人教精通版四下Unit 1 Welcome to my new home!-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:204dc).zip


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人教(精通)版小学英语四年级下册人教(精通)版小学英语四年级下册 Unit1Unit1 WelcomeWelcome toto mymy newnew home!home! Lesson2Lesson2 课堂练习课堂练习 一、一、Listen & Fill the blank Look at the living room . Wow! There is a new TV . And there are three kites and four balloons. Oh! There are two sofas and four armchairs. A.four armchairs B. a new TV C. two sofas D. living room E. are F. four balloons G. is H. three kites 二、用二、用 there is , there are 填空填空 . 1. a new bed . 2. two sofas . 3. four chairs. 4. three kites . 5. an armchair . 6. a desk and two chairs . We elco ome e to o my ho ome e. We elco ome e to o my ho ome e. Looook at the e be edrooroom. Looook at the e be edrooroom. Thereere is a newew be ed, Thereere is a newew de esk, Thereere is a newew chair r, in my be edrooroom, in my be edrooroom. Looook at the e be edrooroom. Thereere is a. Thereere is a co omputerer. Thereere is a be ed. Thereere is a picturere. Thereere arere twowo pictureres. Thereere is a chair r. Thereere is a de esk. Is this a bedroom, too? Whats it? livingliving roomroom Thereere arere .twowo sso ofa Thereere arere .fo our r sar rmchair r Thereere is a .TV 12 TVsofa living room armc hair ballkite TV kite ball armchair living room sofa There is a big TV, In my living room, In my living room. There are two sofas, In my living room, In my living room, There are four armchairs, In my living room, In my living room. Look at the living room . Wow! There is a new TV . Oh! There are two sofas and four armchairs. And there are three kites and four balloons. A. four armchairs B. a new TV C. two sofas D. living room E. are F. four balloons G. is H. three kites D BG H F E C A 1 4 3 2 Look at the living room . Wow! There is a new TV . Oh! There are two sofas and four armchairs. And there are three kites and four balloons. 1 4 3 2 1 Role play 2 Fill in the blank 用用there is , there are 填空填空 . 1. a new bed . 2. two sofas . 3. four chairs. 4. three kites . 5. an armchair . 6. a desk and two chairs . ThereThere is is ThereThere areare ThereThere areare ThereThere areare ThereThere is is ThereThere is is 1 Role play 3Decorate your living room 2 Fill in the blank Todays homework: Read the dialogue fluently, and copy the new words and sentences, then remember them. Decorate your living room, and then describe it to your classmates. Look at the living room . Wow! There is a new TV . And there are three kites and four balloons. Oh! There are two sofas and four armchairs. A. four armchairs B. a new TV C. two sofas D. living room E. are F. four balloons G. is H. three kites 一、一、Listen & Fill in the blank Look at the living room . Wow! There is a new TV . And there are three kites and four balloons. Oh! There are two sofas and four armchairs. A. four armchairs B. a new TV C. two sofas D. living room E. are F. four balloons G. is H. three kites 一、一、Listen & Fill in the blank 二、用二、用there is , there are 填空填空 . 1. a new bed . 2. two sofas . 3. four chairs. 4. three kites . 5. an armchair . 6. a desk and two chairs . 二、用二、用there is , there are 填空填空 . 1. a new bed . 2. two sofas . 3. four chairs. 4. three kites . 5. an armchair . 6. a desk and two chairs . 人教(精通)版小学英语四年级下册人教(精通)版小学英语四年级下册 Unit1Unit1 WelcomeWelcome toto mymy newnew home!home! Lesson2Lesson2 教学反思教学反思 本节课是小学英语四年级下册第一单元中的第二课,学生们在二年级下学 期的快乐英语学习中已经初步接触过有关房间的单词,并且这些单词贴近学生 生活,所以可以说本节课的内容相对简单一些。在本节课中,采取了小组合作、 独立思考的教学方法。具体表现如下: 1.利用歌谣、小游戏激发学生的学习兴趣。 新授课之前通过“Welcome to my home”歌谣,让学生回忆第一课所学 的单词和句型,同时带动学生的英语学习兴趣,为新知识的学习做下铺垫。在 新句型的操练环节采用了直观教学法,学生理解起来比较简单。这样的涉及面 比较广,使大部分的学生都可以练习。 2. 注重培养学生的英语表达能力,提高学生的英语语言表达水平。 四年级学生的英语语言表达能力不成熟、不完整,在教学过程中我有意 识地指导学生把话说完整,注重培养学生的英语表达能力,从而使学生的英语 语言表达能力有所提高。 本节课,我和同学们融为一体,顺利地完成了教学任务。但是,也存在 一些不足,不足的地方: 1. 没有注意到学生之间的差异,做到分层教学。 学生与学生之间是存在差异的,有的学生接受知识快,有的学生接受知 识慢。作为老师,应该清楚的了解学生之间的差异。在教学过程中,根据学生 之间的差异,将不同的问题抛给不同的学生,这样就为那些学困生创造了机会, 同时也可以增加他们学习英语的兴趣。 2. 没有充分地联系学生的实际生活。 英语是一门语言,是用来与他人沟通的。在讲解新句型的时候,可以询 问学生教室里摆设等,不只局限于与家庭有关的房间和摆设,这样学生参与积 极性高,班级气氛也就活跃起来了。 3. 没能充分调动学生的学习积极性,体现学生的主体地位。 教学过程中虽然设计了游戏环节,但没能激发学生积极地参与学习,并 表现在行为上、思维上、情感上的积极参与。没能体现学生的主体地位。 4.整节课环节的设置比较流畅,学生的学习兴趣也很浓厚,对于所学内容, 每个学生都能够很好的掌握,在教学活动中,学生能够全身心投入学习氛围中 来,积极主动回答问题,且对于问题的回答正确率也较高,学生对于老师设计 的各种游戏活动,都能够快速理解,并融入到整个活动氛围中来,总的来说本 课的教学效果还是达到了预期的目标,但在最后的评价环节中,还是觉得有些 不尽人意的地方,有些学生在课堂中表现很好,但是由于借班上课,对学生不 是很了解,组内的学习个体的差异分布不太均匀,导致个别的学生没有获得集 体荣誉,有些打消学生的积极性,有待在以后的教学中注意这点。 人教(精通)版小学英语四年级下册人教(精通)版小学英语四年级下册 Unit1Unit1 WelcomeWelcome toto mymy newnew home!home!Lesson2Lesson2 教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标一、教学目标 本课通过设置 Kate 继续在 Li Yan 家参观的真实场景,巩固学习句型 There is.,进而引出目标语言 There are.等语句,询问或叙述某处有 什么东西。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 (1)大部分学生能看懂和听懂有关英语的话题内容。 (2)对英语学习兴趣浓厚。 (3)对个别学生,注重因材施教。 三、教学重、难点三、教学重、难点 重点:(1)本课要求听、说、读、写的单词是:living room、armchair、sofa、TV、ball、kite,并能在四线格中规范书 写。 (2)巩固询问及表达某处有什么东西的功能句:There is.和 There are. 难点:(1)把本课词汇融入句子中进行学习、操练,并能熟练掌握。 (2)通过感知、模仿、学习和体验,引导学生能在生活情境中运用 这些功能语句进行交换,并培养学生之间友好相处、团结友爱 的好品质。 四、教具四、教具 PPT、课本、家具图片、客厅场景相关图片 五、教学时间五、教学时间 40 分钟 六、教学过程六、教学过程 (一)Warm-up (1)Lets chant:Welcome to my home. (2)Show a picture about a bedroom, then answer the question: Whats in the bedroom? (3)According to the pictures, make sentences with “There is. or There are.” (二)Presentation (1)Show a picture about a living room, then guess “ Whats in the living room?” (2)Learn the new words: TV、sofa、armchair (3)How many .? Learn the sentences: There is a TV. There are two sofas. There are four armchairs. (4)Play a game: Find differencesLook at two pictures carefully, then find differences. Find three differences: learn the new words: balloon、kite、ball Q: How many balloons/ kites/ balls? A: There are. balloons/ kites/ balls. (5)Read the words together, then play a gameWhats missing? (6)Read the chant, then follow the video, let the students chant together. (7)Listen to the text, then fill the blank and arrange the sentences. Read the text together. Watch the video about the text. (三)Practice (1)Role play (2)Fill the blank with “There is/ There are” (3)Decorate the living room in groups. (四)Homework (1)Read the dialogue fluently, and copy the new words and sentences, then remember them. (2)Decorate your living room, and then introduce it to your classmates. Writing on the Bb: Lesson2 Look at the living room. There is a TV. two sofas. ball There are four armchairs. kite 图 图 图 图 图 图
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人教精通版四下Unit Welcome to my new home!_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_公开课_(编号:204dc) 人教 精通 精晓 四下 _unit
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