人教精通版四下Unit 4 There are seven days in a week.-Lesson 19-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-省级优课-(编号:4035d).zip


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Lesson 19 人教精通版四年级英语下册人教精通版四年级英语下册 Unit 4 There are seven days in a week. Give me a quick answer,please. 请快速回答请快速回答. How many students are there in your class? There are Give me a quick answer,please. 请快速回答请快速回答. How many boys are there in your class? There are Give me a quick answer,please. 请快速回答请快速回答. How many girls are there in your class? There are Give me a quick answer,please. 请快速回答请快速回答. How many girls are there in your class? There are Can you guess? 你能猜猜吗?你能猜猜吗? How many teachers are there in our school? There are fifty-six teachers in our school. SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 周日周一周二周三周四周五周六 How many days are there in a week? There are seven days in a week. A day A week week in a week There are seven days in a week. day How many lessons do you have in a day? We have seven lessons in a day. Which day is the first day of the week? (第一天) Monday Sundayor Whats the first day of the week? Its Sunday. 中国的习惯是:星期一是一周的开始; 英美国家的习惯是:星期日是一周的开始。 Sunday Sun Whats the first day of the week? 众所周知,星期纪日法是现在世界各众所周知,星期纪日法是现在世界各 国通用的纪日方法。国通用的纪日方法。 一星期七日一星期七日计计法是巴比法是巴比伦发伦发明的,明的,犹犹太人太人 把它把它传传到古埃及,又由古埃及到古埃及,又由古埃及传传到到罗马罗马, 由由于罗马帝国于罗马帝国的的扩张扩张,逐渐,逐渐传传遍遍欧欧洲洲。 最早给一星期七日命名的是古埃及人,最早给一星期七日命名的是古埃及人, 他们以太阳、月亮和五大行星作为其名称他们以太阳、月亮和五大行星作为其名称。 Sunday-the day of the Sun(太阳日)(太阳日) Monday-the day of the Moon(月亮日)(月亮日) Tuesday-the day of Mars(火星日)(火星日) Wednesday -the day of Mercury(水星日)(水星日) Thursday-the day of Jupiter(木星日)(木星日) Friday-the day of Venus(金星日)(金星日) Saturday-the day of Saturn(土星日)(土星日) 寓意是寓意是the day of the Sun (太(太 阳日)阳日), 是耶稣复活日,因此西方是耶稣复活日,因此西方 把这一天看作最神圣的日子,称为把这一天看作最神圣的日子,称为 “安息安息日日” (Rest Day)或)或“ 主日主日”(Lords Day)。公元)。公元4世纪世纪 ,在制定罗马历法时,罗马皇帝君,在制定罗马历法时,罗马皇帝君 士坦丁大帝(士坦丁大帝(Emperor Constantine)把这一天定为法定假)把这一天定为法定假 日(日(legal holiday),),后来被世界后来被世界 各国广泛采用。各国广泛采用。 Sunday(星期日星期日) Lets learn more about English culture. OK? 希望同学们以希望同学们以后多多发后多多发 现英语文化的奥妙。现英语文化的奥妙。 In a week, in a week. There are seven days. Sunday, Sunday, Its the first day. Sunday, Sunday, Lets go and play. Lets chant un ee a ir icer Can you give me a quick answer: How many bags are there? How many pineapples are there in the bag? There are four pineapples in the bag. How many oranges are there in the bag? There are eight oranges in the bag. How many bananas are there in the bag? There are two bananas in the bag. Task3: Look at the picture, Can you make a dialogue? (看图补全对话看图补全对话) S un M on T ue W ed T hu F ri S at 周 日 周 一 周 二 周 三 周 四 周 五 周 六 A day A week How many days are there in a week? There are seven days in a week. Timetable Mo n TueWedThuFri 1 Mat hs Mat hs Maths Mat hs Chin ese 2 Eng lish Chi nese Chine se Chi nese Chin ese 3 Mu sic Scie nce Scien ce Mu sic Engli sh 4 Chi nese PEEnglis h PEScie nce 5 Chi nese ArtComp uter ArtMath s 6 Chi nese Chi nese Chine se Chi nese How many lessons are there in the morning? There are four lessons in the morning. Its Sunday. Whats the first day of the week? 现在你们能总结出现在你们能总结出: 询问数量语句和答话的句型结构吗询问数量语句和答话的句型结构吗? How many days are there in a week? There are seven days in a week. What have you found?(你发现了什么?) day day day day day day day 与与Sunday有关的词组有关的词组: Sunday best , Sunday clothes 高档、漂亮的高档、漂亮的 衣裳;盛装。衣裳;盛装。 Sunday run长长距离、星期日旅行。距离、星期日旅行。 Sunday painter业余画家。业余画家。 Sunday school truth老生常谈,众老生常谈,众所周知的所周知的 道理或事实。道理或事实。 Month of Sundays很久很久 Homework 认真书写19课的单词、句子。 每人制作一个”星期袋”和一套 ”星期卡片” 课题名称 人教精通版四年级下册 Unit 4 There are seven days in a week. Lesson19 计划 学时 第一课时 学习内容分析 对一周的天数进行问答,并且对一周第一天 the first day of the week 的问答中,初步了解中西方文化背景差异。 学习者分析 四年级学生对英语学习有着浓厚的学习兴趣,掌握了一定 的英语基础知识,例如数字,水果、文具类单词,能进行 简单的对话交流。 知识与技能:通过日历,了解一周的天数,能够认读单词 day ,week, Sunday, 能够听说读写 day, Sunday. 过程与方法:强化 How many? There are 数量提问的 目标语言结构,能对一周的天数进行问答和一周第一天进 行问答。 教学目标 情感、态度与价值观:了解一周七天的由来及中西方文化 背景差异,培养学生喜欢学习的良好心理状态,使学生感 悟到每天的学习和生活应该充实而有意义。 教学重点 How many +名词复数 +are there +介词短语? There is/ are 数量提问的目标语言结构 教学难点 1. 注意专有名词的书写特征,首字母大写 Sunday 2. 理解 the first day of the week. one(序数词 形式) first 教学设计思路 通过导入快速抢答的活动让学生回顾 How many ?的 数量提问句型结构,并且复习数字的表达。自然过渡到一 周几天的询问,接下来通过日历来了解一周天数及重点单 词和句型的认读。之后出示幻灯片了解一周七天的由来及 难点一周中第一天的中西方文化差异。在操练环节通过教 学软件跟读,角色扮演读来学习目标语言。在练习拓展环 节中,4 个不同的活动,既有调动学生气氛的 chant,又有 分梯度,有趣味的两组对抗的比赛形式的抢答游戏来巩固 所学句型,而且在比赛后进行了句型结构小结,拓展了与 Sunday 有关的词组,学唱了英文歌“There are seven days in a week”突出本课主题,同时了解一周七天的英 文表达,为下节课做了铺垫。 教学过程 1.1. 热身复习热身复习 (Warm-up(Warm-upRevision)Revision) Greeting: T: Hello, boys and girls. Glad to see you. I hope you are happy this lesson. Today ,lets divide into two groups. We have a competition, if you did a good job, youll go up a level and climb to the top. Revision: T: Give me a quick answer ,please. Are you ready? How many students are there in your class? How many boys are there in your class? How many girls are there in your class? 2.2. 新课呈现新课呈现 (Presentation)(Presentation) 1) T: Do you know how many days are there in a week ? 课件出示日历图片让学生观察,然后带领学生一边指着周历一边数天数: one day,two day,three day,four day,five day,six day,seven day,接着教师总结说:Seven days is a weekThere are seven days in a week这两个句子多重复几遍,以便让每个学生都有时间理解 day 和 week 的含义。最后教师领读 day 和 week 两个生词。 2) 教师领读句子 There are seven days in a week.然后问学生句子的意思。 学生能正确理解 There are seven days in a week.的意思后,教师进步 提出问题:How many days are there in a week? 利用图片和身体语言启发 学生说出 There are seven days in a week。用教师问、学生集体回答, 教师问、单个学生回答,学生问、学生回答等多种形式,反复练习对话: 3) T: Guess, which day is the first day of the week? Monday or Sunday? Look at the calendar, the first day is Sunday. 学习单词 Sunday, 强调专有名词,首字母大写,Sunday 缩写形式 Sun. 4) 学生书写单词,教师给予指导和评价 5) 幻灯片出示一周 7 天的由来,请学生阅读,老师总结“Lets learn more about English culture.” 6) 教师展示教学光盘动画视频并播放录音,让学生边听录音边模仿,并分角 色扮演读对话。 3.3. 趣味操练趣味操练(Practice)(Practice) 1) Chant together. T: Who can try? The others clap your hands. T: Everyone have a good job, Go up a level. 2) T: Lets have a competition. If you give a right answer, youll go up a level for your group. Task1: Fill in the blanks. Task2: T: Give me a quick answer ,please. How many bags are there? How many pineapples are there in the bag? How many oranges are there in the bag? How many bananas are there in the bag? Task3: Look at the picture, can you make a dialogue with your partner? 课件出示图片,及答语提示,两位学生共同商量问句,并组成对话,展示。 3) 小结句型结构 4.4. 拓展运用拓展运用(Additional(Additional activities)activities) 1) What did you find? 发现一周 7 天单词的规律特征 2) Sing a song “The days of the week.” 3) 认识一些与 Sunday 有关的词组。 5.5. 作业(作业(HomeworkHomework): : Write down the main words and sentences. Make a card, write down the days of the week. 板书设 计 UnitUnit 4 4 ThereThere areare sevenseven daysdays inin a a week.week. Lesson19Lesson19 week day How many days are there in a week? Sunday the first There are seven days in a week.
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