人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit 4 Hobbies-Fun Time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:d003a).zip


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Skating, skating. I like skating. Singing, singing. He likes singing. Dancing, dancing, She loves dancing. Hiking, hiking. He loves hiking. Swimming, swimming. She loves swimming. Lets sing a song What do you like doing? I like doing. Free talk compitation rules:比赛规则比赛规则 compete rules:比赛规则比赛规则 1.preliminary (初赛)(初赛) 3.The final(决决赛)赛) 2.the semi (复赛(复赛 )amazing(出彩)出彩) out(出局)(出局) compete rules:比赛规则比赛规则 Lets join them Wang Lin Xie Hao He Congfa Wu Fei Lets look Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too! What s your hobby? I like riding a unicycle. Is it easy or difficult? It is difficult ,but it is really fun. Whats her hobby? She likes riding a unicycle. Lets listen Wu FeiWu Fei ACB bicycleunicycletricycle Which one is a unicycle? Lets choose unitbicycle unicycle riding a unicycle Lets learn Wu FeiWu Fei unicorn(独角兽)(独角兽) biclour(双色)(双色) bicycle tricycle triangle ( (三角三角 形)形) uni:one bi:two tri:three Lets learn uniform (制服)(制服) difficult : not easy Difficult or easy It is difficult ,but it is really fun. B A D C Lets choose Wu FeiWu Fei Hobby, hobby. What s your hobby? Riding ,riding . I like riding a unicycle . Dificult, dificult. It is dificult. Fun, fun. It is fun. Lets say a chant Lets look 1.preliminary (初赛)(初赛) 3.The final(决决赛)赛) 2.the semi (复赛(复赛 ) Lets look Riding a unicycle is cool, but sorry. Try your best is great. Lets learn Never give up. (永不言弃永不言弃) Good luck next time.(祝祝下次好运)下次好运) Practice more.(多加练习)多加练习) Practice makes perfect. (熟能生巧熟能生巧) ). Comfort and cheer up(安慰和鼓励)安慰和鼓励) Lucky one Ill be back.(我会回来的我会回来的) Lets guess Lets watch and answer 1.Whats his hobby? 2.What does he want to do in the future(未来未来)? Whats his hobby? He likes playing the guitar. Lets answer _ar playing the guitar c _ar st Lets learn Tongue twister Guitar, guitar in the car, I can play little star with the guitar in the car. What does he want to do in the future(未来未来)? He wants to be a famous music star. Lets answer What does he want to do in the future(未来未来)? Lets talk and play Xie Hao Lets listen Amazing or out Hobby, hobby, Whats his hobby? Guitar, he likes playing the guitar. Playing the guitar is cool. Happy, happy, how happy we are! Sing a song He Congfa Third player watch a video Amazing or out Hello, He congfa. I m with school news. What are your hobbies? Girl: He Congfa: Survey ( ) I want to be a robot teacher in the future. ( ) Hello, I am He Congfa. ( ) I often make models with bottles on weekends. ( ) I like making models. ( ) It makes me clever (聪明聪明) ( ) It is difficult, but it is really fun. 6 1 4 2 5 3 I make models with _. lets say Wang Lin acting What can you act? She is acting like a . Wu Fei likes riding a unicycle. Xie Hao likes playing the guitar. Linda likes acting. He Congfa likes making model planes. Summary Different people have different hobbies. Dancing, singing and riding a unicycle. You like riding a unicycle. You are good at riding a unicycle . Riding a unicycle is fun. Different people have different hobbies. I like playing little star with the guitar. It makes me happy. Look! How happy we are! Different people have different hobbies. Reading, collecting and swimming. He likes making models with bottles. Clever, clever, How clever! We wanted amazing chinese children 招募出彩中国儿童招募出彩中国儿童 Lets talk 1.Name: 2.Hobby: 3.Is it easy or difficult? 4.When do you do it?(on monday.) 5.It makes me_.(happy,amazing.) 6.What do you want to do in the future? Lets write Im_. I like_. It is _(easydifficult). I often_on_ It makes me_. I want to be _in the future. cool!Riding unicycle makes you Hiking makes youhealthy! Reading makes you amazing ! clever! Playing the guitar makes you happy! Swimming makes you strong! Acting makes you beautiful! Collecting makes you !careful Homework Perfect your resume and send to Amazing Chinese . (完善个人简历并发送到出彩中国人公众号)(完善个人简历并发送到出彩中国人公众号) 课题:英语(四年下)课题:英语(四年下)UnitUnit 4 4 HobbiesHobbies 课时:第课时:第 4 4 课时课时 教材分析教材分析 本课是人民教育出版社出版的新起点英语四年级下册 fun time 的内容。 本单元教学主题突出,对于“爱好”知识的学习从形式,到表达自己的兴趣爱 好,教学内容设计合理,循序渐进。本课是本单元教学的第 4 课时,继续学习 谈论“爱好”的话题。本课教学内容是以出彩中国人娱乐节目的形式教授表达 爱好的相关知识。娱乐节目形式对学生有很大的吸引力和启发性,将阅读理解 通过精彩的节目穿插传授给学生是非常巧妙的。 本单元主要句型为 whats your hobby?I like.以及对主语是单数第三 人称的提问。通过学习动名词词组来描述自己及他人的爱好。在前几课学生已 经对这一语句型有过系统的学习,所以大多数学生能够理解并综合运用。本课 作为第四课时,重点放在对拓展词汇的认读和对语篇理解,本课的动名词词组 及形容某一兴趣爱好是简单还是困难,因为自己的爱好将来想成为什么样的人, 应作为重点理解并运用。 学情分析学情分析 对四年级学生来说,他们有一定的英语知识基础。学生对英语课都比较喜 欢,上课时能专心听讲,积极发言。他们的英语知识储备深厚而扎实,也具有 一定的自主学习能力。所以在教学设计时要充分发挥学生是学习的主体,突出 培养学生自主学习的能力。 本课的娱乐节目是学生们喜欢的形式,因此在设计本课教学时,既注重阅 读教学的整体性与知识的连续性,又要关注学生已有知识水平,帮助每个学生 有效地学习为目的,设计有效的教学活动,帮助学生在情境中理解语篇并扎实 相关语言要点。在阅读文本的基础上了解多种多样的爱好。根据学生已有知识 水平,进行适度的扩展练习,提供更为广泛的环境让学生以海报或图书的形式 介绍自己的爱好。全面培养学生听、说、读、写的能力。 教学目标教学目标 语言知识目标语言知识目标 1、在语境中学习、理解、运用词及组:difficult,riding a unicycle, making models, playing the guitar, acting;句子 I want to be in the future. 2、能理解本课短语和语篇。 语言技能目标语言技能目标 能结合新旧知识理解相关表示爱好的短语和与爱好相关的语篇;正确使 用能运用本课时出现的功能词句介绍自己及他人的兴趣爱好。 学习策略目标学习策略目标 通过本课设计的活动对学生的认知策略(听的策略、说的策略、阅读策 略和写作策略)进行指导,以及培养学生在活动中用英语与他人交流的 交际策略。 情感态度目标情感态度目标 通过学习有关兴趣爱好的小语段,鼓励学生拥有不同的兴趣爱好,热爱 生活的情感。 文化意识目标文化意识目标 让学生感受西方生活文化的不同,理解不同文化背景下的兴趣爱好。 教学重点及难点教学重点及难点 教学重点教学重点 1.能正确地理解、运用词汇 riding a unicycle, making models, playing the guitar, acting. 2.能读懂有关介绍兴趣爱好的小语段;正确使用能运用本课时出现的功能 词句介绍自己及他人的兴趣爱好。 教学难点教学难点 能读懂有关介绍兴趣爱好的小语段,正确使用能运用本课时出现的功能词 句介绍自己及他人的兴趣爱好。 教学基本策略及设计思路教学基本策略及设计思路 本课教学设计是基于课标的要求,以学生为主体面向每一名学生进行 教学的。从学生的学情和认知水平出发,以教材语篇为蓝本,以培养学生综合 语用能力为目地,进行了阅读型教学阅读型教学。教学中运用歌曲童谣、视频、图片、小 诗、多媒体课件,等丰富的教学资源,为学生提供贴近生活的英语学习内容, 拓宽了学生学习和运用英语的渠道,激发了学生的学习兴趣。通过丰富有效的 课堂教学活动,由浅入深,循序渐进地开展对阅读的学习。从选手参与出彩中 国人节目入手,到分段学习文本突破重点词组,阅读整篇文本,再到理解文本, 有效地提高学生的听、说、读、写和语言综合运用的整体能力。本课也是基于 教材教学主题的情感递进过程设计的,在教学过程中,潜移默化地渗透不同爱 好带给自己的感受,激发学生拥有不同的兴趣爱好,热爱生活的情感。 根据以上设计思路,在课堂教学中我采用了情景法教学法,以学生为主体, 以话题为主线,以语用为目的。整个教学过程当中设计运用丰富多样的教学策 略来启发、引导学生自主学习本节课的学习内容。 采用认知策略认知策略,借助图片、视频、音乐多种手段增强学生对新知的感知。 以选手参加出彩中国人初赛,设计了学习的情景,围绕讨论选手爱好入手复习 单元核心内容。通过观看选手比赛环节来展开对兴趣爱好语段的学习,贴近学 生的生活实际。采用交际策略交际策略,学生在小组中互动中,学习倾听、参与活动, 互相配合,表达自己的观点。采用资源策略资源策略,通过课外视频资料的搜集,为学 生呈现新的文本,增加学生的语言输入量,为语用输出做好铺垫。采用写作策写作策 略,略,通过制作个人兴趣海报为学生的语用输出奠定基础。 资源的开发及说明资源的开发及说明 本课通过睿易通教学平台为学生提供了 flash 课文,使学生个性化学习, 学生个体模仿跟读,使跟读效果更好。通过平台发起做题巩固学生对语法点的 正确运用。学生保存自己的习题本为课后的后续复习提供依据。 多媒体资源:多媒体资源: 本课中运用了出彩中国人的视频,更直观,有利于营造真实情境。激发了 学生的学习兴趣。 文本资源:文本资源: 教材为学生提供了介绍不同兴趣爱好的阅读材料。 我为学生提供了带有情境性的阅读材料。 图片资源:图片资源: 在板书中呈现更为直观的兴趣爱好图片,帮助学生理解词汇,理清文本的 脉络, 一方面有助于学生把握文本内容;另一方面,能突显重点词组,降低学习 难度。 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动预设学生活动预设学生活动设计意图设计意图 I Warming up Play the projector.Read and sing通过歌曲激发学生 学习的兴趣,并复 习相关动名词词组。 II. Presentation 1. (free talk ) What do you like doing? 2. Do you know Amazing Chinese? a.Teacher introduce the rules of the program. Focus on Look and say(I like doing) Listen and learn. 读前自由讨论,询 问学生喜欢干什么。 教师自然地引入自 己喜欢看电视。再 次询问学生是否喜 欢看电视。并且介 绍自己周末看了一 个节目出彩中 国人。进而引入本 节课主线出彩 中国人。 为学生详细地介绍 这一节目,使学生 清楚比赛规则。为 后续学习扫清情境 “Amazing” and “out”. .Introduce the professors and players who join “ Amazing Chinese” today. b.Invite the students join the professors team. .Lets watch this program and see the players hobbies. Introduce the four players. c.Now,welcome the first player_Wu Fei lets welcome! d.Show the pictures of conversation between Wu Fei and Fan Binbing. The teacher uses pictures and word formation to present unicycle, bicycle, tricycle, easy and difficult. Teach the new words【riding a unicycle】 【difficult】 Look, understand and do the gesture with the teacher, Ready for join the professors team. watch and listen. Applauds and welcome Wu Fei Listen and read, grasp the main idea of this conversation. Learn and understand the meaning of difficult. 理解上的障碍。 预设内容,通过图 片创设情境,引出 本课参与节目的主 人公,为后续学习 做准备。 通过邀请学生加入 导师团队,提高学 生学习热情。 介绍四位选手,使 学生明确要关注的 对象。 利用音效、图片等 烘托节目开始人物 出场的气氛。 通过范冰冰与 Wu Fei 的对话,真实的 呈现将要学习的词, 短语和语段。 (riding a unicycle, difficult.) 通过构词法理解并 有效记忆 unicycle 通过图片对比来理 解 easy 和 difficult. III. Consolidation present a chant for student. e.Play the flash about Wu Feis performance. She is out.What do you want to say to her? 3.Show some questions about the second player. Have the students watch the video together. a.Teach the new words. 【playing the guitar】 Help the students answer the questions about this part. Then read this paragraph together. b.Present a tongue twister. say the chant and welcome Wu Fei again. Watch and feel. Say something to comfort Wu Fei. Listen and think. Read and practice. Say a tongue twister 【Guitar, guitar in the car, I can play little star with the guitar in the car】 通过呈现不同活动 的图片加深学生对 不同兴实物难易的 感受。 通过 chant 巩固新词 riding a unicycle 和 difficult。 选手展示时失利摔 倒的情境,为其出 局埋下伏笔。 扩大语用,使情节 更完整。 整体感知,并明确 任务,学生的听更 有针对性,有利于 学生独立思考,理 解文本。 泛读加精读更有利 于学生理解课文。 利用带有相同字母 组合的不同词编成 绕口令,激发学生 IV.Summar y &Homewor k c.Have the students talk about their hobbies and future plans.(game) d. Have the students sing a song for Xie Hao. 4.Introduce the third player a.Teach the new phrases.(making models) b.Play the radio and have the students listen and order. 5.Teacher present the picture of Wang Lin.Have the students predict that she is amazing or out. Fill the blanks and talk about their hobbies.(play and say) watch and predict “amazing or out”. (amazing ) watch, listen and answer. Listen and put the text in right order. Predict(yes or no) Read and underline. 学习兴趣,并帮助 记忆。 在语境中帮助学生 理解 in the future. 层层递进的功能句 输入引导学生输出。 采用学生喜爱的歌 曲形式巩单元核心 内容。并为庆祝 Xie Hao 晋级营造愉悦 氛围。 有趣的视频提高学 生的学习兴趣。 通过阅读、核对完 成排序的活动,分 解阅读难点,并为 后续写作环节做铺 垫。 设置悬念引出最后 a.Teacher says:“I dont know. Because she will join Amazing Chinese next month. 6.Summary the four players have different hobbies. (present a poem) 7.Amazing Chinese wanted you! How should you introduce yourself? Have the students talk about their hobbies. 8.Writing. Help the students to finish their writing. 9.Emotional Read and appreciate . Look and talk about their hobbies. Write. Look and think. 一位选手。 通过设置悬念,吸 引学生注意。 通过小诗总结内容, 并升华。 通过小组谈论活动 介绍自己爱好的活 动培养学生综合语 用的能力,为学生 提供了更多的表达 机会,语用巩固。 由上面活动的问题 引领,帮助学生理 清思路。学生在此 基础上完成书写活 动。提高学生综合 语用的能力。教学 平台的合理使用帮 助教师高效的完成 点对点的批改,向 学生及时反馈书写 education.Spur the students to embrace different hobbies and love life. 10.Present homework. Memory and write down homework. 正误。 通过带有总结性的 微电影,好找学生 培养不同的兴趣爱 好,热爱生活。 通过微信二维码布 置学生完成自我简 介和制作兴趣海报 的作业。和学生生 活联系紧密并将课 堂学习延伸到家里。 学生学习活动评价设计学生学习活动评价设计 依据课程标准,在学生学习活动中,我注重评价的多元化,评价方式的多样 化。在学生学习活动中采用以下评价方式: 1. 在课堂教学过程中,通过语言对学生的学习情况即时评价,面向每一个学生, 鼓励学生积极主动的学习,帮助学生树立学习自信心。 2. 在学习过程中,通过点赞的形式在呈现小组活动评价的反馈,对学生的合作 学习做出评价,激发学生的学习兴趣。 板书设计板书设计 riding a unicycle making models playing the guitar acting
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人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit Hobbies_Fun Time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:d003a 人教版 新起点 四年级 下册 unit time_ppt 课件 教案 素材
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