人教精通版四下Unit 4 There are seven days in a week.-Lesson 19-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:30789).zip


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    • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_四年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 There are seven days in a week._Lesson 19_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:30789)
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UnitUnit 4 4 ThereThere areare sevenseven daysdays in in a a week.week. Lesson 19 Lets sing Warm-up Hi,everyone!Hi,everyone! I I havehave somesome bags.bags. TheyThey areare forfor you.you. CanCan youyou answeranswer me:me: HowHow manymany bagsbags areare there?there? HowHow manymany sandwichessandwiches areare therethere in in thethe bag?bag? There are four sandwiches in the bag. HowHow manymany applesapples areare therethere in in thethe bag?bag? There are three apples in the bag. HowHow manymany orangesoranges areare therethere in in thethe bag?bag? There are eight oranges in the bag. HowHow manymany eggseggs areare therethere in in thethe bag?bag? There are two eggs in the bag. HowHow manymany tomatoetomatoes s areare therethere in in thethe bag?bag? There are five tomatoes in the bag. HowHow manymany breadsbreads areare therethere in in thethe bag?bag? There are (six breads) in the bag. LetsLets review:review: 询问数量语句和答话的句型结构询问数量语句和答话的句型结构 How many apples are there in the bag? There are three apples in the bag. Ask问问: How many are there in my classroom?(提示你可以用这些单词:(提示你可以用这些单词: (students、 fans 、teachers、doors、) Answer答答: (For example ) There are two doors in my classroom. 1 _ students in our classroom. 2 There are _in my classroom. This is a big bag. Its name is “week”. LetsLets practice:practice: There are seven days in a week. Have you learned? LetsLets playplay it:it: My name is Sunday. S-u-n-d-a-y Sunday. Sunday is the first day of a week. Whats the first day of the week? My names Monday. Nice to see you everyone! Im Tuesday. Hello, boys and girls! Good morning,kids! Im Wednesday. Im Thursday. Nice to meet you! Hello,everyone! Im Friday. Hi! Im Saturday. SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 周日周一周二周三周四周五周六 A day A week There are seven days in a week. Let”s count. How many days are there in a week? Please read after me. And group reading. . Can you write them? Sunday is the first day of a week. LetsLets practice.practice. PleasePlease writewrite carefulycarefuly Look at the following words carefully and find out the rules. Day, Today, Birthday, EveryDay, Mothers Day, , Fathers Day Teachers Day Look for rules 读一读 找规律 Presentation Listen and say No, he doesnt. He likes ice cream. What are they talking about? Lets learn Presentation Hi, everyone! Give me a quick answer, please. How many days are there in a week? Seven. OK. Lets learn Presentation Whats the first day of the week? Its Sunday. Excellent! Practice Read it by groups for one minute . 小小钟钟钟钟一分一分钟 。 。 Learning tip : IllIll givegive youyou a a minute.minute. 看谁能在一分钟内读完,看谁能在一分钟内读完, 并且读得准确、流利!并且读得准确、流利! Look,Look, whichwhich groupgroup readsreads well?well? 10 2 0 30 50 40 60 30 20 10 Let have a race! You win . Lets chant. In a week, in a week, There are seven days. Sunday, Sunday. Its the first day. Sunday, Sunday, Lets go and play. Lets read in groups! Lets sing Thank you for your singing. Thank you! For your lietening. The words for you : Practice make perfect. You need more practice. Goodbye! See you later! Unit 4 There are seven days in a week Lesson19 同步练习同步练习 一一. 辨音辨音(相同的写相同的写 S,不同的写,不同的写 D) 1.make many ( ) 2.crayon grape( ) 3.bag skate ( ) 4.me green( ) 5.she bed ( ) 6.this time( )7.English music ( ) 8.open hot( ) 9.school subject ( ) 10.Music kite 二、翻译下列句子二、翻译下列句子 1. 一周里面有多少天?_? 2. 请给我一个快速的回答。_. 三、用所给字母组单词。三、用所给字母组单词。 1u , n , a , S , y , d 2e , e , e , k , n , d , w 3t , y , o , d , a 4u , e , T , d , s , y , a 5c , u , m , s , i 四、选词填空。四、选词填空。 ()1.Tell the class _ your book. ()2.Lets go _ ()3._ do you have science class? ()4. I have science classes _ Friday. about Btogether Con DWhen 五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. We have a _(skate ) lesson today. 2. Its time_(play) football. 3. The jeans_(be) too long. 4. Here _(be) some water for you. 5. Can I have_(any) juice? 6. In spring, we can go_(boat). 7. She can _(dance),but he _(can). 答案答案 一、DSDSDDSDSS 二、1.how many days are there in a week? 2.give me a quick answer,please? 三、1.Sunday2.weekend3.today 4Tuesday 5.music 四、1.A2.B3.D4. 五、1.skating 2.to play 3.are 4.is 5.some 6.boating 7.dance,cant 人教精通版三年级起点四年级下册 Lesson19 教学设计 一、教学内容与分析 1.Just talk 本部分通过课上的师生问答情景,学习目标语言:How many days are there in a week? Seven.从对话中让学生感知、模仿和体验,引导 学生能够运用目标语言对一周的天数进行问答。并且从对一周第一 天 the first day of the week 的问答中,初步了解中西方文化背景差异。 21 世纪教育网版权所有 主要目标语言: How many days mt there in a week? There are seven. 2. Just read and write 通过日历呈现新的目标语言和词汇,在句型操练中认读单词 day, week, Sunday,要求学生能够听、说、读、写 day 和 Sunday 两个四 会单词,提醒学生注意专有名词的书写特征,在四线格中正确书写; 巩固 How many .? There are . 目标语言结构,将目标语言的应用扩 大到生活当中,将学过的词汇滚动练习,以旧带新,强化 How many 的数量提问功能和问答中 There be 存在关系的对应。 3. Lets chant 根据本课学习内容,本部分设计了一首歌谣,曲调活泼,歌词上口, 将学习内容化繁为简,让学生在欢快的节奏中,加深对本课内容的 理解掌握。 二、课前准备 1. 教师自制一个周历(如图) ,便于学生对单词意义的理解。 2. 准备词语卡片,创设情景,提供语言学习背景。 3. 教师要提前在黑板上准备好四线格,方便板书四会单词。同时建 议给学生每人也准备好四线三格纸,方便学生练习书写四会单词。 4. 准备歌谣教学动画或音频、鼓点音频。 5. 准备教学课件。 三、教学步骤与建议 1. 热身/鼓励学生,大胆说英语, (课前激励。I”ll try my best) 复习(Warm-up/Revision) 2、播放英语歌曲There are seven days ,进入愉悦的英语学习氛围。 2. 新课呈现(Presentation) 1) 师用自己手中的词语卡片和教室中的实物进行对数量的提问 How many . ?将对数量的问答延伸至实际生活当中,复习数词,强化名 词单复数概念,同时进一步运用指令 Give me a quick answer, please. 引导学生作出反应,OK。 教师拿着 week 的生词卡片让学生观察,然后带领学生一边指着周 历一边数天数:one day, two days, three days, four days, five days, six days, seven days,接着教师总结说:Seven days is a week. There are seven days in a week.这两个句子教师可以多重复几遍,以便让每个 学生都有时间理解 day 和 week 的含义。最后教师领读 day 和 week 两个生词。 2) 教师领读句子 There are seven days in a week.然后问学生句子的 意思。 3) 学生能正确理解 There are seven days in a week.的意思后,教师进 一步提出问题:How many days are there in a week? 利用图片和身体 语言启发学生说出 There are seven days in a week.学生起初说出 Seven 也是可以的,逐渐过渡到说整句。 4) 用教师问、学生集体答,教师问、单个学生回答,学生问、学生 答等多种形式,反复练习对话: How many days are there in a week? There are seven days in a week. 教师在练习中反复强调指令 Give me a quick answer, please.并且灵活 使用 Excellent!作为评价。 5) 教师展示周历,教学 Whats the first day of the week? T: Look, this is a week. This is the first day of the week.(通过手指的指 示,让学生感知 the first day 的含义) Ss:(重复)The first day (of the week). T: Whats the first day of the week? 由一部分有基础的学生或教师引导说出 Sunday。 6) 教师可通过多种方式教学 Sunday,如构词法、联想记忆法等,增 强学习的趣味性。Sunday 是一周七天中比较简单的词,由此入手可 降低学习难度,提高学生兴趣。同样,对此单词的练习方法也可以 多种多样,如两人一组读,一组人拼读。 7) 练习对话 Whats the first day of the week? Sunday. 8) 教师把本课动画整体呈现给学生,通过跟读、分角色跟读、小组 跟读等方式模仿对话内容,并进行对话表演。 9) 教师示范板书本课的四会单词,要求学生注意观察模仿,并在练 习本上练习。 10) 以小组为单位,学做单词和词组卡片,然后在班内展示,教师 适时给予评价。 11) 播放歌谣音频,巩固所学重点词汇,大家一起边说边表演,使 学生在欢快的节奏中感受和体验学习的乐趣。 3. 趣味操练(Practice) 1) 播放音频,请学生自由分组大声说歌谣,并播放这首歌谣的动画, 让学生在快乐的氛围中掌握知识,鼓励学生加上动作手势,激发学 生的参与与表达欲望。 2) 教师把单词卡片分发给各组,要求听到指令后即做出反应,如, 听到 How many days are there in a week?后,拿着卡片的几位学生都 站起来并回答,听到指令 What the first day of the week?后,站着的 学生抢答再坐下。 3) 重复以上游戏,请学生到教室前拿着卡片发指令,模仿教师使用 本课中出现的课堂用语 Give me a quick answer, please. /Excellent! 在 实际情景中整体操练学习内容。 4. 语言运用(Language use) 场景设置:教师可针对本课内容,利用教学课件,设置快问快答游 戏,或布置为小组任务,让学生分组搜集资料,整理答案,在组内 与组间进行资源交流共享。 语言支持: A: How many days are there in a month? There are31 days in a month. B: How many weeks are there in a month? There are 4 weeks in a month. C: How many months are there in a year? There are 12 months in a yc3s. D: How many students are there in die first row? There are 6 students in a row. E: How many days are there in a week? There art seven days. F: Whats the first day of the week in China? Monday. 此处最后两个问题的设置,有助于帮助学生解决相关中西方差异的 疑惑。西方国家以一周的周日为第一天,中国常把周一为一周的第 一天。 5. 课堂评价(Assessment) 1) 运用多种活动进行课堂评价,具体方法如: (1) 对学生掌握本课基本知识情况的评价。在学生进行本课对话的跟 读过程中和演唱歌谣部分,根据表现的效果进行评价。 (2) 对学生综合能力的评价。 A. 根据对话部分和语言运用部分的表现并结合各组的表达和动作, 对学生综合运用语言能力、合作学习的能力、表演能力进行评价。 B. 在学生操练过程中,教师分发星期单词卡片做奖励。通过计算各 组得到的卡片数量对学生课上表现和学习效果进行评价。同时,也 可以使学生随机建立对星期单词的认识,为本单元后面的教学做准 备。 (3) 对情感态度与价值观的评价。激励性的语言有利于调动学生的兴 趣更加积极主动地投入到学习之中。 以上几项评价活动均自然地与各环节的教学活动相结合。教师可以 在对学生进行评价的同时,采取学生自评、小组互评的方式充分发 挥学生的评价主体地位。 (4) 对课堂自我表现的评价: 确定评价项目,引导学生对自己在课堂上的表现给予自我评价。 主动回答教师提出的问题。 小组或结对活动中积极与他人交流合作。 全神贯注地参与整个教学实践过程。 遇有学习困难能主动向教师或同学请教。 积极思考,主动表达自己的不同观点,富有创造力。阅读、表演 时声音洪亮,表情自然。总体表现 分数: 观察,阅读填写出 day 和 Sunday,并在四线格中规范书写。 听录音,粘贴并进行对话练习。考查学生掌握目标语言的情况。 6. 拓展活动(Extended activities) 学生每人按照课本的图制作一张周历,也可以用家里的日历,用不 同颜色的笔涂出每一周和每一周的第一天。
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人教精通版四下Unit There are seven days in week._Lesson 19_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_公开课_(编号:30789) 人教 精通 精晓 四下 _unit
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