人教精通版三年级下册Unit 6 Is this your skirt -Lesson 33-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:502e7).zip


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peach watch box fox es es es es Unit 6 Is this your skirt? Lesson 33 watch es box es - - Whose watch is this? (谁的谁的) w w x _ater ta_i _olf ater olf ta i w x watch box fox W X w wolf watc h tax i bo x fox Fox. Fox. Fox in the taxi. Box. Box. Is this your box? Yes. Yes. This is my box. Wolf. Wolf. Wolf in the water. Watch. Watch. Is that your watch? No,no. Thats his watch. Whose watch is that? Is that Zhou Peis watch or Gao Weis watch? LY: Hello. Lets play together. Look at my doll. Is it cute? YM: Yes, its very cute. I have a new toy car. LY: Really? Can I see it? YM: Sure. Hmm? Where is my toy car? LY: Dont worry(别担心别担心). Let me help you. What color is it? YM:Its black and red. LY: Is this your toy car? YM:No, it isnt. My toy car is small. LY: Hmm Is that your toy car? YM:Oh. Yes, it is. LY: OK. Here you are. Your toy car is very cool. Look after your things, please.(请看管好你的物品。)(请看管好你的物品。) YM:Thank you very much. LY: Youre welcome. LY: Li Yan YM:Yang Ming 1. Li Yan has a cute doll. 2. Yang Mings toy car is big. 3. Li Yan is careless(粗心的粗心的). Read and tick or cross. We should learn from them. =Look after our things. To be helpful.Help others wisely. (机智地帮助别人。) I cant find my bottle/pencil- box/. . Can you help me? I cant find my watch. I cant find my bag. : B:I cant find my . . A:Let me help you. Is your. big/small/.? B:Yes, its big/small/. . A:What color is it? B:Its blue/red . . A:Is that your . ? B:No, it isnt. C: Whose . is this? B:Its my. . C:Wait! Whats your . like? B: Its big. . Its black. . C: Let me have a look. Yes. Here you are. B: Thank you very much. C: Youre welcome. Look after your things, please. B: OK. Homework: 1.Memorize new words.记忆生词。 2.Read the text to your parents. 给父母读课文。 *3.Try to find more words containing the letter”W” and ”X”. 试着找出更多含有字母W和X的单词。 Thank you! “教科兴校教科兴校”教学设计教学设计 课题课题Unit6 Lesson33年级年级三三姓名姓名 学科学科英语英语教材版本教材版本人教精通版三年级下册人教精通版三年级下册 教教 学学 目目 标标 1. 语言知识目标:复习字母语言知识目标:复习字母 Ww、Xx,掌握字母在单词中的发音。能够听、说、,掌握字母在单词中的发音。能够听、说、 读、写新单词读、写新单词 watch、box,复习,复习 water、taxi。巩固理解。巩固理解 Is this/that your . ? 句型,并能够做出后续回答:句型,并能够做出后续回答:Yes, it is./No, it isnt. Here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome. 2. 语言技能目标:能够在相关情境中使用本课重点句型并完成交际。语言技能目标:能够在相关情境中使用本课重点句型并完成交际。 3. 学习策略目标:掌握字母在单词中发音,在背单词时能够有意识地根据字母发学习策略目标:掌握字母在单词中发音,在背单词时能够有意识地根据字母发 音来分类记忆单词。音来分类记忆单词。 4. 情感态度目标:能够养成认真仔细的习惯,并乐于、善于在生活中帮助他人。情感态度目标:能够养成认真仔细的习惯,并乐于、善于在生活中帮助他人。 教学教学 重点重点 1. 听、说、读、写单词听、说、读、写单词 watch、box; 复习单词复习单词 water、taxi。 2. 能够掌握字母能够掌握字母 Ww、Xx 在单词中的发音,能够读出相关在单词中的发音,能够读出相关 chant。 3. 巩固理解巩固理解 Is this/that your . ?句型,并能够做出后续回答:句型,并能够做出后续回答:Yes, it is./No, it isn t. Here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome. 能够认读重点句型。能够认读重点句型。 教学教学 难点难点 1. 掌握字母在单词中的发音,能够根据单词发音找到单词中所缺字母。掌握字母在单词中的发音,能够根据单词发音找到单词中所缺字母。 2. 句子句子 Is this/that your . ?的理解及运用。的理解及运用。 媒体媒体 手段手段 电脑幻灯片,音频设备,相关实物教具电脑幻灯片,音频设备,相关实物教具 教教 学学 过过 程程意意 图图 1.Greeting. (Simple daily greeting.) T: How are you today? Ss: Im happy. 整顿纪律,准备上课,整顿纪律,准备上课, 做好开场。做好开场。 2.Presentation. (Show a photo.)T: Good! Heres a gift for you. Look.Who are they? Ss:They are us! T:Yes. This is a photo of our class. Look how happy you were! But, after your leaving, Im not happy. Do you know why? Look at this picture. You lost these things. I picked them up and put them here. So, whats this? Ss: Its a box. (Teach the word box.) T:Whats this box for? Look. Its a Lost&Found box. Lets find the owners together. OK? Ss:OK! (The teacher shows an example of how to look for the owner of a lunch box.) T: Whats this? Is it big?What color is it? Ss: . 复习口语,引入本班复习口语,引入本班 春游照片。进而引出春游照片。进而引出 孩子们丢东西的情景。孩子们丢东西的情景。 引出引出 box 单词,进行单词,进行 教授。教授。 讲授字母在单词中的讲授字母在单词中的 发音。同时板书发音。同时板书 box。 呈现失物招领箱,创呈现失物招领箱,创 设失物招领的情景,设失物招领的情景, 与学生一起寻找失主,与学生一起寻找失主, T: Yes. But I dont know the owner. Is this your lunch box? S:No. It isnt. T: Is this your lunch box? . S: Yes, it is. T:Here you are. S:Thank you. T:Youre welcome. Look after your things. (Then two students will help to find the owners of the water bottle and the storybook.) T: You can use this sentence: Is this your . If you want to be more polite, please say this firstly: Excuse me. (Show the watch which is put into a small bag.) T: Heres a small bag. Whats in it? Can you guess? Touch and guess. Ss:Its a watch./Watch./. (Teach the word watch.) (One student ask and look for the owner.) T: Theres another watch. Who wants to try? S: Is this your watch? Ss: No, it isnt./. /No, it isnt. T: Maybe you can ask another question: Whose watch is this? S:Whose watch is this? T2:Its my watch. S:Here you are. T2:Thank you. S: Youre welcome. (Then teach the plural form of watch and box.) T: Lets see another two words: peach-peaches,fox-foxes. Can you tell me the rule? Ss:以以 ch、x 结尾的单词,变复数加结尾的单词,变复数加 es。 T:Very good. This is a magical box. Things can fly out from the box. Lets see them together, OK? (Listen and guess the letter here. _ater/_olf/ta_i)Ss: . . T: Lets read these words together. So many things here. Where are they? Do you want to know? Lets listen and have a look! chant:listen together-read together-two students read. T: Is this the wolfs watch? Ss:No! T:So whose watch is this? Lets listen to the tape and answer my question. (Listen to the tape and check the answer. Watch the flash. Read this dialogue.) 在情境中听、说重点在情境中听、说重点 句型及单词。句型及单词。 逐一展示失物招领箱逐一展示失物招领箱 中的物品。中的物品。 在寻找主人的过程中,在寻找主人的过程中, 呈现句型,增加输入,呈现句型,增加输入, 为输出做好铺垫。为输出做好铺垫。 过程中渗透描述性词过程中渗透描述性词 句,并渗透句,并渗透 Look after your things. 把把 watch 藏在小袋子藏在小袋子 里,让孩子摸摸看,里,让孩子摸摸看, 猜猜是什么。猜猜是什么。 呈现呈现 watch,讲授单,讲授单 词。词。 寻找失主,逐渐渗透寻找失主,逐渐渗透 使用。使用。 拓展句型:拓展句型: Whose watch is this? 设计第二块手表主人设计第二块手表主人 是场外老师,让孩子是场外老师,让孩子 与场外老师进行互动。与场外老师进行互动。 讲解复数形式:加讲解复数形式:加 es。 通过呈现另外两个单通过呈现另外两个单 词,让孩子自己尝试词,让孩子自己尝试 归纳出以变复数加归纳出以变复数加 es。 小游戏,操练字母在小游戏,操练字母在 单词中的发音。单词中的发音。 听读自编小听读自编小 chant。 T:Lets read the dialogue. If the watch is here, we can use this. If the watch is over there, we should use that. Pay attention to your intonation: Is that your watch? 从从 chant 引入本课课引入本课课 文。听录音,回答问文。听录音,回答问 题。题。 观看小动画。逐句跟观看小动画。逐句跟 读课文。注意板书上读课文。注意板书上 的的 this、that。注意指。注意指 导学生的语音语调。导学生的语音语调。 3.Practice Listen and sing the song. T: So, in our daily life, we should look after our things. Here is a careless boy. What happened to him?Lets do a reading practice. Reading. T:Lets check the answers. Youre a careful student. So the girl is very kind and helpful. Now lets watch a video in our daily life and see how these students help each other. OK? Watching. Explain this video: We should learn from them:Look after our things.To be helpful.Help others wisely. 引出本课歌曲,听、引出本课歌曲,听、 唱。唱。 引出小阅读练习,由引出小阅读练习,由 阅读练习引出德育渗阅读练习引出德育渗 透的内容:养成仔细透的内容:养成仔细 的习惯,帮助他人。的习惯,帮助他人。 通过看小视频,了解通过看小视频,了解 视频中孩子如何帮助视频中孩子如何帮助 他人,培养孩子的核他人,培养孩子的核 心素养。心素养。 4.Production. T:Now there are three people in trouble. Lets help them, OK? Ss:OK. (Explain three pictures one by one.) (Work in groups and make a new dialogue. Ss perform.) T: You did a good job. Remember that : look after your things firstly and then try to be helpful. 引出自编对话的设定引出自编对话的设定 场景。解释各场景。场景。解释各场景。 学生自编对话练习,学生自编对话练习, 并进行展示。最后总并进行展示。最后总 结提升。结提升。 5.Summary&Homework布置作业。布置作业。 作业作业 设计设计 1. Memorize the new words. 2. Read the dialogue. 梯度作业设计梯度作业设计 Try to find out more words containing the letter W and X. 板书设计板书设计 Unit6 Lesson33 Excuse me. Is this/that your watch? Yes,it is. watch No,it isnt. box Here you are. Thank you. (Sentence you may need) (Words you may need) Whose watch is this? lunch box
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人教精通版三年级下册Unit Is this your skirt _Lesson 33_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_公开课_(编号:502e7 人教 精通 精晓 unit 33 _ppt
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