人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit 5 Free Time-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:f57c2).zip


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Hello! Im _. I like _. Its_. I often _ in my free time. It is fun. Hello! Im _. I like _. Its_. I often _ in my free time. It is fun. basketball cool play basketball football interesting play football books good for me read books basketball cool play basketball football interesting play football books good for me read books Unit 5 Free Time Lesson 1 Get to know me 了解我 weekends 周末 summer vacation 暑假 after school 放学后 after class 下课后 Free Time 课余时间 winter vacation 寒假 Get to know me 了解我 Say the twinkling words 说出闪烁的单词 singsingsingsing dancedancedancedance make modelsmake modelsmake modelsmake models draw pictuesdraw pictuesdraw pictuesdraw pictues play footballplay footballplay footballplay football free timefree timefree timefree time Doesheoftenplayfootball?() WatchandTick(or) Doesheoftenplayfootball?() WatchandTick(or) WhatdoesRickydoinhisfreetime? A. B. WhatdoesRickydoinhisfreetime? A. B. Whatishedrawing? gocamping /kmpi/ often_. What do you do in your free time? dothehousework /hausw:k/ 1.Labourbreedsourbody,learningbreedsour soul. 劳动教养了身体,学习教养了心灵。 -史密斯 2.Workisthetruesourceofhumanwelfare. 劳动是人类的幸福源泉。 Canyouplaytheviolin? Yes,Ican./No,Icant. Canheplaytheviolin? Yes,hecan. gogoskskatingating Wecangoskating on_vacations. winter picnic What does he want to do with the basket? 他想用篮子做什么? Wherecanwegoforapicnic? Ask and anwer A:Hello,_.Whatdoyoudoinyourfreetime? B:Ioften_. 1 2 3 4 5 Sharemyfreetime分享我的业余时间 I have lots of things in my free time. I often play with my son. Sometimes I play sports. It can make me relax(放松). I like reading. Books are my friend. On summer vacations, I often go for a travel. I enjoy my free time. How about you? Hello!Im_. Ilike_. Its_ Ioften_inmyfreetime. Itisfun. Writeyourfreetime.写一写你的课余时间。 love 关爱 happiness 幸福 colourful free time 多彩的课余时间 Homework 1.Writeyourfreetime 2.Afterclass,talkaboutfreetimewith yourfriend 四下四下 Unit 5 Free Time Lesson 1 教学设计教学设计 教材分析(教材分析(Analysis of Teaching Materials) 本课内容选自人教版新起点英语 Unit5 Free Time Lesson 1 四年级下册内容。本单元主要学习有关课余生活的 动词短语。并会询问与回答某人课余生活及活动的频率。 在学习中建立合理安排课余生活的意识,能与同伴合作完 成活动或游戏,从而激发学生的学习兴趣. 学生分析(学生分析(Analysis of the students) 四年级的学生注意力不稳定、不持久,难于长时间地 注意同一件事物.所以在设计本课时,通过任务型活动,激 活学生的思维,使他们在语言输出时有话可说,培养学生 的语用能力。 教学目标(Teaching Aims) 1.能听懂、会说 go for a picnic, play the violin, go skating, do the housework, go camping 等有关课余生活的动词短语。 2. 能够用 What do you do in your free time? I often.来 询问、回答有关课余生活的信息。 3. 根据自己的实际情况,选择本课所学词汇或运用已 学词汇完成句子填空。同时强化英文书写习惯。 4.通过课堂交流了解课余活动可以丰富我们的生活。 教学重难点(Important and Difficult Points) 1.能听懂、会说有关课余生活的动词短语。 2. 能根据自己的实际情况或已学内容完成句子填空。 教学过程(Teaching Process) Step Warm-up 1. Greeting T:Hello,boys and girls. Nice to meet you。 2. Self-introduce T: Thank you. You all remember my name. Today Im your teacher.Do you want to know more about me? Lets have a look and you can ask me some questions.(PPT 出示个人照片) S1: Can you swim? T: Yes, I can. I often swim on summer vacations. S2: Whats your hobby? T: I like reading books. I often read books on weekends. Today is Friday. What day is tomorrow? S3:Saturday. T: Saturay and Sunday are weekends. Weekends are free time? Do you know free time? (PPT 出示 after school, after class, summer vacation, winter vacation, weekends 生齐说体会 free time 的意思) T: What is free time? Ss: 课余时间。 T: Today lets talk about Free Time.(呈现词卡) Practice: 教授 ee 和 i 的发音并做动作 line by line 做动作练习读 找几个生来读 设计意图:通过更多的了解老师,而拉近师生距离。同时, 让学生复习所学过的句子。在了解中感知 free time 的含义, 揭示课题。不仅复习了旧知又为新授做了铺垫。 3. Review T: I often sing songs in my free time.(PPT 出示图片)I like singing. Listen. (音乐响起小星星伴奏,师唱)T: Wow! How beautiful sky! Now say the twinkling stars. Reday? Go! 学生快速站起说闪烁的单词,师给予评价。 设计意图:通过活动来调动学生的积极性。同时为后面谈 论自己的课余生活打基础。 StepPresentation 1.Watch a video T: Well done. Today lets meet a friend. Ricky. He has many things to do in his free time.Look! Whats he doing? S1: Hes playing football. T: Does he often play footall? Lets watch a video.(欣赏视频, 然后找生回答) S2: Yes, he does. 设计意图:以一段小视频整体呈现并让学生感知本课重点 内容,让学生了解 Ricky 在课余时间做了那些事 情。同时利用这一环节设置简单的问题,让学 生有目的的去看,体会成功的快乐。 2. Learn to say (1) go camping T: What does he do in his free time? Lets watch again. (以选择题的形式呈现问题和图片) S3: He draws pictures. T: Whats he drawing? S4:帐篷/a tent. T: Hes drawing a tent. He wants to go camping. Practice: read together 纠正 a 的发音并板书。板书时,学 生来拼 camping 做帐篷的动作说单词,先两人说然后开火车说 T: Do you often go camping in your free time? Ss:Yes, I do./No, I dont. (2)重点句子 T: What do you do in your free time?(PPT 出示先教读,然 后师写让学生自己读,师板书) Practice: 师指向不同的方向,被指到的学生说句子 相互问答 T: Can you ask me? What do you. Ss:生齐问老师 What do you do in your free time? 3. do the housework T:I often do the housework.(PPT 出示老师在家做家务的图 片:sweep the floor, mop the floor and clean the room) Practice: 边做动作边齐说短语 house 伸出左手,work 伸出右手,housework 拍 手齐说 生生之间问答:Do you often do the housework? Yes, I do./No I dont. T: You are all good children. Do more housework in your free time. Help parents share the housework.Look!(PPT 显示 句子关于劳动受益的名句) 设计意图:调查孩子们是否经常做家务,是一个感情的小 升华,让学生们体会做家务的快乐,做家务能有益身心, 为父母分担。 4.play the violin T: I think Ricky can do the housework too. Boys and girls, do you remember what can he do? Can he play football? Can he play the violin?(PPT 出示) S1: Yes, he can. Practice: 师生做动作齐读,并板书,生拼写 violin 师叫号,被点到的同学做动作读 T: Can you play the violin? Yes, I can./No, I cant. T: Look! What are they? Ss: piano, guitar,erhu 设计意图:PPT 出示些其他的乐器,带学生们认识,并让 孩子们自己体会中西乐器说短语中的不同,是否有 the. T: Guess, Can I play the violin?(猜老师会拉小提琴吗?) Ss: Yes, you can./No, you cant. 师假装拉琴,实际在放音乐,音乐停后师说:“Sorry, I cant. But I can skate.” (强调 sk 字母组合的发音,带生读:sky,skirt,skin,ski) 4. go skating T: I often go skating in winters. We can go skating in _ vations. Ss: winter 5. go for a picnic T: Do you like skating? Ricky likes skating too. And he likes doing handwork. Look! He made a basket. (出示视频中 Ricky 制作的篮子)What does he want to do with the basket? Ss:生自由猜测。He wants to go for a picnic. T: Yes, picnic.If we go for a picnic, we need: the picnic mat, food ,rubbish bag and basket. Do you know picnic? T: Where can we go for a picnic? S1:We can go for a picnic in the park. S2: We can go for a picnic on the beach. 设计意图:在新授短语中,通过 TPR,交流,猜测,游戏 等多种形式呈现并操练,让学生体会到学习并不是一件 难事,而是在玩中学习,在真实情境中运用) Step Practice T: Do you want to go for a picnic with Ricky? Ss: Yes. T: OK! We need more food, picnic mat for the picnic. So Come on! Now lets have a match. Which team can get more? (1) Wolf is coming. T: Look! Its a wolf. Hes hungry. He likes you. Now look and say the words row by row,if you see the wolf,sit down quickly. OK?学生看图说词,当看到狼时快速坐下,否则被吃掉。 (2) Do and say T: I say ,you do. Who is the quickest?师说短语,生做动作, 最快的加分。 (3) Choose a number , ask and answer T:You have things to do in your free time. So the animlas do. What do they do in their free time?师先找生合作,然后生生 之间问,每组一人,也可带着全班同学问答。 设计意图:小组合作,实际运用。结合学生的实际情 况,用新授句型相互问答。并运用句型,去了解动物们的 课余生活。 Step Extension T: We know Rickys free time, animals free time. Do you want to know my free time? Share with you.(师随着音乐读) T: Now talk about with your partner then write your free time on the paper. Finally share with us,OK?(跟着音乐做) 设计意图:师介绍自己的课余时间后让学生来说一说写一 写他们的课余时间。紧扣主题,首尾呼应。英语学习的最 终目的是交际,用英语做事情。让学生能在原有的语言基 础上得到拓展和加深。 StepEmotion T: Boys and girls. Look at these colourful free time.You can keep a pet, learn to cook, plant trees and flowers, help the old in your free time. Now lets enjoy our free time. Love and happiness in our free time. 设计意图:带学生一起感受课余时光让学生体会到我们的 业余时间应是多姿多彩的,要充满爱,感受到幸福。 StepHomework 1. Write your free time 2. Talk about your free time with your friends Blackboard Design 设计意图:好的板书能反应讲授的主要内容和教学思 路,也是接通是师生思路的“媒介” 。依据教学内容,我设 计了一个大篮子,把新授短语和句子写在篮子中,以两组 在篮子里加食物为评价手段。让生带着得到的食物 go for a picnic.而且把每个短语用不同的彩色粉笔搭配,使重点 更突出。
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人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit Free Time_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:f57c2 人教版 新起点 四年级 下册 unit _ppt 课件
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