The children pulled the wolf in the air and then let go of the rope. ( ) The wolf fell to the ground and could not move . ( ) The children climbed down from the tree. ( ) The children ran into the house and locked the door. 1 2 3 4 5 6 What do you think of the children ? Can you give a title for the story? What can you learn from the story? Useyourhead when you are in danger. Usewisdom(智慧)and courage(勇气) to get out of troubles. Homework 1 Read and retell the story. 2 Act out the story. 教材分析 1. 本册书是对小学阶段所有内容的总复习,没有再增加新的教学内容。在教学设计中, 没有使用新的词汇和句型。本册书以 Bill 在加拿大短期留学为线索,通过介绍他在加 拿大的见闻来复习前几册所学的语言项目和有关国外文化的内容;然后以 Ted 随 Bill 回访中国为线索,Ted 在中国的见闻来复习前几册学过的语言目的和有关中国文化的 内容。全书浑然一体,脉络清晰,故事性,真实性和趣味性强,具有强烈的跨文化交 流意识。 2. 根据新课程标准的要求,为学生提供具有生活型,时代性和文化性的课程内容, 激发和培养他们学习英语的兴趣,从而初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力,树立团队 合作的意识。以生为本的原则,培养学生自主的能力,本节课围绕的主题是了解简单 地图并能阐明所要到达的目的地,让学生除了完成课堂任务外,也要培养学生良好的 生活习惯,到达任何地方都应该设计最佳路线,既能节约时间,最短最为方便的路线 并能将安全第一放在首位的情况下,进行规划行走路线。把知识既能结合到实际生活 中去。 学情分析 1. 六年级的学生已经具备了“小组合作”的能力,秉着以生为本的原则,信任学生自主学 习的能力,学生们喜欢挑战和展示,在小组合作的过程中,让每一位学生充分的发挥 自己的语言能力,做到每位学生可以开口讲英语,运用英语进行小组讨论和对话。教 学设计中添加有趣的并有挑战性的学习任务,让学生们积极参与富有挑战性的氛围。 2. 在小组合作的活动中,组内也有相对的学困生,需发挥以强带弱,互相帮助学习,给 予鼓励提高自信,提供展示能力的机会。 教学目标 一、知识目标 1.引导学生借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂有关三个孩子动脑筋摆脱大灰的故事。并能够 根据故事内容回答相关问题。 二、语言技能培养目标 1.引导学生在图片和关键词的提示下,复述或表演本课的故事 三、情感态度目标 1.通过故事明白遇到危险要动脑筋想办法解决的重要性。 四、策略目标 1. 直观学习策略:本堂课通过直观生动的图象(课文插图),声音(课文音频和视频),再现 原文,提高学生兴趣,提高课堂效率。 2. 活动学习策略:根据学生年龄特点,创设教学活动,让学生积极并主动参与。 3. 合作学习策略:以“学生为本”,充分发挥小组的作用,让学生在小组内合作学习、相 互帮助。通过小组内部自行分配角色并进行表演,让学生成为课堂的真正主人 教学重点及难点 一、教学重点 1引导学生借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂本课的故事, 二、教学难点 1. 尝试复述故事。 教学基本策略及设计思路 1本节课是一节故事教学课,由于六年级的学生已经掌握了一定的语篇阅读能力,所以 我在阅读前设计问题,学生带着问题阅读,在寻找答案的过程中思考问题,加深理解。 2. 整节课都采用了“生本”的教学理念,真正做到以学生为活动的主体,教师为教学活动 的组织者和引导者,采用“小组合作”,例如:小组讨论解决问题,小组内进行故事表演 等多种形式来是激发学生英语学习的内驱力,让学生成为课堂的小主人。同时也通过小 组间的学习,帮助各组的学困生更好的学习和巩固本课的内容。 3.设置有效的活动来锻炼学生的思考方式。不是向学生灌输道理,而是协助他们独立做 出判断。通过有效的活动培养学生独立思维的能力,在教学活动思维的指引下,学生能 够有序进行文本解读和思维训练,达成理解文本、拓展内涵、发展思维的阅读教学目标, 逐步提升自我思维品质。 资源的开发及说明 本节课我将教材资源、课堂资源、多媒体资源和网络资源进行了整合与优化,使本节课 更加的有效、高效。 1. 教材资源 本课时内容和学生的生活相关,教学内容与学生密切联系,使得教学内容让学生得以 在日常对话中使用,并能警醒学生们注意身边的安全问题。 2. 课堂资源 学生之间在本节课可以通过教学任务和以生为本的理念,互相学习帮助,学生既然为 课堂的主体主要资源,组织学生,激发学生潜力,运用学生的好奇心和挑战性展示团队 和自己的学习能力。 3. 多媒体资源 利用多媒体资源,精心制作了课件,使学生提高注意力,兴趣和参与课堂的积极性。 4. 网络资源 在网上筛选与本节课相关的辅助资料,使课堂更加精彩,有深度。 5. 生活资源 本节课源于生活,积累更多的生活经验助于学生发展。学生利用生活经验完成前置任 务也能更好的在课后的生活中体验养成选择最近,最省时间,最安全的路线习惯,减 少安全隐患。运用到实际生活中去。 教学过程 教学环节教师活动预设学生活动设计意图 Pre-task Do you like reading stories?Yes, I do. 通过问学生喜欢 preparation ( 阅读前) What stories do you like best? Look at the picture. What can you see in the picture? Where did they live? What did they want to do? I like Snow White best. I like best I can see trees, a house They lived in the countryside. They lived in t The mother wanted to go shopping. The children wanted to 的故事引出本课 内容。 While-task procedure ( 阅读中) Read P1 and underline the answers. Where did the three children and their mother live? What did they do? Listen and answer When will the mother be home? What is the wolf going to do? Listen and imitate the dialogue in paragraph 1. Lets think How did the wolf come into the house to eat the children? ReadP2 & P3 and underline the answers. How did the wolf come into the house? Who opened the door? After the wolf came into the house, what did the wolf do ? Listen and imitate the dialogue in paragraph 2 and 3. Three children lived with their mother in a village. Their mother went to visit their grandmother. The three children stayed at home. The mother will be home tomorrow. The wolf is going to eat the children. The wolf jumped into the house. The wolf The wolf dressed in a skirt, a sweater Wenwen opened He blew out the candle. 提出问题作为导 读,引起学生阅 读兴趣。 运用课文原图片 导入,让学生以 回答问题的方式 直进主题内容。 让学生对故事的 发展产生疑问, 提出相应问题, 培养学生逻辑性 思维。 听音模仿培养学 生说的能力。 Act the dialogue in paragraph 2 and 3. Read P4 and underline the answers. Who found the truth? How did she find the truth? After Wenwen found the truth, what did she do? Listen and imitate the dialogue in paragraph 4. Did they get safe at last ? Lets watch the video and check the answer. Wenwen. Wenwen touched her “grandmothers” leg. It was furry. She jumped out of bed and waked up Taotao and Baobao. Yes,they did. 表演激发学生参 与的热情。 提出问题,引起 学生兴趣,让学 生带着问题阅读 文本。 Post-task activity ( 阅读后) Read P5.6 and order the sentences. ( ) The children climbed to the top of the tree. ( ) The children ran into the house and locked the door. ( ) The wolf got into the basket. ( ) The wolf fell to the ground and could not move . ( ) The children pulled the wolf in the air and then let go of the rope. ( ) The children climbed down from the tree. Ask Ss to retell the story by Order the sentences. Retell the story in groups. 学生自主阅读课 文,并完成阅读 问题。 引导学生借助图 looking at the map on the blackboard. What do you think of the children ? Can you give a title for the story? What can you learn from the story? Use your head when you are in danger. Use wisdom(智慧) and courage(勇气) to get out of troubles. 片与板书上的关 键词进行复述, 加深学生对故事 的理解。 板书设计
- 资源描述:
How did the children get safe? Read P5.6 and order the sentences. ( ) The children climbed to the top of the tree. ( ) The children ran into the house and locked the door. ( ) The wolf got into the basket. ( )The wolf fell to the ground and could not move. ( ) The children pulled the wolf in the air and then let go of the rope. ( ) The children climbed down from the tree. 六年级英语下册(人教版) Unit 1 Visiting Canada Story Time 沈阳市浑南区第四中学 周颖 Do you like reading stories? What stories do you like best? What can you see in the picture? Where did they live? What did they want to do? Read P1 and underline the answers. Where did the three children and their mother live? What did they do? Long ago, three children lived with their mother in a village. Their names were Wenwen, Taotao, and Baobao. One day, their mother went to visit their grandmother. The three children stayed at home. An old wolf saw all this. Listen and answer When will the mother be home? What is the wolf going to do? Listen and imitate How did the wolf come into the house to eat the children? Lets think ReadP2 & P3 and underline the answers. How did the wolf come into the house? Who opened the door? After the wolf came into the house, what did the wolf do ? That evening the wolf got dressed in a skirt, a sweater and a scarf. He went to the childrens house and knocked on the door. The children were very surprised. Wenwen was the oldest. She felt nervous, but Taotao and Baobao were excited and opened the door. When the wolf came in, he quickly blew out the candle. Listen and imitate Read P4 and underline the answers. How did she find the truth? Who found the truth? They got into bed together. Wenwen touched her “grandmothers” leg. It was furry. She was very scared, but she was also smart and brave. She jumped out of bed. After Wenwen found the truth, what did she do? They got into bed together. Wenwen touched her “grandmothers” leg. It was furry. She was very scared, but she was also smart and brave. She jumped out of bed. She jumped out of bed and waked up Taotao and Baobao. Listen and imitate Did they get safe at last ?Lets guess How did the children get safe? Read P5.6 and order the sentences. ( ) The children climbed to the top of the tree. ( ) The wolf got into the basket. ( ) The children pulled the wolf in the air and then let go of the rope. ( ) The wolf fell to the ground and could not move . ( ) The children climbed down from the tree. ( ) The children ran into the house and locked the door. 1 2 3 4 5 6 What do you think of the children ? Can you give a title for the story? What can you learn from the story? Useyourhead when you are in danger. Usewisdom(智慧)and courage(勇气) to get out of troubles. Homework 1 Read and retell the story. 2 Act out the story. 教材分析 1. 本册书是对小学阶段所有内容的总复习,没有再增加新的教学内容。在教学设计中, 没有使用新的词汇和句型。本册书以 Bill 在加拿大短期留学为线索,通过介绍他在加 拿大的见闻来复习前几册所学的语言项目和有关国外文化的内容;然后以 Ted 随 Bill 回访中国为线索,Ted 在中国的见闻来复习前几册学过的语言目的和有关中国文化的 内容。全书浑然一体,脉络清晰,故事性,真实性和趣味性强,具有强烈的跨文化交 流意识。 2. 根据新课程标准的要求,为学生提供具有生活型,时代性和文化性的课程内容, 激发和培养他们学习英语的兴趣,从而初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力,树立团队 合作的意识。以生为本的原则,培养学生自主的能力,本节课围绕的主题是了解简单 地图并能阐明所要到达的目的地,让学生除了完成课堂任务外,也要培养学生良好的 生活习惯,到达任何地方都应该设计最佳路线,既能节约时间,最短最为方便的路线 并能将安全第一放在首位的情况下,进行规划行走路线。把知识既能结合到实际生活 中去。 学情分析 1. 六年级的学生已经具备了“小组合作”的能力,秉着以生为本的原则,信任学生自主学 习的能力,学生们喜欢挑战和展示,在小组合作的过程中,让每一位学生充分的发挥 自己的语言能力,做到每位学生可以开口讲英语,运用英语进行小组讨论和对话。教 学设计中添加有趣的并有挑战性的学习任务,让学生们积极参与富有挑战性的氛围。 2. 在小组合作的活动中,组内也有相对的学困生,需发挥以强带弱,互相帮助学习,给 予鼓励提高自信,提供展示能力的机会。 教学目标 一、知识目标 1.引导学生借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂有关三个孩子动脑筋摆脱大灰的故事。并能够 根据故事内容回答相关问题。 二、语言技能培养目标 1.引导学生在图片和关键词的提示下,复述或表演本课的故事 三、情感态度目标 1.通过故事明白遇到危险要动脑筋想办法解决的重要性。 四、策略目标 1. 直观学习策略:本堂课通过直观生动的图象(课文插图),声音(课文音频和视频),再现 原文,提高学生兴趣,提高课堂效率。 2. 活动学习策略:根据学生年龄特点,创设教学活动,让学生积极并主动参与。 3. 合作学习策略:以“学生为本”,充分发挥小组的作用,让学生在小组内合作学习、相 互帮助。通过小组内部自行分配角色并进行表演,让学生成为课堂的真正主人 教学重点及难点 一、教学重点 1引导学生借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂本课的故事, 二、教学难点 1. 尝试复述故事。 教学基本策略及设计思路 1本节课是一节故事教学课,由于六年级的学生已经掌握了一定的语篇阅读能力,所以 我在阅读前设计问题,学生带着问题阅读,在寻找答案的过程中思考问题,加深理解。 2. 整节课都采用了“生本”的教学理念,真正做到以学生为活动的主体,教师为教学活动 的组织者和引导者,采用“小组合作”,例如:小组讨论解决问题,小组内进行故事表演 等多种形式来是激发学生英语学习的内驱力,让学生成为课堂的小主人。同时也通过小 组间的学习,帮助各组的学困生更好的学习和巩固本课的内容。 3.设置有效的活动来锻炼学生的思考方式。不是向学生灌输道理,而是协助他们独立做 出判断。通过有效的活动培养学生独立思维的能力,在教学活动思维的指引下,学生能 够有序进行文本解读和思维训练,达成理解文本、拓展内涵、发展思维的阅读教学目标, 逐步提升自我思维品质。 资源的开发及说明 本节课我将教材资源、课堂资源、多媒体资源和网络资源进行了整合与优化,使本节课 更加的有效、高效。 1. 教材资源 本课时内容和学生的生活相关,教学内容与学生密切联系,使得教学内容让学生得以 在日常对话中使用,并能警醒学生们注意身边的安全问题。 2. 课堂资源 学生之间在本节课可以通过教学任务和以生为本的理念,互相学习帮助,学生既然为 课堂的主体主要资源,组织学生,激发学生潜力,运用学生的好奇心和挑战性展示团队 和自己的学习能力。 3. 多媒体资源 利用多媒体资源,精心制作了课件,使学生提高注意力,兴趣和参与课堂的积极性。 4. 网络资源 在网上筛选与本节课相关的辅助资料,使课堂更加精彩,有深度。 5. 生活资源 本节课源于生活,积累更多的生活经验助于学生发展。学生利用生活经验完成前置任 务也能更好的在课后的生活中体验养成选择最近,最省时间,最安全的路线习惯,减 少安全隐患。运用到实际生活中去。 教学过程 教学环节教师活动预设学生活动设计意图 Pre-task Do you like reading stories?Yes, I do. 通过问学生喜欢 preparation ( 阅读前) What stories do you like best? Look at the picture. What can you see in the picture? Where did they live? What did they want to do? I like Snow White best. I like best I can see trees, a house They lived in the countryside. They lived in t The mother wanted to go shopping. The children wanted to 的故事引出本课 内容。 While-task procedure ( 阅读中) Read P1 and underline the answers. Where did the three children and their mother live? What did they do? Listen and answer When will the mother be home? What is the wolf going to do? Listen and imitate the dialogue in paragraph 1. Lets think How did the wolf come into the house to eat the children? ReadP2 & P3 and underline the answers. How did the wolf come into the house? Who opened the door? After the wolf came into the house, what did the wolf do ? Listen and imitate the dialogue in paragraph 2 and 3. Three children lived with their mother in a village. Their mother went to visit their grandmother. The three children stayed at home. The mother will be home tomorrow. The wolf is going to eat the children. The wolf jumped into the house. The wolf The wolf dressed in a skirt, a sweater Wenwen opened He blew out the candle. 提出问题作为导 读,引起学生阅 读兴趣。 运用课文原图片 导入,让学生以 回答问题的方式 直进主题内容。 让学生对故事的 发展产生疑问, 提出相应问题, 培养学生逻辑性 思维。 听音模仿培养学 生说的能力。 Act the dialogue in paragraph 2 and 3. Read P4 and underline the answers. Who found the truth? How did she find the truth? After Wenwen found the truth, what did she do? Listen and imitate the dialogue in paragraph 4. Did they get safe at last ? Lets watch the video and check the answer. Wenwen. Wenwen touched her “grandmothers” leg. It was furry. She jumped out of bed and waked up Taotao and Baobao. Yes,they did. 表演激发学生参 与的热情。 提出问题,引起 学生兴趣,让学 生带着问题阅读 文本。 Post-task activity ( 阅读后) Read P5.6 and order the sentences. ( ) The children climbed to the top of the tree. ( ) The children ran into the house and locked the door. ( ) The wolf got into the basket. ( ) The wolf fell to the ground and could not move . ( ) The children pulled the wolf in the air and then let go of the rope. ( ) The children climbed down from the tree. Ask Ss to retell the story by Order the sentences. Retell the story in groups. 学生自主阅读课 文,并完成阅读 问题。 引导学生借助图 looking at the map on the blackboard. What do you think of the children ? Can you give a title for the story? What can you learn from the story? Use your head when you are in danger. Use wisdom(智慧) and courage(勇气) to get out of troubles. 片与板书上的关 键词进行复述, 加深学生对故事 的理解。 板书设计
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