人教精通版四下Unit 2 There are forty students in our class.-Lesson 8-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:d291c).zip


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    • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_四年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 There are forty students in our class._Lesson 8_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:d291c)
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填空:填空: A:A: HowHow manymany studentsstudents areare therethere in in youryour class?class? B:B: ThereThere areare twenty-three.twenty-three. A:A: HowHow manymany _are_are therethere in in youryour class?class? B:B: ThereThere areare _(12)._(12). A:A: HowHow manymany _are_are therethere in in youryour class?class? B:B: ThereThere areare _._. Unit 2 Unit 2 There are forty students in our There are forty students in our class.class. Lesson 8Lesson 8 宝坻区史各庄镇第一小学宝坻区史各庄镇第一小学 杨凤华杨凤华 大号数字歌1-49.wmv The number song th tyirT-sh tsk tb dg l f tyorsh tm ning boy Miss Green Listen and answer: How many boys are there in your class? There are _. How many girls are there in your class? There are_. Listen and answer: How many boys are there in your class? There are _. How many girls are there in your class? There are_. thirty ten 填空: A: How many students are there in your class? B: There are twenty-three. A: How many _are there in your class? B: There are _(12). A: How many _are there in your class? B: There are _. girls twelve boys eleven Do a survey Our Primary School Grade4 ClassStudentsBoysGirls 4.14521 4.23010 4.34624 4.4 forty40 40 调查规则: 1.在小组内,你们其中一位将作为老师,其他成员将问老 师一些问题。 2.使用句型: A: Hello, Mr Miss _. How many studentsboysgirls are there in Class., Grade.? B: There are. A: Thank you. Do a survey Our Primary School Homework: 1. Read the dialogue. 2. Do a survey and make up a new dialogue.(调查班内公 共物品情况。) Goodbye 英语四年级下册 Unit 2 There are forty students in our class. Lesson 8 教学内容分析:本课通过设置新的英语教师 Miss Green 询问班级人数的真 实情景,引出要学习的目标 How many students are there in your class? There are forty.语言知识的重点是学生能够在真实的生活情境中能有相应的数的概念,并 能运用相关语言知识进行英文问答。 学情分析:四年级的学生经过三年级的一年积累,已经具备了一定的学习 基础,他们的特点可以总结为:好奇、好动、善模仿、好表演,对英语的学习 兴趣浓,但注意的时间不能持久。因此,需要具体、形象的教学材料及灵活多 样的教学方法来引导学习。 语言知识:通过本课学习能够听、说、认读 thirty 、forty。能够听、说、 读、写 boy 、girl,并能在四线格中规范书写。能够理解、说出句子:How many students are there in your class? There are forty.并在真实情景、现实生活中 初步运用这些语言。 语言技能: 通过本课学习能在真实情景中理解、说出英文数词,并根据实 际情况对新任的老师表示欢迎,并介绍班级概况。 学习策略: 教学活动以学生为主体,以数词为线索,以活动为中心,让学 生通过听读、思考、合作来体验语言,体验生活,体验学习的过程与快乐。 文化意识:学会礼貌用语欢迎他人。 情感态度:通过本课学习能够逐步形成对英语的兴趣、自信心、学会最基 本的自主学习方法、合作意识,调动视觉、听觉等多种感官,学生能够热爱生 活,关心他人,善于交际。 教学重难点:boy girl How many students are there in your class? There are forty. 教学方法及手段:情境教学法、游戏教学法 教学过程: Step 1.Preparation 1.Greetings. 2.Sing a number song(数字 1-49,并做手指操). 设计意图:营造轻松愉快的教学气氛。既抓住学生的注意力,吸引学生参 加活动,又可以复习已学过的数词,感知新数词,为上好本节课打基础。 Step2.Presentation 1. Teach the word “thirty”, “girl”. (1)Play a game. Lets count from one to twenty-nine.学生从 1 数到 29,当数到 29 时,屏幕 出现数字 30,教授新单词 thirty,板书 thirty,并示范 thirty 的发音,利用学过的 单词巩固 ir 的发音。例如:T-shirt ,shirt, skirt, bird, girl. (2).当屏幕出现 girl 时,教师顺势板书单词 girl,并在单词的旁边贴女孩的 图片,师边板书边带领学生拼读,利用书空练习单词的拼写,最后找几名学生 开火车式拼读。师问问题:How many girls are there in your class? Lets count .OK? 同样用 There are _.回答,并直接找几组学生练习本对话。 (3).利用图片练习单词 thirty. 根据班里的实际物品做问答练习,师做示范:指着课桌问 Look! Whats this? 生回答 Desk. 师问:How many desks are there in your class? 找一名学生回 答。再找几组学生说这句对话。 (同样方法练习 chairs , English books 等。 ) 设计意图:在轻松愉快的数数环节中学习新的单词,图片形象直观,并灵 活运用所学的单词和句型,对身边的人和物进行提问,达到运用和交流的目的, 让学生在反复操练中巩固本课的学习重点。 2. Teach the word “forty”, “boy”. (1).Lets count from thirty to thirty-nine.先指名数,再全班一齐数。当数到 39 时,屏幕出现数字 40,教授新单词 forty。并示范 forty 的发音,利用学过的 单词巩固 or 的发音,例如:morning, short. .屏幕最初出现 10 个苹果,问学生: How many apples? Lets count together. Ss: There are ten apples. 屏幕再次出现 10 个苹果的图片,共四张,问学生:How many apples are there in the picture? Who can answer? 指名回答 There are thirty.问学生:How do you know them?学生 会根据实际回答,一堆是 10 个苹果,四堆是 40 个。 同样方法出示 40 个梨, 40 个香蕉。 设计意图:创设学习新单词的环境,让学生在轻松、容易的情境中进行英 语的学习,并通过数数的游戏学习单词,并借助图片教学,形象直观,不枯燥 乏味,提高了学生学习的兴趣。 (2)师指着屏幕的图片问学生:Whos he? 生回答:Boy. 出示男孩儿的图 片贴在黑板上,并板书单词 boy,引导学生拼读,并书空、并找几名同学拼读。 师继续问:How many boys are there in your class? Who can answer? 学生回答, 并做问答练习。 (3)出示本课句型 How many students are there in your class? There are forty. 并用彩纸贴出本课句型。并找学生做问答练习。师继续问问题: How many students are there in your class? 师引导用句型:There are_.回答。两人一 组练习这句对话。并找几组学生对话。 3.Lets chant. (1)Look and listen carefully. (2)Lets chant together. 设计意图:富有节奏的 chant 能激发学生的学习热情,巩固本课的重难点。 Step3.Practice 1.屏幕出示 Miss Green 的图片,师说:Look at the picture. This is Miss Green. Good morning, Miss Green. 屏幕发出声音 (Miss Green 的声音)Good morning, class. 师又说:Can you say “Good morning, Miss Green.”? 当学生向 Miss Green 问好时,屏幕同样发出回答的声音。教师继续说:Now you are in this class. Listen and answer my question. 2.屏幕出示两个问题:How many boys are there in your class? There are_. How many girls are there in your class? There are_. T:Listen carefully.(播放本课录音) T:Can you answer?(指名回答) (3)Listen again. (4)Practice in groups.(5 人一组分角色练习本课对话,师巡视) (5)Act out the dialogue. (以小组为单位展示对话) 设计意图:创设问题情景帮助学生理解课文大意,通过做各种练习操练重 点句型。 Step4 Production 1. 屏幕展示填空题,学生每人一张,学生填写完成,找几组同学展示。 T: Lets fill in the blanks and talk about it. A: How many students are there in your class? B: There are twenty-three. A: How many _(此处有女孩图片)are there in your class? B: There are _ (12). A: How many _(此处有男孩图片)are there in your class? B: There are _. 设计意图:屏幕出示此题,给学生每人一张同样的表格,让学生填写,此 题紧扣本课教学内容,让学生在听、说、读的基础上练习写,达到会的目的。 2. Do a survey. 对本校所有班级的学生人数,每个班有多少学生,多少名男生,多少名女 生进行调查,并进行问答练习。 设计意图:这是一张调查表,教师讲填写规则,学生明白规则后以小组为 单位填写,教师巡视指导,然后小组展示,达到活学活用的目的。 Step5 Homework 1. Read the dialogue. 2. Do a survey and make up a new dialogue. (调查班内公共物品情况。) 设计意图:课后巩固学习,通过读对话和调查物品,加深对本课重点内容 的理解。 板书: lesson8 How many students are there in your class? There are forty. thirty forty 男孩图片 boy 女孩图片 girl
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人教精通版四下Unit There are forty students in our class._Lesson 8_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_公开课_(编号:d291c) 人教 精通 精晓
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