人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit 1 My neighbourhood-Let's Spell-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)-部级优课-(编号:f0786).zip


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  • 全部
    • 视频
      • ail.5A 00_22_42-00_23_32.mp4
      • ay chant.5A 00_31_00-00_31_37.mp4
      • I love my mummy 标清(270P).qlv
      • In the rain.5A 00_29_54-00_30_47.mp4
      • spell ay.5A 00_34_09-00_34_49.mp4
      • 发音口型.mp4
    • 音频
      • 1.wav
      • 2.wav
      • 3.wav
      • 4.wav
      • bay.mp3
      • day.mp3
      • do it by yourself.wav
      • finger game.wav
      • Good idea.wav
      • Hello,.wav
      • little teacher.wav
      • Mum, lets play games.wav
      • Mum,lets go to the bay.wav
      • one hour.wav
      • play.mp3
      • say.mp3
      • see the snail.wav
      • We are leaving!.m4a
      • 一站到底计时.mp3
      • 纯音乐 - 海浪和海鸥的声音.mp3
      • 纯音乐-雨的印记(钢琴演奏).mp3
      • 纯音乐-雨的印记(钢琴演奏)1.mp3
      • 网络歌手-火车开过的声音 铃.mp3
    • U1L4 Lets Spell.pptx--点击预览
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    • 教案f0786.doc--点击预览
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Unit1 Lets Spell A Mail from Little Snail for Mothers Day Hello, Im Little Snail! take a train sail a ship Game1: Lets chant!Game1: Lets chant! In the rain, In the rain, run fast in the rain,run fast in the rain, the train run fast in the rainthe train run fast in the rain! Who will take the train in the rain?Who will take the train in the rain? ai ai aiai aiai Listen, watch and repeat. Lets play finger game! Game2Game2 Little teacher, who can be? Do it by yourself! aisn ltr nr dw tt lr np db tm d Can you read? Game3Game3 1h take a train sail a ship Therere two tasks for you. Listen and circle Task1Task1Task1Task1 1.How many sounds can you hear in “mail”? A. 1 B.2 C.3 2.Whats the beginning sound of “_” A. r B. l C. p 3.Whats the middle sound of “_” A. tr B. ai C. n 4. Whats the last sound of “_” A. d B. p C. g See the Listen and write! With no Leave its by the snail trail tail rail Task2Task2Task2Task2 1h1.5h take a train sail a ship Dear Mum, Its 13th. Today is Mothers I want to : “ I love you mum!” Little Snail MayDay say ayay ay Chant with me! Mum, Lets go to the bay by the train. Game one: Lets spell! ayAa ayayay bayayb kay tray claycl k tr ay ay ay Now you try! ray tray gray way bay lay pay Quick Response Game two: word calendar a. I do, you say.a. I do, you say. b. Group competitionb. Group competition Game three: word blender b l r k tr m p w g f s v h b cl r k ay Listen and make words with “ay” Dear Little Snail, Its a wonderful_.We take the _ to the_. We _ lots of games. Im so happy on Mothers Day. I want to _: Thank you my little_! I love you! Mum daytrain bayplay say Snail Mothers Day Its a rainy day. I stay at home with my mum. We play chess together. We are really happy on Mothers Day! A Plan for Mothers Day Make your own plan Mothers Day Its a _day. I _ with my mum.(places) We _together. We are really happy on Mothers Day. Tips:weather: sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy places: playground, home, hay, bay phrases: play football, play computer games, wait for fish, play in the hay Whats the sameWhats the same? ai & ay - - /e/ mail snail train day say bay Whats the difference?Whats the difference? mail snail train day say bay A. Read the words in P7. B. Write your mum a mail for Mothers Day. The End 英语学科教学设计英语学科教学设计 人教版人教版新起点英语四年级下册新起点英语四年级下册 Unit1 My Neighbourhood Lets spell Mails for Mothers Day 课题:人教版新起点英语四年级下册课题:人教版新起点英语四年级下册 Unit 1 My Neighbourhood Lets spell 课时:第四课时课时:第四课时 教材分析教材分析 本课是四年级下册第一单元的拼读板块,学习字母组合 ai, ay 的发音,两者发音相同。 教材包括 3 个板块设计: A 项分别呈现 3 个含有字母组合 ai, ay 的单词。学生通过听音、指读、重复等感知 字母组合 ai, ay 的发音。B 项引导学生通过听音辨词,进一步体会字母组合 ai, ay 在单词 中的发音。C 项通过图片和句子,引导学生按照字母组合 ai,ay 的发音规律拼读、拼写单 词。D 项通过韵文和图片,设置情境,引导学生通过听、模仿朗读韵文,强化字母组合 ai, ay 在单词中的发音,同时感受英语的韵律。 学情分析学情分析 对于四年级的学生,在二、三年级分别学习了 26 个字母的首字母发音,以及 5 个元 音字母的长短音,在四年级上学年,学习了 or, er, ar, ir ur 五个字母组合的发音,对 Lets spell 的四个板块比较熟悉。 学生在听音模仿,听音圈词等方面掌握较好,但是对于听音 写词存在一定的困难,需要教师在设计活动时能够扎扎实实,层层递进,以帮助孩子们 运用规律拼写新词 教学目标教学目标 一知识目标: 能够掌握字母组合 ai, ay 的发音,总结其发音规律。 二、技能目标: 1.能够说唱含有字母 ai, ay 的韵文,感受英语的韵律 2.能够借助图片理解新单词的词义,并利用发音规律拼读和拼写新单词,进而基本能够 做到“见词能读,听词能写”。 三、情感态度目标 1. 借助母亲节这一大背景,通过学习 Little Snail 和妈妈写给彼此旳信,让同学们充分感 受到 Little Snail 和妈妈之间的爱,引导学生向 Little Snail 学习,爱自己的妈妈! 2. 能在轻松、愉悦、和谐而又公平竞争的英语课堂学习氛围,在学习中敢于开口说英语。 四、学习策略目标 1. 直观学习策略:本堂课通过直观生动的图象,声音(音频和视频),提高学生兴趣,提 高课堂效率。 2. 活动学习策略:根据学生年龄特点,创设情景,开展以“Mails for Mothers Day”为主 要载体的英语教学活动,让学生积极并主动参与。 3. 合作学习策略:以“学生为本”,充分发挥小组的作用,让学生在小组内合作学习、相 互帮助。通过小组内部相互纠正发音,互相帮助,让学生成为课堂的真正主人。 教学重点及难点教学重点及难点 一、教学重点 字母组合 ai, ay 的发音;能用拼读规律进行拼读、拼写。 二、教学难点 能够根据字母组合发音规律拼读单词,根据图片提示掌握单词意思并能正确拼写单词。 教学基本策略及设计思路教学基本策略及设计思路 1、本节课所授课是 lets spell 的内容,主要讲解 er 字母组合的发音,以及含有 er 字母组合的单词的发音规律。 2. 本节课的内容和生活息息相关,让学生更好的注意和学习到应该尊重他人,乐于助人。 3. 本节课采用以生为本的理念,让学生成为一节课的主角,教师只提供引导和组织, 设置小组合作,组内讨论,锻炼口语能力,组织能力,创造力,激发学习兴趣。同时也 通过小组间的学习,帮助各组的学困生更好的学习和巩固本课的内容。 2、1、本节课是一节语音教学课,主要讲解 ai, ay 字母组合的发音,我将一些含有 ai 和 ay 字母组合的单词总结出来,并进行了语篇的文本再构,故事以母亲节为背景,讲述了 Little Snail 非常爱他的妈妈,在母亲节来临之际,给妈妈写了一封信,层层闯关最终 得到 Mr Train 的帮助,最终把信送给了妈妈,并带妈妈去 bay 玩,妈妈被 Little Snail 感动在 bay 上又给 Little Snail 写了一封信,故事的情节发展推动教学任务层层 递进,让学生先会拼,再会读,最后能写单词的过程,由浅入深的提高学生拼读单词的 能力,让学生真正的达到见词能读,听音能写的程度,在此基础上,并进行母亲节计划 的创编,然后紧扣主题进行情感生华,引导学生向 Little Snail 学习,爱自己的妈妈, 并在母亲节当天给妈妈写一封信! 2. 整节课都采用了“生本”的教学理念,真正做到以学生为活动的主体,教师为教学活动 的组织者和引导者,采用“小组合作”,例如:小组内进行发音练习、拼读练习、小组构 建单词等多种形式来是激发学生英语学习的内驱力,让学生成为课堂的小主人。同时也 通过小组间的学习,帮助各组的学困生更好的学习和巩固本课的内容。 资源的开发及说明 本节课我将教材资源、课堂资源、多媒体资源和网络资源进行了整合与优化,使本节课 更加的有效、高效。 1. 教材资源 本节课的选材比较贴近学生实际、贴近学生生活,保证了教学内容与学生身边生活的 相联系,使教学内容更具现实的影响力。 2. 课堂资源 整节课认真贯彻了“以生为本”的教学理念,充分利用身边可利用的学生资源,让学生 之间互教、互学、互助。同时在教学过程中,常常会发生一些随机事件,我也进行了及 时的捕捉,有效利用,巧妙转化,开发成为课堂教学中的动态生成性资源。 3. 多媒体资源 充分利用多媒体资源,精心制作了学生喜爱的课件,使学生参与课堂的积极性提高 。 4. 网络资源 在网上筛选与本节课相关的辅助资料,使课堂更加精彩,有深度。 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动预设学生活动预设学生活动设计意图设计意图 I. Organizat ion II.Presentati on and practice Greeting 1. Leading in: T:You know Mothers Day is coming soon. Do you love your mum? I have a good friend he loves his mum very much. Listen whos he. Yeah hes Little Snail. Now please say hello to Little Snail. Little Snail loves his mum very much, he writes a mail to his mum. Today well learn “Mails for Mothers Day”. Little Snail wants to sent the mail by himself to show his love for mum. But he lives far away from his mothers home. I think you know that Little Snail moves very slowly. Fortunately, he has two good friends, they are Mr Train and Mr Ship. They can help Little Snail.But theres a problem, we dont know who is faster. Please choose the one you think that is faster!First, lets ask Mr Train for help, OK? 2. T: Listen what does Mr Train say? Little Snail: Hello, Mr Train, can you take me to my mothers home? Mr Train: OK, I can help you, but you need to play games with me! T: Do you want to join them? Game1: Lets Chant together! Q1: Whats the same? Say hello to the teacher! 1. Ss: Yes, I do. Ss: Listen and say hello to Little Snail. 2.Ss choose the one they think that is faster. Ss: OK! 3.Ss: Listen to Mr Train Ss: Yes! 1.开门见山,直接 呈现故主人公,并 设计学生与 Little Snail 互动问好的环 节,一是加强学生 对 Snail 读音的训练, 为接下来讲解 ai 字 母组合的发音做铺 垫;二是活跃课堂 气氛,激发学生兴 趣; 2.把故事前情交代 清楚,让学生们一 同进入教学情境中。 3.通过 Little Snail 和 Mr Train 的对话, 让学生清楚接下来 要跟随 Little Snail 和 Mr Train 一起玩 游戏,激发学生的 学习兴趣! Q2: Whats the sound of “ai”? Listen, watch and repeat. Game2: Mr Train: Lets play finger game! Game3: Can you read? Mr Train: It will takes me one hour to get your mothers home. T: Now , lets ask Mr Ship for help. 3.Mr Ship: There are two tasks for you. T: Are you ready? Task 1:Listen and circle Task2: Listen and write Mr Ship: It will takes me one hour and a half. T:Mr Train is faster! Now Mr Train will take Little Snail to his mothers home! Mr Train: We are leaving! 4.T: Who wants to read the mail for Little Snail? T: Everybody, please have a look: Whats the same? Whats the sound of “ay”? Lets chant to find the answer. T: Look at the picture, what does Little Snail say? T: Look!They are on the bay now. Listen what do they 4.Ss:They all have “ay” Ss:/ei/ Ss:Watch the video and imitate. 5.Ss: Spell and chant. 6.Ss: Spell the words. Ss: Go! 7.Ss: Listen and circle 8.Ss:Fill in the blanks 9.S1: Read the mail. Ss:They all have “ay”. Ss: “ay” pronounces /ei/. S1:He says lets go to the bay by the train. Ss: They want to play 4.回顾歌词中的单 词,考察学生对单 词构成及发音的敏 感性。 出示 ai 字母组合发 音视频,强化发音 口型。 5.训练学生拼读单 词的能力。 6.练习 ai 发音,培 养学生见词能读。 7. 检测学生拆分单 词的能力。 8.出示一段有意义 的短文,考察学生 听音能写的能力。 9.引起学生对 “ay” 字母组合的初步感 知 让学生进一步观察, 从而发现“ay”字母 组合,并通过在 chant 的过程中掌握 “ay”字母组合的发 音。 say. Lets join them! Game1:Lets Spell Game2: Word Calendar Game3: a.Word blender b.Make words with “ay” T: Listen, the sound of the sea! Look! There is a mail for Little Snail, but some words are gone with the seawater! Now, lets help Little Snail fill in the blanks. Ready? T: Little Snail loves his mum and his mum loves him. They love each other! 5. 情感升华: T:Please enjoy the pictures and listen to me: everyday, mum makes delicious food for us and takes good care of us, mum reads with us and plays with us. Mum paid so much for us. So, Mothers Day is coming, lets make a plan for Mothers Day! T: First, please look at my plan! T: Now is turn, please make your own plan for Mothers Day. 6. Summary: the sound of “ai” and “ay” three games. 10.Ss:Listen and spell 11.Read the words quickly. 12.Ss:Work in groups Ss: Go! 13.Ss: Enjoy the pictures and listen to the teacher carefully. 14.S: Writes the plan. 15.S1: They all pronounce /ei/, but “ai” is in the middle fo the words, “ay” is at the end of the words. 10.培养学生拼读单 词的能力。 11.通过利用字母日 历学生小组间进行 拼读,训练学生见 词能读的能力。 12.培养学生听音能 写的能力。 13.让学生感知妈妈 的爱,教育学生要 学会爱自己的妈妈! 14.开发学生的想象 力和创造力,考察 学生能否学以致用。 15.巩固复习本节课 所学的 “ai” “ay”字 6. Homework: A. Read the words in P7. B. Write your mum a mail for Mothers Day. 母的发音,及构词 规律。 学生学习活动评价设计学生学习活动评价设计 课上通过观察学生参与活动的态度、学生发言、学生参与小组活动等,判断教学活动是 否适合学生,并进行教学调控。 通过学生粘贴获得数量来判断学生对知识的掌握。 板书设计板书设计 Mails for Mothers Day /ei/ ai ay
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人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit My neighbourhood_Lets Spell_ppt课件_(含教案+微课+素材)_部级优课_(编号:f0786 人教版 新起点 四年级 下册 unit spell_ppt
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