人教精通版四下Unit 1 Welcome to my new home!-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:d0117).zip


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    • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_四年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 Welcome to my new home!_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+微课+视频+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:d0117)
      • armchair图片.png--点击预览
      • armchair音频.mp3
      • ball图片.png--点击预览
      • ball音频.mp3
      • If you are happy 儿歌.mp4
      • Just read and write 音频.mp3
      • just talk 第二句音频.mp3
      • just talk第三句音频.mp3
      • Just talk课文录音.mp3
      • kite图片.png--点击预览
      • kite音频.mp3
      • Lesson2教学课件.ppt--点击预览
      • Lesson说课.doc--点击预览
      • living room音频.mp3
      • sofa图片.png--点击预览
      • sofa音频.mp3
      • talk第一句音频.mp3
      • There be 句型微课视频.wmv
      • TV图片.png--点击预览
      • TV音频.mp3
      • 教案d0117.doc--点击预览
      • 配乐伴奏.mp3
展开 人教精通版四下_Unit1Welcometomynewhome_Lesson2_ppt课件_含教案微课视频音频素材_公开课_编号d0117.zip人教精通版四下_Unit1Welcometomynewhome_Lesson2_ppt课件_含教案微课视频音频素材_公开课_编号d0117.zip
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Unit 1 Welcome to my new home. Lesson2 人教(精通)版小学英语四年下册 Teaching Aids Contents Students Analysis Teaching Methods and Learning Strategies Teaching Procedure 2 3 4 5 6 Teaching Material Blackboard Design 1 1 2 3 Status Function Teaching Objectives Key Points and Difficult Points 1:Teaching Material Status Function 1 2 3 Status Function Key Points and Difficult Points 1:Teaching Material Teaching Objectives Teaching objectives Knowowle edge e o obje ective es Ability o obje ective es Mororal o obje ective es Language knowledge Three-Skill Words: living room / TV / sofa / armchair Four-Skill words: kite / ball Key Sentences: Look at the living room. There is a TV. There are two sofas. Dialogue Teaching objectives Knowledge objectives Ability objectives Moral objectives AbilityAbility ObjectivesObjectives Teaching objectives Knowledge objectives Ability objectives Moral objectives Moral objectives to help students cultivate and foster their abilities of working in groups. to foster Ss consciousness of good cooperation and proper competition. 1 2 3 Status Function Teaching Objectives Key Points and Difficult Points 1:Teaching Materials Key Points and Difficult Points Key Points: Can read and write the new words and the dialogue correctly. Difficult Points: Can use the sentence pattern of “There is .”and “There are.” correctly and skillfully. Teaching Aids Contents Students Analysis Teaching Methods and Learning Strategies Teaching Procedure 2 3 4 5 6 Teaching Material Blackboard Design 1 Students Analysis Students of Grade 4 1 23 activecurious Interested in new things Teaching Aids Contents Students Analysis Teaching Methods and Learning Strategies Teaching Procedure 2 3 4 5 6 Teaching Material Blackboard Design 1 Teaching Methods: Task-based teaching method Communicative language teaching method Multimedia aided teaching method Learning Strategies: Cooperative learning Individual learning Teaching Aids Contents Students Analysis Teaching Methods and Learning Strategies Teaching Procedure 2 3 4 5 6 Teaching Material Blackboard Design 1 PPT IQ boardword cards Multimedia Teaching Aids Teaching Aids Contents Students Analysis Teaching Methods and Learning Strategies Teaching Procedure 2 3 4 5 6 Teaching Material Blackboard Design 1 1Warm-up 2Presentation 3 Practice 4 Consolidation 5 Homework Teaching Procedure Review Which is missing? Review Look at my bedroom. There is Lead-in Is this a bedroom, too? Whats it? Presentation living room Presentation TV Eg: There is a TV in the living room. sofa Eg: There is a sofa in the living room. Presentation armchair Eg: There is an armchair in the living room. There are two sofas in the living room. Presentation Whats in Li Yans living room? Lets talk Presentation There is a new TV. There are two sofas. There are four armchairs. There are three kites and four balloons. There is a ball. Presentation Listen and number Look at the living room. Wow! There is a new TV. Oh, There are two sofas and four armchairs. And there are three kites and four balloons. 1 3 2 4 Presentation 录音录音课文句子课文句子 L: Look at the living room! K: Oh, There are two sofas and four armchairs. K: Wow! There is a new TV. L: And there are three kites and four balloons. Lets read Practice Role-play分角色表演课文对话。 Practice There is/are . 用本课所学的句型描述一下这幅图片吧! Consolidation Lets chant Summary 1本节课的重点单词有哪些? 2本节课的重点句型有哪些? living room There are . There is . TV sofa armchairkiteball Self-check 1、There are four pear on the table. A、true B、false 2、There are a pen and two pencils in the pencil-box. A、true B、false 3、There are some milk in the bottle. A、true B、false 4、There _ some apple on thje tree. A、is B、are 5、There _ three boys and one girl in the classroom. A、is B、are Homework 1.1.read the dialogue two times.。 2design your ideal living room and introduce it to your parents or classmates. Hello, everyone, its my pleasure to present my lesson here. Ill explain my lesson from the following aspects:the analysis of teaching material、the analysis of the students、teaching methods、studying methods、teaching produce and blackboard design. First, lets focus on the analysis of the teaching content. This lesson totally includes three parts: Just talk、Just read、Lets chant. In section 1, it mainly deals with the dialogue about “Whats in the living room? ”, and in section 2, it mainly deals with the three-skill words:living room、TV、sofa、armchair and the four-skill words: kite and ball. And also the sentence pattern “Look at the living room. There is a .; There are .” in section 3, there is a chant to practice the sentence pattern.This lesson is related to their daily life, so the students will interested in it. So according to the analysis of the teaching material and the regulation of children growing of mind, I put forward of the teaching objectives as followed: The first one is the language knowledge: By the end of this lesson the students can listen、speak、read and write: kite and ball; Can listen、speak、read: living room、TV、sofa、armchair . Can use the sentence pattern: “Look at the living room. There is a .and There are.” correctly and skillfully. The second one is the knowledge skill: By the end of this lesson, the students should be able to apply the sentence pattern”Look at the.,There is and There are.”.That is to say, the students listening、speaking 、reading and writing ability will be developed. The third one is the emotional aim; In this lesson, the emotional aim is to help the students cultivate and foster their abilities of working in groups, their consciousness of good- cooperation and proper competition. Next Ill say the main point and difficult point of this lesson The main point of this lesson is to make sure that students can master the new words and the dialogue, the difficult point is the students can use the sentence pattern of “There be ”correctly and skillfully Secondly, it is about the students. Our students in grade 4 are active、curious、interested in new things, the topic of “introducing the living room” is related to their daily life , so I think they will interested in this lesson and at the same time they will enjoy this lesson. Thirdly, its about the teaching methods and learning stratrages In this lesson, I will mainly use “task-based teaching method” and “communicative language teaching method”. It can mobilize the students enthusiasm and creativity in learning English. Next, Ill say the most important processteaching procedure Step1 Warm-up It will cost about 3 minutes, first,well sing the songIf you are happy, then well play a brainstorm game. Purpose:the song and the game can create the pleasant atmosphere. Step2 Presentation It will cost about 15 minutes. First, Ill show Li Yans bedroom on the screen, let students say whats in LiYans bedroom to revise the key sentences of last lesson. Then, Ill show another picture and ask: Is this a bedroom,too? Teach the word: living room After that, Ill ask: Who can tell me whats in the living room? Some students will answer me: TV, sofa, armchair. Ill let them teach the words. Next, Ill say: look ,this is a sofa, and thats a sofa,too. So boys and girls, we can say: There are two sofas. And tell them: today well learn the sentence pattern of “There be”. Next Ill play the video of “There be” After that, Ill say: Look, this is LiYans living room, do you want to know whats in her living room? Lets listen to the radio. Then the students will answer my questions using the sentence pattern of “there is ”and “there are”. At the same time, Ill write the key sentence of “Look at the living room. There is a new TV. There are two sofas”and the four-skill words: kike and ball on the blackboard. Step3 Practice In this process, first,Ill ask the students read after the tape and then practice to read the dialogue in pairs, then read and act out the dialogue. Secondly, Ill set an activity: try to draw your living room on the paper and then introduce your living room by the help of the display stand. Step 4 Consolidation Ill play the chant, students chant together to consolidate the key sentence of this lesson. Step 5 Self-check In this process, Ill show some choice question on the IQ board, let students do some exercises to check themselves. Step6 Homework Thats all, Thank you for your listening. Lesson2 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容与分析一、教学内容与分析 1Just talk 本部分通过设置 Kate 继续在 Li Yan 家参观的真实场景,引出要学习的目 标语言 There is .There are .等语句,询问或叙述某处有什么东西。教师可以运 用听录音、图片展示、情景模仿以及角色表演等方法激励学生感知、模仿、学 习和体验,最终引导学生能够在生活情景中运用这些功能语句进行交际,并培 养学生之间友好相处、团结友爱的好品质。 主要目标语言: Look at the living room. There is a TV. There are two sofas. 2Just read and write 本部分用图文对照的形式呈现新词语,要求学生能够听、说、认读 living room, armchair, sofa 和 TV,能够听、说、读、写 TV, ball, kite,并能在四线格 中规范书写;进一步巩固询问及表达某处有什么东西的功能句:There is .和 There are .,并把词汇融入句子中进行学习、操练。 3Lets chant 本部分设计了一个歌谣活动,让学生进一步巩固本课主要目标语 There is . 和 There are .和相关词汇,同时提高学习英语的兴趣。 二、课前准备二、课前准备 1准备一些家具图片或其他评价标志,奖励课堂上表现出色的学生。 2准备词语卡片和教学图片,创设情景,引导学习。 3在黑板上准备好四线三格,方便板书四会单词。 4准备教学课件。 三、教学步骤与建议三、教学步骤与建议 1热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) (1)师生问好。 (2)演唱歌曲If you are happy (3)Brainstorm game 头脑风暴游戏 2新课呈现(Presentation) (1)lead-in 导入 教师出示第一课的主题图,引导学生用 There is a . /There are .进行描述。 例如:There is a bed in Li Yans bedroom. (2)学习 living room。在谈论完卧室之后,更换成一幅客厅的图片,引导 学生思考:Is this a bedroom, too? Of course, not. What is it? Yes, its a living room. A living room.教师顺势贴图,带领学生学习 living room 一词。随后在 PPT 中呈 现不同风格的客厅图片,帮助学生加深词义理解。 (3)教师通过 Whats in the living room?问题,引导学生用 There be .句型 描述客厅。学习 There is a . /There are .的区别以及本课几个新词汇。 例如:T: Whats in the living room? Ss: There is a TV/ a sofa/ an armchair. T: Look! This is a sofa. And thats a sofa, too. So we should say, there are two sofas in the living room. (4)播放There be句型的微课视频,讲解 There be 句型。 (5)出示课件图片,生用“There is”和“There are”说句子。 (6)学习对话。首先,请同学们看图片谈论。Whats in Li Yans living room? 学生带着问题听录音,找出答案。 -Whats in Li Yans living room? -There is a TV. -There are. 随着学生给出的答案,将四会词板书在四线格中。 3趣味操练(Practice) (1)以多种方式操练对话。 (2)分角色表演对话。 4语言运用 (Language use ) 设置绘画表达的活动任务。 (1)发给学生每人一张白纸,要求学生画出自己理想的客厅图画。 (2)要求学生借助投影仪展示图片并描述图片内容。 例如:There is a TV in the living room. There are five kites in the living room. 语言支持: S1: Hi, XXX. Look at my living room. S2: Wow. Its beautiful. S1: There is a . in my living room. S2: Its nice. S1: And there are. S2: Yes. (3)播放 chant,生听一次跟唱一次,复习重点句子。 5课堂评价(Assessment) 课堂教学过程中的评价。 (1)对学生掌握本课语言知识、语言技能等方面进行评价。 (2)对学生学习中表现出的表演能力、合作精神、动机与兴趣等情感态度 方面的发展进行评价。 评价工具设计: 可以将不同家具的图片制作成小卡片,作为评价的道具。鼓励课堂表现好 的同学,学生还可以将得到的 stickers 在操练活动中作为道具进行表演。 (3)完成白板中课前设定的选择题,复习重点知识。 6.布置作业
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人教精通版四下Unit Welcome to my new home!_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+微课+视频+音频+素材)_公开课_(编号:d0117) 人教 精通 精晓 四下 _unit
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